1000 resultados para Magiasta lääketieteeseen. Tiede ja usko 1500-1700 -luvun taiteessa
Addiction, and the experience of being addicted, is notoriously difficult to describe verbally and explain rationally. Would multifaceted and multisensory cinematic images work better in making addiction understandable? This study enquires how cinematic expression can render visible the experience of being addicted which is invisible as such. The basic data consists of circa 50 mainly North American and European fiction films from the early 1900s to the early 2000s that deal with addictive disorders as defined in the psychiatric DSM-V classification (substance dependence- and gambling disorders). The study develops an approach for analyzing and interpreting a large volume of digital film data: digital cinematic iconography is a framework to study the multifaceted cinematic images by processing and viewing them in the digital image-laboratory of the computer. Images are cut and classified by editing software and algorithmic sorting. The approach draws on early 1900s German art historian Aby Waburgs image research and media archaeology, that are connected to film studies inspired by the phenomenology of the body and Gilles Deleuzes film-philosophy. The first main chapter, Montage, analyses montage, gestural and postural images, and colors in addiction films. The second main chapter, Thingness, focuses on the close-ups of material objects and faces, and their relation to the theme of spirituality in cinema and art history, The study argues that the cinema engages the spectator to "feel" what addiction is through everyday experience and art historical imagery. There is a particular, historically transmitted cinematic iconography of addiction that is profane, material, thing-centered, abject, and repetitive. The experience of being addicted is visualized through montages of images characterized by dark and earthy colors, horizontal compositions and downward- directed movements. This is very profane and secular imagery that, however, circulates image-historical traces of Christian iconography, such as that of being in the grip of an unknown power.
Ressenya del llibre Convenci y recepcin. Estudios sobre el teatro del Siglo de Oro, dIgnacio Arellano . Lobra s, segons Ramos Nogales, el millor estudi de conjunt sobre la comdia del Segle dOr que ha aparegut en els ltims anys aix com una crida a la investigaci tradicional
This essay examines the lives and letters of four of the most influential women at the court of Queen Elizabeth I: Lettice Knollys her daughters Penelope Rich and Dorothy Perrott Percy and her daughter-in-law Frances Walsingham, all of whom lived scandalous but powerful lives.
A proposta do presente livro oferecer ao leitor uma descrio fonolgica das qualidades voclicas vigentes na primeira fase (perodo trovadoresco) do portugus arcaico a partir da anlise das rimas e da grafia das Cantigas de Santa Maria, de Afonso X, o Sbio, Rei de Leo e Castela, elaboradas na segunda metade do sculo XIII.
"Pre-Columbian explorations": v. 1, p. 59-132.
En este trabajo presentamos un acercamiento a los modos de referirse al pasado en los testimonios dejados por los miembros de la nobleza colonial nahua. La lectura de las fuentes nos permite distinguir dos perspectivas intelectual y pragmtica asociadas respectivamente con el proyecto de unir las tradiciones histricas indgena y europea y con la bsqueda de argumentos en la lucha por tierras y privilegios. El enfoque del artculo son los conceptos nahuas de tradicin y antepasados (huehuetqueh), manifiestos en ambas perspectivas. Al analizar el vocabulario, retrica e iconografa intentamos entender el significado de estos conceptos dentro de la cultura nahua prehispnica y su modificacin bajo las circunstancias coloniales, tanto como su papel en la continuacin de la identidad nahua.