431 resultados para Magneto
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Se han estudiado las propiedades magnéticas y magnetoimpedancia gigante de las películas delgadas de base de FeNi/Ti depositadas sobre sustratos de vidrio y COC sin/con tratamiento térmico utilizando el Efecto Magneto Óptico de Kerr, VSM y espectroscopia de MI. Se han conseguido resultados interesantes: a) Para la muestra depositada sobre sustrato de vidrio se obtuvo una GMI máxima de un 145% en 64 MHz, mientras que la depositada sobre COC presentó una GMI máxima de 89% en 97 MHz; b) La sensibilidad aumentó de 17%/Oe (a 140 MHz) a 22 %/Oe (a 87 MHz), lo cual mejoró el punto de operación del sensor GMI flexible. Estos resultados confirman la utilidad del sistema de recocido diseñado.
Neste trabalho foram estudadas as propriedades estruturais e termomagnéticas dos pseudobinários Ho1-yGdyAl2, através de abordagens experimentais e teóricas. A parte experimental envolveu a preparação de cinco amostras, com as concentrações y = 0, 0,25, 0,5, 0,75 e 1, assim como medidas de magnetização, calor especifico e da variação adiabática da temperatura. Na parte teórica usamos um hamiltoniano modelo que leva em consideração a interação dos íons com o campo magnético aplicado, com o campo elétrico cristalino e a troca entre os íons magnéticos. A entropia da rede foi considerada na aproximação de Debye e a entropia eletrônica na aproximação do gás de elétrons livres. A influência das reorientações de spin, espontâneas e induzidas pelo campo magnético, na magnetização e no calor especifico foram investigadas sistematicamente tanto a partir de dados experimentais quanto teoricamente. Também obtemos resultados teóricos para a variação de entropia e variação adiabática da temperatura alterando a intensidade ou a direção do campo magnético.
Os receptores β1- e β2-adrenérgicos estão presentes em inúmeras células que participam do processo de reparo como fibroblastos, queratinócitos, células inflamatórias e células endoteliais. Diversos trabalhos demonstram que estes receptores modulam o processo de reparo tecidual. Entretanto, nenhum trabalho demonstrou se o bloqueio destes receptores compromete o reparo de úlceras de pressão. O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar o efeito do bloqueio dos receptores β1- e β2-adrenérgicos no reparo de úlceras de pressão em camundongos, para isto utilizamos um modelo não invasivo de lesão por isquemia e reperfusão. No presente estudo, utilizamos animais que foram tratados por gavagem com propranolol (um antagonista não seletivo dos receptores β1- e β2-adrenérgicos). A administração do antagonista teve início um dia antes do início dos ciclos de isquemia e reperfusão e se manteve diariamente até a eutanásia. Para desenvolver a úlcera de pressão, um par de magnetos foi aplicado no dorso dos animais previamente depilado. O período de permanência do magneto é caracterizado como período de isquemia, enquanto sua retirada é caracterizada como período de reperfusão. Os ciclos de isquemia e reperfusão foram repetidos duas vezes, e ao final do último ciclo, duas úlceras circulares foram criadas no dorso dos animais. Os animais foram mortos 3, 7, 14 e 21 dias após a lesão. Após o último ciclo de isquemia, o fluxo sanguíneo da área comprimida foi nulo, 7 horas após a compressão o fluxo sanguíneo estava elevado, com níveis superiores ao da pele normal. Após 24 e 48 horas, o fluxo sanguíneo estava reduzido e abaixo dos níveis da pele normal. O bloqueio dos receptores β1- e β2-adrenérgicos aumentou os níveis de peróxidos lipídicos 3 dias após a lesão, comprometeu a migração dos queratinócitos, levando a um aumento da proliferação epitelial, resultando em uma re-epitelização atrasada. O retardo na formação da neo-epiderme induzido pelo bloqueio destes receptores prejudicou a remoção do tecido necrótico. O bloqueio dos receptores β1- e β2-adrenérgicos aumentou o número de células inflamatórias (neutrófilos e macrófagos), os níveis proteicos de elastase neutrofílica 3 dias após a lesão e reduziu os níveis proteicos de MCP-1 3 dias após a lesão e os níveis proteicos de MMP-12 7 dias após a lesão. O bloqueio dos receptores β1- e β2-adrenérgicos aumentou a proliferação celular e apoptose no tecido conjuntivo 7 dias após a lesão e aumentou a densidade de vasos sanguíneos 14 e 21 dias após a lesão. O bloqueio dos receptores β1- e β2-adrenérgicos retardou a diferenciação miofibroblástica e reduziu os níveis proteicos de TGF-β 1/2/3 3 dias após a lesão e a contração da lesão. Vinte e um dias após a lesão, o bloqueio dos receptores β1- e β2-adrenérgicos aumentou a espessura da neo-epiderme e a expressão de tenascina-C em fibroblastos e reduziu a deposição de colágeno. Em conclusão, o bloqueio dos receptores β1- e β2-adrenérgicos atrasa o reparo tecidual em úlceras de pressão.
Using a magneto-optical (MO) technique, magnetic field distributions have been measured in a melt-textured YBa 2Cu 3O 7-x bulk superconductor, joined to form an artificial grain boundary (GB), in an external magnetic field perpendicular to the sample surface. The magnetic field at a weak section of the GB shows different values between the field increasing up to 150mT and decreasing down to 0T after zero-field-cooling. Namely, the magnetic field in increasing field is higher than that in decreasing field, even in the same external field. This result supports a model in which such differences in magnetic field at the weak-link GB give rise to the hysteresis behavior in the field dependence of transport critical current density in polycrystalline samples. The field distributions across a well-joined region of the GB behave similarly to the adjoining bulk material and this result indicates the possibility of creating useful artifacts provided that the strongly coupled sections can be reproduced on a larger scale.
Field angle dependent critical current, magneto-optical microscopy and high resolution electron microscopy studies have been performed on YBa2Cu3O7-delta thin films grown on miscut substrates. High resolution electron microscopy images show that the films studied exhibited clean epitaxial growth with a low density of antiphase boundaries and stacking faults. Any antiphase boundaries (APBs) formed near the film substrate interface rapidly healed rather than extending through the thickness of the film. Unlike vicinal films grown on annealed substrates, which contain a high density of antiphase boundaries, magneto-optical imaging showed no filamentary flux penetration in the films studied. The flux penetration is, however, asymmetric. This is associated with intrinsic pinning of flux strings by the tilted a-b planes and the dependence of the pinning force on the angle between the local field and the a-b planes. Field angle dependent critical current measurements exhibited the striking vortex channeling effect previously reported in vicinal films. By combining the results of three complementary characterization techniques it is shown that extended APB free films exhibit markedly different critical current behavior compared to APB rich films. This is attributed to the role of APB sites as strong pinning centers for Josephson string vortices between the a-b planes. (C) 2003 American Institute of Physics.
A measurement system for magnetic fields or electric currents uses a single-core fluxgate, magneto-inductive or magneto-impedance device driven from a radio frequency excitation source. Flux nulling feedback circuitry is provided to maintain the core of the sensor at substantially zero net flux and improve the linearity and dynamic response of the sensor system. A high pass filter is provided for reducing the dc effects of the ohmic resistance of the coil and lead wires on the effectiveness of the flux nulling feedback.
In this paper we quantitatively analyse the performance of magnetically-driven artificial cilia for lab-on-a-chip applications. The artificial cilia are fabricated using thin polymer films with embedded magnetic nano-particles and their deformation is studied under different external magnetic fields and flows. A coupled magneto-mechanical solid-fluid model that accurately captures the interaction between the magnetic field, cilia and fluid is used to simulate the cilia motion. The elastic and magnetic properties of the cilia are obtained by fitting the results of the computational model to the experimental data. The performance of the artificial cilia with a non-uniform cross-section is characterised using the numerical model for two channel configurations that are of practical importance: an open-loop and a closed-loop channel. We predict that the flow and pressure head generated by the artificial cilia can be as high as 18 microlitres per minute and 3 mm of water, respectively. We also study the effect of metachronal waves on the flow generated and show that the fluid propelled increases drastically compared to synchronously beating cilia, and is unidirectional. This increase is significant even when the phase difference between adjacent cilia is small. The obtained results provide guidelines for the optimal design of magnetically-driven artificial cilia for microfluidic propulsion.
We report on graphene-passivated ferromagnetic electrodes (GPFE) for spin devices. GPFE are shown to act as spin-polarized oxidation-resistant electrodes. The direct coating of nickel with few layer graphene through a readily scalable chemical vapor deposition (CVD) process allows the preservation of an unoxidized nickel surface upon air exposure. Fabrication and measurement of complete reference tunneling spin valve structures demonstrate that the GPFE is maintained as a spin polarizer and also that the presence of the graphene coating leads to a specific sign reversal of the magneto-resistance. Hence, this work highlights a novel oxidation-resistant spin source which further unlocks low cost wet chemistry processes for spintronics devices.
We report that, by linearly polarized pumping of different wavelengths, Kerr transients appear at zero magnetic field only in the case when GaMnAs samples are initialized at 3 K by first applying a 0.8 Tesla field and then returning to zero field. We find that, instead of magnetization precession, the near-band gap excitation induces a coherent out-of-plane turning of magnetization, which shows very long relaxation dynamics with no precession. When photon energy increases, the peak value of the Kerr transient increases, but it decays rapidly to the original slow transient seen under the near-band-gap excitation.
With the help of time resolved magneto-optic Kerr rotation measurements, the optically induced spin precession in heavily doped diluted magnetic semiconductor Ga0.937Mn0.063 As was observed. It was found that the effective g factor increases with increasing magnetic field, which is attributed to the magnetic-field-induced increase of the density of the non-localized holes. Those free holes will couple with the localized magnetic ions by p-d interactions, leading to the formation of spontaneous magnetization in Ga0.937Mn0.063As, which in turn to the enhancement of the effective g factor.
Time resolved magneto-optic Kerr rotation measurements of optically induced spin quantum beats are performed on heavily doped bulk (Ga,Mn)As diluted magnetic semiconductors (DMS). An effective g-factor of about 0.2-0.3 over a wide range of temperature for both as-grown and annealed (Ga,Mn)As samples is obtained. A larger effective g-factor at lower temperature and an increase of the spin relaxation with increasing in-plane magnetic field are observed and attributed to the stronger p-d exchange interaction between holes and the localized magnetic ion spins, leading to a larger Zeeman splitting and heavy-hole-light-hole mixing. An abnormal dip structure of the g-factor in the vicinity of the Curie temperature suggests that the mean-field model is insufficient to describe the interactions and dynamics of spins in DMS because it neglects the short-range spin correlation effect. (c) 2008 American Institute of Physics.
We investigate theoretically the electron-hole pair states in CdTe quantum dot (QD) containing a single Mn2+ ion by the magneto-optical spectrum tuned by the electric field. It is shown that the electric field does not only tune the spin splitting via the sp-d exchange interaction but also affect significantly the anticrossing behavior in the photoluminescence spectrum. This anticrossing is caused by the s-d exchange interaction and/or the hole mixing effect, which depends sensitively on the shape of the QD. (C) 2008 American Institute of Physics.
The ultrafast dynamics of in-plane four-state magnetization reversal from compressively strained (Ga,Mn)As film was investigated by magneto-optical Kerr rotation measurement. The magnetization reversal signal was dramatically suppressed upon pumping, and recovered slowly with time evolution. The low switching field H-c1 increased abruptly from 30 to 108 G on the first several picoseconds and recovered back to the value before optical pumping within about 500 ps, whereas the high switching field H-c2 did not change obviously upon pumping, implying a domain-wall nucleation/propagation at low fields and coherent magnetization rotation at high fields in the magnetization reversal process.
Spin dynamics in (Ga,Mn)As films grown on GaAs(001) was investigated by Time-resolved magneto-optical Kerr effect. The Kerr signal decay time of (Ga,Mn)As without external magnetic field applied was found to be several hundreds picoseconds, which suggested that photogenerated polarized holes and magnetic ions are coupled as a ferromagnetic system. Nonmonotonic temperature dependence of relaxation and dephasing (R&D) time and Larmor frequency manifests that Bir-Aronov-Pikus mechanism dominates the spin R&D time at low temperature, while D'yakonov-Perel mechanism dominates the spin R&D time at high temperature, and the crossover between the two regimes is Curie temperature.