924 resultados para Metabolite Mimics
A selective method using three-phase liquid-phase microextraction (LPME) in conjunction with LC-MS-MS was devised for the enantioselective determination of chloroquine and its n-dealkylated metabolites in plasma samples. After alkalinization of the samples, the analytes were extracted into n-octanol immobilized in the pores of a polypropylene hollow fiber membrane and back extracted into the acidic acceptor phase (0.1 M TFA) filled into the lumen of the hollow fiber. Following LPME, the analytes were resolved on a Chirobiotic V column using methanol/ACN/glacial aceti acid/diethylamine (90:10:0.5:0.5 by volume) as the mobile phase. The MS detection was carried out using multiple reaction monitoring with ESI in the positive ion mode. The optimized LPME method yielded extraction recoveries ranging from 28 to 66%. The method was linear over 5 - 500 ng/mL and precision (RSD) and accuracy (relative error) values were below 15% for all analytes. The developed method was applied to the determination of the analytes in rat plasma samples after oral administration of the racemic drug.
Lychnophora ericoides Mart. (Asteraceae, Vernonieae) is a plant, endemic to Brazil, with occurrence restricted to the ""cerrado"" biome. Traditional medicine employs alcoholic and aqueous-alcoholic preparations of leaves from this species for the treatment of wounds, inflammation, and pain. Furthermore, leaves of L. ericoides are also widely used as flavorings for the Brazilian traditional spirit ""cachaca"". A method has been developed for the extraction and HPLC-DAD analysis of the secondary metabolites of L. ericoides leaves. This analytical method was validated with 11 secondary metabolites chosen to represent the different classes and polarities of secondary metabolites occurring in L. ericoides leaves, and good responses were obtained for each validation parameter analyzed. The same HPLC analytical method was also employed for online secondary metabolite identification by HPLC-DAD-MS and HPLC-DAD-MS/MS, leading to the identification of di-C-glucosylflavones, coumaroylglucosylflavonols, flavone, flavanones, flavonols, chalcones, goyazensolide, and eremantholide-type sesquiterpene lactones and positional isomeric series of chlorogenic acids possessing caffeic and/or ferulic moieties. Among the 52 chromatographic peaks observed, 36 were fully identified and 8 were attributed to compounds belonging to series of caffeoylferuloylquinic and diferuloylquinic acids that could not be individualized from each other.
A three-phase liquid-phase microextraction (LPME) method using porous polypropylene hollow fibre membrane with a sealed end was developed for the extraction of mirtazapine (MRT) and its two major metabolites, 8-hydroxymirtazapine (8-OHM) and demethylmirtazapine (DMR), from human plasma. The analytes were extracted from 1.0 mL of plasma, previously diluted and alkalinized with 3.0 mL 0.5 mol L-1 pH 8 phosphate buffer solution and supplemented with 15% sodium chloride (NaCl), using n-hexyl ether as organic solvent and 0.01 moL L-1 acetic acid solution as the acceptor phase. Haloperidol was used as internal standard. The chromatographic analyses were carried out on a chiral column, using acetonitrile-methanol-ethanol (98:1:1, v/v/v) plus 0.2% diethylamine as mobile phase, at a flow rate of 1.0 mL min(-1). Multi-reaction monitoring (MRM) detection was performed by mass spectrometry (MS-MS) using a triple-stage quadrupole and electrospray ionization interface operating in the positive ion mode. The mean recoveries were in 18.3-45.5% range with linear responses over the 1.25-125 ng mL(-1) concentration range for all enantiomers evaluated. The quantification limit (LOQ) was 1.25 ng mL(-1). Within-day and between-day assay precision and accuracy (2.5, 50 and 100 ng mL(-1)) showed relative standard deviation and the relative error lower than 11.9% for all enantiomers evaluated. Finally, the method was successfully used for the determination of mirtazapine and its metabolite enantiomers in plasma samples obtained after single drug administration of mirtazapine to a healthy volunteer. (c) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Nitric oxide has been pointed out as the main agent involved in the vasodilatation, which is the major symptom of septic shock. However, there must be another mediator contributing to the circulatory failure observed in sepsis. This study aimed to investigate the endothelium-dependent relaxation induced by acetylcholine and the factors involved in this relaxation, using aortic rings isolated from rats submitted to cecal ligation and perforation (CLP), 2 h after induction of sepsis, which characterizes the hyperdynamic phase of sepsis. Under inhibition of constitutive NO-synthases (cNOS), the relaxation induced by acetylcholine was greater in the aortic rings of rats submitted to CLP compared with sham-operated rat aortic rings. The cyclooxygenase inhibitor indomethacin normalized this response, and the concentration of the stable metabolite of prostacyclin in the aorta of CLP rats increased in basal conditions and after stimulation with acetylcholine. Acetylcholine-induced NO production was lower in the endothelial cells from the aorta of CLP rats compared with sham rat aorta, but the protein expression of the cNOS was not altered. Moreover, iNOS protein expression could not be detected. Therefore, prostacyclin, and not only nitric oxide, is a mediator of the vasorelaxation induced by acetylcholine in aortas from rats submitted to CLP. (C) 2011 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
The purpose of this study was the development and validation of an LC-MS-MS method for simultaneous analysis of ibuprofen (IBP), 2-hydroxyibuprofen (2-OH-IBP) enantiomers, and carboxyibuprofen (COOH-IBP) stereoisomers in fungi culture medium, to investigate the ability of some endophytic fungi to biotransform the chiral drug IBP into its metabolites. Resolution of IBP and the stereoisomers of its main metabolites was achieved by use of a Chiralpak AS-H column (150 x 4.6 mm, 5 mu m particle size), column temperature 8 degrees C, and the mobile phase hexane-isopropanol-trifluoroacetic acid (95: 5: 0.1, v/v) at a flow rate of 1.2 mL min(-1). Post-column infusion with 10 mmol L(-1) ammonium acetate in methanol at a flow rate of 0.3 mL min(-1) was performed to enhance MS detection (positive electrospray ionization). Liquid-liquid extraction was used for sample preparation with hexane-ethyl acetate (1:1, v/v) as extraction solvent. Linearity was obtained in the range 0.1-20 mu g mL(-1) for IBP, 0.05-7.5 mu g mL(-1) for each 2-OH-IBP enantiomer, and 0.025-5.0 mu g mL(-1) for each COOH-IBP stereoisomer (r >= 0.99). The coefficients of variation and relative errors obtained in precision and accuracy studies (within-day and between-day) were below 15%. The stability studies showed that the samples were stable (p > 0.05) during freeze and thaw cycles, short-term exposure to room temperature, storage at -20 degrees C, and biotransformation conditions. Among the six fungi studied, only the strains Nigrospora sphaerica (SS67) and Chaetomium globosum (VR10) biotransformed IBP enantioselectively, with greater formation of the metabolite (+)-(S)-2-OH-IBP. Formation of the COOH-IBP stereoisomers, which involves hydroxylation at C3 and further oxidation to form the carboxyl group, was not observed.
A liquid chromatography method is described for the analysis of fluoxetine and norfluoxetine enantiomers in fungi cultures. The analytes were separated simultaneously by LC employing a serial system. The resolution was performed using a mobile phase of ethanol: 15 mM ammonium acetate buffer solution, pH 5.9: acetonitrile (77.5:17.5:5, v/v/v). UV detection was at 227 nm. Hexane: isoamyl alcohol (98:2, v/v) was used as extractor solvent. The calibration curves were linear over the concentration range of 12.5-3,750 ng mL(-1) (r a parts per thousand yen 0.996). The values for intra- and inter-day precision and accuracy were a parts per thousand currency sign10% for all analytes. The validated method was used to evaluate fluoxetine biotransformation to its mammalian metabolite, norfluoxetine, by selected endophytic fungi. Although the desired biotransformation was not observed in the conditions used here, the method could be used to evaluate the biotransformation of fluoxetine by other fungi or to be extended to other matrices with adequate procedures for sample preparation.
A CE method is described for the enantioselective analysis of propranolol (Prop) and 4-hydroxypropranolol (4-OH-Prop) in liquid Czapek medium with application in the study of the enantioselective biotransformation of Prop by endophytic fungi. The electrophoretic conditions previously optimized were as follows: an uncoated fused-silica capillary, 4%w/v carboxymethyl-beta-CD in 25 mmol/L triethylamine/phosphoric acid (H(3)PO(4)) buffer at pH 9 as running electrolyte and 17 kV of voltage. UV detection was carried out at 208 nm. Liquid-liquid extraction using diethyl ether: ethyl acetate (1:1 v/v) as extractor solvent was employed for sample preparation. The calibration curves were linear over the concentration range of 0.25-10.0 mu g/mL for each 4-OH-Prop enantiomer and 0.10-10.0 mu g/mL for each Prop enantiomer (r >= 0.995). Within-day and between-day relative standard deviations and relative errors for precision and accuracy were lower than 15% for all the enantiomers. Finally, the validated method was used to evaluate Prop biotransformation in its mammalian metabolite 4-OH-Prop by some selected endophytic fungi. The screening of five strains of endophytic fungi was performed and all of them could biotransform Prop to some extent. Specifically, Glomerella cingulata (VA1) biotransformed 47.8% of (-)-(S)-Prop to (-)-(S)-4-OH-Prop with no formation of (+)-(R)4-OH-Prop in 72 h of incubation.
A simple enantioselective method for the determination of praziquantel (PZQ) and trans-4-hydroxypraziquantel (4-OHPZQ) in human plasma was developed and validated by high-performance liquid chromatography/mass spectrometry. The plasma samples were prepared by liquid-liquid extraction using a mixture of methyl-tert-butylether/dichloromethane (2:1, v/v) as extraction solvent. The direct resolution of PZQ and 4-OHPZQ enantiomers was performed on a Chiralpak AD column using hexane-isopropanol (75:25, v/v) as the mobile phase. Diazepam was used as internal standard. The method described here is simple and reproducible. The quantitation limit of 1.25 ng/ml for each PZQ enantiomer and of 12.5 ng/ml for each 4-OHPZQ enantiomer permits the use of the method in studies investigating the kinetic disposition of a single dose of 1.5g racemic PZQ. Enantioselectivity in the kinetic disposition of PZQ and 4-OHPZQ was observed in the clinical study. with the demonstration of a higher proportion of the (+)-(S)-PZQ and (-)-(R)-4-OHPZQ enantiomers in plasma. (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
The trace element selenium (Se), once known only for its potential toxicity, is now a well-established essential micronutrient for mammals. The organoselenium compound diphenyl diselenide (DPDS) has shown interesting antioxidant and neuroprotective activities. On the other hand, this compound has also presented pro-oxidant and mutagenic effects. The compound 3`3-ditrifluoromethyldiphenyl diselenide (DFDD), a structural analog of diphenyl diselenide, has proven antipsychotic activity in mice. Nevertheless, as opposed to DPDS, little is known on the biological and toxicological properties of DFDD. In the present study, we report the genotoxic effects of the organoselenium compound DFDD on Salmonella typhimurium, Saccharomyces cerevisiae and Chinese hamster lung fibroblasts (V79 cells). DFDD protective effects against hydrogen peroxide (H(2)O(2))-induced DNA damage in vitro are demonstrated. DFDD did not cause mutagenic effects on S. typhimurium or S. cerevisiae strains; however, it induced DNA damage in V79 cells at doses higher than 25 mu M, as detected by comet assay. DFDD protected S. typhimurium and S. cerevisiae against H(2)O(2)-induced mutagenicity, and, at doses lower than 12.5 mu M, prevented H(2)O(2)-induced genotoxicity in V79 cells. The in vitro assays demonstrated that DFDD mimics catalase activity better than DPDS, but neither presents Superoxide dismutase action. The products of the reactions of DFDD or DPDS with H(2)O(2) were different. as determined by electrospray mass spectrometry analysis (ESI-MS). These results suggest that DFDD is not mutagenic for bacteria or yeast; however, it may induce weak genotoxic effects on mammalian cells. In addition, DFDD has a protective effect against H(2)O(2)-induced damage probably by mimicking catalase activity, and the distinct products of the reaction DFDD with H(2)O(2) probably have a fundamental role in the protective effects of DFDD. (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Recently, we have built a classification model that is capable of assigning a given sesquiterpene lactone (STL) into exactly one tribe of the plant family Asteraceae from which the STL has been isolated. Although many plant species are able to biosynthesize a set of peculiar compounds, the occurrence of the same secondary metabolites in more than one tribe of Asteraceae is frequent. Building on our previous work, in this paper, we explore the possibility of assigning an STL to more than one tribe (class) simultaneously. When an object may belong to more than one class simultaneously, it is called multilabeled. In this work, we present a general overview of the techniques available to examine multilabeled data. The problem of evaluating the performance of a multilabeled classifier is discussed. Two particular multilabeled classification methods-cross-training with support vector machines (ct-SVM) and multilabeled k-nearest neighbors (M-L-kNN)were applied to the classification of the STLs into seven tribes from the plant family Asteraceae. The results are compared to a single-label classification and are analyzed from a chemotaxonomic point of view. The multilabeled approach allowed us to (1) model the reality as closely as possible, (2) improve our understanding of the relationship between the secondary metabolite profiles of different Asteraceae tribes, and (3) significantly decrease the number of plant sources to be considered for finding a certain STL. The presented classification models are useful for the targeted collection of plants with the objective of finding plant sources of natural compounds that are biologically active or possess other specific properties of interest.
In the present work, the anticariogenic activities of nine labdane type-diterpenes and four sesquiterpenes were investigated. Among these metabolites, (-)-copalic acid (CA) was the most active compound displaying MIC values very promising (ranging from 2.0 to 6.0 mu g/mL) against the main microorganisms responsible for dental caries: Streptococcus salivarius, S. sobrinus, S. mutans, S. mitis, S. sanguinis and Lactobacillus casei. Time kill assays performed with CA against the primary causative agent (S. mutans) revealed that, in the first 12 h, this compound only inhibits the growth of the inoculum (bacteriostatic effect). However, its bactericidal effect is clearly noted thereafter (between 12 and 24 h). Also, CA did not show a synergistic effect when combined with the anticariogenic gold standard (chlorhexidine, CHD) in the checkerboard assays against S. mutans. In conclusion, the results points out CA as an important metabolite in the search for new effective anticariogenic agents. Copyright (C) 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
(Morpho-anatomical studies of seeds and seedlings of wild indigo, ""anileira"", Indigofera-Leguminosae). The common name ""wild indigo"" specifies Indigofera will L., I. suffruticosa Mill. (legitimate name) and I. truxillensis Kunth (legitimate name) that are very similar due to their external morphology. This work analyzed diagnostic characteristics of seeds and seedlings of these species since such features are widely used in taxonomic approaches within Leguminosae. We studied surface features and morpho-anatomy of seeds and cotyledons with scanning electronic microscopy and light microscopy, and described seedling phases. Although seedlings are similar, seed characteristics (size, shape, surface ornamentation, shape of the hilum and embryo size) and cotyledon characteristics (shape, trichome ornamentation, organization of spongy parenchyma along central veins and metabolite distribution in the tissues) have diagnostic features for the species. I. anil differs from I. suffruticosa in its larger seeds and acuminate-margined cotyledons. I. truxillensis is recognized by its cylindrical seeds and kidney-shaped cotyledons with large oil drops. We assume that the characteristics examined, plus fruit morphology and foliar anatomy suggest that I. anil, I. suffruticosa and I. truxillensis should not be synonymized.
PGE(2), an arachidonic acid metabolite produced by various type of cells regulates a broad range of physiological activities in the endocrine, cardiovascular, gastrointestinal, and immune systems, and is involved in maintaining the local homeostasis. In the immune system, PGE(2) is mainly produced by APCs and it can suppress the Th1-mediated immune responses. The aim of this study was to develop PGE(2)-loaded biodegradable MS that prolong and sustain the in vivo release of this mediator. An o/w emulsion solvent extraction-evaporation method was chosen to prepare the MS. We determined their diameters, evaluated the in vitro release of PGE(2), using enzyme immunoassay and MS uptake by peritoneal macrophages. To assess the preservation of biological activities of this mediator, we determined the effect of PGE(2) released from MS on LPS-induced TNF-alpha release by murine peritoneal macrophages. We also analyzed the effect of encapsulated PGE(2) on inflammatory mediators release from HUVECs. Finally, we studied the effect of PGE(2) released from biodegradable MS in sepsis animal model. The use of this formulation can provide an alternative strategy for treating infections, by modulating or inhibiting inflammatory responses, especially when they constitute an exacerbated profile. (C) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Toluene and verapamil are subject to extensive oxidative metabolism mediated by CYP enzymes, and their interaction can be stereoselective. In the present study we investigated the influence of toluene inhalation on the enantioselective kinetic disposition of verapamil and its metabolite, norverapamil, in rats. Male Wistar rats (n = 6 per group) received a single dose of racemic verapamil (10 mg/kg) orally at the fifth day of nose-only toluene or air (control group) inhalation for 6 h/day (25, 50, and 100 ppm). Serial blood samples were collected from the tail up to 6 h after verapamil administration. The plasma concentrations of verapamil and norverapamil enantiomers were analyzed by LC-MS/MS by using a Chiralpak AD column. Toluene inhalation did not influence the kinetic disposition of verapamil or norverapamil enantiomers (p > 0.05, Kruskal-Wallis test) in rats. The pharmacokinetics of verapamil was enantioselective in the control group, with a higher plasma proportion of the S-verapamil (AUC 250.8 versus 120.4 ng.h.mL(-1); p <= 0.05, Wilcoxon test) and S-norverapamil (AUC 72.3 versus 52.3 ng.h.mL(-1); p <= 0.05, Wilcoxon test). Nose-only exposure to toluene at 25, 50, or 100 ppm resulted in a lack of enantioselectivity for both verapamil and norverapamil. The study demonstrates the importance of the application of enantioselective methods in studies on the interaction between solvents and chiral drugs.
We have shown that the ethanolic extract of Lafoensia pacari inhibits eosinophilic inflammation induced by Toxocara canis infection, and that ellagic acid is the secondary metabolite responsible for the anti-eosinophilic activity seen in a model of beta-glucan peritonitis. In the present study, we investigated the preventive and curative effects of L. pacari extract and ellagic acid on allergic lung inflammation using a murine model of ovalbumin-induced asthma. In bronchoalveolar lavage fluid, preventive (22-day) treatment with L. pacari (200 mg/kg) and ellagic acid (10 mg/kg) inhibited neutrophil counts (by 75% and 57%) and eosinophil counts (by 78% and 68%). L. pacari reduced IL-4 and IL-13 levels (by 67% and 73%), whereas ellagic acid reduced IL-4, IL-5 and IL-13 (by 67%, 88% and 85%). To investigate curative anti-inflammatory effects, we treated mice daily with ellagic acid (0.1, 1, or 10 mg/kg), also treating selected mice with L. pacari (200 mg/kg) from day 18 to day 22. The highest ellagic acid dose reduced neutrophil and eosinophil numbers (by 59% and 82%), inhibited IL-4, IL-5, and IL-13 (by 62%,61%, and 49%). Neither L. pacari nor ellagic acid suppressed ovalbumin-induced airway hyperresponsiveness or cysteinyl leukotriene synthesis in lung homogenates. In mice treated with ellagic acid (10 mg/kg) or L. pacari (200 mg/kg) at 10 min after the second ovalbumin challenge, eosinophil numbers were 53% and 69% lower, respectively. Cytokine levels were unaffected by this treatment. L. pacari and ellagic acid are effective eosinophilic inflammation suppressors, suggesting a potential for treating allergies. (c) 2007 Elsevier B.V All rights reserved.