986 resultados para Neutrino Masses


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Máster en Oceanografía


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[EN]Carbonate system variables were measured in the South Atlantic sector of the Southern Ocean along a transect from South Africa to the southern limit of the Antarctic Circumpolar Current (ACC) from February to March 2008. Eddies detached from the retroflection of the Agulhas Current increased the gradients observed along the fronts. Minima in the fugacity of CO2, fCO2, and maxima in pH on either side of the frontal zone were observed, noting that within the frontal zone fCO2 reached maximum values and pH was at a minimum.Vertical distributions of water masses were described by their carbonate system properties and their relationship to CFC concentrations. Upper Circumpolar Deep Water (UCDW) and Lower Circumpolar Deep Water (LCDW) offered pHT,25 values of 7.56 and 7.61, respectively. The UCDW also had higher concentrations of CFC-12 (>0.2 pmol kg?1) as compared to deeper waters, revealing that UCDW was mixed with recently ventilated waters. Calcite and aragonite saturation states ( ) were also affected by the presence of these two water masses with high carbonate concentrations. The aragonite saturation horizon was observed at 1000m in the subtropical area and north of the Subantarctic Front. At the position of the Polar Front, and under the influence of UCDW and LCDW, the aragonite saturation horizon deepened from 800m to 1500m at 50.37_ S, and reached 700m south of 57.5_ S. High latitudes proved to be the most sensitive areas to predicted anthropogenic carbon increase. Buffer coefficients related to changes in [CO2], [H+] and with changes in dissolved inorganic carbon (CT)and total alkalinity (AT) offered minima values in the Antarctic IntermediateWater and UCDWlayers. These coefficients suggest that a small increase in CT will sharply decrease the status of pH and carbonate saturation. Here we present data that suggest that south of 55_ S, surface water will be under-saturated with respect to aragonite within the next few decades.


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[EN] We apply an inverse model to a hydrographic cruise that completely closes the Canary Islands to investigate their effect on the water masses transports. Most central waters are transported south between the eastern islands and the African coast, with 2.5 Sv out of a total of 3.5 Sv. Intermediate waters are effectively blocked by the islands passages, with Mediterranean/Antarctic waters predominantly found north/south of the islands, and most deep waters loop around the archipelago plateau. A process model upholds the existence of intense two-way exchange between central and intermediate waters along the eastern passage, with vertical velocities of order 10 m s.


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[EN] A meridional hydrographic section was made in August–September 1997 at 66°W from the coast of Venezuela to Woods Hole aboard the R/V Knorr. In this report, we concentrate on near surface measurements in the Caribbean. The data show two distinct water masses with different origins. From approximately 14°N to Puerto Rico, Caribbean Surface Water and Subtropical Under Water with their source in the North Atlantic are found, as previously observed. From Venezuela to approximately 13°N, a less saline water mass with its source in the Tropics and South Atlantic is found. Within the southern portion of the section, two different velocity patterns are observed, namely, an eastward flow with a subsurface maximum near the coast of Venezuela, and a surface intensified westward jet with Velocities of 130 cm s−1 in midbasin.


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[EN]The Cape Verde Frontal Zone separates North and South Atlantic Central Waters in the eastern North Atlantic Subtropical Gyre. CTD-O2 and shipboard ADCP data from three hydrographic sections carried out in September 2003 are used to study the structure of the front. Results show the relation between spatial variations of water masses and currents, demonstrating the importance of advection in the distribution of water masses. Diapycnal diffusivities due to double diffusion and vertical shear instabilities are also estimated. Existence of competition between the two processes through the water column is shown. Depth-averaged diffusivities suggest that salt fingering dominates diapycnal mixing, except areas of purest South Atlantic Central Water. Here, double diffusion processes are weak and, consequently, shear of the flow is the main process. Results also show that strong mixing induced by vertical shear is associated with a large intrusion found near the front.


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The OPERA experiment aims at the direct observation of ν_mu -> ν_tau oscillations in the CNGS (CERN Neutrinos to Gran Sasso) neutrino beam produced at CERN; since the ν_e contamination in the CNGS beam is low, OPERA will also be able to study the sub-dominant oscillation channel ν_mu -> ν_e. OPERA is a large scale hybrid apparatus divided in two supermodules, each equipped with electronic detectors, an iron spectrometer and a highly segmented ~0.7 kton target section made of Emulsion Cloud Chamber (ECC) units. During my research work in the Bologna Lab. I have taken part to the set-up of the automatic scanning microscopes studying and tuning the scanning system performances and efficiencies with emulsions exposed to a test beam at CERN in 2007. Once the triggered bricks were distributed to the collaboration laboratories, my work was centered on the procedure used for the localization and the reconstruction of neutrino events.


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Die Suche nach kosmischen Neutrinopunktquellen ist durch dieFrage motiviert, wo die hochenergetische Kosmische Strahlungim Universum entsteht. Wenn dort Hadronen beschleunigtwerden, sollten Mesonen produziert werden und daraushochenergetische Neutrinos entstehen. Diese können nahezuungestört die Erde erreichen. Die Identifikation einerNeutrinopunktquelle ist eines der zentralen Ziele desAMANDA-Neutrinoteleskopes am geographischen Südpol. In dieser Dissertation wird zunächst gezeigt, wie dieWinkelauflösung für jedes einzelne Neutrinoereignisindividuell bestimmt werden kann. Zudem stellt sich derWinkelfehlerschätzer als guter Qualitätsparameter zurUnterdrückung von Untergrundereignissen heraus. Die bisher zur Punktquellensuche verwendete Suchmethode kanndiese zusätzliche Information nicht verwenden, da es sich umein reines Zählverfahren handelt. Dadurch motiviert wird einneues Verfahren entwickelt, das auf der Methode der MaximumLikelihood basiert. Darin wird die Winkelauflösung für jedesEreignis in natürlicher Art und Weise integriert. Die erreichte Sensitivität der Maximum-Likelihood-Methodevon bar{Phi}_nu^90 approx 2cdot 10^-8 cm^-2 s^-1 istvergleichbar mit derjenigen der bisherigen Vorgehensweise.Die Ortsauflösung, mit der die Position eineridentifizierten Quelle bestimmt wird, ist um den Faktor ca.4 verbessert, und liegt bei etwa einem Grad. Ebenfalls neu ist der Wegfall von künstlichen Suchgittern,mit denen der Himmel bei der Suche nach Quellen unbekannterLage bisher eingeteilt worden ist. Stattdessen werdenkontinuierliche Funktionen der Himmelskoordinaten studiert. Die im Jahr 2000 aufgezeichneten Daten wurden einer Suchenach Neutrinopunktquellen unterzogen. Wie schon bei einervorherigen Suche mit der alten Vorgehensweis konnte keineQuelle identifiziert werden. Für die 30 untersuchtenKandidatenobjekte ergeben sich obere Grenzen in der Nähe derSensitivität. Das entwickelte Verfahren ist problemlos auf jedesExperiment übertragbar, das ein Entdeckungspotenzial fürPunktquellen hat.


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In the thesis is presented the measurement of the neutrino velocity with the OPERA experiment in the CNGS beam, a muon neutrino beam produced at CERN. The OPERA detector observes muon neutrinos 730 km away from the source. Previous measurements of the neutrino velocity have been performed by other experiments. Since the OPERA experiment aims the direct observation of muon neutrinos oscillations into tau neutrinos, a higher energy beam is employed. This characteristic together with the higher number of interactions in the detector allows for a measurement with a much smaller statistical uncertainty. Moreover, a much more sophisticated timing system (composed by cesium clocks and GPS receivers operating in “common view mode”), and a Fast Waveform Digitizer (installed at CERN and able to measure the internal time structure of the proton pulses used for the CNGS beam), allows for a new measurement with a smaller systematic error. Theoretical models on Lorentz violating effects can be investigated by neutrino velocity measurements with terrestrial beams. The analysis has been carried out with blind method in order to guarantee the internal consistency and the goodness of each calibration measurement. The performed measurement is the most precise one done with a terrestrial neutrino beam, the statistical accuracy achieved by the OPERA measurement is about 10 ns and the systematic error is about 20 ns.


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The procedure for event location in OPERA ECC has been optimazed for penetrating particles while is less efficient for electrons. For this reason new procedure has been defined in order to recover event with an electromagnetic shower in its final state not located with the standard one. The new procedure include the standard procedure during which several electromagnetic shower hint has been defined by means of the available data. In case the event is not located, the presence of an electromagnetic shower hint trigger a dedicated procedure. The old and new location procedure has been then simulated in order to obtain the standard location efficiency and the possible gain due to the new one for the events with electromagnetic shower. Finally a Data-MC comparison has been performed for the 2008 and 2009 runs for what concern the NC in order to validate the Monte Carlo. Then the expected electron neutrino interactions for the 2008 and 2009 runs has been evaluated and compared with the available data.


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Marking the final explosive burning stage of massive stars, supernovae are onernthe of most energetic celestial events. Apart from their enormous optical brightnessrnthey are also known to be associated with strong emission of MeV neutrinos—up tornnow the only proven source of extrasolar neutrinos.rnAlthough being designed for the detection of high energy neutrinos, the recentlyrncompleted IceCube neutrino telescope in the antarctic ice will have the highestrnsensitivity of all current experiments to measure the shape of the neutrino lightrncurve, which is in the MeV range. This measurement is crucial for the understandingrnof supernova dynamics.rnIn this thesis, the development of a Monte Carlo simulation for a future low energyrnextension of IceCube, called PINGU, is described that investigates the response ofrnPINGU to a supernova. Using this simulation, various detector configurations arernanalysed and optimised for supernova detection. The prospects of extracting notrnonly the total light curve, but also the direction of the supernova and the meanrnneutrino energy from the data are discussed. Finally the performance of PINGU isrncompared to the current capabilities of IceCube.


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Redshift Space Distortions (RSD) are an apparent anisotropy in the distribution of galaxies due to their peculiar motion. These features are imprinted in the correlation function of galaxies, which describes how these structures distribute around each other. RSD can be represented by a distortions parameter $\beta$, which is strictly related to the growth of cosmic structures. For this reason, measurements of RSD can be exploited to give constraints on the cosmological parameters, such us for example the neutrino mass. Neutrinos are neutral subatomic particles that come with three flavours, the electron, the muon and the tau neutrino. Their mass differences can be measured in the oscillation experiments. Information on the absolute scale of neutrino mass can come from cosmology, since neutrinos leave a characteristic imprint on the large scale structure of the universe. The aim of this thesis is to provide constraints on the accuracy with which neutrino mass can be estimated when expoiting measurements of RSD. In particular we want to describe how the error on the neutrino mass estimate depends on three fundamental parameters of a galaxy redshift survey: the density of the catalogue, the bias of the sample considered and the volume observed. In doing this we make use of the BASICC Simulation from which we extract a series of dark matter halo catalogues, characterized by different value of bias, density and volume. This mock data are analysed via a Markov Chain Monte Carlo procedure, in order to estimate the neutrino mass fraction, using the software package CosmoMC, which has been conveniently modified. In this way we are able to extract a fitting formula describing our measurements, which can be used to forecast the precision reachable in future surveys like Euclid, using this kind of observations.