976 resultados para Maxillectomy and midfacial defects


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Background: Zimmermann-Laband syndrome is a rare autosomal dominant disorder that is characterized by gingival fibromatosis, ear, nose, bone, and nail defects, and hepatosplenomegaly.Methods: This case report describes the clinical presentation and periodontal findings in a 13-year-old female patient with previously undiagnosed Zimmermann-Laband syndrome.Results: Clinical and radiographic findings and genetic counseling confirmed the diagnosis of Zimmermann-Laband syndrome. The most striking oral findings were the presence of gingival enlargement involving both the maxillary and mandibular arches, anterior open bite, non-erupted teeth, and two supernumerary teeth. Periodontal treatment consisted of gingivectomy in four quadrants. Histopathologic evaluation of excised tissue supported the diagnosis of gingival fibromatosis. The patient was referred for appropriate orthodontic treatment and genetic counseling, and has been closely followed for the earliest signs of hepatosplenomegaly.Conclusions: Dental practitioners should be alert for developmental abnormalities that may occur in patients with gingival fibromatosis as this may indicate the presence of a rare disorder like Zimmermann-Laband syndrome. A comprehensive medical history and physical systemic evaluation are essential for correct diagnosis and treatment of these cases.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Tin dioxide varistors doped with Coo, ZnO, Ta2O5 and Cr2O3 were prepared by the mixed oxide method. Temperature dependent impedance spectroscopy revealed two different activation energies, one at low frequencies and the other at high frequencies. These activation energies were associated with the adsorption and reaction of O-2 species at the grain boundary interface. We show that Cr2O3 improves the varistor properties, generating sites for the adsorption of O' and O at the grain boundary region. The O' and O defects are truly responsible for the barrier formation at the grain boundary interface. (c) 2005 Elsevier Ltd and Techna Group S.r.l. All rights reserved.


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Pure-and lanthanun doped Bi4Ti3O12 thin films were deposited on Pt/Ti/SiO2/Si substrate using a polymeric precursor solution. Annealing in static air and oxygen atmosphere was performed at 700 degrees C for 2 h. The obtained films were characterized by X-ray diffraction and atomic force microscopy. The dielectric constant and dissipation factor were measured in the frequency region from 1 kHz to 1 MHz. Electrical characterization of the films pointed to ferroelectricity via hysteresis loop. Films annealed in static air possess a dielectric constant higher than films annealed in oxygen atmosphere due to differences in the grain size, crystallinity and structural defects. A regularly shaped hystereses loop is observed after annealing in static air. The obtained results suggest that the annealing in oxygen atmosphere can increase the trapped charge and the relaxation phenomenon. (c) 2006 Elsevier Ltd and Techna Group S.r.l. All rights reserved.


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Piezoresponse Force Microscopy (PFM) is used to characterize the nanoscale electromechanical properties of centrosymmetric CaCu3Ti4O12 ceramics with giant dielectric constant. Clear PFM contrast both in vertical (out-of-plane) and lateral (in-plane) modes is observed on the ceramic surface with varying magnitude and polarization direction depending on the grain crystalline orientation. Lateral signal changes its sign upon 180 degrees rotation of the sample thus ruling out spurious electrostatic contribution and confirming piezoelectric nature of the effect. Piezoresponse could be locally reversed by suitable electrical bias (local poling) and induced polarization was quite stable showing long-time relaxation (similar to 3 hrs). The electromechanical contrast in unpoled ceramics is attributed to the surface flexoelectric effect (strain gradient induced polarization) while piezoresponse hysteresis and ferroelectric-like behavior are discussed in terms of structural instabilities due to Ti off-center displacements and structural defects in this material. (C) 2011 American Institute of Physics. [doi:10.1063/1.3623767]


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Trinta e duas papilas mamárias de vacas da raça Holandesa, em período seco, foram submetidas a telotomia lateral que produziu defeito linear na mucosa da parte papilar do seio lactífero (PPSL). Houve excisão de um retângulo de mucosa de tamanho padronizado que provocou um defeito retangular na mucosa do PPSL, oposto à telotomia. Todas as telotomias foram suturadas e, aleatoriamente, em 16 delas foram introduzidas sondas de Foley de 2,7mm de diâmetro, formando o grupo de papilas com dilatador. A distensão dos balonetes das sondas de Foley provocou a dilatação da PPSL o que forçou a manutenção das sondas, por sete dias, na papila mamária. As 16 papilas restantes formaram o grupo de papilas sem dilatador. Foram realizadas videoteloscopias antes (dia 0) e após as telotomias (dia 8, após a retirada das sondas de Foley e dia 15). As avaliações morfológica e histológica do processo de cicatrização dos defeitos lineares e retangulares evidenciaram que o uso de dilatador na PPSL auxiliou na orientação cicatricial, mantendo a patência do seio lactífero em um maior número de papilas, quando os dois grupos foram comparados. A dilatação da PPSL interferiu na cicatrização das telotomias, e provocou maior número de alterações no epitélio de revestimento do seio lactífero.


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Um reprodutor bovino, Bos indicus, com varicocele bilateral detectado por palpação e ultra-sonografia foi acompanhado por um período de 24 meses quanto à biometria testicular, valores espermáticos e concentração de testosterona comparados entre as estações do ano e outros animais da mesma espécie. As alterações morfológicas dos defeitos maiores e menores não variaram entre o touro com a patologia e os demais touros, no entanto, durante o verão o touro com varicocele apresentou maior percentual de defeitos totais se comparado aos demais touros da mesma espécie (49,86%±6,9 e 27,91%±2,9). O animal apresentou maior percentual de defeitos maiores no verão se comparado às outras estações do ano. Os achados de necrópsia confirmaram o diagnóstico clínico. Pode-se concluir que esta patologia, caracterizada por trombose nos vasos do cordão espermático, comprometeu a termoregulação determinando degeneração testicular severa. O aumento das concentrações de testosterona sérica sugerem a diminuição da retenção de esteroides nos testículos pelo plexo pampiniforme, a produção espermática estava anormal.


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Aim: To evaluate the healing at implants with a moderately rough surface placed and stabilized in recipient sites of dimensions deeper and larger than that of the implants to avoid any contact between parent bone and the implant.Material & methods: In six Labrador dogs, premolars and first molars were extracted bilaterally in the mandible. After 3 months of healing, mucoperiosteal full-thickness flaps were elevated and the premolar area of the alveolar bony crest was selected. Three recipient sites were prepared to place three implants. One implant was used as control. The other two were placed in recipient sites which left a circumferentially and periapical prepared defect of 0.7 mm (small) and 1.2 mm (large), respectively. All implants were stabilized with passive fixation plates to maintain the implants stable and without any contact with the implant bed. After 3 months of submerged healing, the animals were sacrificed. Ground sections were prepared and analyzed histomorphometrically.Results: The BIC% was 5.3% and 0.3% for implants placed in small and large defect sites, respectively, whereas it was 46.1% for control implants. The differences were statistically significant. The width of the residual defects was 0.4 and 0.5 mm at the small and large defects, respectively. An approximately 0.09 mm layer of dense connective tissue (DCT) rich in fibers and fibroblast-like cells was observed adherent to the implant surfaces. The percentage of implant surface covered by DCT was 92.8% and 95.6% at the small and large defects, respectively.Conclusion: Osseointegration was observed at the test sites, and the dimensions of the defects influenced the outcomes. However, the degree of osseointegration at both small and large defects was very low compared with the control sites.


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The aim of the present work was to evaluate plasma membrane integrity, motility, vigor and morphology of fresh and frozen goat spermatozoa with or without seminal plasma. Semen samples were diluted in Tris solution, before and after thawing, with a combination of carboxifluorescein diacetate and propidium iodide. The results showed differences (P < 0.01) for motility and minor defects in the presence or absence of seminal plasma, for both fresh and frozen samples. Periods of collection had a significant effect on motility, probably due to changes in the photoperiod. Plasma membrane integrity was significantly reduced by the freezing process, whether seminal plasma was present or absent. In conclusion, removal of seminal plasma decreased motility and vigor rates in frozen samples. The photoperiod probably decreased the testosterone level, contributing negatively to the high percentage of sperm abnormalities, mainly damaged membranes. The use of fluorescent probes allowed a better estimation of the percentage of functional cells, instead of only estimating the percentage of motile cells or morphology defects. © 2001 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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Introduction: Children with Moebius syndrome may present paralysis of cranial nerves III, IV, V, VI, VII, VIII, IX, X and XII, compromising motor and sensorial functions. Hands and feet defects (syndactyly, equinovarus and arthrogryposis) are frequently associated. These manifestations can be attributed to the use of misoprostol during pregnancy to induce abortion. Study design: Clinical prospective. Aim: To evaluate the main clinical manifestations, hearing acuity and possible etiologic factors in children with Moebius syndrome. Material and method: The children were submitted to clinical, otolaryngological and hearing acuity assessment. Hearing acuity was evaluated through behavioral tests, pure tone audiometry, tympanometry and auditory brainstem response (ABR). We investigated possible etiologic factors. Results: Three boys and two girls were evaluated. The main manifestations were: facial paralysis, paralysis of masseter muscle, defects in dental occlusion, retraction of tympanic membrane, equinovarus, oblique palpebral fissure and tongue atrophy. Conductive hearing loss was detected in three children and sensorineural hearing loss in one child. The use of misoprostol during pregnancy was reported by four mothers. Conclusions: The children with Moebius syndrome evaluated in the present study manifested palsies of various cranial nerves, especially V, VII and XII nerves, responsible for motor and sensorial alterations. Inadequate eustachian tube function associated to conductive hearing loss was frequent. The use of misoprostol during pregnancy was reported by the mothers and it was considered a possible etiologic factor.


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Purpose: The purpose of this work was to study the bone tissue reaction after porous polyethylene (Polipore) implantation into surgical defects in the parietal bones of rats with streptozotocin-induced diabetes, treated with salmon calcitonin. Materials and Methods: Porous polyethylene implants were placed in bone defects created in 36 adult female rats. The rats were divided into 3 equal groups: diabetic treated with calcitonin (DCa), diabetic (D), and control (C). The animals of the DCa group received applications of salmon calcitonin on alternating days immediately after the surgery until sacrifice. The rats were sacrificed after 15, 30, 60, and 90 days, and the defects were examined histologically and statistically through histomorphometric analysis. Results: Histomorphometric analysis showed that there was no statistically significant difference in the mean quantity of inflammatory cells among all study groups after 15 and 90 days. At 30 days, a statistically significant difference was observed between the D and C groups and the D and DCa groups. At 60 days, there was no statistically significant difference between the D and DCa groups. Discussion: Porous polyethylene can be considered an option for implant material when there are investigations that prove its biocompatibility and stability in the host tissues. Salmon calcitonin positively aided the bone repair and attenuated the inflammatory response until 30 days after the surgery. Conclusion: Porous polyethylene was tolerated by the host tissues in all groups, and moderate chronic inflammatory reaction was observed up to the 90-day period. Salmon calcitonin attenuated the inflammatory response up until 30 days.


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Purpose: To describe alterations observed in patients with congenital clinical anophthalmia and the occurrence of association with other ocular and extra ocular abnormalities. Methods: An observational retrospective study was conducted evaluating 12 patients with congenital clinical anophthalmia at Faculdade de Medicina de Botucatu-UNESP, between 1992 and 2005. In those patients it was observed the ocular abnormalities, severity, laterality, follow-up and to systemic abnormalities associated. The congenital clinical anophthalmia have been associated to major severity abnormalities extra-oculars, mainly when the anophthalmia was bilateral, such agenesis of corpus callosum, others craniofacial anomalies and cardiac defects. In the cases unilateral, the alteration associated more frequently was the facial asymmetry, showing the direct correlation between anophthalmos and development of orbit and face. Conclusion: There was relation between congenital clinical anophthalmia and ocular abnormally and extra-ocular abnormally. Patients with bilateral anophthalmos disease have more severe alterations. anophthalmia congenital attends a course with abnormalities of development of the face.


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Five dogs with rectovaginal fistula and atresia ani that had been treated by surgical correction of the malformations were studied retrospectively. Ages at presentation varied from 1 to 3 months and weight from 350 g to 7.5 kg. The histories included voiding of feces through the vulva, with or without tenesmus, usually observed after weaning. Artesia ani, presence of feces in the vaginal canal, abdominal distention, and discomfort on abdominal palpation were observed during clinical examination. Also, 3 dogs had partial tail agenesis. In all dogs, the rectovaginal fistula was isolated and transected, the vulvar and rectal defects were closed separately, and the atresia ani was repaired. Normal defecation was restored, but 1 dog had fecal incontinence that subsequently resolved. One dog died 2.5 months postoperatively, and follow-up was done on the others for periods ranging from 1.6 year to 7.7 years. Surgical correction in dogs with rectovaginal fistula and atresia ani may result in a favorable outcome, if it is done early.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)