654 resultados para Melissa Romigh
OBJETIVO: Analisar os efeitos do comportamento alimentar, entre o hábito de jantar ou não jantar, no perfil de ingestão de macronutrientes e micronutrientes de pacientes com insuficiência renal crônica em hemodiálise. MÉTODO: Estudo transversal em uma clínica de diálise de Belo Horizonte, em Minas Gerais. Participaram do estudo 90 pacientes em tratamento hemodialítico. Foram coletados dados pessoais, clínicos e dietéticos (registro alimentar de três dias). Foi considerado jantar uma refeição completa e não jantar a sua ausência ou substituição por lanches. As estimativas das quantidades de nutrientes ingeridos foram feitas em software específico Dietwin®. RESULTADOS: Os valores de carboidrato, tiamina, riboflavina, ácido ascórbico, cálcio e selênio ingeridos não apresentaram diferença entre os grupos de pacientes que jantavam e não jantavam (p > 0,05). Os valores de Índice de Massa Corporal (IMC), energia, proteína, lipídeos, niacina, ácido pantotênico, piridoxina, ácido fólico, cobalamina, potássio, fósforo, zinco e magnésio ingeridos apresentaram diferença entre estes mesmos grupos (p < 0,05). Quanto às proporções de adequação desses nutrientes, o grupo dos que jantava apresentou maiores percentuais (p < 0,05), exceto para carboidratos, lipídeos, ácido pantotênico, ácido ascórbico, potássio, cálcio e zinco. Nenhum dos pacientes apresentou valores adequados de ingestão de piridoxina, ácido fólico e selênio. Energia, ácido pantotênico e zinco apresentaram baixos percentuais de adequação em ambos os grupos. CONCLUSÃO: Conclui-se que o hábito de jantar influencia positivamente no consumo de macro e micronutrientes em pacientes com insuficiência renal crônica submetidos à hemodiálise.
INTRODUÇÃO: O Comitê de Nutrição da Sociedade Brasileira de Nefrologia (SBN) realizou, em 2010, o primeiro Censo Brasileiro de Nutrição em pacientes em Hemodiálise. Dados multicêntricos contribuem para o desenvolvimento de condutas clínicas e intervenção nutricional. OBJETIVO: Descrever aspectos nutricionais e epidemiológicos de pacientes em hemodiálise. MÉTODO: Estudo transversal em 36 clínicas de diálise, 2.622 participantes selecionados aleatoriamente. Foram coletados: registros sociodemográficos, clínicos, bioquímicos e antropométricos. RESULTADOS: Dos pacientes, 60,45% era da região Sudeste, 13,53% Nordeste, 12,81% Sul, 10,33% Centro-Oeste e 2,86% Norte. Cerca de 58% eram homens e 63,1% tinham menos de 60 anos. Casados ou em união estável, 58,5% deles. Aproximadamente 80% dependia do Sistema Único de Saúde. O tabagismo apresentou diferença entre sexo e idade. As etiologias presuntivas foram nefroesclerose hipertensiva 26,4%, nefropatia diabética 24,6%, causas desconhecidas/não diagnosticadas 19,9%, glomerulopatias 13,6% e outros 11,2%. A hipertensão arterial e o Diabetes Mellitus acometiam aproximadamente 30% dos pacientes, principalmente aqueles acima de 60 anos. O Índice de Massa Corporal não diferiu entre sexos, embora tenha diferido entre grupos etários e quando utilizados critérios de avaliação distintos. A média de circunferência da cintura de homens e mulheres foi, respectivamente, 90,5 cm e 88,0 cm. O perfil lipídico não diferiu entre às faixas etárias, porém, houve diferenças entre sexos. Os valores de albumina estiveram menores nas mulheres e em pacientes com idade superior a 60 anos. CONCLUSÃO: O estudo caracterizou os pacientes em hemodiálise no Brasil em 2010, podendo subsidiar novos estudos para acompanhamento de transições nutricionais e epidemiológicas da população.
Resumo A doença de Chagas acarreta grande morbimortalidade, por parasitemia aguda ou por lesões cardíacas, digestivas, cutâneas ou neurológicas crônicas. Os países latino-americanos apresentam a maioria das pessoas infectadas ou em risco. Pacientes transplantados em uso de imunossupressores podem desenvolver formas graves da doença, muitas vezes fatais. As drogas disponíveis para o tratamento causam frequentemente efeitos colaterais graves. Uma paciente de 59 anos, com insuficiência renal crônica avançada e sorologia positiva para doença de Chagas, mas sem qualquer manifestação clínica dessa patologia, recebeu transplante renal de doador cadáver e apresentou três meses depois paniculite na coxa, tendo a biópsia das lesões mostrado formas amastigotas de Trypanosoma cruzi. Foi tratada com benzonidazol, observando-se o desaparecimento das lesões, mas a droga teve que ser suspensa por pancitopenia grave. Simultaneamente, apresentou infecção por E. faecalis e por citomegalovírus, tratadas com vancomicina e ganciclovir. Manteve-se depois muito bem clinicamente, sem novas lesões cutâneas e com boa função do enxerto. Um ano e três meses após o transplante, foi submetida à cirurgia de urgência por aneurisma dissecante da aorta. Evoluiu com choque irreversível e óbito no pós-operatório imediato. Não foi possível estabelecer ou afastar alguma relação entre as lesões aórticas e a tripanossomíase. A doença de Chagas deve ser lembrada no diagnóstico diferencial de várias situações clínicas em pacientes transplantados, principalmente em zonas endêmicas. Pode haver resposta clínica à medicação, mas são possíveis para-efeitos graves com as drogas utilizadas. O tratamento ou a profilaxia ainda aguardam por opções mais efetivas e melhor toleradas.
O comércio de sementes de plantas medicinais encontra-se em ascensão, estimulado pelo crescente consumo de ervas, seja para o preparo de infusões, ou mesmo para o preparo de fármacos industrializados. No entanto, o consumidor dessas sementes normalmente encontra dificuldades para o cultivo destas espécies. Dentre os problemas por eles enfrentados, encontra-se a baixa densidade populacional, decorrente da utilização de sementes de baixa qualidade, ou por seguirem as informações expressas nas embalagens, as quais nem sempre conferem com a realidade. Considerando estas dificuldades, desenvolveu-se o presente trabalho, com a finalidade de avaliar a qualidade das sementes de cinco espécies de plantas medicinais, verificar a autenticidade das informações impressas nas embalagens para utilização doméstica, especialmente quanto a reprodutibilidade do teste germinação e a eficiência dos métodos indicados nas Regras para Análise de Sementes (RAS), adotadas no Brasil, para a superação da dormência. Sementes de anis (Pimpinella anisum L.), funcho (Foeniculum vulgare Mill.), losna (Artemisia absinthium L.), melissa (Melissa officinalis L.) e hortelã (Mentha piperita L.) foram submetidas a tratamentos para superação de dormência sugeridos pelas RAS, avaliando-se posteriormente, a germinação e emergência em casa de vegetação. Conclui-se que: a percentagem de germinação indicada nas embalagens domésticas superestima a qualidade de todas as espécies avaliadas; o pré-esfriamento é um método eficiente para a superação da dormência de sementes de melissa; o KNO3 é apropriado para a superar da dormência de sementes de hortelã; nas embalagens de sementes de espécies medicinais, deveriam constar informações adicionais quanto a possível existência de dormência nas sementes, bem como, o método adicional a ser empregado para superá-la.
O objetivo deste trabalho foi verificar a qualidade física e fisiológica das sementes de trigo em função da utilização de gás liquefeito de petróleo (GLP) na secagem estacionária e determinar a curva de secagem em comparação à secagem estacionária em estufa. Sementes de trigo, cultivar OR-I, com teor de água inicial de 15,3%, foram secas até 12,6%, em um secador estacionário de tubo central horizontal perfurado. A amostragem das sementes foi realizada em intervalos de 45 minutos durante a secagem, em três posições diferentes do cilindro central (proximal, mediana e distal da fonte de calor). A qualidade física da semente foi avaliada pelo teor de água, peso de mil sementes e temperatura da massa de semente em pontos distintos. A qualidade fisiológica foi avaliada por testes de vigor e germinação. A velocidade média obtida na secagem a gás foi de 0,9 pontos percentuais por hora (pph-1). O tempo dispendido para a redução do teor de água de 15,3% para 12,6%, foi de três horas, além de mais uma hora usada para o resfriamento da semente. A velocidade de secagem reduz a medida que aumenta a distância das sementes ao cilindro central (no ponto proximal à fonte de calor 1,00pph-1 e no ponto distal 0,73pph-1), em função da temperatura da massa de sementes ser maior no ponto proximal. A temperatura na massa de semente aumenta gradativamente nos pontos mais próximos à fonte de calor durante a secagem. A temperatura de secagem permanece estável durante o processo com a utilização de gás liquefeito de petróleo. Os resultados dos testes de germinação e vigor mostram a possibilidade de utilização do gás liquefeito de petróleo como combustível na secagem estacionária de sementes de trigo.
In this work, the magnetic field penetration depth for high-Tc cuprate superconductors is calculated using a recent Interlayer Pair Tunneling (ILPT) model proposed by Chakravarty, Sudb0, Anderson, and Strong [1] to explain high temperature superconductivity. This model involves a "hopping" of Cooper pairs between layers of the unit cell which acts to amplify the pairing mechanism within the planes themselves. Recent work has shown that this model can account reasonably well for the isotope effect and the dependence of Tc on nonmagnetic in-plane impurities [2] , as well as the Knight shift curves [3] and the presence of a magnetic peak in the neutron scattering intensity [4]. In the latter case, Yin et al. emphasize that the pair tunneling must be the dominant pairing mechanism in the high-Tc cuprates in order to capture the features found in experiments. The goal of this work is to determine whether or not the ILPT model can account for the experimental observations of the magnetic field penetration depth in YBa2Cu307_a7. Calculations are performed in the weak and strong coupling limits, and the efi"ects of both small and large strengths of interlayer pair tunneling are investigated. Furthermore, as a follow up to the penetration depth calculations, both the neutron scattering intensity and the Knight shift are calculated within the ILPT formalism. The aim is to determine if the ILPT model can yield results consistent with experiments performed for these properties. The results for all three thermodynamic properties considered are not consistent with the notion that the interlayer pair tunneling must be the dominate pairing mechanism in these high-Tc cuprate superconductors. Instead, it is found that reasonable agreement with experiments is obtained for small strengths of pair tunneling, and that large pair tunneling yields results which do not resemble those of the experiments.
Research has noted both physical and psychosocial benefits when children participate in regular physical activity. Recent studies are indicating that there may also be academic benefits and that students may be more efficient learners with participation in physical activity. This study investigated the influence of acute moderate-to-vigorous physical activity on four cognitive functions: planning, attention, simultaneous processing, and successive processing. Three classes (59 students) were each tested twice using a balanced design (intervention, balance, and control groups). It was found that the intervention group had a large increase in planning abiHty (ES = 1.67) when compared to the balance (ES = .80) and control (ES = -.89) groups. On the three remaining cognitive functions, the intervention group showed effect sizes similar to that of the balance and control groups. These results indicate that improved planning after physical activity may playa role in improving student performance.
In this thesis I outline a critical approach to interpreting the considerable academic literature on Aboriginal women in North America. I locate the scholarship concerning Native women within an understanding of three developments related to a philosophy of science: (I) paradigmatic shifts concerning the philosophy of science, (2) materialist-idealist debates and (3) transitions in feminist theory characterized by what is tenned the shift from second to third wave feminism. My exploration of emergent themes suggests that the elements indicated above provide overlapping frameworks within which most scholarship about Indigenous women is positioned. I illustrate my finding that employing critical discourse analysis and postcolonial feminism as both method and theory provides a useful approach in attending to intersecting experiences of 'race, class, and gender.' I view these intersecting experiences as central to the socio-political positioning of Indigenous women within contemporary feminist theorizing. I conclude my thesis by reflecting on the conceptual struggles I experienced in fonnulating and organizing the thesis and the significance of my underlying epistemological position and value-orientation as both a feminist and Native woman.
To investigate the thennal effects of latent heat in hydrothennal settings, an extension was made to the existing finite-element numerical modelling software, Aquarius. The latent heat algorithm was validated using a series of column models, which analysed the effects of penneability (flow rate), thennal gradient, and position along the two-phase curve (pressure). Increasing the flow rate and pressure increases displacement of the liquid-steam boundary from an initial position detennined without accounting for latent heat while increasing the thennal gradient decreases that displacement. Application to a regional scale model of a caldera-hosted hydrothennal system based on a representative suite of calderas (e.g., Yellowstone, Creede, Valles Grande) led to oscillations in the model solution. Oscillations can be reduced or eliminated by mesh refinement, which requires greater computation effort. Results indicate that latent heat should be accounted for to accurately model phase change conditions in hydrothennal settings.
The current study examined the effectiveness of a sexual abuse prevention program developed locally for children with intellectual disabilities. The program package included a board game with informational storybooks that were designed to be used in a family setting. Additionally, this research sought to determine if parents could be effective at presenting the sexual abuse pr~vention materials to their children. A multiple baseline across behaviours design was used with two participants with a diagnosis of autism. Through role play scenarios as well as verbal knowledge tests, it was determined that the program was effective at teaching the participants the skills presented for self protection. It was also determined that the skills learned were generalized to scenarios that were untrained during the game play. Finally, with additional supports, it was determined that parents were able to effectively teach their children the required skills.
This qualitative study investigated senior level staff (Senior Therapists), front-line staff (Instructor Therapists), and parent perspectives on parent-therapist collaboration within Intensive Behavioural Intervention settings. Two senior staff interviews, two parent interviews, and a focus group with therapists were conducted to examine how parents and therapists currently interact within IBI settings, parent and therapist expectations of each other, factors that promote and barriers that impede parent-therapist collaboration, and how parent-therapist collaboration might be improved. A constant comparative analysis by question within and across cases revealed five prominent themes of 'Role Definition', 'Perspective-taking/Empathy', 'Trust', 'Open Communication', and 'Consistency'. Additional similarities and differences were discovered between parent and therapist perspectives such as the need for clear parentprofessional boundaries, the importance of maintaining client privacy, and respect. Implications of the findings and suggestions for future research are discussed.
In animals, both stress resistance and longevity appear to be influenced by the insulin/insulin-like growth factor-l signaling (lIS) pathway, the basic organization of which is highly conserved from invertebrates to vertebrates. Reduced lIS or genetic disruption of the lIS pathway leads to the activation of forkhead box transcription factors, which is thought to upregulate the expression of genes involved in enhancing stress resistance, including perhaps key antioxidant enzymes as well as DNA repair enzymes. Enhanced antioxidant and DNA repair capacities may underlie the enhanced cellular stress resistance observed in long-lived animals, however little data is available that directly supports this idea. I used three. experimental approaches to test the association of intracellular antioxidant and DNA base excision repair (BER) capacities with stress resistance and longevity: (1) a comparison of multiple vertebrate endotherm species of varying body masses and longevities; (2) a comparison of long-lived Snell dwarf mice and their normallittermates; and (3) a comparison of hypometabolic animals undergoing hibernation or estivation with their active counterparts. The activities of the five major intracellular antioxidant enzymes as well as the two rate-limiting enzymes in the BER pathway, apurininc/apyrimidinic (AP) endonuclease and polymerase ~, were measured. These measurements were performed in one or more of the following: (1) cultured dermal fibroblasts; (2) brain tissue; (3) heart tissue; (4) liver tissue. My results indicate that antioxidant enzymes are not universally upregulated in association with enhanced stress resistance and longevity. I also did not find that BER enzyme activity was positively correlated with longevity, in an inter-species context, though there was evidence for enhanced BER in long-lived Snell dwarf mice. Thus, while there were instances in which enhanced antioxidant and BER enzyme activities were associated with increased stress resistance and/or longevity, this was not universally the case, indicating that other mechanisms must be involved. These results suggest the need to re-examine existing 'oxidative stress' hypotheses of longevity and probe further into the molecular physiology of longevity to discover its mechanistic basis.
In the current economic climate, employees are expected to upgrade their skills in order to remain productive and competitive in the workplace, and many women with learning disabilities! may feel doubly challenged when dealing with such expectations. Although the number of people with reported learning disabilities who enter the workforce is expected to increase, a dearth of research focuses on work-related experiences of women with learning disabilities; consequently, employers and educators often are unaware ofthe obstacles and demands facing such individuals. This qualitative narrative study sheds light on the work experiences of women with diagnosed or suspected learning disabilities. The study used semistructured interviews to explore their perspectives and reflections on learnlng in order to: (a) raise awareness of the needs of women with learning disabilities, (b) enhance their opportunities to learn in the workplace, and (c) draw attention to the need for improvement of inclusiveness in the workplace, especially for hidden disabilities. Study findings reveal that participants' learning was influenced by work relationships, the learning environments, self-determination, and taking personal responsibility. Moreover, the main accommodation requested was to have supportive and understanding work relationships and environments. Recommendations are made for future research and workplace improvements, most notably that no employees should be left behind through an employee-centered approach.
This research project is a longitudinal qualitative case study. It contributes to an understanding of self-injurious behaviour (SIB) by inviting the reader through the narrative of the lived experience of a fifteen year old child-informant and the network of individuals in his life. The value and importance of a case-study is that it focuses on the authenticity of the experience of living with disability. Through the use of detailed field observations, interviews and photo documents, the study thoroughly explores three main areas: quality of movements, potential cues as pre-cursors to episodes of self-injury, and purposeful communication. The research begins with a review of literature on Autism, Deafness and Self-injury, formulates the research design and orientation of Physical Education, Phenomenology and Semiotics, and then systematically explores four distinct phases in the analytical process. The aim was to explore self-injurious episodes in the child informant in hopes to translate the meaning of the behaviour and potentially utilize this to provide more opportunities for adapted physical activity. The findings reveal distinct patterns of movement cues utilized for different purposes. The implications of the findings are self-injurious episodes in the child informant are preceded by distinct patterns of movement that are potentially communicative. Suggested future direction of the research is expanding the scope to other disabilities for which verbal communication is challenging, and standardizing the translating tools to assist in understanding the communication of movement.
This study used three Oculomotor Delayed Response (ODR) tasks to investigate the unique cognitive demands during the delay period. Changes in alpha power were used to index cognitive efforts during the delay period. Continuous EEGs from 25 healthy young adults (18-34 years) were recorded using dense electrode array. The data was analyzed by 6-cycle Morlet wavelet decompositions in the frequency range of 2-30 Hz to create time- frequency decompositions for four midline electrode sites. The 99% confidence intervals using the bootstrapped 20% trimmed mean of the 10 Hz frequency were used to examine the differences among conditions. Compared to two Memory conditions (Match and Non-Match), Control condition yielded significant differences in all frequencies over the entire trial period, suggesting a cognitive state difference. Compared to Match condition, the Non–Match condition had lower alpha activity during the delay period at each midline electrode site reflecting the higher cognitive effort required.