998 resultados para Ministério do Trabalho, Indústria e Comércio


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Pós-graduação em Agronomia (Energia na Agricultura) - FCA


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Pós-graduação em Educação - FFC


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A análise objetivou traçar um perfil global do setor de saneamento básico, procurando apontar um padrão do atendimento da NR 18 em seus canteiros de obras. Também foram identificadas diferentes posturas em relação à norma estudada e às causas que as originaram, como falta de fiscalização, carência de empresas fornecedoras de equipamentos de proteção, etc. Os resultados da pesquisa mostraram que, mesmo sabendo da sua importância, a indústria da construção ainda apresenta índices de acidentes relativamente elevados. Ao analisarmos esse contexto, a pesquisa realizou levantamento do cumprimento dessa norma em empresas prestadoras de serviços do setor de saneamento básico, na região metropolitana da cidade de Belém, totalizando 10 canteiros de obras. Este trabalho apresenta um método para a realização da análise em canteiros de obras, que consiste basicamente da aplicação de três ferramentas: lista de verificação (check-list), entrevista e registro fotográfico dos problemas encontrados, verificando o comportamento dessas 10 (dez) empresas em relação à aplicação da NR 18. Além do aperfeiçoamento das ferramentas, as aplicações comprovaram a validade do método, podendo-se considerar que este cumpre com eficiência a função de analisar os canteiros de obras de prestadoras de serviços do setor de saneamento básico.


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Pós-graduação em Ciências Sociais - FCLAR


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Os Relatórios do Ministério da Marinha, abrigados no acervo do CEDAP em forma de microfilme, constituem-se em relatos minuciosos de aspectos variados da Marinha brasileira, desde a sua fundação. Um levantamento inicial do material contido nos Relatórios dá-nos conta da existência de uma infinidade de temas tais como formação da força de trabalho da Marinha brasileira, salário, pensão, assistencialismo, asilo, aposentadoria e carreira dos marinheiros, educação e fundação de escolas para marinheiros comuns e oficiais de médias e altas patente, além de disciplina, motins, prisões, crimes e castigos. Neste artigo procuraremos, através dos relatórios, investigar o processo pelo qual a marinha brasileira procurou neutralizar o conflito de classe articulado ao poder, autoridade, trabalho e disciplina existente no interior do navio, investindo na formação de instituições que pudessem, de forma diferenciada, ministrar educação formativa aos marinheiros comuns e aos graduados.


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O trabalho tece algumas considerações acerca das relações seringueiro-seringalista e do sistema de aviamento na estrutura econômica da Amazônia.


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In the early 1990 Gary Gereffi and Miguel Korzeniewicz published the book Commodity Chains and Global Capitalism. In the two decades prior to the publication, industrialization worldwide, had undergone significant changes, made more segmented and dispersed in certain regions. In the book, the authors produce a new set of categories to analyze the new standards for establishment and operation of global value chains, their organization, the new geography of manufacturing and the role of the countries in this scenario. Today, in the middle of the second decade of this century, world trade has expanded and multiplied continuously throughout this period, encouraged by reducing barriers and national borders promoted by 'peddlers' of this new era. The purpose of this study is to show that retailers are establishing purchasing offices in producing countries - or in nearby regions - to directly hire outsourced production


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This study addresses the topic of e-commerce as a competitive strategy for companies seeking innovation and to reach new markets. In last few years, the e-commerce has intensified in Brazil, as a result, many companies have adapted to that new market demand and have invested in new strategies. An example, is the use of social medias to promote the products, specifically the fashion retail industry, which promotes its products through partnerships with fashion blogs. To prove this new market trend, based on researches and indicators, this study will present growth data of e-commerce in Brazil, the fashion industry characteristics and the influence of blogs to increase sales, to further, understand its relation to the growth in e-commerce of fashion and future expectations


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This study has as main objective to identify the complains occurrences about pain in the spine segments, that are related to work standing posture, adopted by the collaborators in the production section of a food industry, in the city of Marília São Paulo state. A descriptive research and studying case was made, using 30 employees as a sample. It was used as methodological procedure, a questionnaire to obtain information on professional and personal data, posture to remain standing, the most uncomfortable postures in the work environment (signed by the form of Ranney, 2000) and pain (pointed out by Corllet and Manenica Diagram, 1980). It was also used the Nordic questionnaire (Kuorioka et al.,1986), validated in the Brazilian culture by Barros e Alexandre (2003) and adapted for the study, the direct evaluation and, a direct observation was made in the production work, a posture analysis using the OWAS Method. It was noticed that the posture of standing up is adopted during work, and 73.3% of the people that was interviewed said that they felt tired in consequence of this posture, especially when associated with trunk twists, trunk inclination and elevation of their arms above their heads. Most complains regarding pain through their bodies, by Corllet e Manenica (1980) pointed to the lumbar region, followed in the dorsal area and legs and in the neck area, shoulders and right thigh. The adapted Nordic questionnaire reveled the lumbar area, in 10 interviewed people (33.3%) as the area mostaffected by musculoskeletal symptoms, next in the dorsal area, with five people interviewed (16.7%) and one of them (3.3%) felt pain in the cervical area, none reported pain in the hips area. The postural analysis was applied using OWAS method, and it was identified the postures that demanded more effort in the four levels of musculoskeletal injuries. As conclusion, the standing up posture and the asymmetric and incorrect movements are related to pain in the spine, mostly in the lumbar area.


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This work presents and it evaluates the systems of crop of sugar-cane trash for energy ends, through studies accomplished in three industries of sugar and alcohol, of the State of São Paulo, as withdrawal in the field and crop partially integral with separation of the trash in the industry (cleaning the dry). it is Treated of a development of opportunities, because only when there is pulp shortage it is that remembers the energy use of the trash, which presents a larger cost for equivalent ton in energy again that the pulp of the sugar-cane, that already has a very spread trade in the section the sugar and alcohol. Another factor that should be outstanding is the environmental, because the Environmental Protocol exists, sanctioned by most of the producing of sugar-cane, that reduces the period for elimination burned of the sugar-cane before the crop implanted by the Law 11.241 of 2002. However it is important to highlight that the crop of the sugar-cane without it burns her previous, it increases the difficulty in the combat the pest denominated “cigarrinha-da-raiz”, turning necessary the retreat of part of the trash non beneficial for the soil, contributing like this, with the practice of removal of the trash for energy use. Of the obtained results it is ended that the most interesting modality economically, was the separation of the trash in the industry and that for better efficiency, the sugar-cane should go by a double process of blowing for cleaning, pointing out, however, that there was reduction of the capacity of transport of the sugar-cane as adult was the amount of trash partially in the crop integral.


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