979 resultados para Migration inhibitory factor
The elevation of intracellular cyclic AMP by phosphodiesterase (PDE)4 inhibitors in eosinophils is associated with inhibition of the activation and recruitment of these cells. We have previously shown that systemic treatment with the PDE4 inhibitor rolipram effectively inhibt eosinophil migration in guinea pig skin. In the present study we compare the oral potency and efficacy of the PDE4 inhibitors rolipram, RP 73401 and CDP 840 on allergic and PAF-induced eosinophil recruitment. Rolipram and RP 73401 were equally effective and potent when given by the oral route and much more active than the PDE4 inhibitor CDP 840. We suggest that this guinea pig model of allergic and mediator-induced eosinophil recruitment is both a sensitive and simple tool to test the efficacy and potency of PDE4 inhibitors in vivo.
RESUME La télomérase est une enzyme dite "d'immortalité" qui permet aux cellules de maintenir la longueur de leurs télomères, ce qui confère une capacité de réplication illimitée aux cellules reproductrices et cancéreuses. A l'inverse, les cellules somatiques normales, qui n'expriment pas la télomérase, ont une capacité de réplication limitée. La sous-unité catalytique de la télomérase, hTERT, est définie comme le facteur limitant l'activité télomérasique. Entre activateurs et répresseurs, le rôle de la méthylation de l'ADN et de l'acétylation des histones, de nombreux modèles ont été suggérés. La découverte de l'implication de CTCF dans la régulation transcriptionnelle de hTERT explique en partie le mécanisme de répression de la télomérase dans la plupart des cellules somatiques et sa réactivation dans les cellules tumorales. Dans les cellules télomérase-positives, l'activité inhibitrice de CTCF est bloquée par un mécanisme dépendent ou non de la méthylation. Dans la plupart des carcinomes, une hyperméthylation de la région 5' de hTERT bloque l'effet inhibiteur de CTCF, alors qu'une petite région hypométhylée permet un faible niveau de transcription du gène. Nous avons démontré que la protéine MBD2 se lie spécifiquement sur la région 5' méthylée de hTERT dans différentes lignées cellulaires et qu'elle est impliquée dans la répression partielle de la transcription de hTERT dans les cellules tumorales méthylées. Par contre, nous avons montré que dans les lymphocytes B normaux et néoplasiques, la régulation de hTERT est indépendante de la méthylation. Dans ces cellules, le facteur PAX5 se lie sur la région 5' de hTERT en aval du site d'initiation de la traduction (ATG). L'expression exogène de PAX5 dans les cellules télomérase-négatives active la transcription de hTERT, alors que la répression de PAX5 dans les cellules lymphomateuses inhibe la transcription du gène. PAX5 est donc directement impliqué dans l'activation de l'expression de hTERT dans les lymphocytes B exprimant la télomérase. Ces résultats révèlent des différences entre les niveaux de méthylation de hTERT dans les cellules de carcinomes et les lymphocytes B exprimant la télomérase. La méthylation de hTERT en tant que biomarqueur de cancer a été évaluée, puis appliquée à la détection de métastases. Nous avons ainsi montré que la méthylation de hTERT est positivement corrélée au diagnostic cytologique dans les liquides céphalorachidiens. Nos résultats conduisent à un modèle de régulation de hTERT, qui aide à comprendre comment la transcription de ce gène est régulée par CTCF, avec un mécanisme lié ou non à la méthylation du gène hTERT. La méthylation de hTERT s'est aussi révélée être un nouveau et prometteur biomarqueur de cancer. SUMMARY Human telomerase is an "immortalizing" enzyme that enables cells to maintain telomere length, allowing unlimited replicative capacity to reproductive and cancer cells. Conversely, normal somatic cells that do not express telomerase have a finite replicative capacity. The catalytic subunit of telomerase, hTERT, is defined as the limiting factor for telomerase activity. Between activators and repressors, and the role of DNA methylation and histone acetylation, an abundance of hTERT regulatory models have been suggested. The discovery of the implication of CTCF in the transcriptional regulation of hTERT in part explained the mechanism of silencing of telomerase in most somatic cells and its reactivation in neoplastic cells. In telomerase-positive cells, the inhibitory activity of CTCF is blocked by methylation-dependent and -independent mechanisms. In most carcinoma cells, hypermethylation of the hTERT 5' region has been shown to block the inhibitory effect of CTCF, while a short hypomethylated region allows a low transcription level of the gene. We have demonstrated that MBD2 protein specifically binds the methylated 5' region of hTERT in different cell lines and is therefore involved in the partial repression of hTERT transcription in methylated tumor cells. In contrast, we have shown that in normal and neoplastic B cells, hTERT regulation is methylation-independent. The PAX5 factor has been shown to bind to the hTERT 5'region downstream of the ATG translational start site. Ectopic expression of PAX5 in telomerase-negative cells or repression of PAX5 expression in B lymphoma cells respectively activated and repressed hTERT transcription. Thus, PAX5 is strongly implicated in hTERT expression activation in telomerase-positive B cells. These results reveal differences between the hTERT methylation patterns in telomerase-positive carcinoma cells and telomerase-positive normal B cells. The potential of hTERT methylation as a cancer biomarker was evaluated and applied to the detection of metastasis. We have shown that hTERT methylation correlates with the cytological diagnosis in cerebrospinal fluids. Our results suggest a model of hTERT gene regulation, which helps us to better understand how hTERT transcription is regulated by CTCF in methylation-dependant and independent mechanisms. Our data also indicate that hTERT methylation is a promising new cancer biomarker.
Maturation of astrocytes, neurons, and oligodendrocytes was studied in serum-free aggregating cell cultures of fetal rat telencephalon by an immunocytochemical approach. Cell type-specific immunofluorescence staining was examined by using antibodies directed against glial fibrillary acidic protein (GFAP) and vimentin, two astroglial markers; neuron-specific enolase (NSE) and neurofilament (NF), two neuronal markers, and galactocerebroside (GC), an oligodendroglial marker. It was found that the cellular maturation in aggregates is characterized by distinct developmental increases in immunoreactivity for GFAP, vimentin, NSE, NF, and GC, and by a subsequent decrease of vimentin-positive structures in more differentiated cultures. These findings are in agreement with observations in vivo, and they corroborate previous biochemical studies of this histotypic culture system. Treatment of very immature cultures with a low dose of epidermal growth factor (EGF, 5 ng/ml) enhanced the developmental increase in GFAP, NSE, NF and GC immunoreactivity, suggesting an acceleration of neuronal and glial maturation. In addition, EGF was found to alter the cellular organization within the aggregates, presumably by influencing cell migration.
Arenaviruses include several causative agents of hemorrhagic fever (HF) disease in humans that are associated with high morbidity and significant mortality. Morbidity and lethality associated with HF arenaviruses are believed to involve the dysregulation of the host innate immune and inflammatory responses that leads to impaired development of protective and efficient immunity. The molecular mechanisms underlying this dysregulation are not completely understood, but it is suggested that viral infection leads to disruption of early host defenses and contributes to arenavirus pathogenesis in humans. We demonstrate in the accompanying paper that the prototype member in the family, lymphocytic choriomeningitis virus (LCMV), disables the host innate defense by interfering with type I interferon (IFN-I) production through inhibition of the interferon regulatory factor 3 (IRF3) activation pathway and that the viral nucleoprotein (NP) alone is responsible for this inhibitory effect (C. Pythoud, W. W. Rodrigo, G. Pasqual, S. Rothenberger, L. Martínez-Sobrido, J. C. de la Torre, and S. Kunz, J. Virol. 86:7728-7738, 2012). In this report, we show that LCMV-NP, as well as NPs encoded by representative members of both Old World (OW) and New World (NW) arenaviruses, also inhibits the nuclear translocation and transcriptional activity of the nuclear factor kappa B (NF-κB). Similar to the situation previously reported for IRF3, Tacaribe virus NP (TCRV-NP) does not inhibit NF-κB nuclear translocation and transcriptional activity to levels comparable to those seen with other members in the family. Altogether, our findings demonstrate that arenavirus infection inhibits NF-κB-dependent innate immune and inflammatory responses, possibly playing a key role in the pathogenesis and virulence of arenavirus.
It is well known that the adult human thymus degenerates into fat tissue; however, it has never been considered as a potential source of angiogenic factors. Recently, we have described that this fat (TAT) produces angiogenic factors and induces human endothelial cell proliferation and migration, indicating its potential angiogenic properties. DESIGN Adult thymus fat and subcutaneous adipose tissue specimens were obtained from 28 patients undergoing cardiac surgery, making this tissue readily available as a prime source of adipose tissue. We focused our investigation on determining VEGF gene expression and characterizing the different genes, mediators of inflammation and adipogenesis, and which are known to play a relevant role in angiogenesis regulation. RESULTS We found that VEGF-A was the isoform most expressed in TAT. This expression was accompanied by an upregulation of HIF-1alpha, COX-2 and HO-1 proteins, and by increased HIF-1 DNA binding activity, compared to SAT. Furthermore, we observed that TAT contains a high percentage of mature adipocytes, 0.25% of macrophage cells, 15% of endothelial cells and a very low percentage of thymocyte cells, suggesting the cellular variability of TAT, which could explain the differences in gene expression observed in TAT. Subsequently, we showed that the expression of genes known as adipogenic mediators, including PPARgamma1/gamma2, FABP-4 and adiponectin was similar in both TAT and SAT. Moreover the expression of these latter genes presented a significantly positive correlation with VEGF, suggesting the potential association between VEGF and the generation of adipose tissue in adult thymus. CONCLUSION Here we suggest that this fat has a potential angiogenic function related to ongoing adipogenesis, which substitutes immune functions within the adult thymus. The expression of VEGF seems to be associated with COX-2, HO-1 and adipogenesis related genes, suggesting the importance that this new fat has acquired in research in relation to adipogenesis and angiogenesis.
We have previously reported on the death effector domain containing E8 gene product from equine herpesvirus-2, designated FLICE inhibitory protein (v-FLIP), and on its cellular homologue, c-FLIP, which inhibit the activation of caspase-8 by death receptors. Here we report on the structure and function of the E10 gene product of equine herpesvirus-2, designated v-CARMEN, and on its cellular homologue, c-CARMEN, which contain a caspase-recruiting domain (CARD) motif. c-CARMEN is highly homologous to the viral protein in its N-terminal CARD motif but differs in its C-terminal extension. v-CARMEN and c-CARMEN interact directly in a CARD-dependent manner yet reveal different binding specificities toward members of the tumor necrosis factor receptor-associated factor (TRAF) family. v-CARMEN binds to TRAF6 and weakly to TRAF3 and, upon overexpression, potently induces the c-Jun N-terminal kinase (JNK), p38, and nuclear factor (NF)-kappaB transcriptional pathways. c-CARMEN or truncated versions thereof do not appear to induce JNK and NF-kappaB activation by themselves, nor do they affect the JNK and NF-kappaB activating potential of v-CARMEN. Thus, in contrast to the cellular homologue, v-CARMEN may have additional properties in its unique C terminus that allow for an autonomous activator effect on NF-kappaB and JNK. Through activation of NF-kappaB, v-CARMEN may regulate the expression of the cellular and viral genes important for viral replication.
Dendritic cells (DCs) are antigen (Ag)-presenting cells that activate and stimulate effective immune responses by T cells, but can also act as negative regulators of these responses and thus play important roles in immune regulation. Pro-angiogenic vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) has been shown to cause defective DC differentiation and maturation. Previous studies have demonstrated that the addition of VEGF to DC cultures renders these cells weak stimulators of Ag-specific T cells due to the inhibitory effects mediated by VEGF receptor 1 (VEGFR1) and/or VEGFR2 signalling. As the enzyme indoleamine 2,3-dioxygenase (IDO) is recognised as an important negative regulator of immune responses, this study aimed to investigate whether VEGF affects the expression of IDO by DCs and whether VEGF-matured DCs acquire a suppressor phenotype. Our results are the first to demonstrate that VEGF increases the expression and activity of IDO in DCs, which has a suppressive effect on Ag-specific and mitogen-stimulated lymphocyte proliferation. These mechanisms have broad implications for the study of immunological responses and tolerance under conditions as diverse as cancer, graft rejection and autoimmunity.
T-cell based vaccines against human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) generate specific responses that may limit both transmission and disease progression by controlling viral load. Broad, polyfunctional, and cytotoxic CD4+T-cell responses have been associated with control of simian immunodeficiency virus/HIV-1 replication, supporting the inclusion of CD4+ T-cell epitopes in vaccine formulations. Plasmid-encoded granulocyte-macrophage colony-stimulating factor (pGM-CSF) co-administration has been shown to induce potent CD4+ T-cell responses and to promote accelerated priming and increased migration of antigen-specific CD4+ T-cells. However, no study has shown whether co-immunisation with pGM-CSF enhances the number of vaccine-induced polyfunctional CD4+ T-cells. Our group has previously developed a DNA vaccine encoding conserved, multiple human leukocyte antigen (HLA)-DR binding HIV-1 subtype B peptides, which elicited broad, polyfunctional and long-lived CD4+ T-cell responses. Here, we show that pGM-CSF co-immunisation improved both magnitude and quality of vaccine-induced T-cell responses, particularly by increasing proliferating CD4+ T-cells that produce simultaneously interferon-γ, tumour necrosis factor-α and interleukin-2. Thus, we believe that the use of pGM-CSF may be helpful for vaccine strategies focused on the activation of anti-HIV CD4+ T-cell immunity.
The terminal differentiation of neuronal and pancreatic beta-cells requires the specific expression of genes that are targets of an important transcriptional repressor named RE-1 silencing transcription factor (REST). The molecular mechanism by which these REST target genes are expressed only in neuronal and beta-cells and are repressed by REST in other tissues is a central issue in differentiation program of neuronal and beta-cells. Herein, we showed that the transcriptional factor Sp1 was required for expression of most REST target genes both in insulin-secreting cells and neuronal-like cells where REST is absent. Inhibition of REST in a non-beta and a non-neuronal cell model restored the transcriptional activity of Sp1. This activity was also restored by trichostatin A indicating the requirement of histone deacetylases for the REST-mediated silencing of Sp1. Conversely, exogenous introduction of REST blocked Sp1-mediated transcriptional activity. The REST inhibitory effect was mediated through its C-terminal repressor domain, which could interact with Sp1. Taken together, these data show that the inhibition of Sp1 by REST is required for the silencing of its target genes expression in non-neuronal and in non-beta-cells. We conclude that the interplay between REST and Sp1 determines the cell-specific expression of REST target genes.
Type 1 diabetes is characterized by the infiltration of activated leukocytes within the pancreatic islets, leading to beta-cell dysfunction and destruction. The exact role played by interferon-gamma, tumor necrosis factor (TNF)-alpha, and interleukin-1beta in this pathogenic process is still only partially understood. To study cytokine action at the cellular level, we are working with the highly differentiated insulin-secreting cell line, betaTc-Tet. We previously reported that it was susceptible to apoptosis induced by TNF-alpha, in combination with interleukin-1beta and interferon-gamma. Here, we report that cytokine-induced apoptosis was correlated with the activation of caspase-8. We show that in betaTc-Tet cells, overexpression of cFLIP, the cellular FLICE (FADD-like IL-1beta-converting enzyme)-inhibitory protein, completely abolished cytokine-dependent activation of caspase-8 and protected the cells against apoptosis. Furthermore, cFLIP overexpression increased the basal and interleukin-1beta-mediated transcriptional activity of nuclear factor (NF)-kappaB, whereas it did not change cytokine-induced inducible nitric oxide synthase gene transcription and nitric oxide secretion. The presence of cFLIP prevented the weak TNF-alpha-induced reduction in cellular insulin content and secretion; however, it did not prevent the decrease in glucose-stimulated insulin secretion induced by the combined cytokines, in agreement with our previous data demonstrating that interferon-gamma alone could induce these beta-cell dysfunctions. Together, our data demonstrate that overexpression of cFLIP protects mouse beta-cells against TNF-alpha-induced caspase-8 activation and apoptosis and is correlated with enhanced NF-kappaB transcriptional activity, suggesting that cFLIP may have an impact on the outcome of death receptor-triggered responses by directing the intracellular signals from beta-cell death to beta-cell survival.
In this paper, we investigate how the gendered origin of migrant networks (i.e. matrilineal vs. patrilineal) is associated with aspirations to migrate and subsequent migration behavior. Using longitudinal data from the Mexican Family Life Survey (MxFLS), we follow 3,923 married couples across 139 municipalities over the 2002-2005 period. We find that the networks of both the individual and her/his spouse are associated with aspiring to migrate to the United States. However, one’s own network matters most (i.e. matrilineal networks for women and patrilineal networks for men). On the other hand, in terms of behavior, only matrilineal networks predict a subsequent move to the U.S. for men and women/couples, who are assessed jointly. These findings suggest that our understanding of the role of migrant networks in perpetuating male-centered, labor migration does not necessarily translate once a union has formed. We make the case that future work would do well to account for not only the presence and composition of networks, but also their origin, which in certain circumstances may be the most relevant factor.
The regulation of the immune system is controlled by many cell surface receptors. A prominent representative is the 'molecular switch' HVEM (herpes virus entry mediator) that can activate either proinflammatory or inhibitory signaling pathways. HVEM ligands belong to two distinct families: the TNF-related cytokines LIGHT and lymphotoxin-α, and the Ig-related membrane proteins BTLA and CD160. HVEM and its ligands have been involved in the pathogenesis of various autoimmune and inflammatory diseases, but recent reports indicate that this network may also be involved in tumor progression and resistance to immune response. Here we summarize the recent advances made regarding the knowledge on HVEM and its ligands in cancer cells, and their potential roles in tumor progression and escape to immune responses. Blockade or enhancement of these pathways may help improving cancer therapy.
PR0X1 est un facteur de transcription très conservé au cours de l'évolution. PROX1 joue un rôle essentiel dans de nombreuses étapes de l'embryogenèse, telles que le développement du système lymphatique ou la migration des hépatocytes. Récemment, il a été démontré que PROX1 contribue à la progression des tumeurs colorectales, en tant que gène cible de la voie de signalisation Wnt. En utilisant des approches de co- immunoprécipitation et de ligature de proximité, nous avons trouvé que PROX1 fait également partie du complexe transcriptionnel TCF/ß-catenin, à la fois dans les cellules humaines de cancer du colon et dans les cellules murines de l'épithélium de l'intestin, dans lesquelles la voie de signalisation Wnt est activée. Dans le but de comprendre le mécanisme d'action de PROX1, nous avons analysé le génome des cellules cancéreuses de colon à la recherche des sites de fixation de PROX1, TCF4 et ß-catenin. Nous avons ainsi pu montrer que TCF4, ß-catenin et PROX1 se fixent simultanément sur une sous- population d'amplificateurs génomiques, sur lesquels PROX1 agit comme répresseur. Ces résultats suggèrent que, spécifiquement dans le cadre du cancer du colon, PROX1 agit en tant que modificateur de la voie de transduction du signal Wnt/ß-catenin. De plus, nous proposons que ceci constitue un des mécanismes par lesquels la signalisation durable de Wnt, qui est observée dans la majorité des cancers du colon, transforme le programme génétique des progéniteurs intestinaux, initialement normal, en output spécifique de ce type de cancers, ce qui contribue plus tard à la croissance infinie de la tumeur, à son caractère invasif et à sa dissémination.
RESUME L'homéostasie du tissu cutané est assurée par des interactions étroites entre les cellules le composant et par l'équilibre entre la différenciation et la prolifération des kératinocytes devant permettre un renouvellement constant du tissu. Après une blessure, les kératinocytes environnant la zone blessée sont activés par des cytokines. Ils acquièrent alors un phénotype migratoire qui s'accompagne d'une modulation de l'activité protéolytique de la matrice extra cellulaire, d'une modulation de la dynamique du cytosquelette d'active, de la polarisation de la cellule, de l'affaiblissement des contacts entre cellules et de changements dans leurs contacts avec la matrice extra cellulaire. PPARβ est un facteur de transcription activé par les acides gras et leurs dérivés. Il appartient à la famille des récepteurs nucléaires aux hormones et son expression est avérée dans les kératinocytes des follicules pileux et dans les kératinocytes inter-folliculaires activés par la blessure cutanée. Le rôle de PPARβ dans la peau est principalement lié à son effet protecteur contre l'apoptose ainsi qu'à son implication dans l'équilibre dynamique entre la prolifération et la différentiation des kératinocytes. L'objet de ce travail fut de déterminer le rôle de PPARβ dans les processus d'adhésion et de migration des kératinocytes activés durant la régénération de l'épithélium blessé. Nous avons montré que les souris dépourvues du gène codant pour PPARβ ont de sévères imperfections affectant la morphologie de l'épithélium. Ce phénotype est corrélé à la modulation imparfaite du réseau d'active chez les souris dépourvues de PPARβ, à un défaut de localisation de l'intégrine α3 impliquée dans les complexes induisant la migration cellulaire, ainsi qu'à la modulation de l'expression d'acteurs majeurs affectant l'activité protéolytique de la matrice extra cellulaire. En conclusion, nos résultats montrent que PPARβ est impliqué dans le contrôle de la dynamique du cytosquelette d'active et la polarisation des kératinocytes activés. PPARβ étant impliqué dans l'acquisition d'un phénotype migratoire, il est légitime de se demander s'il intervient de même dans d'autres types cellulaires, par exemple dans la transition épithéliale-mésenchymateuse durant le développement, ou encore la progression de cellules tumorales. SUMMARY Highly coordinated intercellular interactions and single cell metabolism ensure cell and tissue maintenance of the skin. Healing of a skin wound involves keratinocyte activation by cytokines and growth factors. Activated keratinocytes acquire a motile phenotype that requires extracellular matrix remodeling and subsequent ligand activation through proteolytic activity, as well as cytoskeletal reorganisation induced by the release of cell-cell junctions and by the signalling relayed via integrin receptors and their cytoplasmic adaptors. PPARβ is a transcription factor activated by polyunsaturated fatty acids and fatty acid derivatives which belong to the nuclear hormone receptor superfamily. It is expressed in activated keratinocytes where it plays an essential role in protecting them from apoptosis. In addition, it plays an important function in hair follicle morphogenesis at the time of elongation, via the regulation of the balance between keratinocyte differentiation and proliferation. The aim of the present work was to determine if PPARβ is also involved in the regulation of migration and adhesion properties of keratinocytes during skin wound healing. We have shown that wounded PPARβ null mice display severe abnormalities of the keratinocyte migratory layer as shown at the histological level and using three-dimensional reconstruction. This altered migratory phenotype is correlated to altered dynamic of the actin cytoskeleton network, impaired α3 integrin localisation in migrating keratinocytes and changes in the expression of a key actor involved in extracellular matrix proteolytic activity. These results show that PPARβ is implicated in the fine tuning of the actin network organisation and the polarisation of activated keratinocytes following an epithelial wound. Whether these mechanisms are also controlled by PPARβ in other cell types during epithelial mesenchymal transition or tumour cell progression is an interesting question to rise.
BACKGROUND: Recent evidence indicates that zoledronate, a nitrogen-containing bisphosphonate used to treat conditions of increased bone resorption, may have anti-angiogenic activity. The endothelial cells signaling events modulated by zoledronate remain largely elusive. OBJECTIVES: The aim of this work was to identify signaling events suppressed by zoledronate in endothelial cells and responsible for some of its biological effects. METHODS: Human umbilical vein endothelial cells (HUVEC) were exposed to zoledronate, isoprenoid analogs (i.e. farnesol and geranylgeraniol) and various inhibitors of signaling, and the effect on adhesion, survival, migration, actin cytoskeleton and signaling events characterized. RESULTS: Zoledronate reduced Ras prenylation, Ras and RhoA translocation to the membrane, and sustained ERK1/2 phosphorylation and tumor necrosis factor (TNF) induced JNK phosphorylation. Isoprenoid analogs attenuated zoledronate effects on HUVEC adhesion, actin stress fibers and focal adhesions, migration and survival. Isoprenoid analogs also restored Ras prenylation, RhoA translocation to the membrane, sustained FAK and ERK1/2 phosphorylation and prevented suppression of protein kinase B (PKB) and JNK phosphorylation in HUVEC exposed to TNF in the presence of zoledronate. Pharmacological inhibition of Rock, a RhoA target mediating actin fiber formation, phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase, an activator of PKB, MEK1/2, an activator of ERK1/2, and JNK, recapitulated individual zoledronate effects, consistent with the involvement of these molecules and pathways and their inhibition in the zoledronate effects. CONCLUSIONS: This work has demonstrated that zoledronate inhibits HUVEC adhesion, survival, migration and actin stress fiber formation by interfering with protein prenylation and has identified ERK1/2, JNK, Rock, FAK and PKB as kinases affected by zoledronate in a prenylation-dependent manner.