914 resultados para Mobile ad hoc network


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Il presente lavoro di tesi si inserisce nel contesto dei sistemi ITS e intende realizzare un insieme di protocolli in ambito VANET relativamente semplici ma efficaci, in grado di rilevare la presenza di veicoli in avvicinamento a un impianto semaforico e di raccogliere quelle informazioni di stato che consentano all’infrastruttura stradale di ottenere una stima il più possibile veritiera delle attuali condizioni del traffico in ingresso per ciascuna delle direzioni previste in tale punto. Si prevede di raccogliere i veicoli in gruppi durante il loro avvicinamento al centro di un incrocio. Ogni gruppo sarà costituito esclusivamente da quelle vetture che stanno percorrendo uno stesso tratto stradale e promuoverà l’intercomunicazione tra i suoi diversi membri al fine di raccogliere e integrare i dati sulla composizione del traffico locale. Il sistema realizzato cercherà di trasmettere alle singole unità semaforiche un flusso di dati sintetico ma costante contenente le statistiche sull’ambiente circostante, in modo da consentire loro di applicare politiche dinamiche e intelligenti di controllo della viabilità. L’architettura realizzata viene eseguita all’interno di un ambiente urbano simulato nel quale la mobilità dei nodi di rete corrisponde a rilevazioni reali effettuate su alcune porzioni della città di Bologna. Le performance e le caratteristiche del sistema complessivo vengono analizzate e commentate sulla base dei diversi test condotti.


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Sviluppo ed implementazione di protocolli per il monitoraggio di traffico stradale sulla piattaforma di simulazione iTETRIS per la raccolta di informazioni da utilizzare in applicazioni di Intelligent Transport System.


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La tesi sviluppa, attraverso un processo definito e gestito, una libreria Android che permette di far comunicare diversi dispositivi mobili tramite Bluetooth. Inoltre gestisce: • le richieste di connessione sia che esse provengano dall’esterno, sia che partano dal dispositivo stesso; • la dinamicità del sistema utilizzando dispositivi mobili, cioè capaci di muoversi in diverse direzioni costantemente. In tal senso, la lista dei dispositivi vicini è costantemente aggiornata. • la comunicazione in stile Peer-to-Peer(P2P). In questo caso si viene a formare un gap in quanto la libreria Android di Bluetooth usa lo stile Master-Slave per i suoi dispositivi. Per colmare questo gap, la libreria sviluppata crea un layer soprastante la libreria Bluetooth di Android e maschera lo stile di comunicazione di quest’ultima a favo- re di una comunicazione paritaria, nella quale un dispositivo può sia accettare le richieste di connessione, sia connettersi ad altri dispositivi.


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In dieser Masterarbeit wird ein, aus einer Interaktion bzw. einem gedolmetschten medizinischen Aufklärungsgespräch bestehendes Korpus mithilfe der Instrumente und der methodischen Vorgehensweise der Konversationsanalyse untersucht. Die Gesprächspartner sind ein privater Arzt, eine Patientin und ihre, als Dolmetscherin fungierende Tochter. Die Untersuchung des Gesprächsverhaltens der Ad-hoc-Dolmetscherin durch die Anwendung der participation framework Theorie dient zur Festlegung der folgenden, nicht a priori festgelegten Verhaltensmuster: Die Dolmetscherin nimmt de facto im Gespräch eine invasive Rolle ein, die auf die Umstände ihrer Zweisprachigkeit und ihres Verwandtheitsgrades zur Patientin zurückzuführen ist. Die Tochter der Patientin – eine ausgebildete Krankenpflegerin – agiert als Laiengesprächsdolmetscherin, da sie zu einem früheren Zeitpunkt als ihre Mutter ins Gastland ausgewandert ist und die Landessprache bereits gemeistert hat. Es wird also erstmals das Bild der medizinisch ausgebildeten dolmetschenden Tochter geprägt, die die markante Tendenz aufweist, eine Advocate- und Proxyrolle einzunehmen, welche konversational als nicht neutral eingestuft wird. Dies scheint trotzdem die Qualität des gedolmetschten Textes nicht zu beeinträchtigen, da die Kommunikation zumeist reibungslos verläuft, obwohl die widergegebenen Inhalte sichtlich manipuliert werden. Aus der Analyse der gewählten Gesprächssituation lässt sich schließen, dass diese Ad-Hoc Dolmetscherin, die – im Fall des behandelten Gesprächs aus beruflichen Gründen – im behandelten medizinischen Fachbereich ausreichendes Hintergrundwissen aufweist, verglichen mit jenen Ad-Hoc Dolmetschern, die nicht über dieses Wissen verfügen, trotz stellenweiser fehlerhafter Dolmetschung und Abänderung der gesprochenen Inhalte kaum Missverständnisse aufwirft und so einen vergleichsweise ungestörten Gesprächsfluss ermöglicht.


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OBJECTIVE: To determine the prevalence and independent predictors of significant atherosclerotic renal artery stenosis (RAS) in unselected hypertensive patients undergoing coronary angiography and to assess the 6-month outcome of those patients with a significant RAS. METHODS: One thousand, four hundred and three consecutive hypertensive patients undergoing drive-by renal arteriography were analyzed retrospectively. Univariate and multivariate logistic regression analyses were performed to identify independent predictors of RAS. In patients with significant RAS (>or=50% luminal narrowing), 6-month follow-up was assessed and outcome was compared between patients with or without renal revascularization. RESULTS: The prevalence of significant RAS was 8%. After multivariate analysis, coronary [odds ratio 5.3; 95% confidence interval (CI) 2.7-10.3; P < 0.0001], peripheral (odds ratio 3.3; 95% CI 2.0-5.5; P < 0.0001), and cerebral artery (odds ratio 2.8; 95% CI 1.5-5.3; P = 0.001) diseases, and impaired renal function (odds ratio 2.9; 95% CI 1.8-4.5; P < 0.0001) were found as independent predictors. At least one of these predictors was present in 96% of patients with RAS. In 74 patients (66%) with significant RAS, an ad hoc revascularization was performed. At follow-up, creatinine clearance was significantly higher in revascularized than in nonrevascularized patients (69.2 vs. 55.5 ml/min per 1.73 m, P = 0.029). By contrast, blood pressure was comparable between both groups, but nonrevascularized patients were taking significantly more antihypertensive drugs as compared with baseline (2.7 vs. 2.1, follow-up vs. baseline; P = 0.0066). CONCLUSION: The prevalence of atherosclerotic RAS in unselected hypertensive patients undergoing coronary angiography was low. Coronary, peripheral, and cerebral artery diseases, and impaired renal function were independent predictors of RAS. Ad hoc renal revascularization was associated with better renal function and fewer intake of antihypertensive drugs at follow-up.


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The American Psychological Association Board of Directors established an ad hoc task force on psychopharmacology to explore the desirability and feasibility of psychopharmacology prescription privileges for psychologists. In this context, the Task Force's charges were to determine the competence criteria necessary for training psychologists to provide service to patients receiving medications and to develop and evaluate the necessary curricular models. This article summarizes the Task Force's major recommendations and provides specific information regarding its training recommendations . It is hoped that this article will encourage broad discussion of psychology's most appropriate integration of psychopharmacology knowledge and its applications into its training programs and professional activities.


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We developed UAVNet, a framework for the autonomous deployment of a flying Wireless Mesh Network using small quadrocopter-based Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs). The flying wireless mesh nodes are automatically interconnected to each other and building an IEEE 802.11s wireless mesh network. The implemented UAVNet prototype is able to autonomously interconnect two end systems by setting up an airborne relay, consisting of one or several flying wireless mesh nodes. The developed software includes basic functionality to control the UAVs and to setup, deploy, manage, and monitor a wireless mesh network. Our evaluations have shown that UAVNet can significantly improve network performance.


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A large number of proposals for estimating the bivariate survival function under random censoring has been made. In this paper we discuss nonparametric maximum likelihood estimation and the bivariate Kaplan-Meier estimator of Dabrowska. We show how these estimators are computed, present their intuitive background and compare their practical performance under different levels of dependence and censoring, based on extensive simulation results, which leads to a practical advise.