356 resultados para Moles
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
We investigated the cardiovascular effects of the microinjection of L-proline (L-Pro) into the third ventricle (3V) and its peripheral mechanisms. Different doses of L-Pro into the 3V caused dose-related pressor and bradycardiac responses. The pressor response to L-Pro injected into the 3V was potentiated by intravenous pretreatment with the ganglion blocker pentolinium (5 mg/kg), thus excluding any significant involvement of the sympathetic nervous system. Because the response to the microinjection of L-Pro into the 3V was blocked by intravenous pretreatment with the V1-vasopressin receptor antagonist dTyr(CH2)5(Me)AVP (50 mu g/kg), it is suggested that these cardiovascular responses are mediated by a vasopressin release. The pressor response to the microinjection of L-Pro into the 3V was found to be mediated by circulating vasopressin, so, given that the paraventricular nucleus of the hypothalamus (PVN) is readily accessible from the 3V, we investigated whether the PVN could be a site of action for the L-Pro microinjected in the 3V. The microinjection of L-Pro (0.033 mu moles/0.1 mu l) into the PVN caused cardiovascular responses similar to those of injection of the 3V and were also shown to be mediated by vasopressin release. In conclusion, these results show that the microinjection of L-Pro into the 3V causes pressor and bradycardiac responses that could involve stimulation of the magnocellular cells of the PVN and release of vasopressin into the systemic circulation. Also, because the microinjection of L-Pro into the PVN caused a pressor response, this is the first evidence of cardiovascular effects caused by its injection in a supramedullary structure. (c) 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.
Desmoid-type fibromatosis is an uncommon and aggressive neoplasia, associated with a high rate of recurrence. It is characterized by an infiltrative but benign fibroblastic proliferation occurring within the deep soft tissues. There is no consensus about the treatment of those tumors. We present a surgical series of four cases, involving the brachial plexus (two cases), the median nerve and the medial brachial cutaneous nerve. Except for the last case, they were submitted to multiple surgical procedures and showed repeated recurrences. The diagnosis, the different ways of treatment and the prognosis of these tumoral lesions are discussed. Our results support the indication of radical surgery followed by radiotherapy as probably one of the best ways to treat those controversial lesions.
Bioenergetic analysis may be applied in order to predict microbial growth yields, based on the Gibbs energy dissipation and mass conservation principles of the overall growth reaction. The bioenergetics of the photoautotrophic growth of the cyanobacterium Arthrospira (Spirulina) platensis was investigated in different bioreactor configurations (tubular photobioreactor and open ponds) using different nitrogen sources (nitrate and urea) and under different light intensity conditions to determine the best growing conditions in terms of Gibbs energy dissipation, number of photons to sustain cell growth and phototrophic energy yields distribution in relation to the ATP and NADPH formation, and release of heat. Although an increase in the light intensity increased the Gibbs energy dissipated for cell growth and maintenance with both nitrogen sources, it did not exert any appreciable influence on the moles of photons absorbed by the system to produce one C-mol biomass. On the other hand, both bioenergetic parameters were higher in cultures with nitrate than with urea, likely because of the higher energy requirements needed to reduce the former nitrogen source to ammonia. They appreciably increased also when open ponds were substituted by the tubular photobioreactor, where a more efficient light distribution ensured a remarkably higher cell mass concentration. The estimated percentages of the energy absorbed by the cell showed that, compared with nitrate, the use of urea as nitrogen source allowed the system to address higher energy fractions to ATP production and light fixation by the photosynthetic apparatus, as well as a lower fraction released as heat. The best energy yields values on Gibbs energy necessary for cell growth and maintenance were achieved in up to 4-5 days of cultivation, indicating that it would be the optimum range to maintain cell growth. Thanks to this better bioenergetic situation, urea appears to be a quite promising low-cost, alternative nitrogen source for Arthrospira platensis cultures in photobioreactors. (C) 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Objective: To investigate prevalence of invasive candidiasis in a Neonatal Intensive Care Unit and to evaluate oral diseases and Candida spp. colonization in low birth weight preterm newborns. Methods: A descriptive epidemiological study performed in two stages. First, prevalence of candidiasis was analyzed in a database of 295 preterm patients admitted to hospital for over 10 days and birth weight less than 2,000g. In the second stage, oral changes and Candida spp. colonization were assessed in 65 patients weighing less than 2,000g, up to 4 week-old, hospitalized for over 10 days and presenting oral abnormalities compatible with fungal lesions. Swab samples were collected in the mouth to identify fungi. Results: Prevalence of candidiasis was 5.4% in the database analyzed. It correlated with prolonged hospital length of stay (p<0.001), in average, 31 days, and 85% risk of developing infection in the first 25 days. It correlated with low birth weight (p<0.001), with mean of 1,140g. The most frequent alterations were white soft plaques, detachable, in oral mucosa and tongue. Intense oral colonization by Candida spp was observed (80%). Conclusions: The frequency of invasive candidiasis was low and correlated with low birth weight and prolonged hospital stay. The most common oral changes were white plaques compatible with pseudomembranous candidiasis and colonization by Candida spp. was above average.
INTRODUÇÃO: O cisto nasolabial é uma doença rara, normalmente unilateral, benigna, de origem embrionária, localizada em partes moles da região do sulco nasolabial e asa nasal. O diagnóstico é essencialmente clínico, levando em consideração a topografia do cisto, que geralmente é assintomático. OBJETIVO: Este artigo tem como objetivo principal à descrição de um caso incomum de cisto nasolabial bilateral com obstrução nasal, seu tratamento, aspectos anatomopatológicos e acompanhamento, além de revisão de literatura. RELATO DO CASO: Paciente do sexo feminino, parda, 24 anos de idade, apresentando abaulamento em região nasolabial e obstrução nasal. Exames físico e complementares compatíveis com cisto nasolabial. Indicado tratamento cirúrgico para exérese da lesão. CONSIDERAÇÕES FINAIS: O cisto nasolabial bilateral, apesar de raro, é uma possível causa de obstrução nasal, com boa resposta à terapia cirúrgica.
INTRODUÇÃO: O enxerto de gordura nos últimos anos voltou a ter destaque como aliado dos cirurgiões plásticos no preenchimento de partes moles, no rejuvenescimento facial volumétrico, nos refinamentos de reconstruções mamárias e por ser rica fonte de células-tronco de comportamento mesenquimal (células-tronco adipoderivadas). Considerando que essas células têm importante papel na angiogênese e na diferenciação adipogênica, com impacto direto na sobrevivência dos enxertos de gordura, determinar parâmetros que otimizem a sua obtenção é imperativo. Nesse contexto, o objetivo deste trabalho é avaliar e comparar dois métodos de obtenção do tecido adiposo da região abdominal quanto ao número de células viáveis presentes na fração vásculo-estromal e analisar a expressão de marcadores de superfície. MÉTODO: Foram selecionadas 9 pacientes do sexo feminino submetidas a lipoaspiração. O tecido adiposo foi obtido da região abdominal infraumbilical. Da metade direita foram coletados 20 ml de gordura, empregando-se cânula acoplada a uma seringa, cujo êmbolo foi tracionado de 2 cc em 2 cc, gerando baixas pressões de aspiração (grupo manual). O mesmo processo foi repetido na metade esquerda, entretanto a cânula estava acoplada a um coletor intermediário estéril e esse a uma máquina de vácuo sob pressão negativa constante de 350 mmHg (grupo a vácuo). As amostras foram centrifugadas e a gordura da camada intermediária dos dois grupos foi submetida a contagem celular, estabelecimento de culturas e posterior imunofenotipagem. RESULTADOS: Este estudo demonstrou que, apesar de não haver diferença estatisticamente significativa, a obtenção da gordura da região abdominal empregando-se lipoaspirador com pressão negativa de 350 mmHg proporcionou maior número de células presentes na fração vásculo-estromal quando comparado à obtenção por meio de seringas de 10 ml, com baixas pressões de aspiração. CONCLUSÕES: O emprego de pressão negativa de 350 mmHg é seguro para a obtenção das células-tronco adipoderivadas e o rendimento celular entre os dois grupos não apresentou diferença estatisticamente significativa.
The hydrogen production in the green microalga Chlamydomonas reinhardtii was evaluated by means of a detailed physiological and biotechnological study. First, a wide screening of the hydrogen productivity was done on 22 strains of C. reinhardtii, most of which mutated at the level of the D1 protein. The screening revealed for the first time that mutations upon the D1 protein may result on an increased hydrogen production. Indeed, productions ranged between 0 and more than 500 mL hydrogen per liter of culture (Torzillo, Scoma et al., 2007a), the highest producer (L159I-N230Y) being up to 5 times more performant than the strain cc124 widely adopted in literature (Torzillo, Scoma, et al., 2007b). Improved productivities by D1 protein mutants were generally a result of high photosynthetic capabilities counteracted by high respiration rates. Optimization of culture conditions were addressed according to the results of the physiological study of selected strains. In a first step, the photobioreactor (PBR) was provided with a multiple-impeller stirring system designed, developed and tested by us, using the strain cc124. It was found that the impeller system was effectively able to induce regular and turbulent mixing, which led to improved photosynthetic yields by means of light/dark cycles. Moreover, improved mixing regime sustained higher respiration rates, compared to what obtained with the commonly used stir bar mixing system. As far as the results of the initial screening phase are considered, both these factors are relevant to the hydrogen production. Indeed, very high energy conversion efficiencies (light to hydrogen) were obtained with the impeller device, prooving that our PBR was a good tool to both improve and study photosynthetic processes (Giannelli, Scoma et al., 2009). In the second part of the optimization, an accurate analysis of all the positive features of the high performance strain L159I-N230Y pointed out, respect to the WT, it has: (1) a larger chlorophyll optical cross-section; (2) a higher electron transfer rate by PSII; (3) a higher respiration rate; (4) a higher efficiency of utilization of the hydrogenase; (5) a higher starch synthesis capability; (6) a higher per cell D1 protein amount; (7) a higher zeaxanthin synthesis capability (Torzillo, Scoma et al., 2009). These information were gathered with those obtained with the impeller mixing device to find out the best culture conditions to optimize productivity with strain L159I-N230Y. The main aim was to sustain as long as possible the direct PSII contribution, which leads to hydrogen production without net CO2 release. Finally, an outstanding maximum rate of 11.1 ± 1.0 mL/L/h was reached and maintained for 21.8 ± 7.7 hours, when the effective photochemical efficiency of PSII (ΔF/F'm) underwent a last drop to zero. If expressed in terms of chl (24.0 ± 2.2 µmoles/mg chl/h), these rates of production are 4 times higher than what reported in literature to date (Scoma et al., 2010a submitted). DCMU addition experiments confirmed the key role played by PSII in sustaining such rates. On the other hand, experiments carried out in similar conditions with the control strain cc124 showed an improved final productivity, but no constant PSII direct contribution. These results showed that, aside from fermentation processes, if proper conditions are supplied to selected strains, hydrogen production can be substantially enhanced by means of biophotolysis. A last study on the physiology of the process was carried out with the mutant IL. Although able to express and very efficiently utilize the hydrogenase enzyme, this strain was unable to produce hydrogen when sulfur deprived. However, in a specific set of experiments this goal was finally reached, pointing out that other than (1) a state 1-2 transition of the photosynthetic apparatus, (2) starch storage and (3) anaerobiosis establishment, a timely transition to the hydrogen production is also needed in sulfur deprivation to induce the process before energy reserves are driven towards other processes necessary for the survival of the cell. This information turned out to be crucial when moving outdoor for the hydrogen production in a tubular horizontal 50-liter PBR under sunlight radiation. First attempts with laboratory grown cultures showed that no hydrogen production under sulfur starvation can be induced if a previous adaptation of the culture is not pursued outdoor. Indeed, in these conditions the hydrogen production under direct sunlight radiation with C. reinhardtii was finally achieved for the first time in literature (Scoma et al., 2010b submitted). Experiments were also made to optimize productivity in outdoor conditions, with respect to the light dilution within the culture layers. Finally, a brief study of the anaerobic metabolism of C. reinhardtii during hydrogen oxidation has been carried out. This study represents a good integration to the understanding of the complex interplay of pathways that operate concomitantly in this microalga.
The biopharmaceutical industry has a growing demand and an increasing need to improve the current virus purification technologies, especially as more and more vaccines are produced from cell-culture derived virus particles. Downstream purification strategies can be expensive and account for 70% of the overall manufacturing costs. The economic pressure and purification processes can be particularly challenging when the virus to be purified is small, as in our model virus, porcine parvovirus (PPV). Our efforts are focused on designing an easy, economical, scalable and efficient system for virus purification, and we focused on aqueous two-phase systems. Industry acceptable standards for virus vaccine recovery can be as low as 30% due to demand of high final titer, virus transduction inhibitors and presence of empty or defective virus capsids as impurities. We have overcome these shortcomings by recovering a high 64% of infectious virus using an aqueous two-phase system. We used high molecular weight polymer and citrate salt to achieve a good yield and eliminated the major contaminant bovine serum albumin. Viruses are also studied for ensuring pure and safe drinking water. Low pressure microfiltrations are continuously being investigated for water filters as they allow high permeate flux and low fouling. Viruses such as PPV are small enough to pass through the microporous membranes. Control of viruses in water is crucial for public health and we have designed an affinity based membrane filter to capture virus. Nanofibers have a high surface to volume ratio providing a highly accessible surface area for virus adsorption. Chitosan an insoluble, biocompatible and biodegradable polymer was used for adsorbing trimer peptide WRW. About 0.2 μmoles of cysteine terminal WRW peptide was conjugated to amine terminal chitosan using maleimide conjugation chemistry. We achieved 90-99% virus removal from water adjusted to a neutral pH. The virus removal from affinity based chitosan was attributed to electrostatic and hydrophobic driven binding effect.
Chemical modification of cytochrome P-450 reductase was used to determine the involvement of charged amino acids in the interaction between the reductase and two forms of cytochrome P-450. Acetylation of 11 lysine residues of the reductase with acetic anhydride yielded a 20-40% decrease in the K$\sb{\rm m}$ of the reductase for cytochrome P-450b or cytochrome P-450c. Modification of carboxyl groups on the reductase with 1-ethyl-3-(3-dimethylaminopropyl) carbodiimide (EDC) and methylamine, glycine methyl ester, or taurine as nucleophiles inhibited the interaction with the cytochromes P-450. We were able to modify 4.0, 7.9, and 5.9 carboxyl groups using methylamine, glycine methyl ester, and taurine, respectively. The apparent K$\sb{\rm m}$ for cytochrome P-450c or cytochrome P-450b was increased 1.3 to 5.2 fold. There were varied effects on the V$\sb{\rm max}$. There was no significant change in the conformation of the reductase upon chemical modification. These results strongly suggest that electrostatic interactions as well as steric constraints play a role in the binding and electron transfer step(s) between the reductase and cytochrome P-450. Cytochrome P-450 protected 0.8 moles of carboxyl residues on the reductase from being modified with EDC. These protected amino acids on the reductase are presumably involved in binding to cytochrome P-450. The specific peptide containing these amino acids has been identified. ^
Rhodanese activity from crude extracts of Thiobacillus sp. strain IV-85 was demonstrated in polyacrylamide gels after incubation in the reaction mixture by staining with dichloroindophenol in the presence of methylphenazonium methosulfate. The sensitivity of the staining system was found to be 8 x 10 moles of sulfite.
Interleukin-8 (IL-8), a proinflammatory cytokine produced by human monocytes, fibroblasts, and endothelial and epithelial cells, is effective not only on cells and tissues of human beings but also on those of several animal species. We investigated the importance of recombinant human IL-8 for the activation of canine neutrophils in vitro and its potential for inducing inflammation in vivo. Shape change (10(-9)-10(-7) M IL-8) and chemotaxis (10(-10)-10(-6) M IL-8) assays were used to determine the activation of canine neutrophils in vitro. Chemotaxis was induced by IL-8 at doses > 10(-8) M with a maximum response at 10(-6) M. A rapid shape change of comparable intensity was elicited by 10(-9)-10(-7) M IL-8. Thirty minutes after intradermal injection of 10(-9) moles of IL-8, emigration of neutrophils could be observed and became more intense at 60 minutes and 240 minutes, respectively. Zymosan-activated canine plasma, which served as a positive control, induced a rapid, massive, and more diffuse neutrophil accumulation, whereas the reaction after IL-8 was weaker but still significant. The neutrophil accumulation after IL-8 was preferentially located in perivenular areas of the deep dermis. Recombinant human IL-8 is capable of activating canine neutrophils in vitro and is able to generate significant neutrophil accumulation in dog skin. Its activity is lower than that in human, rabbit, and rat systems.
La especie nativa Mutisia subspinosa es una enredadera perenne, resistente a heladas, con hermosas flores anaranjadas que presenta gran interés como ornamental. En trabajos previos de propagación a través de semillas o estacas se obtuvieron escasos resultados, lo que justificó el uso de la micropropagación. Para el establecimiento in vitro se utilizó el medio de Murashige Skoog (MS) diluido a la mitad. Se evaluó la adición de 6-bencilaminopurina (BAP) sola o en combinación con thidiazurón (TDZ) y un testigo sin hormonas. En la etapa de multiplicación se utilizó el mismo medio basal y se probaron dos auxinas: los ácidos indol butírico (AIB) y naftalén acético (ANA), además del uso de carbón activado. La composición del medio de cultivo más adecuada para el establecimiento fue la del testigo, mientras que para la multiplicación los mejores resultados se obtuvieron con la adición de 4 μmoles.L-1 de ANA. El agregado de 1 g.L-1 de carbón activado al medio de cultivo con 2,7 μmoles.L-1 mejoró la tasa de multiplicación y el enraizamiento.
Los polifenoles están involucrados en la defensa contra la radiación ultravioleta, en la actividad antioxidante, con un significado evolutivo. En la región patagónica existen plantas nativas de interés medicinal muy valoradas por la herbolaria tradicional de la zona. Se estudió actividad antioxidante y pigmentos en Adesmia boronioides, Larrea divaricata y Atriplex lampa (plántulas enteras, 60 días) micropropagados a partir de semillas estériles, cultivadas en MS suplementado con 6-bencil-amino-purina (2219 μM), ácido naftalén-acético (0,053 μM), 45 μmoles fotón.m-2 .s-1, 16h/8h luz/:oscuridad, 22-24°C, subcultivo: 20 días. A.boronioides presentó entre 1,7 y 3,7 veces mayor contenido de porfirinas respecto de los otros cultivos. Se observó una baja cantidad de clorofila total con disminución de clorofila a a expensas de la b (clorofila a/b:2,98). La actividad de catalasa (EC1.11.1.6) fue la menor de los tres cultivos. El mayor contenido de clorofilas fue encontrado en L. divaricata con un alto contenido de clorofila a (clorofila a/b:21,04) y tuvo 2 a 13 veces más antocianinas que los otros cultivos. A. lampa presentó baja cantidad de clorofila (clorofila a/b:8,53); 4 a 6 veces más polifenoles y 5 a 20 veces mayor actividad de catalasa, respecto de los otros cultivos. Los resultados indican la posibilidad de aplicar estos cultivos in vitro como fuente de metabolitos bioactivos.
A time series of fCO2, SST, and fluorescence data was collected between 1995 and 1997 by a CARIOCA buoy moored at the DyFAMed station (Dynamique des Flux Atmospheriques en Mediterranée) located in the northwestern Mediterranean Sea. On seasonal timescales, the spring phytoplankton bloom decreases the surface water fCO2 to approximately 290 µatm, followed by summer heating and a strong increase in fCO2 to a maximum of approximately 510 µatm. While the DELTA fCO2 shows strong variations on seasonal timescales, the annual average air-sea disequilibrium is only 2 µatm. Temperature-normalized fCO2 shows a continued decrease in dissolved CO2 throughout the summer and fall at a rate of approximately 0.6 µatm/d. The calculated annual air-sea CO2 transfer rate is -0.10 to -0.15 moles CO2 m-2 y-1, with these low values reflecting the relatively weak wind speed regime and small annual air-sea fCO2 disequilibrium. Extrapolating this rate over the whole Mediterranean Sea would lead to a flux of approximately -3 * 10**12 to -4.5 * 10**12 grams C/y, in good agreement with other estimates. An analysis of the effects of sampling frequency on annual air-sea CO2 flux estimates showed that monthly sampling is adequate to resolve the annual CO2 flux to within approximately ±10 - 18% at this site. Annual flux estimates made using temperature-derived fCO2 based on the measured fCO2-SST correlations are in agreement with measurement-based calculations to within ± 7-10% (depending on the gas transfer parameterization used), and suggest that annual CO2 flux estimates may be reasonably well predicted in this region from satellite or model-derived SST and wind speed information.