872 resultados para Nation-state and territory
El presente artículo constituye un intento de sistematización de avances de investigación expuestos en diferentes trabajos (Formento y Merino, 2011; Merino 2011a; 2011b; 2011c; 2011d), en los cuales fue tomando cada vez mayor relevancia la cuestión del territorio. En este sentido, nos focalizaremos en cuatro ejes que consideramos claves desde nuestra perspectiva. En primer lugar, el capital financiero transnacional, su territorialidad y la construcción de lo que llamaremos, como tendencia, un Estado Global. En segundo lugar, las formas en las que dicha territorialidad se expresa en lo local, entendiendo lo local como parte del territorio en disputa por parte de distintos proyectos, fuerzas e intereses. En tercer lugar, desarrollaremos un eje integrador que hace al objetivo del trabajo: analizar las contradicciones que atraviesan al Estado y en particular al Estado-nación y cómo las mismas se manifiestan en el territorio como territorialidades contrapuestas, impulsadas por proyectos políticos-estratégicos enfrentados. En cuarto lugar, a partir de estas consideraciones y sólo a modo de graficar algunas de las afirmaciones expresadas, plantearemos una discusión en torno a la manera en que algunos autores entienden el "progresismo" asociado a la nueva lógica del capital financiero transnacional y su configuración territorial
La Nación ha sido una de las más importantes construcciones políticoculturales de la Modernidad. Las premisas que le han dado mayor vitalidad han sido y son, pues, su afirmación como imaginario de identidad para los pueblos y su significación en el desarrollo de las denominadas "relaciones internacionales", en cuanto formas de expresión de las interrelaciones globales de los sectores dominantes. Este estudio se basa en el análisis de esas premisas a la luz de algunas de las nuevas perspectivas emanadas de los paradigmas político y cultural, desarrollados en las ciencias sociales a partir de las últimas décadas del siglo pasado, y aplicadas a los estudios del territorio nacional, su construcción, sus mutaciones y los imaginarios espaciales que de ellos derivan. A partir de algunas de las visiones críticas mencionadas, en la actualidad el concepto de nación parece haber entrado en un proceso de erosión o descomposición. Fenómenos sociales, económicos, políticos y culturales ligados a los procesos de reestructuración global (migraciones intercontinentales, sistemas mediáticos globales, exclusión social, discriminación étnica y religiosa, marginación y falta de participación política, nuevas formas de manifestación social...) y a la construcción de los discursos posmodernos hacen aparecer la nación como un concepto, al menos, puesto en tela de juicio. Los más audaces hablan del virtual ingreso a un mundo "posnacional". ¿Significará esto la extinción de una idea y una realidad con la que se han formado culturalmente millones de personas de numerosas generaciones en los puntos más lejanos del planeta? La respuesta deberá estar planteada en el estudio real y especializado de esos fenómenos y de las nuevas realidades que de ellos emergen.
El presente artículo constituye un intento de sistematización de avances de investigación expuestos en diferentes trabajos (Formento y Merino, 2011; Merino 2011a; 2011b; 2011c; 2011d), en los cuales fue tomando cada vez mayor relevancia la cuestión del territorio. En este sentido, nos focalizaremos en cuatro ejes que consideramos claves desde nuestra perspectiva. En primer lugar, el capital financiero transnacional, su territorialidad y la construcción de lo que llamaremos, como tendencia, un Estado Global. En segundo lugar, las formas en las que dicha territorialidad se expresa en lo local, entendiendo lo local como parte del territorio en disputa por parte de distintos proyectos, fuerzas e intereses. En tercer lugar, desarrollaremos un eje integrador que hace al objetivo del trabajo: analizar las contradicciones que atraviesan al Estado y en particular al Estado-nación y cómo las mismas se manifiestan en el territorio como territorialidades contrapuestas, impulsadas por proyectos políticos-estratégicos enfrentados. En cuarto lugar, a partir de estas consideraciones y sólo a modo de graficar algunas de las afirmaciones expresadas, plantearemos una discusión en torno a la manera en que algunos autores entienden el "progresismo" asociado a la nueva lógica del capital financiero transnacional y su configuración territorial
La Nación ha sido una de las más importantes construcciones políticoculturales de la Modernidad. Las premisas que le han dado mayor vitalidad han sido y son, pues, su afirmación como imaginario de identidad para los pueblos y su significación en el desarrollo de las denominadas "relaciones internacionales", en cuanto formas de expresión de las interrelaciones globales de los sectores dominantes. Este estudio se basa en el análisis de esas premisas a la luz de algunas de las nuevas perspectivas emanadas de los paradigmas político y cultural, desarrollados en las ciencias sociales a partir de las últimas décadas del siglo pasado, y aplicadas a los estudios del territorio nacional, su construcción, sus mutaciones y los imaginarios espaciales que de ellos derivan. A partir de algunas de las visiones críticas mencionadas, en la actualidad el concepto de nación parece haber entrado en un proceso de erosión o descomposición. Fenómenos sociales, económicos, políticos y culturales ligados a los procesos de reestructuración global (migraciones intercontinentales, sistemas mediáticos globales, exclusión social, discriminación étnica y religiosa, marginación y falta de participación política, nuevas formas de manifestación social...) y a la construcción de los discursos posmodernos hacen aparecer la nación como un concepto, al menos, puesto en tela de juicio. Los más audaces hablan del virtual ingreso a un mundo "posnacional". ¿Significará esto la extinción de una idea y una realidad con la que se han formado culturalmente millones de personas de numerosas generaciones en los puntos más lejanos del planeta? La respuesta deberá estar planteada en el estudio real y especializado de esos fenómenos y de las nuevas realidades que de ellos emergen.
Before 1982 Mexico's welfare state regime was a limited conservative one that put priority on the social security of organized labor. But following the country's debt crisis in 1982, this regime changed to a hybrid liberal model. The Ernest Zedillo government (1995-2000) in particular pushed ahead with liberal reform of the social security system. This paper examines the characteristics and the policy making of the social security reforms in the 1990s. The results suggest that underlying these reforms was the restructuring of the economy and the need to cope with the cost of this restructuring. The paper also points out that one of the main factors making possible the rapid execution of the reforms were the weakened political clout of the officialist labor unions due to their steady breakdown during the 1990s and the increase in the monopolistic power of the state vis-a-vis the position of labor during the negotiations on social security reforms.
We will present recent developments in the calculation of opacity and equation of state tables suitable for including in the radiation hydrodynamic code ARWEN [1] to study processes like ICF or X-ray secondary sources. For these calculations we use the code BiG BART to compute opacities in LTE conditions, with self-consistent data generated with the Flexible Atomic Code (FAC) [2]. Non-LTE effects are approximately taken into account by means of the improved RADIOM model [3], which makes use of existing LTE data tables. We use the screened-hydrogenic model [4] to derive the Equation of State using the population and energy of the levels avaliable from the atomic data
Vitrification refers to the physical process by which a liquid supercools to very low tem- peratures and finally solidifies into a metastable glass, without undergoing crystallization at a practical cooling rate. Thus, vitrification is an effective freeze-avoidance mechanism and living tissue cryopreservation is, in most cases, relying on it. As a glass is exceedingly vis- cous and stops all chemical reactions that require molecular diffusion, its formation leads to metabolic inactivity and stability over time. To investigate glassy state in cryopreserved plant material, mint shoot tips were submitted to the different stages of a frequently used cryopreservation protocol (droplet-vitrification) and evaluated for water content reduction and sucrose content, as determined by ion chromatography, frozen water fraction and glass transitions occurrence by differential scanning calorimetry, and investigated by low-tempera- ture scanning electron microscopy, as a way to ascertain if their cellular content was vitri- fied. Results show how tissues at intermediate treatment steps develop ice crystals during liquid nitrogen cooling, while specimens whose treatment was completed become vitrified, with no evidence of ice formation. The agreement between calorimetric and microscopic observations was perfect. Besides finding a higher sucrose concentration in tissues at the more advanced protocol steps, this level was also higher in plants precultured at 25/21?C than in plants cultivated at 25?C.
Infrastructure concession is an alternative widely used by governments to increase investment. In the case of the road sector, the main characteristics of the concessions are: long-term projects, high investments in the early years of the contract and high risks. A viability analysis must be carried out for each concession and consider the characteristics of the project. When the infrastructure is located in a developing country, political and market growth uncertainties should be add in the concession project analysis, as well as economic instability, because they present greater risks. This paper is an analysis of state bank participation in road infrastructure finance in developing countries. For this purpose, we studied road infrastructure financing and its associated risks, and also the features of developing countries. Furthermore, we considered the issue of state banks and multilateral development banks that perform an important role by offering better credit lines than the private banks, in terms of cost, interest and grace period. Based on this study, we analyzed the Brazilian Development Bank - BNDES – and their credit supply to road infrastructure concessions. The results show that BNDES is the main financing agent for long-term investment in the sector, offering loans with low interest rates in Brazilian currency. From this research we argue that a single state bank should not alone support the increasing demand for finance in Brazil. Therefore, we conclude that there is a need to expand the supply of credit in Brazil, by strengthening private banks in the long-term lending market.
Feedback regulation of photosynthesis by carbon metabolites has long been recognized, but the underlying cellular mechanisms that control this process remain unclear. By using an Arabidopsis cell culture, we show that a block in photosynthetic electron flux prevents the increase in transcript levels of chlorophyll a/b-binding protein and the small subunit of Rubisco that typically occurs when intracellular sugar levels are depleted. In contrast, the expression of the nitrate reductase gene, which is induced by sugars, is not affected. These findings were confirmed in planta by using Arabidopsis carrying the firefly luciferase reporter gene fused to the plastocyanin and chlorophyll a/b-binding protein 2 gene promoters. Transcription from both promoters increases on carbohydrate depletion. Blocking photosynthetic electron transport with 3-(3′, 4′-dichlorophenyl)-1,1′-dimethylurea prevents this increase in transcription. We conclude that plastid-derived redox signaling can override the sugar-regulated expression of nuclear-encoded photosynthetic genes. In the sugar-response mutant, sucrose uncoupled 6 (sun6), plastocyanin-firefly luciferase transcription actually increases in response to exogenous sucrose rather than decreasing as in the wild type. Interestingly, plastid-derived redox signals do not influence this defective pattern of sugar-regulated gene expression in the sun6 mutant. A model, which invokes a positive inducer originating from the photosynthetic electron transport chain, is proposed to explain the nature of the plastid-derived signal.
p13suc1 has two native states, a monomer and a domain-swapped dimer. We show that their folding pathways are connected by the denatured state, which introduces a kinetic barrier between monomer and dimer under native conditions. The barrier is lowered under conditions that speed up unfolding, thereby allowing, to our knowledge for the first time, a quantitative dissection of the energetics of domain swapping. The monomer–dimer equilibrium is controlled by two conserved prolines in the hinge loop that connects the exchanging domains. These two residues exploit backbone strain to specifically direct dimer formation while preventing higher-order oligomerization. Thus, the loop acts as a loaded molecular spring that releases tension in the monomer by adopting its alternative conformation in the dimer. There is an excellent correlation between domain swapping and aggregation, suggesting they share a common mechanism. These insights have allowed us to redesign the domain-swapping propensity of suc1 from a fully monomeric to a fully dimeric protein.
To characterize the depression of metabolism in anhydrobiotes, the redox state of cytochromes and energy metabolism were studied during dehydration of soaked cowpea (Vigna unguiculata) cotyledons and pollens of Typha latifolia and Impatiens glandulifera. Between water contents (WC) of 1.0 and 0.6 g H2O/g dry weight (g/g), viscosity as measured by electron spin resonance spectroscopy increased from 0.15 to 0.27 poise. This initial water loss was accompanied by a 50% decrease in respiration rates, whereas the adenylate energy charge remained constant at 0.8, and cytochrome c oxidase (COX) remained fully oxidized. From WC of 0.6 to 0.2 g/g, viscosity increased exponentially. The adenylate energy charge declined to 0.4 in seeds and 0.2 in pollen, whereas COX became progressively reduced. At WC of less than 0.2 g/g, COX remained fully reduced, whereas respiration ceased. When dried under N2, COX remained 63% reduced in cotyledons until WC was 0.7 g/g and was fully reduced at 0.2 g/g. During drying under pure O2, the pattern of COX reduction was similar to that of air-dried tissues, although the maximum reduction was 70% in dried tissues. Thus, at WC of less than 0.6 g/g, the reduction of COX probably originates from a decreased O2 availability as a result of the increased viscosity and impeded diffusion. We suggest that viscosity is a valuable parameter to characterize the relation between desiccation and decrease in metabolism. The implications for desiccation tolerance are discussed.
Two major intermediaries in signal transduction pathways are pp60v-sre family tyrosine kinases and heterotrimeric guanine nucleotide-binding proteins. In Rat-1 fibroblasts transformed by the v-src oncogene, endothelin-1 (ET-1)-induced inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate accumulation is increased 6-fold, without any increases in the numbers of ET-1 receptors or in the response to another agonist, thrombin. This ET-1 hyperresponse can be inhibited by an antibody directed against the carboxyl terminus of the Gq/G11 alpha subunit, suggesting that the Gq/G11 protein couples ET-1 receptors to phospholipase C (PLC). While v-src transformation did not increase the expression of the Gq/G11 alpha subunit, immunoblotting with anti-phosphotyrosine antibodies and phosphoamino acid analysis demonstrated that the Gq/G11 alpha subunit becomes phosphorylated on tyrosine residues in v-src-transformed cells. Moreover, when the Gq/G11 protein was extracted from control and transformed cell lines and reconstituted with exogenous PLC, AIF*4-stimulated Gq/G11 activity was markedly increased in extracts from v-src-transformed cells. Our results demonstrate that the process of v-src transformation can increase the tyrosine phosphorylation state of the Gq/G11 alpha-subunit in intact cells and that the process causes an increase in the Gq/G11 alpha-subunit's ability to stimulate PLC following activation with AIF-4.
Sticholysin II (StnII) is a pore-forming toxin that uses sphingomyelin (SM) as the recognition molecule in targeting membranes.After StnII monomers bind to SM, several toxin monomers act in concert to oligomerize into a functional pore. The regulation of StnII binding to SM, and the subsequent pore-formation process, is not fully understood. In this study, we examined how the biophysical properties of bilayers, originating from variations in the SM structure, from the presence of sterol species, or from the presence of increasingly polyunsaturated glycerophospholipids,affected StnII-induced pore formation. StnII-induced pore formation, as determined from calcein permeabilization, was fastest in the pure unsaturated SM bilayers. In 1-palmitoyl-2-oleoyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphocholine (POPC)/saturated SM bilayers (4:1 molar ratio), pore formation became slower as the chain length of the saturated SMs increased from 14 up to 24 carbons. In the POPC/palmitoyl-SM (16:0-SM) 4:1 bilayers, SM could not support pore formation by StnII if dimyristoyl-PC was included at 1:1 stoichiometry with 16:0-SM, suggesting that free clusters of SM were required for toxin binding and/or pore formation. Cholesterol and other sterols facilitated StnII-induced pore formation markedly, but the efficiency did not appear to correlate with the sterol structure. Benzyl alcohol was more efficient than sterols in enhancing the pore-formation process, suggesting that the effect on pore formation originated from alcohol-induced alteration of the hydrogen-bonding network in the SM-containing bilayers. Finally, we observed that pore formation by StnII was enhanced in the PC/16:0-SM 4:1 bilayers, in which the PC was increasingly unsaturated. We conclude that the physical state of bilayer lipids greatly affected pore formation by StnII. Phase boundaries were not required for pore formation, although SM in a gel state attenuated pore formation.