931 resultados para Minimum quantity lubrication


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Diplomityö tehtiin Wärtsilä Finland Oy:n toimeksiannosta. Työ kohdistui yrityksen suunnittelemien keskinopeudella pyörivien nelitahti dieselmoottoreiden esisuunnittelun kehittämiseen. Esisuunnittelun osuus koko tuotesuunnittelussa on merkittävä, minkä vuoksi esisuunnitteluprosessin tehostaminen vaikuttaa koko tuotesuunnitteluprosessiin ja sen lopputuloksiin. Tällä hetkellä esisuunnitteluprosessi on jakautunut useaan eri vaiheeseen ja eri tiimeille, mikä aiheuttaa ongelmia esisuunnittelun läpiviemisessä. Työn tavoitteena oli tutkia nykyaikaisen kaupallisen simulointiohjelmiston soveltuvuutta kohdeyrityksessä esisuunnitteluprosessin eri vaiheiden yhdistämiseen. Työssä selvitettiin esisuunnittelun alussa käytettäviä suunnitteluparametreja, ja niiden hyödyntämistä suunniteltaessa simulointimallia kaupalliseen ohjelmistoon. Vaatimuksena oli, että ohjelmiston on toimittava parametreilla, jotka jo nyt ovat yrityksessä käytössä. Lisäksi simulointimallin antamat tulokset oli oltava hyödynnettävissä yksiselitteisesti yrityksen myöhemmissä tuotesuunnitteluvaiheissa. Myös mallin luomiseen tarvittavien parametrien määrä tuli pitää mahdollisimman pienenä. Esisuunnittelumallin toteuttamisessa tutkittiin kaupallisen AVL Excite Designer - ohjelmiston soveltuvuutta. Ohjelmisto ei soveltunut täysin tuottamaan halutun muotoisia tuloksia annetuilla parametreilla. Ohjelmiston muokkaaminen vaatimuksia vastaavaksi osoittautui työmäärältään suureksi. Yhtenä ratkaisuna olisi kaupallisen ohjelmiston käyttämisen sijaan suunnitella kyseiseen ongelmaan paremmin soveltuva oma ohjelmisto, jolloin toimivuus ja pitkän tähtäimen käyttövarmuus paranisi.


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The chemical treatment evaluation in the field to control post-harvest fruit anthracnose (Colletotrichum gloeosporioides) requires a suitable disease incidence assessment on harvested papaya (Carica papaya) fruits. The minimum number of papaya fruit harvests was determined for valid treatment comparison in field trials for anthracnose chemical control. Repeatability analysis was done using previously published data. The coefficient determination (R²) estimate range, using four methods, and based on means of 12 assessment times, was 92.58 < R² < 94.45%. The number of assessment times required for R²=90% varied from seven to nine. The R² values of 85.1 < R² < 91.3% estimated by ANOVA suggested that any seven successive assessment times were sufficient for treatment comparison.


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To maintain a competitive development of the Brazilian aviculture, some measures must be taken to enable the identification and reduction of risks to the health of birds, as well as for the physical environment. Therefore, the aim of this study was to evaluate the effectiveness of three different systems of minimum ventilation (positive pressure - SVMP, negative pressure - SVMN and natural ventilation - SVMNat) in the air quality during the first 21 days of life of broiler chicks, during winter. Three points were selected along the length to verify ammonia, carbon monoxide and oxygen concentrations at 3a.m., 9a.m., 3p.m. and 9p.m., by the respiration level of birds and workers. The averages of pollutant gases did not exceed the tolerance levels for the three minimum ventilation systems evaluated, which is 20 and 10ppm for the birds level and 20 and 39ppm for the workers level, for ammonia and carbon monoxide, respectively. It was evident that the minimum ventilation systems were appropriately sized for the required minimum ambient air renovation, in respect to ventilation rates applied for the SVMN and SVMP systems, and with air velocity at levels that do not stress the chicks, including for the SVMNat. The three studied systems of minimum ventilation allowed the birds to externalize their productive performance, with values close to the ones considered satisfactory for all evaluated parameters, in accordance with the Brazilian aviculture standards.


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ABSTRACT This study aimed to develop a methodology based on multivariate statistical analysis of principal components and cluster analysis, in order to identify the most representative variables in studies of minimum streamflow regionalization, and to optimize the identification of the hydrologically homogeneous regions for the Doce river basin. Ten variables were used, referring to the river basin climatic and morphometric characteristics. These variables were individualized for each of the 61 gauging stations. Three dependent variables that are indicative of minimum streamflow (Q7,10, Q90 and Q95). And seven independent variables that concern to climatic and morphometric characteristics of the basin (total annual rainfall – Pa; total semiannual rainfall of the dry and of the rainy season – Pss and Psc; watershed drainage area – Ad; length of the main river – Lp; total length of the rivers – Lt; and average watershed slope – SL). The results of the principal component analysis pointed out that the variable SL was the least representative for the study, and so it was discarded. The most representative independent variables were Ad and Psc. The best divisions of hydrologically homogeneous regions for the three studied flow characteristics were obtained using the Mahalanobis similarity matrix and the complete linkage clustering method. The cluster analysis enabled the identification of four hydrologically homogeneous regions in the Doce river basin.


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Käytetyn voiteluöljyn regeneroinnissa muodostuu prosessivettä useista lähteistä. Tehokas päästöjenhallinta on yksi tärkeimmistä tavoitteista regenerointilaitoksen operoinnissa ja sen takia sitä tulee kehittää jatkuvasti entistä paremmaksi. Tavoitteisiin pääsemiseksi on oleellista tunnistaa vesienkäsittelyprosessin laadullinen massatase ja laadunvaihtelut ajotilanteiden mukaan. Työssä tutkitaan ja analysoidaan veden sisältämiä epäpuhtauksia sekä kirjallisuuslähteiden perusteella, että standardimenetelmillä ja modifioiduilla menetelmillä, joilla on akkreditointi. Analyysituloksista muodostetaan laadullinen massatase, josta nähdään epäpuhtauksien ja niitä kuvaavien parametrien kuormitukset kussakin prosessivesivirrassa. Tulosten perusteella arvioidaan nykyisen vesienkäsittelyn tehokkuutta, sen säätömahdollisuuksia ja kehitystarvetta. Tarkastelun ulkopuolelle kuitenkin jätetään vesienkäsittelystä ulosjohdettavan prosessiveden puhdistuslaitos. Tutkimusten perusteella regenerointilaitoksessa muodostuvien prosessivesien epäpuhtaudet koostuvat öljystä, BTEX-yhdisteistä, fenoliyhdisteistä, liuottimista, polttoaineiden ja voiteluöljyjen lisäaineista, typpi- ja rikkiyhdisteistä, metalliyhdisteistä sekä kiintoaineesta. Öljy jakautuu kevyisiin (C5-C10), keskiraskaisiin (C10-21) ja raskaisiin (C21-40) jakeisiin. Vesienkäsittelyssä suurin osa öljystä ja epäpuhtauksista saadaan erottumaan vedestä, jolloin puhdistuslaitokselle päätyy jäämäpitoisuudet öljyä, haihtuvia yhdisteitä sekä muita epäpuhtauksia. Puhdistuslaitosta kuormittavat eniten liuenneet orgaaniset yhdisteet sekä korkeaa kemiallista hapenkulutusta aiheuttavat epäorgaaniset yhdisteet (suolat), joiden erottamista prosessivesistä on syytä tulevaisuudessa kehittää.


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Tämä työ on tehty Stora Enson Imatran kartonkitehtaan kunnossapidosta vastaavalle Efora Oy:lle. Tavoitteena oli selvittää syy Imatran Kartonkikone 5:n kuivatussylinterien laakerivaurioiden suureen määrään verrattuna tehtaiden kolmeen muuhun kartonkikoneeseen. Tutkimuksissa keskityttiin laakerien käyttöolosuhteisiin. Syyn selvittämiseksi työssä vertailtiin eri kartonkikoneiden kiertoöljyvoitelujärjestelmiä, voiteluöljyjä, voiteluolosuhteita, öljyjen kuntoa ja kunnon seurantaa. Myös laakereihin kohdistuvia kuormia arvioitiin. Alan kirjallisuuden avulla on käyty läpi kartonkikoneen rakennetta ja toimintaa tarvittavassa laajuudessa, voitelun ja laakerin vaurioitumisen teoriaa sekä voiteluaineiden ominaisuuksien ja koostumuksen perusteita. Vertailevissa tutkimuksissa ei löytynyt vauriomäärien eroja selittäviä eroavaisuuksia Imatran tehtaiden eri kartonkikoneiden välillä, joskin Kartonkikone 5:n kiertovoiteluöljyn puhtaustaso oli muita Imatran kartonkikoneita heikompi. Laakerikuormien osalta havaittiin joidenkin laakerien käyvän laakerille asetetun vähimmäiskuorman alittavilla kuormituksilla. Vähimmäiskuormaa pienempi radiaalikuorma voi johtaa laakerin virheelliseen toimintaan ja edelleen vaurioitumiseen. Voiteluolosuhteet todettiin erittäin vaikeiksi ja niillä on epäilemättä vaikutusta voiteluöljyn ja laakerien lyhentyneeseen käyttöikään.


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Buffalo is an important livestock resource, with a great participation in agricultural systems, providing milk, meat, and work power. Umbilical cord is responsible for maternal-fetal nutrients exchange during pregnancy, and its alterations can compromise the fetal development. We investigated ten pregnant uteruses collected from cross-bread buffaloes in different stages of gestation. Pregnancy and fetal age was determined by measuring the apex sacral length and development period was calculated by previously published formula. Umbilical cords were measured for length determination. Umbilical cord vascular net and anastomosis were observed by injection of Neoprene latex. Histological sections of the umbilical cord were studied after stain with HE, picrossirius, toluidine blue, orceine, and PAS reaction. Buffaloes' umbilical cord was formed by two central arteries, an allantois duct and two peripheral veins. The artery wall was composed by large quantity of collagen, elastic fibers, fibroblasts and large number of vasa vasorum. The allantois duct was located between the arteries and presented a great number of small nourishing vessels. Small nourishing vessels should be carefully considered to avoid to be mistaken to the arterials and veins vasa vasorum. Medium length of umbilical cord from buffalos was 11.8cm (minimum of 6.8cm and maximum of 17.4cm).


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In this paper we present an algorithm for the numerical simulation of the cavitation in the hydrodynamic lubrication of journal bearings. Despite the fact that this physical process is usually modelled as a free boundary problem, we adopted the equivalent variational inequality formulation. We propose a two-level iterative algorithm, where the outer iteration is associated to the penalty method, used to transform the variational inequality into a variational equation, and the inner iteration is associated to the conjugate gradient method, used to solve the linear system generated by applying the finite element method to the variational equation. This inner part was implemented using the element by element strategy, which is easily parallelized. We analyse the behavior of two physical parameters and discuss some numerical results. Also, we analyse some results related to the performance of a parallel implementation of the algorithm.


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The break point of the curve of blood lactate vs exercise load has been called anaerobic threshold (AT) and is considered to be an important indicator of endurance exercise capacity in human subjects. There are few studies of AT determination in animals. We describe a protocol for AT determination by the "lactate minimum test" in rats during swimming exercise. The test is based on the premise that during an incremental exercise test, and after a bout of maximal exercise, blood lactate decreases to a minimum and then increases again. This minimum value indicates the intensity of the AT. Adult male (90 days) Wistar rats adapted to swimming for 2 weeks were used. The initial state of lactic acidosis was obtained by making the animals jump into the water and swim while carrying a load equivalent to 50% of body weight for 6 min (30-s exercise interrupted by a 30-s rest). After a 9-min rest, blood was collected and the incremental swimming test was started. The test consisted of swimming while supporting loads of 4.5, 5.0, 5.5, 6.0 and 7.0% of body weight. Each exercise load lasted 5 min and was followed by a 30-s rest during which blood samples were taken. The blood lactate minimum was determined from a zero-gradient tangent to a spline function fitting the blood lactate vs workload curve. AT was estimated to be 4.95 ± 0.10% of body weight while interpolated blood lactate was 7.17 ± 0.16 mmol/l. These results suggest the application of AT determination in animal studies concerning metabolism during exercise.


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Interleukin-18 (IL-18) is a cytokine that belongs to the IL-1 family. Endometriosis is strongly associated with sub-fertility, and affects about 15% of women of reproductive age. IL-18 may favor the progression of endometriosis. The objective of the present study was to determine the concentration of IL-18 in the serum and peritoneal fluid of infertile women with endometriosis. Forty infertile and 25 fertile women were screened in a teaching hospital. Thirty-four infertile patients with minimal or mild endometriosis and 22 fertile controls were enrolled in the study. The primary outcome was the estimate of IL-18 levels and the secondary outcome was the correlation between serum and peritoneal levels of IL-18. There were no differences between the two groups regarding age, body mass index and levels of peritoneal fluid IL-18 (mean ± SD): 290.85 ± 173.02 pg/mL for infertile women vs 374.21 ± 330.15 pg/mL for controls; or serum IL-18: 391.07 ± 119.71 pg/mL for infertile women vs 373.42 ± 129.11 pg/mL for controls. However, a positive association was found between serum and peritoneal IL-18 levels in patients with endometriosis: r = 0.794, P = 0.0001. All measurements were carried out at the same time by the Human IL-18 Immuno Assay ELISA kit (MBL Co. Ltd., Japan). The present study did not find evidence supporting the hypothesis that IL-18 levels are associated with infertility in women with minimal and mild endometriosis, although a positive correlation was detected in these women between peritoneal and serum levels of IL-18.


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The objective of this study was to determine bone quantity by ultrasound measurements of the proximal finger phalanges (AD-SoS = amplitude-dependent speed of sound) of healthy Brazilian schoolchildren living in Paraná, Brazil and to compare these values with European populations. The sample was composed of 1356 Brazilian schoolchildren of both genders (660 males, 696 females), aged 6 to 11 years, divided into white (840) and black (516) groups and compared to age- and gender-matched Europeans. AD-SoS of the schoolchildren increased significantly with age for both genders. Significantly higher AD-SoS values were observed for the white children (1916 ± 58) compared to their black counterparts (1898 ± 72) and for the female gender (1920 ± 61) compared to the male gender (1898 ± 66). Overall, the AD-SoS outcomes for females were similar to those of European studies. However, the AD-SoS of the Brazilian schoolchildren of both genders and skin colors was lower than that reported for children in Poland. AD-SoS outcomes for Brazilian schoolboys were similar to those obtained in Italian studies and were lower than those of the Spanish children. In conclusion, Brazilian schoolchildren of both genders and skin colors showed lower bone quantities than Polish children and Spanish males, and levels similar to Italian children and Spanish females.


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As increasing efficiency of a wind turbine gearbox, more power can be transferred from rotor blades to generator and less power is used to cause wear and heating in the gearbox. By using a simulation model, behavior of the gearbox can be studied before creating expensive prototypes. The objective of the thesis is to model a wind turbine gearbox and its lubrication system to study power losses and heat transfer inside the gearbox and to study the simulation methods of the used software. Software used to create the simulation model is Siemens LMS Imagine.Lab AMESim, which can be used to create one-dimensional mechatronic system simulation models from different fields of engineering. When combining components from different libraries it is possible to create a simulation model, which includes mechanical, thermal and hydraulic models of the gearbox. Results for mechanical, thermal, and hydraulic simulations are presented in the thesis. Due to the large scale of the wind turbine gearbox and the amount of power transmitted, power loss calculations from AMESim software are inaccurate and power losses are modelled as constant efficiency for each gear mesh. Starting values for simulation in thermal and hydraulic simulations were chosen from test measurements and from empirical study as compact and complex design of gearbox prevents accurate test measurements. In further studies to increase the accuracy of the simulation model, components used for power loss calculations needs to be modified and values for unknown variables are needed to be solved through accurate test measurements.


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Collection : Association pour la protection légale des travailleurs, section française ; 1


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[Circulaire. 1915, 24 juillet]