995 resultados para Mode Shape
El tema principal del treball és sobre l'estudi teòric de l'estructura i reactivitat en carbens de Fischer de la forma (CO)5Cr=C(X)R (X= OH, NH2, OMe, NMe2 i R= CHCH2 i Ph). Particularment, el nostre interès va sorgir del tipus de reaccions de cicloadicció que donen lloc a la síntesi de productes naturals i fàrmacs de gran valor afegit. Hem estudiat els mecanismes de reacció dels casos més comuns de cicloanul•lació: la reacció de benzanul•lació de Dötz i ciclopentanulacions que es troben en competència amb el primer cas, derivats de l'inserció de acetilè i fenilacetilè. En l'últim pas de les reaccions que comporten la formació d'un sistema de més d'un anell, hi tenim una migració del complex metàl•lic de crom d'un extrem a un altre anomenat com rearranjament haptotròpic. Aleshores, hem investigat sobre els mecanismes de migració haptotròpica de Cr(CO)3 sobre hidrocarburs aromàtics policíclics analitzant l'efecte de la mida i la curvatura del sistema així com la complexació d'un segon fragment metàl•lic a la manera de coordinació als anells. D'una altre banda, vam estudiar l'aromaticitat en 54 cúmuls cíclics de molecules inorgàniques mitjançant metodologia desenvolupada al nostre grup de recerca i altres. Vam proposar la tècnica del scan-NICS com nova mesura quantitativa d'aromaticitat i reportar l'escassa correlació entre els distints índexs d'aromaticitat a la literatura. Finalment, com resultat de col•laboracions en estades de recerca, he desenvolupat propostes de mecanismes de reacció en sistemes catalítics de isonitrils i fosfinetà-amides i en dímers de gassos nobles.
A cryo-electron microscopy study of supercoiled DNA molecules freely suspended in cryo-vitrified buffer was combined with Monte Carlo simulations and gel electrophoretic analysis to investigate the role of intersegmental electrostatic repulsion in determining the shape of supercoiled DNA molecules. It is demonstrated here that a decrease of DNA-DNA repulsion by increasing concentrations of counterions causes a higher fraction of the linking number deficit to be partitioned into writhe. When counterions reach concentrations likely to be present under in vivo conditions, naturally supercoiled plasmids adopt a tightly interwound conformation. In these tightly supercoiled DNA molecules the opposing segments of interwound superhelix seem to directly contact each other. This form of supercoiling, where two DNA helices interact laterally, may represent an important functional state of DNA. In the particular case of supercoiled minicircles (178 bp) the delta Lk = -2 topoisomers undergo a sharp structural transition from almost planar circles in low salt buffers to strongly writhed "figure-eight" conformations in buffers containing neutralizing concentrations of counterions. Possible implications of this observed structural transition in DNA are discussed.
The primary auditory cortex (PAC) is central to human auditory abilities, yet its location in the brain remains unclear. We measured the two largest tonotopic subfields of PAC (hA1 and hR) using high-resolution functional MRI at 7 T relative to the underlying anatomy of Heschl's gyrus (HG) in 10 individual human subjects. The data reveals a clear anatomical-functional relationship that, for the first time, indicates the location of PAC across the range of common morphological variants of HG (single gyri, partial duplications, and complete duplications). In 20/20 individual hemispheres, two primary mirror-symmetric tonotopic maps were clearly observed with gradients perpendicular to HG. PAC spanned both divisions of HG in cases of partial and complete duplications (11/20 hemispheres), not only the anterior division as commonly assumed. Specifically, the central union of the two primary maps (the hA1-R border) was consistently centered on the full Heschl's structure: on the gyral crown of single HGs and within the sulcal divide of duplicated HGs. The anatomical-functional variants of PAC appear to be part of a continuum, rather than distinct subtypes. These findings significantly revise HG as a marker for human PAC and suggest that tonotopic maps may have shaped HG during human evolution. Tonotopic mappings were based on only 16 min of fMRI data acquisition, so these methods can be used as an initial mapping step in future experiments designed to probe the function of specific auditory fields.
Schématiquement on distingue chez les fourmis deux modes principaux de fondation des nouvelles sociétés: la fondation indépendante et la fondation dépendante. Ces deux stratégies entraînent des particularités biologiques importantes. On a étudié dans le présent travail les conséquences du type de fondation sur la fécondité des jeunes reines. Chez les reines monogynes des espèces à fondation indépendante (Camponotus ligniperda, Camponotus herculeanus, Lasius niger), on observe une fécondité d'abord très faible puis qui augmente ensuite régulièrement avec le temps. Chez les reines polygynes des espèces à fondation dépendante (Plagiolepis pygmaea, Iridomyrmex humilis), la fécondité atteint pratiquement son niveau maximal dans les semaines qui suivent l'accouplement. Ces différences dans le niveau de l'activité ovarienne sont confrontées à l'espérance de vie des femelles. ll apparaît que les espèces monogynes à fondation indépendante ont une durée de vie de plusieurs années; leur fécondité ne s'exprimera pleinement qu'au bout de plusieurs saisons d'activité. A l'inverse, les reines polygynes à fondation dépendante ont une vie bien plus courte; elles compensent ce handicap par une ponte qui atteint son niveau maximal dès la fondation.
En aquest projecte s’ha implementat un sistema de control per a les bombes microfluídiques LPVX de The Lee Company funcionant a mode de xeringa. El sistema consisteix en un circuit controlador basat en el microxip UDN 296 B de Allegro MicroSystems, que conté dos Ponts en H per a controlar motors pas a pas i dos mòduls de Modulació d’Amplada de Polsos (PWM), governat a partir d’un programa de control com a instrument virtual dissenyat sota l’entorn LabVIEW. El programa de control permet indicar la quantitat de volum a aspirar o dispensar per la bomba i escollir entre una execució simple o una de continuada, podent-ne controlar en aquest segona opció el temps entre execució i execució. El programa també permet visualitzar el procés mitjançant la obtenció de la imatge d’una webcam amb DirectShow. Finalment també permet el control remot de l’Instrument Virtual a través de la xarxa d’Internet.
Bacillus sphaericus produces at least two toxins which are highly toxic to mosquito larvae. The binary toxin, which is comprised of proteins of 51.4 and 41.9 kDa, is present in all highly insecticidal strains. The 100 kDa SSII-1 toxin is present in most highly insecticidal as well as the weakly insecticidal strains. The current status of studies on biochemistry and mode of action of these toxins is reviewed.
Momentary configurations of long polymers at thermal equilibrium usually deviate from spherical symmetry and can be better described, on average, by a prolate ellipsoid. The asphericity and nature of asphericity (or prolateness) that describe these momentary ellipsoidal shapes of a polymer are determined by specific expressions involving the three principal moments of inertia calculated for configurations of the polymer. Earlier theoretical studies and numerical simulations have established that as the length of the polymer increases, the average shape for the statistical ensemble of random configurations asymptotically approaches a characteristic universal shape that depends on the solvent quality. It has been established, however, that these universal shapes differ for linear, circular, and branched chains. We investigate here the effect of knotting on the shape of cyclic polymers modeled as random isosegmental polygons. We observe that random polygons forming different knot types reach asymptotic shapes that are distinct from the ensemble average shape. For the same chain length, more complex knots are, on average, more spherical than less complex knots.
Depuis quelques années, la spectrométrie de masse en tandem (MS/MS) ne cesse de gagner du terrain comme méthode d'analyse en toxicologie forensique, notamment pour le dosage des cannabinoïdes. Couplée à la chromatographie liquide (LC) ou gazeuse (GC), elle permet l'identification fiable et le dosage rapide du THC, de son précurseur acide, et de ses principaux métabolites, y compris les glucuronides. Au cours de ces dix dernières années, un nombre significatif de publications sont parues sur ce sujet. L'objectif de cet article est de passer en revue les analyses par spectrométrie de masse en tandem des cannabinoïdes dans diverses matrices biologiques. In recent years, tandem mass spectrometry (MS/MS) is gaining ground as a reference method of analysis in clinical and forensic toxicology, especially for the determination of cannabinoids. Coupled to liquid chromatography (LC) or gas chromatography (GC), it allows the definitive identification and rapid determination of THC, its acid precursor, and its major metabolites, including the glucuronides. During the past decade, several methods of analysis of cannabinoids in different matrices have appeared on this subject. The aim of this paper is to review the analysis of cannabinoids by tandem mass spectrometry methods in various biological matrices
How are cell morphogenesis and cell cycle coordinated? The fission yeast is a rod-shaped unicellular organism widely used to study how a cell self-organizes in space and time. Here, we discuss recent advances in understanding how the cell acquires and maintains its regular rod shape and uses it to control cell division. The cellular body plan is established by microtubules, which mark antipodal growth zones and medial division. In turn, cellular dimensions are defined by the small GTPase Cdc42 and downstream regulators of vesicle trafficking. Yeast cells then repetitively use their simple rod shape to orchestrate the position and timing of cell division.