864 resultados para Nacionalismo nos livros didáticos


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A autora discute a presença quase insignificante da poesia no ensino fundamental, mostrando também que são inúmeros os equívocos didáticos quando se recorre ao gênero nas salas de aula. Ela ainda analisa as razões do predomínio de livros didáticos e paradidáticos com sustentação filosófica e teórica ultrapassada e que apresentam textos literários infantis geralmente de natureza narrativa. Para a pesquisadora, trata-se de uma espécie de desperdício, pois a poesia infantil teria mais possibilidades de contribuir na difícil tarefa de despertar nos estudantes o gosto pela leitura. Ela cita Bamberger, para quem a poesia é o único gênero capaz de despertar leitores em qualquer faixa etária ou fase de leitura. A pesquisa foi realizada com professores de três escolas de nível básico e teve dimensões pedagógicas, já que a autora levantou a formação geral desses professores e os reflexos dessa formação na prática pedagógica, especificamente no que tange a conteúdos e formas de ensino de literatura infantil. A autora também apresenta uma metodologia de leitura, mais produtiva e critica do que a normalmente empregada nas escolas, a qual parte da constatação de que os estímulos do mundo poético integram a vida da criança desde muito cedo, mas ainda têm de ser inseridos na escola.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Pós-graduação em História - FCLAS


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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The school geographic knowledge must remain in line with theoretical advances produced by academic geographical knowledge. This is important for guarantee much better quality of education which is offered in schools. In this context, there are some important questions: do the teaching manual of geography for the basic level are updated according to the geographical knowledge produced by academia? Do the teachers of Geography in the basic education level have accompanied the theoretical and methodological innovations produced recently by geographical science? Through a research conducted with 51 teachers of Geography, who working in public schools in Marília, and after an analysis of geographic knowledge transmitted by textbooks used in most schools, the goal of this paper is to present some response to these questions. The research with teachers and the analysis of the contents of the textbooks were guided by one principal issue: the meaning of region.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Since 2008 the Department of Education of the State of São Paulo implemented the curriculum for elementary and high school. Within the discipline of Physical Education, Hip Hop appears as a theme for the ninth year pertaining to the content of rhythmic activities. However, there seems to be difficulties of teachers and their training against such content. Therefore, this research has developed a textbook to support didactic teaching for physical education teacher about Hip Hop in school. For this we conducted a literature review, which were selected several studies that sought to investigate the main difficulties of the physical education teachers, as well as those who had the Hip Hop theme, so that the material could meet the real difficulties of these professionals. Furthermore, we analyzed textbooks from other disciplines will be considered as the experiences of the researcher with the contents of dancing. Thus, we found some difficulties in the analysis of textbooks in the area of Physical Education, since there is a certain shortage of materials, as well as related specifically to Hip Hop. From the investigations, the book was prepared by selecting subtopics important to treat this content teachers in the school, for example, the story, the basic features and steps. It is understood, therefore, that this type of work is very important for Physical Education Teachers considering the difficulties facing the contents of Hip Hop and can contribute more effectively to their inclusion in the school context


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Here we present an exploratory study on the subject of Physics and Music, discussing how this issue is addressed in two high schools belonging to state education network in Rio Claro – SP city. Initially, we conducted a critical analysis of the books that are used as the main tool to support the teacher in the classroom. Alert this analysis , it is possible to realize low-level content when we bring the topic into the classroom. Based in this analysis and an experimental class that was held as part of the course Teaching Practice and Supervised , the Bachelor's Degree in Physical Activity - UNESP Campus Rio Claro was an elaborate educational proposal related to Physics Teaching and Music with a thematic strategy different from the traditional approach , considering the use of experiments built with low cost (Ferreira and Ramos , 2008) materials , which can be an alternative to improve the teaching learning process student , because these experiments stimulate and provide a more dynamic and closer interaction with the objects class. We also seek to study, in greater depth , aspects of wave physics, discussing how a wave propagates in a string with its two fixed ends , which besides being a subject that is usually covered in books , is a phenomenon that is present in string instruments


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As características dos animais do Filo Echinodermata e seus principais representantes são conteúdos abordados no ensino médio, na disciplina de Biologia. Dessa maneira, é importante a produção de um material didático que favoreça o entendimento dos alunos frente a esse tema. Sendo assim, os objetivos do trabalho foi elaborar um material didático na forma de vídeo para professores e alunos do ensino médio, que facilite a visualização e compreensão das principais características dos animais representantes do Filo Echinodermata e um guia de utilização do recurso para os professores, propondo a formas de abordar os conteúdos, utilizando as fotos e esquemas contidos no vídeo e o desenvolvimento de atividades como mais uma forma de avaliar os alunos. Todo o conteúdo abordado foi retirado de livros didáticos específicos de zoologia de invertebrados, a fim de prevenir a ocorrência de erros conceituais


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Os Parâmetros Curriculares Nacionais (PCNs), indicam que o ensino de ciências deve contribuir com eficiência para o desenvolvimento de uma sociedade mais esclarecida, que consiga compreender os avanços científicos e tecnológicos do mundo. Com isso, o ensino das ciências naturais pode ser articulado, apresentando-se de forma interdisciplinar, pois abrange aspectos da Física, Química, Biologia, incluindo Ciências Sociais e Tecnológicas. Focado nessa proposta, esse trabalho tem como finalidade disponibilizar ao professor de Ensino Fundamental aulas experimentais e práticas para serem utilizadas nas escolas. Consiste em uma lista de experimentos, entre outras práticas, organizados segundo os Eixos Temáticos previstos no PCNs. As práticas selecionadas se apropriam de materiais simples, de fácil obtenção e custo reduzido, podem ser realizadas tanto em ambiente laboratorial como em sala de aula, viabilizando sua utilização. Todos os experimentos foram extraídos de diferentes fontes de pesquisa: livros didáticos, apostilas didáticas e da Rede Internacional de Telecomunicação (Internet). Espera-se com esse material que o professor encontre um suporte para auxilio em aulas práticas, que proporcione ao aluno, atividades dinâmicas, facilitando a interação do educando com o conhecimento, atingindo o principal objetivo, a aprendizagem


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In 1997, the National Curriculum Parameters (BRASIL, 1997a) proposed the incorporation of the Transversal Themes in all of the knowledge areas. Specifically in the School Physical Education, the teacher working with transversality must stabilish bridges between the body culture practice with these themes. Promote this relationship is not a simple task and there are many problems that stuck the advance of this propose. So, thinking about making didactical formulat teaching stragies and think about the development of their practice. Another challenge is considerate as a beginning in the pedagogic activity the student’s knowledge and experience, as listening during the process of knowledge construction. In this way, the aim of this research is investigate the 8th and 9th grade of the primary school students conception about Cultural Plurality. After this, using the information taken gron the students, we are going to present subisidies to make a textbook, for the teachers and for students, with Physical Education activities possibilies with this Transversal Theme. Keeping in mind the aim of this research, we used the semi-structed interview as a instrument of data collection. The interview was made with 30 students of the 8th and 9th grade the primary school from two statual schools of Rio Claro city. The procediments were executed following the ethics comite requirements. In other to associate the Cultural Plurality with Physical Education, dance and physical adventure activities contents were selected. The results showed that the students know few thinks about this Transversal Themes, because they had apoor knowledge, according to National Curriculum Parameters. In scholar environment and Physical Education classes, there are many cases of prejudice and discrimination, mostly by the leack of ability. Nonetheless, most of the students are able to...(Complete abstract click electronic access below)