834 resultados para Marital


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The paper analyses the inter and intragenerational redistribution effects ofthe public pensions system in Spain. This is achieved by first comparing the expected present value of life-time income transfers (PVT) and internalrates of return (IRR) of different population cohorts. Secondly, we study the intragenerational aspects of the Spanish public pensions by calculating PVTs the IRRs for workers of different categories, grouped by earnings, gender and marital status.The results obtained show the nature of the important intergenerational effects of the Social Security System in Spain. The oldest 1935 cohort clearlybenefits in relation to the youngest 1965 cohort. This is basically due to thegap between current wages and the contribution bases established in the 60s and 70s in Spain during the early stages of the Social Security System, and to the worsening shortfall in Social Security funding, combined with the longer of life expectancy.In addition, intragenerational effects exist by income levels. For contributors who pay between the minimum and the maximum allowable contribution bases, net transfers and rates of return are higher in actuarial terms for high incomecontributors. The social security `dealï is again more profitable for highincome individuals since they contribute at the maximum basis, with respect tolow income contributors at the minimum basis. This is due to the late entry and a higher survival rate for high income contributors.The system tends to favour women, given that they generally live longer than men and this factor is only partially offset by their lower wages. Married males, given the fact that they have longer life expectancy and leave a pension to their spouse, obtain higher present net transfers too than do single contributors.We close the paper with some comments on the slight impact and moderate effects of proposals for Social Security reform and on how these may change the previously observed redistribution effects.


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Cette recherche investigue l'impact de la transition à la parentalité sur l'identité conjugale. Afin de mettre en évidence les bouleversements induits par l'arrivée du premier enfant sur le système-couple, deux groupes de sujets ont constitué notre échantillon : des couples parents d'un premier enfant âgé de 9 à 12 mois et des couples sans enfant mais avec une durée de vie commune équivalente au premier groupe. Chaque couple a été rencontré dans le cadre d'un unique entretien. Leur première tâche a été de décrire leurs vies de couple passée et actuelle au travers de valeurs et devises. Un questionnaire créé pour cette recherche a ensuite permis d'évaluer la représentation des conjoints quant à l'évolution de leur couple, et ce sur la base de cinq dimensions à même de caractériser la manière d'être ensemble des conjoints. Finalement, les jeunes parents ont participé à un entretien semi-directif afin de témoigner des changements personnels et de couple vécus dans le cadre de la transition à la parentalité. Des analyses qualitatives et quantitatives basées sur les données récoltées au travers de nos trois outils révèlent plusieurs résultats. Les conjoints sans enfant décrivent avant tout leur couple comme un cocon au sein duquel deux individus autonomes trouvent refuge et réconfort. Les jeunes parents se démarquent quant à eux par une diminution de leur sentiment d'indépendance, reflet de la nécessaire collaboration propre au co-parentage. Une analyse des entretiens semi-structurés croisée avec l'évaluation du degré de satisfaction conjugale permet le constat suivant : la diminution avérée de la satisfaction conjugale lors de la transition à la parentalité n'est pas strictement associée aux bouleversements conjugaux. Ce déclin lors de l'arrivée et de l'accueil du premier enfant semble en effet être également en lien avec une difficile articulation, chez chaque partenaire, de leurs identités personnelle, conjugale, parentale et socio-professionnelle. - This research investigates the impact of the transition to parenthood on marital identity. To highlight the changes brought about by the arrival of the first child on the couple, two groups of subjects constituted our sample: couples with a first child of 9 to 12 months and childless couples but with a period of cohabitation equivalent to that of the first group. Each couple was interviewed once only. Their first task was to describe their lives as a couple past and present through values and principles. A questionnaire devised for this research was then used to evaluate partners' responses regarding the evolution of their relationship, this based on five criteria to characterise the couples' way of being together. Finally, young parents participated in a semi- structured interview to describe personal changes and those as a couple experienced in the transition to parenthood. Qualitative and quantitative analyses based on data collected through our three tools reveal several results. Spouses without children describe their relationship primarily as a cocoon in which two autonomous individuals find refuge and comfort. Young parents differ in reducing their feelings of independence, reflecting the collaborative needs specific to co-parenting. An analysis of the semi- structured interviews crossed with the assessment of marital satisfaction gives rise to the following observation: the pronounced reduction in marital satisfaction during the transition to parenthood is not strictly associated with marital disruption. This decline upon the arrival of the first child seems to be in line with a difficult balance for each partner between their personal, marital, parental and socio- professional identities.


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The goal of this study is to present a new observational assessment tool, the prenatal Lausanne Trilogue Play situation (LTP). Expectant parents were asked to role play their first meeting with their baby using a doll, and the videotaped interaction was subsequently coded. Scores were correlated with measures of the couples' marital satisfaction as well as the postnatal family alliance 3 months after the baby's birth. Results showed that the prenatal co-parenting alliance was positively linked to both fathers' marital satisfaction as well as to the postnatal family alliance at 3 months. Thus, the prenatal LTP allows for assessment of the prenatal co-parenting alliance at the interactional level. It predicts the place the parents will afford their baby after birth and can contribute to methods of clinical assessment and prevention.


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Objectiu: Aquest estudi pretén aportar coneixement sobre el model d’atenció que reben les persones de més de 79 anys dependents del municipi de Vic. Analitzar en quina mesura es fa ús dels serveis formals i quines variables influeixen en la utilització d’aquest. Mètode: Estudi retrospectiu, descriptiu i transversal. De metodologia quantitativa. La població d’estudi són aquelles persones de 80 i més anys de Vic que van sol·licitar la valoració de dependència entre els anys 2007-2010, amb un grau II o III de dependència reconegut i un Pla Individual d’Atenció validat i concedit per la Generalitat de Catalunya (n=453). Les dades provenen de registres de la Generalitat de Catalunya i de l’Àrea d’Afers Socials i Ciutadania de l’Ajuntament de Vic. Les variables dependents són la utilització de recursos formals (teleassitència, servei d’atenció domiciliària –públic i privat- , centre de dia, residència i prestacions econòmiques derivades de la llei de la dependència). El grau de dependència, el gènere, l’edat, l’estat civil, la convivència, el cuidador principal i el nivell de renda es van considerar variables independents. Resultats: El model d’atenció majoritari és el que complementa el suport informal amb el formal (62.3%). L’ús de recursos formals té un paper subsidiari (37.7%). La variable convivència influeix de forma significativa amb l’ús de serveis formals (p&0.001 en l’ús de TAS, el SAD públic i el SAD privat) . Conclusió: Els disseny de programes i criteris de provisió de serveis haurien de contemplar no només el grau de dependència sinó també variables més d’entorn com la convivència. No obstant, existeix encara poca evidència científica en aquesta línia, per això s’hauria de potenciar l’ investigació que permetés analitzar les variables de la funció social de forma més acurada. Paraules clau: Dependència, suport formal, suport informal.


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This article presents a longitudinal study of the development of "family alliance" from pregnancy to toddlerhood in a community sample, as well as its links with the emotional and cognitive development of the child at age 5 years. Family alliance is defined as the quality of the interactive coordination between family members. We consider that the alliance constitutes a context for the child to learn emotion regulation and to develop an understanding of inner states. Family interactions (N = 38) were observed at the 5th month of pregnancy and at 3, 9, and 18 months after birth in a standardized situation of observation (Lausanne Trilogue Play). Marital satisfaction and child temperament were assessed through self-reported questionnaires. Several outcomes of the child at age 5 years were measured: theory of mind performances, predominant emotional themes in pretend play, internalized and externalized symptoms. Results show that (a) three patterns of evolution of family alliance occur: "high stable" (n = 19), "high to low" (n = 10), and "low stable" (n = 9); (b) a high stable alliance is predictive of better outcomes in children at age 5 years, especially regarding theory of mind; (c) the temperament of the child is predictive of child outcomes; and (d) an interaction effect occurs between family alliance and temperament. These results highlight the importance of both family-level and individual-level variables for understanding individual differences in the social and cognitive development of children.


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La venue d'un premier enfant implique d'importants remaniements. Le couple conjugal est mis à rude épreuve et la littérature anglo-saxonne fait état d'une baisse de la satisfaction conjugale durant la période de transition à la parentalité. De plus, au couple conjugal s'ajoutent le couple co-parental (relations entre les parents à propos de leur enfant) et les dyades parentales (parent/enfant). L'articulation entre les sous-systèmes conjugal, co-parental et parental va varier d'une famille à l'autre : prépondérance du parental ou du conjugal, présence d'un co-parentage soutenant ou non, etc. La baisse de la satisfaction conjugale lors de la transition à la parentalité est confirmée dans une étude réalisée en Suisse et présentée dans cet article. Des vignettes cliniques de jeux familiaux illustrent ensuite les différentes articulations possibles du conjugal, du co-parental et du familial. The birth of a first child implies important reorganizations. The marital relationship is under stress and Anglo-Saxon literature shows that there is a decrease of the marital satisfaction during the transition to parenthood. Moreover, when partners become parents, coparenting (relationship between the parents regarding their child) and parental dyads (parent-infant) are added to the marital relationship. The articulation between the conjugal, coparental and parental sub-systems varies from one family to the other : preponderance of the parental or the conjugal subsystem, presence of a supportive co-parenting or not, etc. The decrease of the marital satisfaction during the transition to parenthood is confirmed in a Swiss study and described in this article. Descriptions of family games illustrate then the different possible articulations of the conjugal, coparental and parental subsystems.


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The aim was to examine the effect of maternal age, gravidity, marital status, previous perinatal deaths, and parental social class on babies born low birthweight, preterm, and small for gestational age. DESIGN--The study used data on discharge summaries from all maternity hospitals in Scotland. SETTING--The study was based on all singleton deliveries in Scotland. PARTICIPANTS--The analysis involved information on 259,462 singleton babies born during the four years 1981-84 in Scotland. MEASUREMENTS AND MAIN RESULTS--Previous perinatal death was found to be the strongest predictor for both preterm and low birthweight. Single mothers were at particularly high risk of having a small for gestational age baby and those who were previously married of having a preterm baby. Women aged less than 20 years old, those over 34 years old, nulligravidae, and those of parity 3 or more were also at increased risk of adverse pregnancy outcome. Mothers and fathers in manual social classes and those who could not be assigned a social class on the basis of their occupation were at increased risk for all three adverse outcomes studied. The babies of parents who were in manual occupations were twice as likely as those of parents in non-manual occupations to be small for gestational age and almost twice as likely to be low birthweight. CONCLUSIONS--Mother's social class is a risk factor for adverse pregnancy outcome independent of maternal age, parity, and adverse reproductive history, and also independent of father's social class. Information on both parents' occupations should be collected in maternity discharge systems.


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The Iowa Governor’s Office of Drug Control Policy (ODCP) shall comply with all applicable federal and state laws prohibiting discrimination, as well as the State of Iowa’s Equal Opportunity, Affirmative Action and Anti-Discrimination Policy for Executive Branch Employees (Section 2.40 of Iowa Department of Administrative Services Managers and Supervisors Manual). Federal law prohibits discrimination against individuals or groups, either in employment or in the delivery of services or benefits, on the basis of age, race, color, national origin, religion, sex, or disability. State law prohibits discrimination in the areas of employment, housing, credit, public accommodations and education. Under the Iowa Civil Rights Act of 1965, discrimination, or different treatment, is illegal if based on race, color, creed, national origin, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, pregnancy, physical disability, mental disability, retaliation (because of filing a previous discrimination complaint, participating in an investigation of a discrimination complaint, or having opposed discriminatory conduct), age (in employment and credit), familial status (in housing and credit) or marital status (in credit). State policy requires all employees and applicants for employment in the executive branch be afforded equal access. The intent of this policy is to ensure that employment opportunities, within the executive branch of state government, are accessible to all persons, and that executive branch agencies do not discriminate against any person because of race, creed, color, religion, sex, national origin, age, or physical or mental disability.


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In this issue, we take a closer look at the individual risk factors measured by the LSI-R. There are several risk factors that the LSI-R assessment tool measures: Criminal History; Education/Employment; Financial; Family/Marital; Accommodations (Living Situation); Leisure/Recreation; Companions; Alcohol/Drug Problem; Emotional/Personal; and Attitudes/Orientation.


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OBJECTIVES: Depression has been consistently reported in people with epilepsy. Several studies also suggest a higher burden of cardiovascular diseases. We therefore analysed psychosocial co-morbidity and cardiovascular risk factors in patients with a lifetime history of epilepsy in the PsyCoLaus study, a Swiss urban population-based assessment of mental health and cardiovascular risk factors in adults aged between 35 and 66 years. PATIENTS AND METHODS: Among 3719 participants in the PsyCoLaus study, we retrospectively identified those reporting at least 2 unprovoked seizures, defined as epilepsy. These subjects were compared to all others regarding psychiatric, social, and cardiovascular risk factors data using uni- and multivariable assessments. RESULTS: A significant higher need for social help (p<0.001) represented the only independent difference between 43 subjects with a history of epilepsy and 3676 controls, while a higher prevalence of psychiatric co-morbidities (p=0.015) and a lower prevalent marital status (p=0.01) were only significant on univariate analyses. Depression and cardio-vascular risk factors, as well as educational level and employment, were similar among the groups. CONCLUSIONS: This analysis confirms an increased prevalence of psychosocial burden in subjects with a lifetime history of epilepsy; conversely, we did not find a higher cardiovascular risk. The specific urban and geographical location of our cohort and the age span of the studied population may account for the differences from previous studies.


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The outcome after primary percutaneous coronary intervention (pPCI) for ST-elevation myocardial infarction (STEMI) is strongly affected by time delays. In this study, we sought to identify the impact of specific socioeconomic factors on time delays, subsequent STEMI management and outcomes in STEMI patients undergoing pPCI, who came from a well-defined region of the French part of Switzerland. A total of 402 consecutive patients undergoing pPCI for STEMI in a large tertiary hospital were retrospectively studied. Symptom-to-first-medical-contact time was analysed for the following socioeconomic factors: level of education, origin and marital status. Main exclusion criteria were: time delay beyond 12 hours, previous treatment with fibrinolytic agents or patients immediately referred for coronary artery bypass graft surgery. Therefore, 222 patients were finally included. At 1 year, there was no difference in mortality between the different socioeconomic groups. Furthermore, there was no difference in management characteristics between them. Symptom-to-first-medical-contact time was significantly longer for patients with a low level of education, Swiss citizens and unmarried patients, with median differences of 23 minutes, 18 minutes and 13 minutes, respectively (p <0.05). Nevertheless, no difference was found regarding in-hospital management and clinical outcome. This study demonstrates that symptom-to-first-medical-contact time is longer amongst people with a lower educational level, Swiss citizens and unmarried people. Because of the low mortality rate in general, these differences in delays did not affect clinical outcomes. Still, tertiary prevention measures should particularly focus on these vulnerable populations.


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This article introduces the Dyadic Coping Inventory (DCI; Bodenmann, 2008) and aims (1) to investigate the reliability and aspects of the validity of the Italian and French versions of the DCI, and (2) to replicate its factor structure and reliabilities using a new Swiss German sample. Based on 216 German-, 378 Italian-, and 198 French-speaking participants, the factor structure of the original German inventory was able to be replicated by using principal components analysis in all three groups after excluding two items in the Italian and French versions. The latter were shown to be as reliable as the German version with the exception of the low reliabilities of negative dyadic coping in the French group. Confirmatory factor analyses provided additional support for delegated dyadic coping and evaluation of dyadic coping. Intercorrelations among scales were similar across all three languages groups with a few exceptions. Previous findings could be replicated in all three groups, showing that aspects of dyadic coping were more strongly related to marital quality than to dyadic communication. The use of the dyadic coping scales in the actor-partner interdependence model, the common fate model, and the mutual influence model is discussed.


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OBJECTIVE: To collect data on the consultation frequency and demographic profile of victims of violence attending an emergency department (ED) in Switzerland. METHODS: We undertook screening of all admitted adult patients (>16 years) in the ED of the CHUV, Lausanne, Switzerland, over a 1 month period, using a modified version of the Partner Violence Screen questionnaire. Exclusionary criteria were: life threatening injury (National Advisory Committee on Aeronautics score > or =4), or inability to understand or speak French, to give oral informed consent, or to be questioned without a family member or accompanying person being present. Data were collected on history of physical and/or psychological violence during the previous 12 months, the type of violence experienced by the patient, and if violence was the reason for the current consultation. Sociodemographic data were obtained from the registration documents. RESULTS: The final sample consisted of 1602 patients (participation rate of 77.2%), with a refusal rate of 1.1%. Violence during the past 12 months was reported by 11.4% of patients. Of the total sample, 25% stated that violence was the reason for the current consultation; of these, 95% of patients were confirmed as victims of violence by the ED physicians. Patients reporting violence were more likely to be young and separated from their partner. Men were more likely to be victims of public violence and women more commonly victims of domestic violence. CONCLUSIONS: Based on this monthly prevalence rate, we estimate that over 3000 adults affected by violence consult our ED per annum. This underlines the importance of the problem and the need to address it. Health services organisations should establish measures to improve quality of care for victims. Guidelines and educational programmes for nurses and physicians should be developed in order to enhance providers' skills and basic knowledge of all types of violence, how to recognise and interact appropriately with victims, and where to refer these patients for follow up care in their local networks.


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BACKGROUND: While oral health is part of general health and well-being, oral health disparities nevertheless persist. Potential mechanisms include socioeconomic factors that may influence access to dental care in the absence of universal dental care insurance coverage. We investigated the evolution, prevalence and determinants (including socioeconomic) of forgoing of dental care for economic reasons in a Swiss region, over the course of six years. METHODS: Repeated population-based surveys (2007-2012) of a representative sample of the adult population of the Canton of Geneva, Switzerland. Forgone dental care, socioeconomic and insurance status, marital status, and presence of dependent children were assessed using standardized methods. RESULTS: A total of 4313 subjects were included, 10.6% (457/4313) of whom reported having forgone dental care for economic reasons in the previous 12 months. The crude percentage varied from 2.4% in the wealthiest group (monthly income ≥ 13,000 CHF, 1 CHF ≈ 1$) to 23.5% among participants with the lowest income (<3,000 CHF). Since 2007/8, forgoing dental care remained stable overall, but in subjects with a monthly income of <3,000 CHF, the adjusted percentage increased from 16.3% in 2007/8 to 20.6% in 2012 (P trend = 0.002). Forgoing dental care for economic reasons was independently associated with lower income, younger age, female gender, current smoking, having dependent children, divorced status and not living with a partner, not having a supplementary health insurance, and receipt of a health insurance premium cost-subsidy. CONCLUSIONS: In a Swiss region without universal dental care insurance coverage, prevalence of forgoing dental care for economic reasons was high and highly dependent on income. Efforts should be made to prevent high-risk populations from forgoing dental care.


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We present the first steps in the validation of an observational tool for father-mother-infant interactions: the FAAS (Family Alliance Assessment Scales). Family-level variables are acknowledged as unique contributors to the understanding of the socio-affective development of the child, yet producing reliable assessments of family-level interactions poses a methodological challenge. There is, therefore, a clear need for a validated and clinically relevant tool. This validation study has been carried out on three samples: one non-referred sample, of families taking part in a study on the transition to parenthood (normative sample; n = 30), one referred for medically assisted procreation (infertility sample; n = 30) and one referred for a psychiatric condition in one parent (clinical sample; n = 15). Results show that the FAAS scales have (1) good inter-rater reliability and (2) good validity, as assessed through known-group validity by comparing the three samples and through concurrent validity by checking family interactions against parents' self-reported marital satisfaction.