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Tese de Doutoramento em Ciências do Mar, especialidade em Ecologia Marinha.


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Neste projeto pretende-se utilizar uma fonte energética renovável (nomeadamente a biomassa), no âmbito da produção de água quente para aquecimento central das instalações do Instituto Superior de Engenharia do Porto (ISEP). O objetivo principal remete para a avaliação técnico-económica da substituição das quinze caldeiras existentes, alimentadas a gás natural, por seis caldeiras alimentadas a biomassa, nomeadamente a pellets. Desta forma, permite-se apostar na biomassa como uma alternativa para reduzir a dependência dos combustíveis fósseis. Neste trabalho apresenta-se uma comparação realista do sistema de aquecimento existente face ao novo a implementar, alimentado por um combustível renovável utilizando caldeiras a pellets de 85% de rendimento. Para realizar esta comparação, usou-se as faturas energéticas de gás natural do ISEP, o custo da quantidade equivalente necessária de pellets, os custos de manutenção dos dois tipos de caldeiras e, os custos do consumo de energia elétrica por parte de ambas as caldeiras. Com este estudo, estimou-se uma poupança anual de 84.100,76 €/ano. Determinaram-se experimentalmente, em laboratório, os parâmetros essenciais de uma amostra de pellets, que foram usados para calcular as necessidades energéticas em biomassa no ISEP, bem como a produção de cinzas gerada por parte das caldeiras. Foi proposto um destino ambientalmente adequado para os 788,5 kg/ano de cinzas obtidas – a utilização na compostagem, após tratamento e aprovação de ensaios ecotoxicológicos realizados pela empresa que fará a sua recolha. As caldeiras a pellets terão um consumo mínimo teórico de 16,47 kgpellets/h, consumindo previsivelmente 197,13 tpellets/ano. Para este efeito, serão usadas caldeiras Quioto de 150 kW da marca Zantia. Para comparar distintas possibilidades de investimento para o projeto, avaliaram-se dois cenários: um foi escolhido de forma a cobrir o somatório da potência instalada das caldeiras atuais e o outro de forma a responder aos consumos energéticos em aquecimento atuais. Além disso, avaliaram-se cenários de financiamento do investimento distintos: um dos cenários corresponde ao pagamento do investimento total do projeto no momento da aquisição das caldeiras, enquanto o outro cenário, mais provável de ser escolhido, refere-se ao pedido de um empréstimo ao banco, no valor de 75% do investimento total. Para o cenário mais provável de investimento, obteve-se um VAL de 291.364,93 €/ano, com taxa interna de rentabilidade (TIR) de 17 %, um índice de rentabilidade (IR) de 1,85 e um período de retorno (PBP) de 5 anos. Todos os cenários avaliados registam rentabilidade do projeto de investimento, sem risco para o projeto.


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This work describes an electrochemical and quantum chemical investigation of the fipronil insecticide. Cyclic voltammetry (CV) and square wave voltammetry (SWV) experiments were performed over a graphite-polyurethane (GPU) composite electrode. The fipronil molecule presents an one?electron irreversible oxidation reaction. Profiting the SWV signal a square wave stripping voltammetry (SWSV) procedure to determine the fipronil molecule in a 0.10 mol L-1 Britton-Robinson buffer solution, pH 8.0 was developed with accumulation potential and time of 0.50 V and 120 s, respectively. The limits of detection and quantification were 0.80 and 2.67 ?g L-1, respectively. Recovery tests were performed in three natural waters samples with values ranging from 99.67 to 101.37%. Quantum chemical studies showed that the nitrogen atom of the pyrazole group is the most probable oxidation site of the fipronil molecule.


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Crystallization temperatures of the oceanic carbonatites of Fuerteventura, Canary Islands, have been determined from oxygen isotope fractionations between calcite, silicate minerals (feldspar, pyroxene, biotite, and zircon) and magnetite. The measured fractionations have been interpreted in the light of late stage interactions with meteoric and/or magmatic water. Cathodoluminescence characteristics were investigated for the carbonatite minerals in order to determine the extent of alteration and to select unaltered samples. Oxygen isotope fractionations of minerals of unaltered samples yield crystallization temperatures between 450 and 960degreesC (average 710degreesC). The highest temperature is obtained from pyroxene-calcite pairs. The above range is in agreement with other carbonatite thermometric Studies. This is the first study that provides oxygen isotope data coupled with a CL study on carbonatite-related zircon. The CL pictures revealed that the zircon is broken and altered in the carbonatites and in associated syenites. Regarding geological field evidences of syenite-carbonatite relationship and the close agreement of published zircon U/Pb and whole rock and biotite K/Ar and Ar-Ar age data, the most probable process is early zircon crystallization from the syenite magma and late-stage reworking during magma evolution and carbonatite segregation. The oxygen isotope fractionations between zircon and other carbonatite minerals (calcite and pyroxene) support the assumption that the zircon would correspond to the early crystallization of syenite-carbonatite magmas.


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Decomposition and side reactions of, and the synthetic use of, pentafluorophenylmagnesium bromide and pentafluorophenyllithium have been investigated using G,C9/M.S, techniques• Their reactions with reagents such as CgF^X (X - H, F, CI, Br, 1), C6F4X2 (X - H, CI)f C6F3C13, C6H6. (CgX5)3P (X = H, F), (C6X5)3P=0 (X = H, F), (CgX5)Si (CH3)3 (X = H, F) and (CH0K SiCl , n = 1,2, in ether or ether/n-hexane were studied• In addition to the principal reaction of synthetic use, namely the replacement of a halogen by a pentafluorophenyl group, two types of side reactions were observed* These were (i) intermolecular loss of LiF via a nucleophilic substitution, and (ii) intramolecular loss of LiF, followed by the addition of either inorganic salts such as lithium or magnesium halides, or organometal compounds such as organolithium or organo-Grigaard* G.C«/M.S. techniques were routinely employed to study complicated reaction mixtures. Although mass spectrometry alone has disadvantages for the identification of isomers, deduction of the most probable pathway often helps overcome this problem.


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Ce texte se focalise sur le rôle que les éco-innovations peuvent jouer en matière de compétitivité,notamment pour l’économie et les entreprises européennes.Une première partie fait ressortir les grandes tendances internationales en émergence quant aux caractères des éco-innovations, afin d’identifier les leviers permettant d’accroître leur performance.Ensuite,une vision prospective de ce que seront les écoinnovations les plus probables à moyen et long terme permet de comprendre la place des différents pays dans leur développement ainsi que leurs principaux marchés et enjeux. Enfin, nous identifions les écueils à éviter et les précautions à prendre afin de s’assurer que l’éco-innovation ne soit pas guidée que par des considérations économiques et qu’elle obéisse également aux principes d’équité et d’acceptabilité sociétale, à la base du développement durable.


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Une morbidité et une mortalité néonatales élevées limitent l’efficacité du clonage somatique chez les bovins. Des malformations myoarthrosquelettiques, des anomalies ombilicales, des problèmes respiratoires et de la faiblesse ont été fréquemment observés chez les veaux clonés nouveaux-nés. Cette étude rétrospective porte sur 31 veaux clonés. Ses objectifs étaient de décrire les problèmes respiratoires rencontrés, leur évolution au cours du temps, les traitements instaurés pour soutenir la fonction respiratoire et la réponse aux traitements. Vingt-deux veaux ont souffert de problèmes respiratoires. La tachypnée, l’hypoxémie et l’hypercapnie sont les signes cliniques les plus fréquemment observés. L’analyse des gaz sanguins a été un outil essentiel dans le diagnostic et le suivi de la fonction respiratoire. La radiographie a permis une évaluation globale du poumon. L’oxygénothérapie intranasale et la ventilation mécanique ont permis de limiter la mortalité due à une insuffisance respiratoire à 18% (4/22). Cette étude a permis d’émettre des hypothèses quant à l’origine des problèmes respiratoires chez les veaux clonés. Plus d’une maladie semblent affecter les veaux clonés. La déficience en surfactant, l’hypertension pulmonaire persistante et le retard de résorption du fluide pulmonaire figurent parmi les entités pathologiques les plus probables.


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La flexibilité est une caractéristique intrinsèque des protéines qui doivent, dès le mo- ment de leur synthèse, passer d’un état de chaîne linéaire à un état de structure tridimen- sionnelle repliée et enzymatiquement active. Certaines protéines restent flexibles une fois repliées et subissent des changements de conformation de grande amplitude lors de leur cycle enzymatique. D’autres contiennent des segments si flexibles que leur structure ne peut être résolue par des méthodes expérimentales. Dans cette thèse, nous présentons notre application de méthodes in silico d’analyse de la flexibilité des protéines : • À l’aide des méthodes de dynamique moléculaire dirigée et d’échantillonnage pa- rapluie, nous avons caractérisé les trajectoires de liaison de l’inhibiteur Z-pro- prolinal à la protéine Prolyl oligopeptidase et identifié la trajectoire la plus pro- bable. Nos simulations ont aussi identifié un mode probable de recrutement des ligands utilisant une boucle flexible de 19 acides aminés à l’interface des deux domaines de la protéine. • En utilisant les méthodes de dynamique moléculaire traditionnelle et dirigée, nous avons examiné la stabilité de la protéine SAV1866 dans sa forme fermée insérée dans une membrane lipidique et étudié un des modes d’ouverture possibles par la séparation de ses domaines liant le nucléotide. • Nous avons adapté auproblème de la prédiction de la structure des longues boucles flexibles la méthode d’activation et de relaxation ART-nouveau précédemment uti- lisée dans l’étude du repliement et de l’agrégation de protéines. Appliqué au replie- ment de boucles de 8 à 20 acides aminés, la méthode démontre une dépendance quadratique du temps d’exécution sur la longueur des boucles, rendant possible l’étude de boucles encore plus longues.


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Cette thèse de doctorat présente les résultats d'un relevé spectropolarimétrique visant la détection directe de champs magnétiques dans le vent d'étoiles Wolf-Rayet (WR). Les observations furent entièrement obtenues à partir du spectropolarimètre ESPaDOnS, installé sur le télescope de l'observatoire Canada-France-Hawaii. Ce projet débuta par l'observation d'un étoile très variable de type WN4 appelée EZ CMa = WR6 = HD 50896 et se poursuivit par l'observation de 11 autres étoiles WR de notre galaxie. La méthode analytique utilisée dans cette étude vise à examiner les spectres de polarisation circulaire (Stokes V) et à identifier, au travers des raies d'émission, les signatures spectrales engendrées par la présence de champs magnétiques de type split monopole dans les vents des étoiles observées. Afin de pallier à la présence de polarisation linéaire dans les données de polarisation circulaire, le cross-talk entre les spectres Stokes Q et U et le spectre Stokes V fut modélisé et éliminé avant de procéder à l'analyse magnétique. En somme, aucun champ magnétique n'est détecté de manière significative dans les 12 étoiles observées. Toutefois, une détection marginale est signalée pour les étoiles WR134, WR137 et WR138 puisque quelques-unes de leur raies spectrales semblent indiquer la présence d'une signature magnétique. Pour chacune de ces trois étoiles, la valeur la plus probable du champ magnétique présent dans le vent stellaire est respectivement de B ~ 200, 130 et 80 G. En ce qui concerne les autres étoiles pour lesquelles aucune détection magnétique ne fut obtenue, la limite supérieure moyenne de l'intensité du champ qui pourrait être présent dans les données, sans toutefois être détecté, est évaluée à 500 G. Finalement, les résultats de cette étude ne peuvent confirmer l'origine magnétique des régions d'interaction en co-rotation (CIR) observées chez plusieurs étoiles WR. En effet, aucun champ magnétique n'est détecté de façon convaincante chez les quatre étoiles pour lesquelles la présence de CIR est soupçonnée.


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Plasma polymerization is found to be an excellent technique for the preparation of good quality, pinhole-free, polymer thin films from different monomer precursors. The present work describes the preparation and characterization of polypyrrole (PPy) thin films by ac plasma polymerization technique in their pristine and in situ iodine doped forms. The electrical conductivity studies of the aluminiumpolymeraluminium (AlpolymerAl) structures have been carried out and a space charge limited conduction (SCLC) mechanism is identified as the most probable mechanism of carrier transport in these polymer films. The electrical conductivity shows an enhanced value in the iodine doped sample. The reduction of optical band gap by iodine doping is correlated with the observed conductivity results.


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Regular visual observations of persistent contrails over Reading, UK, have been used to evaluate radiosonde measurements of temperature and humidity defining cold ice-supersaturated atmospheric regions which are assumed to be a necessary condition for persistent condensation trails (contrails) to form. Results show a good correlation between observations and predictions using data from Larkhill, 63 km from Reading. A statistical analysis of this result and the forecasts using data from four additional UK radiosonde stations are presented. The horizontal extent of supersaturated layers could be inferred from this to be several hundred kilometres. The necessity of bias corrections to radiosonde humidity measurements is discussed and an analysis of measured ice-supersaturated atmospheric layers in the troposphere is presented. It is found that ice supersaturation is more likely to occur in winter than in summer, with frequencies of 17.3% and 9.4%, respectively, which is mostly due to the layers being thicker in winter than in summer. The most probable height for them to occur is about 10 km.


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A positive salinity anomaly of 0.2 PSU was observed between 50 and 200 m over the years 2000–2001 across the Mozambique Channel at a section at 17°S which was repeated in 2003, 2005, 2006, and 2008. Meanwhile, a moored array is continued from 2003 to 2008. This anomaly was most distinct showing an interannual but nonseasonal variation. The possible origin of the anomaly is investigated using output from three ocean general circulation models (Estimating the Circulation and Climate of the Ocean, Ocean Circulation and Climate Advanced Modeling, and Parallel Ocean Program). The most probable mechanism for the salinity anomaly is the anomalous inflow of subtropical waters caused by a weakening of the northern part of the South Equatorial Current by weaker trade winds. This mechanism was found in all three numerical models. In addition, the numerical models indicate a possible salinization of one of the source water masses to the Mozambique Channel as an additional cause of the anomaly. The anomaly propagated southward into the Agulhas Current and northward along the African coast.


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In this paper we present results from two choice experiments (CE), designed to take account of the different negative externalities associated with pesticide use in agricultural production. For cereal production, the most probable impact of pesticide use is a reduction in environmental quality. For fruit and vegetable production, the negative externality is on consumer health. Using latent class models we find evidence of the presence of preference heterogeneity in addition to reasonably high willingness to pay (WTP) estimates for a reduction in the use of pesticides for both environmental quality and consumer health. To place our WTP estimates in a policy context we convert them into an equivalent pesticide tax by type of externality. Our tax estimates suggest that pesticide taxes based on the primary externality resulting from a particular mode of agricultural production are a credible policy option that warrants further consideration.


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The orientational ordering of the nematic phase of a polyethylene glycol (PEG)-peptide block copolymer in aqueous solution is probed by small-angle neutron scattering (SANS), with the sample subjected to steady shear in a Couette cell. The PEG-peptide conjugate forms fibrils that behave as semiflexible rodlike chains. The orientational order parameters (P) over bar (2) and (P) over bar (4) are obtained by modeling the data using a series expansion approach to the form factor of uniform cylinders. The method used is independent of assumptions on the form of the singlet orientational distribution function. Good agreement with the anisotropic two-dimensional SANS patterns is obtained. The results show shear alignment starting at very low shear rates, and the orientational order parameters reach a plateau at higher shear rates with a pseudologarithmic dependence on shear rate. The most probable distribution functions correspond to fibrils parallel to the flow direction under shear, but a sample at rest shows a bimodal distribution with some of the rodlike peptide fibrils oriented perpendicular to the flow direction.


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The oxidation of organic films on cloud condensation nuclei has the potential to affect climate and precipitation events. In this work we present a study of the oxidation of a monolayer of deuterated oleic acid (cis-9-octadecenoic acid) at the air-water interface by ozone to determine if oxidation removes the organic film or replaces it with a product film. A range of different aqueous sub-phases were studied. The surface excess of deuterated material was followed by neutron reflection whilst the surface pressure was followed using a Wilhelmy plate. The neutron reflection data reveal that approximately half the organic material remains at the air-water interface following the oxidation of oleic acid by ozone, thus cleavage of the double bond by ozone creates one surface active species and one species that partitions to the bulk (or gas) phase. The most probable products, produced with a yield of similar to(87 +/- 14)%, are nonanoic acid, which remains at the interface, and azelaic acid (nonanedioic acid), which dissolves into the bulk solution. We also report a surface bimolecular rate constant for the reaction between ozone and oleic acid of (7.3 +/- 0.9) x 10(-11) cm(2) molecule s(-1). The rate constant and product yield are not affected by the solution sub-phase. An uptake coefficient of ozone on the oleic acid monolayer of similar to 4 x 10(-6) is estimated from our results. A simple Kohler analysis demonstrates that the oxidation of oleic acid by ozone on an atmospheric aerosol will lower the critical supersaturation needed for cloud droplet formation. We calculate an atmospheric chemical lifetime of oleic acid of 1.3 hours, significantly longer than laboratory studies on pure oleic acid particles suggest, but more consistent with field studies reporting oleic acid present in aged atmospheric aerosol.