296 resultados para Nike rocket.


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The main purposes of this essay were to investigate in detail the burning rate anomaly phenomenon, also known as "Hump Effect", in solid rocket motors casted in mandrel and the mechanisms at the base of it, as well as the developing of a numeric code, in Matlab environment, in order to obtain a forecasting tool to generate concentration and orientation maps of the particles within the grain. The importance of these analysis is due to the fact that the forecasts of ballistics curves in new motors have to be improved in order to reduce the amount of experimental tests needed for the characterization of their ballistic behavior. This graduate work is divided into two parts. The first one is about bidimensional and tridimensional simulations on z9 motor casting process. The simulations have been carried out respectively with Fluent and Flow 3D. The second one is about the analysis of fluid dynamic data and the developing of numeric codes which give information about the concentration and orientation of particles within the grain based on fluid strain rate information which are extrapolated from CFD software.


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Thema der Untersuchung sind kleinformatige rundplastische Kaiserporträts des 1. und 2. Jh. n. Chr., deren Existenz zunächst lange angezweifelt wurde. Da weder ein quantitativer Wert für "kleinformatig" noch eine antike Definition für das Phänomen existieren, kann der Begriff willkürlich definiert werden. Römische Herrscherporträts folgen strengen typologischen Richtlinien, deren Begründung in der Produktionsweise der Kopistenwerkstätten liegt. Auch Verkleinerungen römischer Kaiserporträts zeigen die für einen Bildnistypus bestimmenden Merkmale. Nicht ausgeschlossen werden kann jedoch – und auch zeitgenössische Textquellen sprechen dafür -, daß daneben weitere Bildnisse existierten, hergestellt vielleicht aus billigeren, vergänglichen oder schnell reproduzierbaren Materialien, die sich dieser Identifikationsmethode entziehen. Der Vergleich des Bestandes zeigt große Diskrepanzen hinsichtlich der Überlieferung und auch der Qualität. Oft kommt durch stilistische Mittel und durch Modifikationen in Physiognomie und Habitus ein sentimentales Element hinzu, das bei großformatigen Repliken nicht beobachtbar ist, und das in manchen Fällen sogar der inhaltlichen Aussage des ursprünglichen Bildniskonzepts konträr entgegensteht. Das weist möglicherweise auf eine persönlichere und emotionale Bindung des Betrachters zum Objekt und über dieses zum Dargestellten hin. Daß diese emotionale Ebene der Rezeption existierte, wird auch aus Schriftquellen deutlich. Die primäre Funktion des Kaiserporträts, nämlich Herrscherrepräsentation, wird bei einigen der kleinformatigen Bildnisse durch diese persönliche Ebene überlagert.


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Il presente lavoro di tesi, nell’ambito della simulazione balistica di razzi a propellente solido, è volto alla creazione di un’interfaccia che permetta il caricamento delle geometrie dei motori desiderati, in formato SPP, nel codice di simulazione balistica ROBOOST come richiesto da Avio Spa. In particolare saranno descritte le procedure attraverso le quali tale interfaccia è stata realizzata e verranno analizzati i passaggi mediante i quali è possibile ottenere una mesh 3D del motore a propellente solido partendo dalla sua geometria in formato SPP. Si analizzerà inoltre il processo di chiusura di una mesh estratta da una qualsiasi iterazione della simulazione al fine di potervi effettuare delle simulazioni CFD sempre su richiesta della sopracitata azienda. Infine verranno mostrati e discussi i risultati ottenuti per meglio visualizzare il lavoro svolto.


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Soil degradation is a major problem in the agriculturally dominated country of Tajikistan, which makes it necessary to determine and monitor the state of soils. For this purpose a soil spectral library was established as it enables the determination of soil properties with relatively low costs and effort. A total of 1465 soil samples were collected from three 10x10 km test sites in western Tajikistan. The diffuse reflectance of the samples was measured with a FieldSpec PRO FR from ASD in the spectral range from 380 to 2500 nm in laboratory. 166 samples were finally selected based on their spectral information and analysed on total C and N, organic C, pH, CaCO₃, extractable P, exchangeable Ca, Mg and K, and the fractions clay, silt and sand. Multiple linear regression was used to set up the models. Two third of the chemically analysed samples were used to calibrate the models, one third was used for hold-out validation. Very good prediction accuracy was obtained for total C (R² = 0.76, RMSEP = 4.36 g kg⁻¹), total N (R² = 0.83, RMSEP = 0.30 g kg⁻¹) and organic C (R² = 0.81, RMSEP = 3.30 g kg⁻¹), good accuracy for pH (R² = 0.61, RMSEP = 0.157) and CaCO3(R² = 0.72, RMSEP = 4.63 %). No models could be developed for extractable P, exchangeable Ca, Mg and K, and the fractions clay, silt and sand. It can be concluded that the spectral library approach has a high potential to substitute standard laboratory methods where rapid and inexpensive analysis is required.


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The aim of the present study was to test the impact of different toothpastes on the prevention of erosion. Enamel demineralization and remineralization were monitored using surface microhardness (SMH) measurements. Human enamel specimens were treated following two different procedures: (1) incubation in toothpaste slurry followed by acid softening and artificial saliva exposure; (2) acid softening followed by incubation in toothpaste slurry and artificial saliva exposure. For the control procedure, toothpaste treatment was excluded. The following toothpastes were tested: Zendium, Sensodyne Proschmelz (Pronamel), Prodent Rocket Power, Meridol and Signal active. Normalized SMH values compared to the baseline (= 1.00) after 1-hour artificial saliva exposure for procedure 1 (respectively for procedure 2) were as follows (mean: 95% CI): Sensodyne Proschmelz 0.97: 0.93, 1.00 (0.92: 0.90, 0.94), Zendium 0.97: 0.94, 1.00 (0.89: 0.83, 0.95), Meridol 0.97: 0.94, 1.00 (0.94: 0.92, 0.96), Signal active 0.94: 0.91, 0.97 (0.95: 0.91, 0.99), Prodent Rocket Power 0.92: 0.90, 0.94 (0.93: 0.89, 0.97) and control 0.91: 0.88, 0.94. Further exposure to artificial saliva for up to 4 h showed no significant improvement of SMH. Regression analyses revealed a significant impact of the applied procedure. Incubation in toothpaste slurries before the acid challenge seems to be favorable to prevent erosion. None of the tested toothpastes showed statistically significant better protection than another against an erosive attack.


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The currently proposed space debris remediation measures include the active removal of large objects and “just in time” collision avoidance by deviating the objects using, e.g., ground-based lasers. Both techniques require precise knowledge of the attitude state and state changes of the target objects. In the former case, to devise methods to grapple the target by a tug spacecraft, in the latter, to precisely propagate the orbits of potential collision partners as disturbing forces like air drag and solar radiation pressure depend on the attitude of the objects. Non-resolving optical observations of the magnitude variations, so-called light curves, are a promising technique to determine rotation or tumbling rates and the orientations of the actual rotation axis of objects, as well as their temporal changes. The 1-meter telescope ZIMLAT of the Astronomical Institute of the University of Bern has been used to collect light curves of MEO and GEO objects for a considerable period of time. Recently, light curves of Low Earth Orbit (LEO) targets were acquired as well. We present different observation methods, including active tracking using a CCD subframe readout technique, and the use of a high-speed scientific CMOS camera. Technical challenges when tracking objects with poor orbit redictions, as well as different data reduction methods are addressed. Results from a survey of abandoned rocket upper stages in LEO, examples of abandoned payloads and observations of high area-to-mass ratio debris will be resented. Eventually, first results of the analysis of these light curves are provided.


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En Mendoza, Argentina, no existen antecedentes respecto de la presencia de elementos trazas, totales y disponibles, relacionados con el uso de los suelos en los oasis irrigados. El objetivo del trabajo, en esta etapa, fue determinar los contenidos totales de plomo (Pb), cadmio (Cd), cinc (Zn) y cobre (Cu) en la capa superficial de suelos (0-25 cm), diferenciados en siete tipos según una clasificación utilitaria: suelos vírgenes (SV); suelos de banquina (SB); suelos vecinos a banquina (SVB); suelos de agricultura intensiva (SAI); suelos de agricultura protegidos por lucha antigranizo (SLAG); suelos afectados por actividad industrial (SI) y suelos urbanos (SU). Sobre un total de 200 muestras se efectuó una digestión ácida en caliente y en los extractos se determinaron los metales en su fracción total, mediante espectrofotometría de absorción atómica (AAS). El análisis estadístico de los datos muestra que los niveles más elevados de Cu y Cd se detectan en SAI, con medias de 39,3 y 2,5 mg kg-1 respectivamente. En SI se observan los mayores valores de Pb, con una media de 80,6 mg kg-1 y en SU los mayores tenores de Zn, con un valor medio de 740 mg kg-1. La Ciudad de Mendoza, con mayor densidad poblacional, presentó los mayores contenidos de Zn, Pb y Cd. Las concentraciones encontradas se ubican por debajo de las exigencias de la legislación argentina y la mayoría de los suelos pueden clasificarse como no contaminados (SNC) o ligeramente contaminados (SLC). Se prevé completar este estudio con la determinación de las fracciones disponibles de los elementos estudiados, correlacionándolos con variables edáficas físico-químicas como textura, pH y materia orgánica.