347 resultados para Macrobrachium rosenbergii


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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OBJETIVO: A biologia populacional do camarão de água doce Macrobrachium jelskii foi investigada, com ênfase na distribuição de frequência em classes de tamanho, razão sexual, período reprodutivo e recrutamento juvenil. Além disso, a abundância dos indivíduos foi correlacionada com os fatores abióticos. MÉTODOS: Amostras foram coletadas mensalmente de julho de 2005 a junho de 2007, às margens do Rio Grande, região de Planura, estado de Minas Gerais, Brasil (20º 09' S e 48º 40' W), usando uma rede de arrasto (1.0 mm tamanho da malha e 2.0 × 0.5 m de largura). O equipamento foi arrastado por duas pessoas às margens da vegetação do rio por 100 metros de distância, percorridos por uma hora. em laboratório, os espécimes foram identificados, mensurados e sexados. RESULTADOS: Um total de 2,789 espécimes foi analisado, no qual correspondem a 1,126 machos (549 jovens e 577 adultos) e 1,663 fêmeas (1,093 jovens, 423 adultos não ovígeras e 147 ovígeras). A razão sexual diferiu significativamente a favor de fêmeas de M. jelskii (1:1.48; χ² = 103.95; p < 0.0001). A média de tamanho do comprimento da carapaça (CL) das fêmeas (6.32 ± 1.84 mm CL) foi estatisticamente maior do que dos machos (5.50 ± 1.07 mm CL) (p < 0.001). A distribuição de freqüência em classes de tamanho dos espécimes revela um padrão de distribuição unimodal e não normal para machos e fêmeas (W = 0.945; p < 0.01). Não foi observada relação entre a abundância de M. jelskii e as variáveis ambientais (p = 0.799). CONCLUSÃO: A presença de fêmeas ovígeras e jovens na população sugere um padrão de reprodução e recrutamento contínuos para M. jelskii na região de Planura.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Macrobrachium petronioi, a native Brazilian fresh-water shrimp, was captured along the coast of Rio Branco, Cananeia, São Paulo State, Brazil. The eggs were green-black in early development and the average size was 1.21 mm by 0.98 mm. Macrobrachium petronioi has no free-swimming larval phase. However, newly hatched larvae possessed several zoea I characters. Therefore, they were clearly more developed than newly hatched larvae of other species of Macrobrachium with prolonged larval development. The average duration of larval development in M. petronioi was 5.5 days. During early development, the larvae subsisted on stored yolk. After the third molt, the postlarvae accepted food. The three zoeal stages prior to the postlarval stage were described and characterized, with detailed morphological analyses. This species has a partially abbreviated type of development. The larval development of M. petronioi is distinguished from that of M. potiuna.


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To investigate the feeding habit of Macrobrachium amazonicum, three experiments were carried out assessing the stage at which larvae start exogenous feeding, the acceptance of inert food by different larval stages and the ratio between live and inert diet ingested by larvae at each larval stage. In the first experiment, newly hatched larvae were kept in 500-mL beakers and fed from stages I, II or III onward. Larval survival was not affected by the larval stage at which exogenous feeding started, but mean weight gain was lower when food was offered from stage III onward. In the second experiment, 60 larvae from each stage (I to IX) were fasted for 2 h and then fed on inert diet in excess. Only larvae from stage IV onward accepted this inert diet. In the last experiment, newly hatched larvae were stocked in a larviculture tank and fed daily on both Artemia nauplii and inert diet. After 15 min, food content in the digestive tract of individual larvae was analyzed under stereomicroscopy. Larvae in stage I did not feed, while live food was accepted from stage II onward and inert food from stage III onward. Larvae in stages IV, V and VI accepted both foods with no preference, while inert food was predominant in stages VII to IX In conclusion, to feed M amazonicum larvae on Artemia before stage II or on inert diet before stage IV is unnecessary. It increases production costs and may impair water quality. From stages IV to VI, feeding on Artemia and inert diet is probably necessary, while inert diet should be the main food item from stage VII onward. This schedule may optimize feeding management and production costs. (c) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All lights reserved.


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The occurrence of morphotypes in Macrobrachium amazonicum males was investigated. Prawns aged 4 to 24 months were taken from 10 aquaculture earthen ponds. Color and spination of right second cheliped were analyzed under a stereomicroscope. Post-orbital and carapace length were measured as well as the length of the cheliped and all limb joints on the right second pereiopods. Four distinct morphotypes were identified: Translucent Claw (TC), Cinnamon Claw (CC), Green Claw 1 (GC1) and Green Claw 2 (GC2). They differed in cheliped morphology and some morphometric relationships. Chelipeds were translucent in TC prawns while in CC they were generally cinnamon-color. Both showed a few spines and some low prominences similar to very small tubercles. GC1 and GC2 showed long moss green chelipeds provided with long and robust spines. However, in GC2, cheliped length was always greater than post-orbital length and the angles of spines on the carpus and propodus were more open, ranging from 51°to 92°, while, in GC1 it varies from 34°to 65°. Cheliped length, the cheliped length/post-orbital length ratio and the spine angle were significantly different among the four morphotypes. A description for the identification of each group is provided and the development of M. amazonicum males is discussed. Each morphotype may play a different role in the population and in the environment in which it lives. Therefore, the identification of morphotypes is advisable for future researches on the biology and culture of M. amazonicum. © 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The objective of this work was to evaluate the influence of fresh water shrimp Macrobrachium amazonicum (Heller, 1862) in performance of Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) cultivated in polyculture system and feeding with ration pelleted and mashed. The work was realized in Centro de Pesquisa em Aqüicultura Ambiental-CPAA/IAP - Toledo/PR during 37 days. Were utilized like experimental unit 16 ponds excavated, covered with concrete but with bottom of soil with dimension the 4 x 3 m and useful volume the 3,5 m 3. Were utilized 30 tilapias e 150 shrimps for experimental unit distributed at an entirely randomized design with 4 treatments and 4 replications, where TF: tilapia feeding with ration mashed; TCF: tilapia and shrimp feeding with ration mashed; TP: tilapia feeding with ration pelleted; TCP: tilapia and shrimp feeding with ration pelleted. The density used were the 2,6 fishes/m 2 with medium initial weight the 5,58 ± 0,10 g and initial length the 5,56 cm, and the density of shrimp was the 13 shrimps/m 2 with initial length the 1,04 cm. The temperature was gauged daily, while the variables dissolved oxygen, pH and electrical conductivity, weekly. The quantity of ration supplied was the 10% of total biomass of fishes, with feed frequency the 4 times a day, being corrected weekly in function of the biometry. During the experimental period the medium values of temperature, dissolved oxygen, pH and electrical conductivity of the ponds water were 23,42 ± 0,83°C, 5,32 ± 0,52 mg/L, 7,02 ± 0,39, e 100,96 ± 1,81 μS/ cm respectively. Won't registering any influence of shrimp during the cultivation and the ration pelleted provide the better conversion alimentary and performance of tilapias.


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The prawn genus Macrobrachium belongs to the family Palaemonidae. Its species are widely distributed in lakes, reservoirs, floodplains, and rivers in tropical and subtropical regions of South America. Globally, the genus Macrobrachium includes nearly 210 known species, many of which have economic and ecological importance. We analyzed three species of this genus (M. jelskii, M. amazonicum and M. brasiliense) using RAPD-PCR to assess their genetic variability, genetic structure and the phylogenetic relationship between them and to look for molecular markers that enable separation of M. jelskii and M. amazonicum, which are closely related syntopic species. Ten different random decamer primers were used for DNA amplification, yielding 182 fragments. Three of these fragments were monomorphic and exclusive to M. amazonicum or M. jelskii and can be used as specific molecular markers to identify and separate these two species. Similarity indices and a phylogenetic tree showed that M. amazonicum and M. jelskii are closest to each other, while M. brasiliense was the most differentiated species among them; this may be attributed to the different habitat conditions to which these species have been submitted. This information will be useful for further studies on these important crustacean species.


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The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of stocking ponds using graded and ungraded juveniles and performing drained and combined harvesting on the production of M. amazonicum. A randomized completed-blocks design with 4 treatments (farming strategies) and 3 replicates was used. Treatments were: Upper size-graded juveniles, Lower size-graded juveniles, Ungraded juveniles, all with total drained harvesting, and Combined Harvesting (ungraded juveniles). Twelve earthen ponds were stocked at 40 juveniles.m -2, according to the treatment. After 3.5 months prawns were completely harvested. Lower size-graded prawns showed smaller average weight (3.37 ± 0.25 g) than upper size-graded (4.03 ± 0.40 g) and ungraded ones (3.80 ± 0.16 g). Survival percentage varied from 68 ± 9 to 76 ± 10, productivity was slightly higher than 1,000 kg.ha -1 and apparent feed conversion rate varied from 3.0 ± 0.7 to 3.7 ± 1.3. These parameters did not differ among the farming strategies. The best strategy for short term grow-out M. amazonicum in earthen ponds is stocking ungraded juveniles and performing total harvesting by draining ponds at the end of rearing cycle. Grading juveniles before stocking and selective-harvesting managements are not advantageous because they increase costs and do not improve any production parameter.