917 resultados para Maternal and infant welfare


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Mode of access: Internet.


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August 1978.


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sect. 1. Old-age pensions, federal old-age benefits, aid to dependent children, maternal and child welfare, aid to crippled children, vocational rehabilitation, aid to the blind, public health, unemployment compensation.--sect. 2. Unemployment compensation, federal old-age benefits.


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Excessive volatility of asset prices like that generated in the 'noise trader' model of De Long et al. is one factor that plausibly might contribute to an explanation of the equity premium. We extend the De Long et al. model to allow for privatization of publicly-owned assets and assess the welfare effects of such privatization in the presence of excess volatility arising from noise traders' mistaken beliefs.


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This paper explores issues arising from the welfare reform process in the United States and Australia. The involvement of faith-based organisations in both countries has evolved in different historical, social, political and cultural contexts. The paper will explore three main themes. First, it examines the relevance of the term 'faith-based' to describe the nature of the relationship between charities and churches in the mixed economy of welfare in the Australian context. Second, it provides a critical analysis of the reform processes, suggesting implications for the future of church-based organisations. Third, it maps directions for cross-comparative research of church-based social services provision in both countries.


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The thesis began as a study of new firm formation. Preliminary research suggested that infant death rate was considered to be a closely related problem and the search was for a theory of new firm formation which would explain both. The thesis finds theories of exit and entry inadequate in this respect and focusses instead on theories of entrepreneurship, particularly those which concentrate on entrepreneurship as an agent of change. The role of information is found to be fundamental to economic change and an understanding of information generation and dissemination and the nature and direction of information flows is postulated to lead coterminously to an understanding of entrepreneurhsip and economic change. The economics of information is applied to theories of entrepreneurhsip and some testable hypotheses are derived. The testing relies on etablishing and measuring the information bases of the founders of new firms and then testing for certain hypothesised differences between the information bases of survivors and non-survivors. No theory of entrepreneurship is likely to be straightforwardly testable and many postulates have to be established to bring the theory to a testable stage. A questionnaire is used to gather information from a sample of firms taken from a new micro-data set established as part of the work of the thesis. Discriminant Analysis establishes the variables which best distinguish between survivors and non-survivors. The variables which emerge as important discriminators are consistent with the theory which the analysis is testing. While there are alternative interpretations of the important variables, collective consistency with the theory under test is established. The thesis concludes with an examination of the implications of the theory for policy towards stimulating new firm formation.


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This study is about the role and operation of ‘third sector’ organisations (TSOs) within the Taiwanese social welfare context. TSOs have increased dramatically and become actively involved in social service provision. This phenomenon has not only had significant impact on the development and operation of TSOs in Taiwan but it is also of increasing interest to public policy academics. The latter are especially interested in the implications for the government-third sector relationship. This research examines the reasons why TSOs have been established, why they actively participate in social service provision, and their role and operation within the social welfare context of Taiwan. The study has both quantitative and qualitative data. It sampled ‘social service’ and ‘charitable’ organisations (SSCOs), which are the main type of TSOs in Taiwan, to examine their role, operation and interaction with government. Questionnaires were mailed to collect quantitative data first. After the quantitative data were collected and analysed, semi-structured interviews were undertaken to collect qualitative data. The study found that TSOs in Taiwan exist in a highly institutionalised environment, which is affected by traditional Confucian ideas and contemporary Western ideas such as social justice and civil rights. The rapid growth of TSOs has a strong connection with the desire to fill social service gaps left by government and family. TSOs mainly play the role of service provider rather than that of advocate. They cooperate with government in social service provision and have developed different types of symbiotic relationships with government. A ‘resonance effect’ between government and TSOs was also found as they implement social policy.


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A tanulmányban országok környezetterhelését és jóllétét vizsgáljuk. A környezetterhelést vizsgáló klasszikus I = PAT azonosság célszerű átrendezésével és továbbgondolásával két térképet szerkesztünk, amelyek egy véges, korlátozott erőforrású világban segítik a stratégiai döntéshozatalt. A térképek adatait a bruttó hazai termék, az ökológiai lábnyom, illetve a szubjektív jóllét mutatói szolgáltatják, ezek az információk a világ országaira ma már széles körben rendelkezésre állnak. Bemutatjuk a gazdasági tevékenység és a szubjektív jóllét kapcsolatát, s az erre épülő 12 stratégiát, majd a szűkös természeti erőforrásokkal számot vető újabb 12 stratégialehetőséget tárgyaljuk. A gazdasági tevékenységet, a környezeti korlátokat és az emberi boldogságot egyszerre szem előtt tartó modell alapján nyilvánvaló a makroszintű következtetés: napjainkban a gazdasági tevékenység, illetve az emberi jóllét dematerializációja szükséges és kívánatos célkitűzés /===/ The study examines countries' ecological footprint and welfare. Rearranging and developing the classic I = PAT equation, the author has devised two maps to assist strategic decision-making in a world of finite, limited resources. The data on the maps – GDP, ecological footprint, and subjective welfare indices – are all widely available all over the world. The relation between economic activity and subjective welfare is presented and twelve strategies built upon them, before discussing twelve further strategies based on scarce natural resources. Using a model that considers economic activity, environmental constraints and human happiness concurrently, it becomes obvious that dematerialization of economic activity and human welfare are a necessary and desirable objective.


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Unidirectional hybridization between bluegill (Lepomis macrochirus) and pumpkinseed (L. gibbosus) sunfish enables researchers to explore the relative expression of paternal and maternal alleles in hybrids. Past studies have found that the metabolic dysfunction in bluegill-pumpkinseed hybrids may be due to incompatibilities between nuclear and mitochondrial genomes. However, the consequences of hybridization on body size and muscle growth have not been examined. This topic is particularly interesting because hybrids grow larger than parentals despite the fact that they are often sired by smaller, precociously mature bluegills. In order to improve our understanding of growth dynamics in hybrid sunfish, I conducted real-time quantitative PCR using species-specific primers on the white muscle tissue of bluegills, pumpkinseeds, and hybrids collected from Lake Opinicon, ON. Five growth factors that have been linked to muscle growth and body size demonstrated similar expression for maternal and paternal alleles. While about half of the hybrids showed the same pattern with myogenin, about half showed very low levels of mRNA for the paternal (bluegill) gene. While this did not explain the heterosis seen in hybrids, it may explain the small body phenotype of the cuckholding bluegill males. I explored the upstream genetic structure of bluegill myogenin and established that four alleles exist within the population. Furthermore, I uncovered a relationship in hybrids between the proximal promoter/ 5’ UTR of myogenin and its transcript level. I found that the hybrids demonstrating low paternal myogenin expression unfailingly possessed A3 or A4 alleles, but future studies will be needed to reveal the molecular links between the genotype and the growth phenotype. A similar genotype-phenotype association was not obvious in parentals, even those that were homozygous for these alleles. Whether this relationship can provide insight into the genetic determinants of bluegill alternative mating strategies has yet to be determined.


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In this article I explore how the figure of debt illuminates the racial politics of welfare in neoliberal Britain. I begin by giving a reading of the simultaneous unfolding of post-war race politics and the Beveridgean welfare state, and then turn to consider the interpellative appeal of neoliberal debt to minoritiSed subjects who have, in certain respects, been de facto excluded from prevailing models of welfare citizenship. In particular, this article considers the ways in which household debt might, even as it increases social inequality, simultaneously produce ideas about equality and futurity, as well as gesture towards the possibility of post-national forms of identity and belonging. If we are to challenge the lowest-common-denominator logics of ‘capitalist realism’ it is necessary to develop orientations to the economic that are as convincing as the popular stories that circulate about the operations of the neoliberal marketplace, and which are as meaningful as the social relations they play a part in constituting. Rather than reproduce the racialized model of welfare citizenship that is implicit to the ‘defence’ of the postwar welfare state, I suggest that there are elements of prevailing neoliberal market relations that might themselves serve as a more substantial basis for expressions of racial equality. There is, in other words, something that we can learn from neoliberal debt regimes in order to develop a more egalitarian future-oriented politics of social welfare and economic redistribution.


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There is a growing literature which documents the importance of early life environment for outcomes across the life cycle. Research, including studies based on Irish data, demonstrates that those who experience better childhood conditions go on to be wealthier and healthier adults. Therefore, inequalities at birth and in childhood shape inequality in wellbeing in later life, and the historical evolution of the mortality and morbidity of children born in Ireland is important for understanding the current status of the Irish population. In this paper, I describe these patterns by reviewing the existing literature on infant health in Ireland over the course of the 20th century. Up to the 1950s, infant mortality in Ireland (both North and South) was substantially higher than in other developed countries, with a large penalty for those born in urban areas. The subsequent reduction in this penalty, and the sustained decline in infant death rates, occurred later than would be expected from the experience in other contexts. Using records from the Rotunda Lying-in Hospital in Dublin, I discuss sources of disparities in stillbirth in the early 1900s. Despite impressive improvements in death rates since that time, a comparison with those born at the end of the century reveals that Irish children continue to be born unequal. Evidence from studies which track people across the life course, for example research on the returns to birthweight, suggests that the economic cost of this early life inequality is substantial.