264 resultados para Mastocitoma cutâneo
Alguns vegetais, como a soja (Glycine max L. Merr), despertam interesse, pois fornecem, entre outras substâncias, as isoflavonas, que apresentam importantes propriedades estrogênicas e, também, atuam como antioxidantes, antifúngicos e anticancerígenos. A menopausa, causada pela deficiência hormonal, é acompanhada de vários transtornos metabólicos, como perda de massa óssea, fenômenos vasomotores, dislipidemia, resistência insulínica, ganho de peso, depressão e aceleração do envelhecimento cutâneo. A terapia de reposição hormonal (TRH) é eficaz, embora possa causar efeitos secundários, como câncer de mama. Nestes casos, a fitoterapia com fitormônios por via cutânea é uma alternativa importante. Dentre as preparações de uso tópico, sistemas emulsionados e géis são muito utilizados, pois favorecem a solubilidade e a estabilidade de fármacos. Para avaliar a estabilidade das formulações, foram consideradas as características organolépticas (aspecto, cor, odor) e as características físico-químicas (valor de pH, viscosidade e densidade, etc.), separação de fases e/ou coalescência. Algumas formulações apresentam-se com características desejáveis e adequadas para a veiculação de isoflavonas presentes em extrato de soja, podendo-se sugeri-las como sistemas adequados e estáveis para sua veiculação pela via dérmica
It is believed that epigenetic mechanisms such as DNA methylation are important for the tumorigenesis and maintenance of the altered state of tumor cells. DNA methylation occurs by the addition of a methyl group to carbon 5 of cytosine, catalyzed by the enzyme DNA methyl-transferase, which can change the expression of a gene, including the tumor suppressor genes. In human squamous cell carcinoma, several features have shown the etiological role of genes in tumor development. Among them, FOXE1 gene (forkhead box E1 - thyroid transcription factor) is presented with an important role in susceptibility to disease. Similarly the FOXE1 methylation pattern could alter the expression of this gene in dogs and predisposed to tumor on. Therefore, this study aims to investigate in dogs, the validity of the strategy employed in humans to analyze the FOXE1 methylation status. DNA extraction from fresh frozen tumoral samples was performed by Wizard Genomic® DNA Purification Kit. The methylation status was determined by MSP-PCR (methylation-specific polymerase chain reaction), using 2.0 ng of DNA treated with sodium bisulphate. One hundred micrograms of bisulphite-modified DNA was amplified using primers specific for either methylated or unmethylated DNA (primers sequences are available at http://pathology2.jhu.edu/pancreas/primer.pdf). The analysis of fragments was loaded on to 7% polyacrylamide gels and silver nitrate staining. In this stage of technical approach, 60% were FOXE1 hypermethylated. In conclusion, it was observed that the standard technique for assessing the methylation pattern of gene FOXE1 in humans can be used for the same evaluation in dogs. The correlation of these molecular data with clinical and histopathological parameters may have diagnostic and prognostic value and still be used as a tumor marker for therapeutic decision and surgical approach
Photodynamic Therapy (PDT) is a therapeutic method which employs a photosensitizer and light to cause cellular death. The chemical compounds have low or none toxicity for hosts cells. Under the incidence of light, in an appropriated wavelength, these chemical compounds produce reactive oxygen which affects the biomolecules of the target-cells. The specific illumination of the affected area increases the selectivity of the therapy, since the photodynamic process occurs only in the irradiated area. Pythiosis, for instance, is a life-threatening emerging disease caused by a fungus-like organism called Pythium insidiosum. The disease occurs in man and other animals, being mostly observed in horses. Human pythiosis may present as ophthalmic, cutaneous-subcutaneous and systemic forms of lesions. Due to the fact that P. insidiosum is not a true fungus, it is refractory to most antifungal drugs and the treatment of the disease is difficult. Extensive surgery procedures, such as limb amputation, are the treatment of choice, however relapses may occur frequently. Although not totally effective, the use of immunotherapy associated to surgery have shown some results. Considering that pythiosis is an emerging disease few explored in its etiological and therapeutic aspects, which are limited and few effective, it is of great importance to encourage the development of researches for new strategies of treatment. In this sense, it was evaluated the effect of PDT on in vitro growth of the pathogen employing two chemical compounds as photosensitizer, porphyrin and chlorine, at different concentrations in combination with several energetic dosages. Porphyrin showed inhibition of growth at 25mg/mL with 100J/cm2 of energetic dosage and chlorine showed similar results employing low concentrations (0,7, 1,0 and 1,3mg/mL) with 70J/cm2 of energetic dosage... (Complete abstract click electronic access below)
Pós-graduação em Medicina Veterinária - FCAV
Several types of tumors affect dogs' skin. Simultaneously occurring neoplasms with different histological patterns might be rarely present in the same animal. This paper describes the occurrence of epitheliotropic cutaneous T-cell lymphoma and melanoma in a dog. The animal had nodular lesions in the abdominal region and serpiginous plaques on the dorsal region of the trunk. Cytology evidenced malignant fusiform cells from the abdominal lesions as well as few round cells from the dorsal. The histopathological examination of the abdominal lesions showed dermis with polygonal to spindle-shaped neoplastic cells. The lesion of the dorsal region evidenced neoplastic round cells with generally distinct cell borders and a moderate amount of eosinophilic cytoplasm. Abdominal lesions were positive for Melan A. Dorsal and forelimb lesions were positive for CD3. This study reports the occurrence of epitheliotropic cutaneous T-cell lymphoma and malignant melanoma in a crossbred Boxer dog and discusses the importance of performing immunohistochemical profile to confirm the phenotype of the tumor.
Lyme disease (LD) is a systemic infl ammatory changes resulting from direct action and the immune response to the spirochete Borrelia burgdoferi transmitted by inoculation of the fl ow of the genus Ixodes tick and is most commonly found in North America, Europe and Asia. This disease can lead to facial and peripheral neurological manifestations, such as Bell’s palsy, eye changes, disorders in the temporo-mandibular joint in addition to paresthesia of superior and inferior alveolar nerves. In Brazil, the diagnosis of LD is primarily based on clinical presentation, the erythema migrans skin, and epidemiological information of the patient. Recognition of the onset of the DL by health professionals is essential for the correct antibiotic treatment preventing the progression of the disease, and also relevant preventive guidelines for those living or working in endemic areas.
Paracoccidioidomycosis is a systemic mycosis which requires prolonged treatment. It is highest prevalence in Latin America, with different endemic areas in Brazil. In this study the aim was to characterize clients suffering from mucocutaneous paracoccidioidomycosis by analysis of histopathological examinations of 61 adult patients diagnosed with mucocutaneous paracoccidioidomycosis treated at the Dental School of Araçatuba, from January 1989 to December 2004. It was observed that the disease occurred in 91.81% (56) men and 8.19% (5) women, more prevalent (78.68%) in whites, aged 40 to 59 years (62.9%) and the profession linked to agriculture in 17 patients (27.86%). All patients had oral manifestations, in multiple sites, but it was most prevalent in the oral mucosa (31.42%) and alveolar ridge (17.14%). The dentist as an integral member of the health services, must know the clinical manifestations of paracoccidioidomycosis to achieve early diagnosis and thereby to improve the quality of life of patients.
Pós-graduação em Medicina Veterinária - FCAV
Kassabach-Merritt syndrome is a combination of capillary hemangioma and thrombocytopenia that predisposes to bleeding with petechiae, ecchymosis and spontaneous bruising. Treatment is generally started with corticosteroids, interferon alpha or chemotherapy. We present the case of a child (aged 1 year and 9 months) with a giant hemangioma, from the root of the thigh to the knee, and thrombocytopenia. Treatment was started with corticosteroids, without improvement, and then intra-tumor and cutaneous bleeding appeared spontaneously. The patient’s clinical condition precluded prescription of vincristine and interferon and emergency tumor resection was conducted because of extreme thrombocytopenia and bleeding. The child then began to develop sepsis with hypotension and ischemia of remnant tissues. This case presented a therapeutic challenge, which is the subject of this article.
Melanoma subungueal in situ tratado com cirurgia funcionalHamilton Ometto StolfI, Hélio Amante MiotI, Nilton de Ávila ReisIIDepartamento de Dermatologia e Radioterapia, Universidade Estadual Paulista (Unesp)INTRODUÇÃOO melanoma subungueal representa aproximadamente 2% a 3% dos melanomas cutâneos em pacientes caucasianos1 e 20% em pacientes negros2 ou asiáticos.3A exposição solar, tida com principal fator de risco para o melanoma cutâneo,4 parece desempenhar papel secundário no desenvolvimento da variante subungueal,5 uma vez que a radiação ultravioleta dificilmente penetra no leito ungueal. Além disso, nevos subungueais como lesões precursoras são extremamente raros.6Os polegares e háluces são os mais acometidos, sendo o polegar responsável por 56% dos casos entre todos os dedos e o hálux por 86% dos dedos dos pés.7A confirmação do diagnóstico é feita a partir do exame anatomopatológico da lesão, geralmente localizada na matriz ou leito ungueal. A verificação histológica do melanoma subungueal é frequentemente postergada por conta do atraso no diagnóstico clínico,8-10 gerando piora do prognóstico.O prognóstico geralmente é ruim: as taxas de sobrevida real de cinco anos variam entre 16% a 20%, podendo atingir até 80% se consideradas taxas de sobrevida estimada.2,3,11-18RELATO DE CASOPaciente de 44 anos, do sexo feminino, professora, com queixa de aparecimento de mancha na unha do hálux direito há cinco anos. Relata aumento progressivo lento na largura da faixa. Ao exame dermatológico, apresentava faixa de melanoníquia extensa, irregular, bordas mal definidas e estria de pigmentação mais acentuada em uma das margens do leito ungueal do hálux direito (Figura 1). Exame dermatoscópico (aparelho Dermalite II Pro, aumento de 10 vezes) confirmou faixas irregulares e cores variadas de hiperpigmentação.Foi realizada a avulsão parcial da lâmina ungueal e incisão na prega ungueal lateral para visualização do local da origem da pigmentação no leito ungueal,
Contexto: A paracoccidioidomicose é uma doença de apresentação clínica polimórfica, sendo a micose sistêmica de maior prevalência no Brasil. Relato de caso: Descrevemos o caso de um paciente de 49 anos que apresentava úlcera de crescimento progressivo há um ano no primeiro dedo da mão direita. Durante a investigação, foi realizado diagnóstico de paracoccidioidomicose forma crônica com acometimento cutâneo e pulmonar, apesar da ausência de clínica respiratória. Conclusões: Por apresentar evolução insidiosa na forma crônica, o diagnóstico da paracoccidioidomicose pode passar despercebido devido à grande dissociação clinicorradiológica nas formas pulmonares. Portanto, a presença de lesões cutâneas indica a possibilidade de acometimento sistêmico.
Paciente feminino 36 anos, com queixa de febre noturna, astenia, parestesia de membros inferiores, artralgia, hepatoesplenomegalia, lesões cutâneas, anemia hipocrômica, microcítica e linfopenia. Sorologia negativa para Hepatite B,C e HIV; FAN e anti-DNA também negativos. Histopatologia da medula óssea mostrou-se discretamente hipercelular, com presença de focos de histiócitos com citoplasma vacuolado (células pseudo-gaucher-like),aspecto megaloblástico, linfoplasmocitico e lipogranulomatoso. A coloração Ziehl- -Nielsen positivo; diagnóstico morfológico: micobacteriose de medula óssea. A cultura do sangue e do aspirado de medula óssea foi negativo para M.tuberculosis. Biópsia das lesões cutâneas máculas e pápulas hipercrômicas dos membros inferiores e superiores revelou hanseníase de padrão Vichowiana. A pesquisa BAAR pela Faraco demonstrou numerosos bacilos, sendo a maioria de padrão granuloso. Pacientes com hanseníase virchowiana tem acometimento cutâneo em 100% dos casos, o baço é o órgão mais frequentemente acometido com disseminação através do sangue periférico. O quadro anêmico e a linfopenia provavelmente se deve à cronicidade da infecção, levando a infiltração medular. A ocorrência do comprometimento medular em paciente com hanseníase Virchowiana é excepcional, mesmo em países endêmicos, e pode indicar necessidade de tratamento mais prolongado.
Contexto: O tumor triquilemal proliferativo é enfermidade pouco comum que se desenvolve a partir de lesões císticas foliculares, com alguns relatos de metástases, porém raras. Relato de caso: Descrevemos o caso de uma paciente de 93 anos, que apresentava tumoração de três centímetros há seis anos em couro cabeludo, que procurou o serviço por complicação associada (infecção). Foi realizada excisão cirúrgica completa, com realização de enxerto cutâneo para fechamento. Conclusões: Essa neoplasia de células escamosas aparentemente tem comportamento intermediário, em relação à malignidade, e necessita acompanhamento a longo prazo. Ainda há necessidade de mais estudos para identificar o porquê de alguns tumores terem comportamento indolente e outros, mais agressivo.
The mast cell tumor (MCT) is the second most common type of tumor in dogs. It is characterized by uncontrolled proliferation of mast cells in the skin. Treatment involves surgical resection, chemotherapy and radiotherapy. Recently, new treatment protocols have been developed, such as the use of tyrosine kinase inhibitors. With the increasing knowledge about the genome and the evolution of methods in molecular genetics, drugs with specific molecular targets are surely going to become promising therapeutic modalities in the near future. Besides being involved in the normal cell cycle, some studies suggest that tyrosine kinases have a fundamental role in neoplastic processes. Therefore, some strategies such as the development of antibodies anti-receptors for tyrosine kinases and small-molecule tyrosine kinase receptor inhibitors have been developed in an attempt to inhibit tumor development. The purpose of this review is to describe the use of tyrosine kinase inhibitors in the treatment of mast cell tumors in dogs.