834 resultados para News bias
Royal Visit. The Vice President of Ecuador in the Galápagos. The Galápagos Marine Resources Reserve. The Charles Darwin Foundation Endowment Fund. Repatriation of Captive-bred Land Iguanas. The 1987 Flamingo Census. Experimental Plantations to Provide Building Timber. Visitors and Events at the Charles Darwin Research Station.
We demonstrate the guiding of neutral atoms with two parallel microfabricated current-carrying wires on the atom chip and a vertical magnetic bias field. The atoms are guided along a magnetic field minimum parallel to the current-carrying wires and confined in the other two directions. We describe in detail how the precooled atoms are efficiently loaded into the two-wire guide. We present a detailed experimental study of the motional properties of the atoms in the guide and the relationship between the location of the guide and the vertical bias field. This two-wire guide with vertical bias field can be used to realize large area atom interferometer.
Conservation problems and programmes. The giant tortoises. The land iguanas. The Hawaiian petrels. The penguins, cormorants and gulls. The fire ants. The control of introduced mammals. Botany. Marine biology. Galapagos cave faunas. Rare twin births of giant tortoises. Visitors and events at the Charles Darwin Research Station (CDRS).
Recent appointments in Washington office. El Niño volume available. Ira Wiggins dies. Nominations to the Royal Society. Index to Noticias de Galápagos. Dictionaries wanted - used or new. International workshops focus on Galápagos.
This thesis studies decision making under uncertainty and how economic agents respond to information. The classic model of subjective expected utility and Bayesian updating is often at odds with empirical and experimental results; people exhibit systematic biases in information processing and often exhibit aversion to ambiguity. The aim of this work is to develop simple models that capture observed biases and study their economic implications.
In the first chapter I present an axiomatic model of cognitive dissonance, in which an agent's response to information explicitly depends upon past actions. I introduce novel behavioral axioms and derive a representation in which beliefs are directionally updated. The agent twists the information and overweights states in which his past actions provide a higher payoff. I then characterize two special cases of the representation. In the first case, the agent distorts the likelihood ratio of two states by a function of the utility values of the previous action in those states. In the second case, the agent's posterior beliefs are a convex combination of the Bayesian belief and the one which maximizes the conditional value of the previous action. Within the second case a unique parameter captures the agent's sensitivity to dissonance, and I characterize a way to compare sensitivity to dissonance between individuals. Lastly, I develop several simple applications and show that cognitive dissonance contributes to the equity premium and price volatility, asymmetric reaction to news, and belief polarization.
The second chapter characterizes a decision maker with sticky beliefs. That is, a decision maker who does not update enough in response to information, where enough means as a Bayesian decision maker would. This chapter provides axiomatic foundations for sticky beliefs by weakening the standard axioms of dynamic consistency and consequentialism. I derive a representation in which updated beliefs are a convex combination of the prior and the Bayesian posterior. A unique parameter captures the weight on the prior and is interpreted as the agent's measure of belief stickiness or conservatism bias. This parameter is endogenously identified from preferences and is easily elicited from experimental data.
The third chapter deals with updating in the face of ambiguity, using the framework of Gilboa and Schmeidler. There is no consensus on the correct way way to update a set of priors. Current methods either do not allow a decision maker to make an inference about her priors or require an extreme level of inference. In this chapter I propose and axiomatize a general model of updating a set of priors. A decision maker who updates her beliefs in accordance with the model can be thought of as one that chooses a threshold that is used to determine whether a prior is plausible, given some observation. She retains the plausible priors and applies Bayes' rule. This model includes generalized Bayesian updating and maximum likelihood updating as special cases.
Neste trabalho estudamos as características das distribuições da lacuna de rapidez em amostras de eventos de minimum bias de colisões pp a ps=7 TeV no CMS/LHC. Tais eventos são constituídos por processos difrativos, além de processos de QCD mole. São investigados o tamanho e a localização das lacunas, assim como as correlações entre as distribuições obtidas a partir dos objetos reconstruídos no detector e as distribuições obtidas a partir das partículas geradas via simulação Monte Carlo. Uma boa compreensão dessas distribuições pode, eventualmente, possibilitar a caracterização de eventos difrativos nos dados.
Oil Spill in Galápagos. Derrame de Combustible en las Aguas de Galápagos. Beagle V: The Station's New Vessel. Children Conservationists. Niños Conservacionistas. Fruto del Empeño: Nuevo Edificio en San Cristóbal. New Building in Isla San Cristóbal. CDRS Director in Argentina. Van Straelen Gift. Change in Directorship at the CDRS. Cambio del Director en la Estación Científica. International Symposium/Workshop on the Herpetology of the Galápagos Islands: Research & Conservation.
Proclamation of a Great Galapagos Marine Reserve. Recovery of the Marine Iguana Population After the El Niño Catastrophe. The Española Tortoises - a Very Special Case. A Botanical Workshop at the Darwin Station. The Campaign to Save the Hawaiian Petrel. Visitors to the Galapagos National Park. Re-opening of the Cristobal Bonifaz Building. Joint Operational Planning. Meeting of the Permanent Commission for the South Pacific. Galapagos Conservationists Receive WWF Award.