996 resultados para Moral methodology
The present work proposes a new sensing methodology, which uses Fiber Bragg Gratings (FBGs) to measure in vivo the surface strain and strain rate on calf muscles while performing certain exercises. Two simple exercises, namely ankle dorsi-flexion and ankle plantar-flexion, have been considered and the strain induced on the medial head of the gastrocnemius muscle while performing these exercises has been monitored. The real time strain generated has been recorded and the results are compared with those obtained using a commercial Color Doppler Ultrasound (CDU) system. It is found that the proposed sensing methodology is promising for surface strain measurements in biomechanical applications.
Thermoacoustic engines are energy conversion devices that convert thermal energy from a high-temperature heat source into useful work in the form of acoustic power while diverting waste heat into a cold sink; it can be used as a drive for cryocoolers and refrigerators. Though the devices are simple to fabricate, it is very challenging to design an optimized thermoacoustic primemover with better performance. The study presented here aims to optimize the thermoacoustic primemover using response surface methodology. The influence of stack position and its length, resonator length, plate thickness, and plate spacing on pressure amplitude and frequency in a thermoacoustic primemover is investigated in this study. For the desired frequency of 207 Hz, the optimized value of the above parameters suggested by the response surface methodology has been conducted experimentally, and simulations are also performed using DeltaEC. The experimental and simulation results showed similar output performance.
Given the increasing cost of designing and building new highway pavements, reliability analysis has become vital to ensure that a given pavement performs as expected in the field. Recognizing the importance of failure analysis to safety, reliability, performance, and economy, back analysis has been employed in various engineering applications to evaluate the inherent uncertainties of the design and analysis. The probabilistic back analysis method formulated on Bayes' theorem and solved using the Markov chain Monte Carlo simulation method with a Metropolis-Hastings algorithm has proved to be highly efficient to address this issue. It is also quite flexible and is applicable to any type of prior information. In this paper, this method has been used to back-analyze the parameters that influence the pavement life and to consider the uncertainty of the mechanistic-empirical pavement design model. The load-induced pavement structural responses (e.g., stresses, strains, and deflections) used to predict the pavement life are estimated using the response surface methodology model developed based on the results of linear elastic analysis. The failure criteria adopted for the analysis were based on the factor of safety (FOS), and the study was carried out for different sample sizes and jumping distributions to estimate the most robust posterior statistics. From the posterior statistics of the case considered, it was observed that after approximately 150 million standard axle load repetitions, the mean values of the pavement properties decrease as expected, with a significant decrease in the values of the elastic moduli of the expected layers. An analysis of the posterior statistics indicated that the parameters that contribute significantly to the pavement failure were the moduli of the base and surface layer, which is consistent with the findings from other studies. After the back analysis, the base modulus parameters show a significant decrease of 15.8% and the surface layer modulus a decrease of 3.12% in the mean value. The usefulness of the back analysis methodology is further highlighted by estimating the design parameters for specified values of the factor of safety. The analysis revealed that for the pavement section considered, a reliability of 89% and 94% can be achieved by adopting FOS values of 1.5 and 2, respectively. The methodology proposed can therefore be effectively used to identify the parameters that are critical to pavement failure in the design of pavements for specified levels of reliability. DOI: 10.1061/(ASCE)TE.1943-5436.0000455. (C) 2013 American Society of Civil Engineers.
Thermoacoustic refrigerator (TAR) converts acoustic waves into heat without any moving parts. The study presented here aims to optimize the parameters like frequency, stack position, stack length, and plate spacing involving in designing TAR using the Response Surface Methodology (RSM). A mathematical model is developed using the RSM based on the results obtained from DeltaEC software. For desired temperature difference of 40 K, optimized parameters suggested by the RSM are the frequency 254 Hz, stack position 0.108 m, stack length 0.08 m, and plate spacing 0.0005 m. The experiments were conducted with optimized parameters and simulations were performed using the Design Environment for Low-amplitude ThermoAcoustic Energy Conversion (DeltaEC) which showed similar results.
Solder joints in electronic packages undergo thermo-mechanical cycling, resulting in nucleation of micro-cracks, especially at the solder/bond-pad interface, which may lead to fracture of the joints. The fracture toughness of a solder joint depends on material properties, process conditions and service history, as well as strain rate and mode-mixity. This paper reports on a methodology for determining the mixed-mode fracture toughness of solder joints with an interfacial starter-crack, using a modified compact mixed mode (CMM) specimen containing an adhesive joint. Expressions for stress intensity factor (K) and strain energy release rate (G) are developed, using a combination of experiments and finite element (FE) analysis. In this methodology, crack length dependent geometry factors to convert for the modified CMM sample are first obtained via the crack-tip opening displacement (CTOD)-based linear extrapolation method to calculate the under far-field mode I and II conditions (f(1a) and f(2a)), (ii) generation of a master-plot to determine a(c), and (iii) computation of K and G to analyze the fracture behavior of joints. The developed methodology was verified using J-integral calculations, and was also used to calculate experimental fracture toughness values of a few lead-free solder-Cu joints. (C) 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
A comprehensive design flow is proposed for the design of Micro Electro Mechanical Systems that are fabricated using SOIMUMPs process. Many of the designers typically do not model the temperature dependency of electrical conductivity, thermal conductivity and convection coefficient, as it is very cumbersome to create/incorporate the same in the existing FEM simulators. Capturing these dependencies is very critical particularly for structures that are electrically actuated. Lookup tables that capture the temperature dependency of electrical conductivity, thermal conductivity and convection coefficient are created. These look up tables are taken as inputs for a commercially available FEM simulator to model the semiconductor behavior. It is demonstrated that when temperature dependency for all the above mentioned parameters is not captured, then the error in estimation of the maximum temperature (for a given structure) could be as high as 30%. Error in the estimated resistance value under the same conditions is as high as 40%. When temperature dependency of the above mentioned parameters is considered then error w.r.t the measured values is less than 5%. It is evident that error in temperature estimates leads to erroneous results from mechanical simulations as well.
Experimental data on evaporation of droplets of decane, Jet-A1, and Jet-A1 surrogate are generated using a spray in crossflow configuration. The advantage of a crossflow configuration is that it enables us to study droplet evaporation under forced convective conditions involving droplet diameters of size relevant in practical combustors. Specifically, spray from an airblast atomizer is injected into a preheated crossflow of air and the resulting spray is characterized in terms of spray structure along with droplet size and velocity. An existing correlation for the spray trajectory is modified to incorporate the effect of elevated temperature, and is found to be in good agreement with the experimental data. Droplet sizes and velocities are measured at different locations along the crossflow direction to assess droplet evaporation. Specifically, droplets having size less than 25-mu m are selected for further analysis since these droplets are observed to exhibit velocities which are aligned with the crossflow. By comparing the droplet diameter profiles at upstream and downstream locations, the evaporation constant k for the d(2)-law is obtained iteratively. To assess the efficacy of the values of k obtained, the calculated droplet size distribution using the proposed k values at the downstream location is compared with the measured droplet size distribution at that location. A reasonably good match is found for all the three liquids confirming the validity of the analysis. (C) 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Resumen: Las indicaciones pastorales del Papa Francisco en Evangelii gaudium ofrecen la oportunidad para redescubrir el valor de la categoría ley bajo la guía de la tradición tomista recogida en el documento pontificio. La propuesta moral del Evangelio o ley nueva, siguiendo la sinonimia utilizada por santo Tomás de Aquino, no puede ser reducida a un precepto o una serie de normas; muy por el contrario, revisitando la doctrina del Doctor Común podemos descubrir la necesidad de una hermenéutica sapiencial y profundamente bíblica de uno de los pilares de la moral cristiana. En el camino de la conversión pastoral, el retorno a las fuentes tomistas vuelve a iluminar la reflexión teológica con fecundidad renovada.
La Constitución Nacional reconoce un orden de conducta instituido por Dios y otro instituido por el Estado… el débito legal debe resultar conforme al débito moral. Si así no fuera, cualquier imposición del legislador no sería derecho sino un acto de violencia desnaturalizando el poder que el Estado tiene de reforzar con débito eventualmente coercible obligaciones emergentes de la virtud de la justicia. En este trabajo nos ocuparemos de la relación entre ley moral natural y la ley positiva humana a partir de las consideraciones que Arturo Enrique Sampay2 formula en su obra, La filosofía jurídica del Artículo 19 de la Constitución Nacional3. Sampay desarrolla el tópico principalmente con la inspiración de la doctrina de Tomás de Aquino.
Resumen: La dimensión literaria del acto comunicacional científico-jurídico es un elemento implícito en la interacción de la retórica y dialéctica jurídicas. La matriz artística surge ya del parangón ofrecido por Aristóteles en la Retórica: la evocación de la antistrofa (figura que nos reenvía a pulso cierto al arte poético) lo dice todo, apenas sugiriendo. La comunicación que defenderemos consiste en afirmar que la belleza del acto comunicacional científico jurídico y la perfección de su arte son imputables a su autor y supone una responsabilidad de tipo moral que trasunta en el arte comunicativo el vaso de lo comunicado. Existe una lealtad del recipiente al contenido implícita en la metáfora aristotélica, que requiere una fidelidad del científico para dar cuenta del tesoro que lleva en sus vasijas endebles.
Resumen: Luego de la crisis financiera global de 2008, el blindaje conceptual del paradigma neoclásico, edificado sobre un atractivo formalismo matemático, ha dejado entrever sus falencias. En ese contexto, este artículo plantea la necesidad de revisar sus fundamentos, en especial la concepción antropológica y la metodología que subyace detrás del modelo. El autor analiza al mainstream como un modelo reduccionista de la naturaleza humana, y postula la necesidad de modificar el rumbo de la ciencia económica hacia una dirección personalista, enfocada en el bienestar social de las personas, que considere la importancia de la moral en la toma de decisiones. Asimismo, el economista debería desarrollar su trabajo desde una perspectiva reflexiva y de diálogo con el resto de las ciencias sociales.
Resumen: Más allá de las múltiples clasificaciones de las corrientes éticas contemporáneas, siempre esquemáticas y arbitrarias, la distinción básica entre todas ellas, y que subsiste como fundamento de toda ética, es el reconocimiento o el rechazo de valores y bienes absolutos, identificados con verdades absolutas, asentadas ontológicamente en la realidad del ser. El objetivo de este trabajo es pasar una rápida revista a las principales corrientes éticas contemporáneas, enfatizando el denominador común entre la mayoría de ellas, que es el consenso, analizando por último, sus fuentes en la temprana modernidad.
La Familiaris consortio n.34 definió la “ley de la gradualidad”, como cumplimiento progresivo de la ley moral, contraponiéndola a la “gradualidad de la ley”, la cual es considerada como una expresión del rechazo al carácter vinculante de la misma. Pero no es éste el único modo posible de concebir la gradualidad de la ley. Santo Tomás presenta en la Suma Teológica un ejemplo de gradualidad de la ley (civil), a partir del cual este estudio se propone mostrar que existe una gradualidad inherente a la ley moral, que, sin privar a ésta de su fuerza obligatoria, le permite adaptarse dinámicamente al desarrollo moral del sujeto.
Resumen: Desde la perspectiva de la teología moral filial, se ensaya en el artículo una respuesta concreta a algunos problemas sociales emergentes en América Latina, como son la violencia, la pobreza y el hábitat del hombre. La mirada filial, que para el análisis toma consistencia bíblica en algunos textos paulinos, permite considerar de una manera nueva dichos conflictos, relevando de modo más claro su dramaticidad y condición denigrante, pero pergeñando también el camino de una respuesta cristiana y humana. En efecto, cuando el desorden social puede ceñirse teológicamente y este núcleo se focaliza en la negativa del hombre a reconocer el lugar de Dios y, en consecuencia, el lugar del hombre, la respuesta adecuada y eficaz es promover políticamente el que cada uno ocupe el lugar propio como miembro vivo del Cuerpo de Cristo. En definitiva, y es tarea propia del bien común, el empeño social es procurar las condiciones para realizar, en la existencia social, la verdad filial y fraterna.
Resumen: El texto realiza un análisis sobre el orden moral en su objeto material (la conducta humana) y el objeto formal (el bien o la perfección). Se detiene en la experiencia moral planteando los problemas, las dudas y las dificultades tales como la naturaleza humana, el fin natural, la libertad, las pasiones, la necesidad de indigencia y la deóntica, entre otros. Luego estudia el esquema de la estructura del orden moral en el orden moral vivido, disposicional, subjetivo, normativo y de fines. Estas dimensiones se integran a través de la causalidad final.