Chiral supported ionic liquid phase (CSILP) catalysts for greener asymmetric hydrogenation processes
Chiral supported ionic liquid phase (CSILP) catalysts were prepared by physical adsorption (within highly porous carbons or mesoporous silica) of Ir, Ru and Rh complexes as IrCl(COD)-(S, S)-BDPP, [IrCl-(S)-BINAP](2), RuCl(p-cymene)[(S, S)-Ts-DPEN], RuOTf(p-cymene)[(S, S)-Ts-DPEN], [Rh(COD)(S, S)-DIPAMP][BF4], and [Rh(COD)(R, R)-Me-DuPHOS][BF4]. For the syntheses of CSILP catalysts [EMIM][NTf2], [BMIM][BF4] and [BMIM][PF6] ionic liquids were used. Comparative homogeneous and heterogeneous experiments were carried out using the asymmetric hydrogenation of double -C N- and -C C- bonds in trimethylindolenine, 2-methylquinoline and dimethylitaconate, respectively. The conversion and enantioselectivity was found to depend on the nature of the complex (metal and ligand), the immobilization method used, nature of the ionic liquid, nature of the support and the experimental conditions. (C) 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Esta dissertação teve como objectivo principal a preparação de novos materiais luminescentes contendo lantanopolioxometalatos. Foram utilizados polioxometalatos (POMs) do tipo Keggin, Wells-Dawson e [Ln(M5O18)2]9- com M (VI) = W, Mo contendo diferentes iões lantanídeo. Foram sintetizados materiais híbridos orgânico-inorgânicos com base em lantanopolioxometalatos e ligandos orgânicos. O efeito da coordenação destes ligandos orgânicos na luminescência dos iões lantanídeo (efeito de antena) foi investigado para os ácidos picolínico e 3-hidroxipicolínico. Os estudos de fotoluminescência destes materiais permitiram mostrar a existência de um processo de sensitização da emissão dos iões lantanídeo através de fenómenos de transferência de energia dos ligandos e do POM para o centro emissor. No caso particular dos materiais híbridos contendo POMs do tipo Wells-Dawson, a introdução do ligando orgânico levou à intensificação da absorção de energia através do POM, a qual era praticamente inexistente nos correspondentes lantanopolioxometalatos. Prepararam-se nanocompósitos do tipo “core/shell” contendo POMs e híbridos orgânico-inorgânicos como núcleo rodeados por uma camada de sílica. Os nanocompósitos preparados apresentam uma estrutura “core/shell” bem definida com um diâmetro médio de aproximadamente 35 nm. As técnicas de microscopia electrónica, nomeadamente o mapeamento por EDX, permitiram confirmar a presença dos POMs no núcleo das nanopartículas de sílica. A biofuncionalização destes nanocompósitos com um anticorpo foi estudada, com vista à potencial aplicação destes sistemas como biomarcadores ópticos. Os estudos de microscopia de fluorescência permitiram observar a emissão do Eu3+ presente nas nanopartículas biofuncionalizadas com o anticorpo, utilizando excitação na zona do ultravioleta. Estes resultados reforçam a viabilidade da aplicação destes sistemas como marcadores celulares em alternativa a “quantum dots” e corantes orgânicos. No âmbito dos nanomateriais, foi também preparado um material constituído por partículas de Na9[Eu(W5O18)2] de dimensões nanométricas, utilizando micelas invertidas como nanoreactores, de forma a limitar o tamanho das partículas. Foi realizada a preparação de novos materiais lamelares luminescentes por intercalação de POMs e respectivos materiais híbridos em argilas aniónicas de zinco e alumínio. A intercalação foi realizada através de um método de troca aniónica directa usando uma argila contendo nitrato como anião precursor. O estudo por difracção de raios-X revelou-se uma técnica fundamental na caracterização destes materiais, nomeadamente através da determinação da altura de galeria. A partir deste parâmetro foi possível verificar a orientação da espécie intercalada na argila. No caso da intercalação do anião do tipo Keggin, o estudo por RMN de 31P MAS permitiu identificar a espécie intercalada na argila. As propriedades de luminescência foram estudadas para a generalidade dos novos materiais preparados.
Na ´ultima d´ecada emergiu uma linha de investiga¸c˜ao muito activa em term´ometros n˜ao invasivos e precisos que possam determinar temperatura `a escala nanom´etrica. Esta investiga¸c˜ao foi fortemente estimulada pelas numerosas solicita¸c˜oes da nanotecnologia e da biomedicina, por exemplo. Uma das abordagens mais promissoras prop˜oe o uso de i˜oes trivalentes de lantan´ıdeos que apresenta propriedades fotoluminescentes que dependem da temperatura. Neste trabalho demonstra-se que esta t´ecnica combina as vantagens de te um limite de detec¸c˜ao de 0.5 graus com sensibilidade at´e 4.5 % · K−1. Este term´ometro molecular pode ser processado em filmes finos ou nanopart´ıculas, abrindo os campos de aplica¸c˜ao a diferentes utiliza¸c˜oes. As nanopart´ıculas de s´ılica produzidas s˜ao caracterizadas na presen¸ca e na ausˆencia de i˜oes lantan´ıdeos. Sem o metal, as nanopart´ıculas de APTES/TEOS demonstram ser luminescentes sob excita¸c˜ao UV sem necessidade de utilizar qualquer tratamento t´ermico. O rendimento quˆantico de emiss˜ao depende apenas da propor¸c˜ao dos silanos e pode atingir o valor de 0.15 ± 0.02. A co-dopagem destas nanopart´ıculas com Eu3+ e Tb3+ permite obter sondas com resposta raciom´etrica, com a possibilidade de ajustar a gama de temperaturas de opera¸c˜ao e a sensibilidade, via desenho inteligente da matriz de suporte e dos ligandos de β-dicetona que est˜ao coordenados ao i˜ao met´alico. Quando processados como filmes, este term´ometro permite o mapeamento de temperaturas com resolu¸c˜ao espacial 1.8 μm. A racionaliza¸c˜ao da dependˆencia de temperatura ´e uma ferramenta ´util para desenvolver term´ometros que operam em gamas de temperatura espec´ıficos (e.g. gama de temperatura fisiol´ogica, 290-340 K) com sensibilidade acima de 0.5 % · K−1. A combina¸c˜ao de esfor¸cos de um grande n´umero de diversas disciplinas ir´a previsivelmente permitir o surgimento de term´ometros moleculares novos e sofisticados, preenchendo os principais requisitos das nanociencias.
O trabalho de investigação apresentado nesta dissertação foi desenvolvido tendo como objectivo a síntese e funcionalização de meso-triarilcorróis para utilização como quimiossensores. Este trabalho encontra-se apresentado ao longo de cinco capítulos. No primeiro capítulo são apresentadas as características gerais, as metodologias de síntese e de funcionalização de macrociclos de tipo corrólico, e descrevemse algumas aplicações em que têm sido utilizados. São ainda abordadas algumas das propriedades e características dos quimiossensores e os mecanismos de deteção de diversos analítos. No segundo capítulo, após uma pequena introdução às reações de Wittig e de Diels-Alder, escolhidas para a funcionalização do macrociclo corrólico, descreve-se o estudo efectuado para a obtenção do complexo de gálio(III) do 3- vinil-5,10,15-tris(pentafluorofenil)corrol e o seu comportamento como dieno, em reações de Diels-Alder na presença dos dienófilos 1,4-benzoquinona e 1,4- naftoquinona. Desses estudos resultaram dois aductos cuja habilidade sensorial, bem como a dos seus precursores, foi estudada, em solução, na presença de aniões esféricos (F-, Br-, Cl-), lineares (CN-) e volumosos (CH3COO-, H2PO4 -). Dos macrociclos estudados verificou-se que o corrol base-livre 5,10,15-tris(pentafluorofenil)corrol apresenta uma elevada sensibilidade para o anião fluoreto (F-), e que a coordenação do núcleo corrólico com gálio(III) diminui a afinidade para este anião. Em geral, todos os compostos mostraram afinidade para o anião cianeto (CN-) mesmo quando em suportes poliméricos. O gel de poliacrilamida revelou-se muito promissor na determinação de CN- em amostras de água. No terceiro capítulo é avaliada a reatividade do complexo de gálio(III) do 3- vinil-5,10,15-tris(pentafluorofenil)corrol ainda como dieno mas agora na presença de um dienófilo linear, o acetilenodicarboxilato de dimetilo. Desse estudo resultaram dois novos derivados corrólicos. A habilidade sensorial dos mesmos perante os aniões fluoreto, cianeto, acetato, e fosfato foi avaliada por espectroscopia de absorção e emissão tendo um dos aductos mostrado ser colorimétrico para o anião cianeto. No quarto capítulo descreve-se a síntese e caracterização de dois conjugados do tipo corrol-cumarina, resultantes de reações de Hetero-Diels-Alder entre o 3-vinil-5,10,15-tris(pentafluorofenil)corrolatogálio(III)(piridina) e orto-quinonasmetídeos gerados in situ a partir de reacções de Knoevenagel entre cumarinas e paraformaldeído. Realizaram-se estudos de afinidade sensorial para aniões e catiões com estes macrociclos, bem como com conjugados porfirinacumarina análogos. A inserção de uma unidade cumarina conferiu uma excepcional solubilidade tendo os novos derivados apresentado solubilidade em etanol. No quinto e último capítulo desta dissertação é avaliada a capacidade sensorial do 5,10,15-tris(pentafluorofenil)corrol e da sua espécie monoaniónica, para os catiões metálicos Na+, Ca2+, Cu2+, Cd2+, Pb2+, Hg2+, Ag+, Al3+, Zn2+, Ni2+, Cr3+, Ga3+, Fe3+ em tolueno e acetonitrilo. Os macrociclos corrólicos mostraram ser selectivos e colorimétricos para o catião Hg2+. Neste trabalho descreve-se ainda a síntese do derivado -iminocorrol, que após funcionalização com o 3-isocianatopropiltrimetoxisilano originou um derivado do tipo alcoxisilano, que foi, posteriormente, ancorado a nanopartículas comerciais de sílica. As novas nanopartículas ancoradas com o alcoxisilano corrol foram estudadas na presença de Cu2+, Hg2+ e Ag+. Na presença do catião Ag+ assistiu-se a uma mudança de cor, de verde para amarelo.
In this venture three distinct class of catalysts such as, pillared clays and transition metal loaded pillared clays , porous clay heterostructures and their transition metal loaded analogues and DTP supported on porous clay heterostructures etc. were prepared and characterized by various physico chemical methods. The catalytic activities of prepared catalysts were comparatively evaluated for the industrially important alkylation, acetalization and oxidation reactions.The general conclusions drawn from the present investigation are Zirconium, iron - aluminium pillared clays were synthesized by ion exchange method and zirconium-silicon porous heterostructures were Summary and conclusions 259 prepared by intergallery template method. Transition metals were loaded in PILCs and PCHs by wet impregnation method. Textural and acidic properties of the clays were modified by pillaring and post pillaring modifications. The shift in 2θ value to lower range and increase in d (001) spacing indicate the success of pillaring process. Surface area, pore volume, average pore size etc. increased dramatically as a result of pillaring process. Porous clay heterostructures have higher surface area, pore volume, average pore diameter and narrow pore size distribution than that of pillared clays. The IR spectrum of PILCs and PCHs are in accordance with literature without much variation compared to parent montmorillonite which indicate that basic clay structure is retained even after modification. The silicon NMR of PCHs materials have intense peaks corresponding to Q4 environment which indicate that mesoporous silica is incorporated between clay layers. Thermo gravimetric analysis showed that thermal stability is improved after the pillaring process. PCH materials have higher thermal stability than PILCs. In metal loaded pillared clays, up to 5% metal species were uniformly dispersed (with the exception of Ni) as evident from XRD and TPR analysis. Chapter 9 260 Impregnation of transition metals in PILCs and PCHs enhanced acidity of catalysts as evident from TPD of ammonia and cumene cracking reactions. For porous clay heterostructures the acidic sites have major contribution from weak and medium acid sites which can be related to the Bronsted sites as evident from TPD of ammonia. Pillared clays got more Lewis acidity than PCHs as inferred from α- methyl styrene selectivity in cumene cracking reaction. SEM images show that layer structure is preserved even after modification. Worm hole like morphology is observed in TEM image of PCHs materials In ZrSiPCHS, Zr exists as Zr 4+ and is incorporated to silica pillars in the intergallary of clay layers as evident from XPS analysis. In copper loaded zirconium pillared clays, copper exists as isolated species with +2 oxidation state at lower loading. At higher loading, Cu exists as clusters as evident from reduction peak at higher temperatures in TPR. In vanadium incorporated PILCs and PCHs, vanadium exist as isolated V5+ in tetrahedral coordination which is confirmed from TPR and UVVis DRS analysis. In cobalt loaded PCHs, cobalt exists as CoO with 2+ oxidation state as confirmed from XPS. Cerium incorporated iron aluminium pillared clay was found to be the best catalyst for the hydroxylation of phenol in aqueous media due to the additional surface area provided by ceria mesopores and its redox properties. Summary and conclusions 261 Cobalt loaded zirconium porous clay heterostructures were found to be promising catalyst for the tertiary butylation of phenol due to higher surface area and acidic properties. Copper loaded pillared clays were found to be good catalyst for the direct hydroxylation of benzene to phenol. Vanadium loaded PCHs catalysts were found to be efficient catalysts for oxidation of benzyl alcohol. DTP was firmly fixed on the mesoporous channels of PCHs by Direct method and functionalization method. DTP supported PCHs catalyst were found to be good catalyst for acetalization of cyclohexanone with more than 90% conversion.
Two concomitant polymorphic coordination complexes (dark blue - I and black - II) with the formula (Cu2C44H60N4O4) have been synthesized and characterized crystallographically. Magnetic measurements show the presence of a strong antiferromagnetic interaction and the 2J value corresponds extremely well to the theoretically calculated one, indicating the fact that it follows nicely the magneto-structural relationship. Immobilization of the copper(II) complex I on a 2D-hexagonal mesoporous silica showed good catalytic efficiency in the liquid phase partial oxidation of olefins in the presence of TBHP as an oxidant. (C) 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
The increasing use of nanoparticles in the pharmaceutical industry is generating concomitant interest in developing nanomaterials that can rapidly penetrate into, and permeate through, biological membranes to facilitate drug delivery and improve the bioavailability of active pharmaceutical ingredients. Here, we demonstrate that the permeation of thiolated silica nanoparticles through porcine gastric mucosa can be significantly enhanced by their functionalization with either 5 kDa poly(2-ethyl-2-oxazoline) or poly(ethylene glycol). Nanoparticle diffusion was assessed using two independent techniques; Nanoparticle Tracking Analysis, and fluorescence microscopy. Our results show that poly(2-ethyl-2-oxazoline) and poly(ethylene glycol) have comparable abilities to enhance diffusion of silica nanoparticles in mucin dispersions and through the gastric mucosa. These findings provide a new strategy in the design of nanomedicines, by surface modification or nanoparticle core construction, for enhanced transmucosal drug delivery.
A series of polymers capable of self-assembling into infinite networks via supramolecular interactions have been designed, synthesized, and characterized for use in 3D printing applications. The biocompatible polymers and their composites with silica nanoparticles were successfully utilized to deposit both simple cubic structures, as well as a more complex twisted pyramidal feature. The polymers were found to be not toxic to a chondrogenic cell line, according to ISO 10993-5 and 10993-12 standard tests and the cells attached to the supramolecular polymers as demonstrated by confocal microscopy. Silica nanoparticles were then dispersed within the polymer matrix, yielding a composite material which was optimized for inkjet printing. The hybrid material showed promise in preliminary tests to facilitate the 3D deposition of a more complex structure.
LaFe(1-x)CO(x)O(3) perovskites were conventionally or nanocasting synthesized. The nanocasting involved the preparation of a micro-mesoporous carbon mould using a Silica Aerosil 200 and a carbon source. Then, perovskites were carbon cast at 800 degrees C. The solids were characterized by XRD, N(2) sorption, FTIR, TGA/DTG, SEM and TEM. N(2) sorption evidenced that the nanocast perovskites did not show significant intraparticle porosity in despite of their enhanced (30-50 m(2)/g) specific surface area (SSA). Nevertheless, TEM images, XRD and Rietveld refinement data showed that the solids are constituted at least by 97 wt% of perovskite phase and by agglomerates smaller than 100 nm constituted by crystallites of about 6 nm. TGA/DTG results demonstrated carbon oxidation during the perovskite formation, thus eliminating the template effect and facilitating the occurrence of sintering, which limited the SSA increase. The nanocast perovskites were more active in the reduction of NO than the uncast ones, behavior that was attributed to the increase in their SSA that allows the exposure of a higher number of accessible active sites. However, the perovskite composition and the presence of impurities can reduce the effect of the improvement of the textural properties. The nanocast perovskites also showed high thermal and catalytic stability, corroborating their potential as catalysts for the studied reaction. (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
The interaction between giant bacteriophage DNA and cationic biomimetic particles was characterized from sizing by dynamic light-scattering, zeta-potential analysis, turbidimetry, determination of colloid stability, visualization from atomic force microscopy (AFM), and determination of cytotoxicity against E. coli from colony forming unities counting. First, polystyrene sulfate (PSS) particles with different sizes were covered by a dioctadecyldimethylammonium bromide (DODAB) bilayer yielding the so-called cationic biomimetic particles (PSS/DODAB). These cationic particles are highly organized, present a narrow size distribution and were obtained over a range of particle sizes. Thereafter, upon adding lambda, T5 or T2-DNA to PSS/DODAB particles, supramolecular assemblies PSS/DODAB/DNA were obtained and characterized over a range of DNA concentrations and particle sizes (80-700 nm). Over the low DNA concentration range, PSS/DODAB/DNA assemblies were cationic, colloidally stable with moderate polydispersity and highly cytotoxic against E. coli. From DNA concentration corresponding to charge neutralization, neutral or anionic supramolecular assemblies PSS/DODAB/DNA exhibited low colloid stability, high polydispersity and moderate cytotoxicity. Some nucleosome mimetic assemblies were observed by AFM at charge neutralization (zeta-potential equal to zero).
The present study is focused on developing a nanoparticle carrier for the photosensitizer protoporphyrin IX for use in photodynamic therapy. The entrapment of protoporphyrin IX (Pp IX) in silica spheres was achieved by modification of Pp IX molecules with an organosilane reagent. The immobilized drug preserved its optical properties and the capacity to generate singlet oxygen, which was detected by a direct method from its characteristic phosphorescence decay curve at near-infrared and by a chemical method using 1,3-diphenylisobenzofuran to trap singlet oxygen. The lifetime of singlet oxygen when a suspension of Pp IX-loaded particles in acetonitrile was excited at 532 nm was determined as 52 mu s, which is in good agreement with the value determined for methylene blue in acetonitrile solution under the same conditions. The Pp IX-loaded silica particles have an efficiency of singlet oxygen generation (eta Delta) higher than the quantum yield of free porphyrins. This high efficiency of singlet oxygen generation was attributed to changes on the monomer-dimer equilibrium after photosentisizer immobilization.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
The chemical recycling of polyolefins has been the focus of increasing attention owing potential application as a fuel and as source chemicals. The use of plastic waste contributes to the solution of pollution problems.The use of catalysts can enhance the thermal degradation of synthetic polymers, which may be avaliated by Themogravimetry (TG) and mass spectrometry (MS) combined techniques. This work aims to propose alternatives to the chemistry recycling of low-density polyethylene (LDPE) on mesoporous silica type SBA-15 and AlSBA-15.The mesoporous materials type SBA-15 and AlSBA-15 were synthesized through the hydrothermal method starting from TEOS, pseudobohemite, cloridric acid HCl and water. As structure template was used Pluronic P123. The syntheses were accomplished during the period of three days. The best calcination conditions for removal of the organic template (P123) were optimized by thermal analysis (TG/DTG) and through analyses of Xray diffraction (XRD), infrared spectroscopy (FT-IR), nitrogen adsorption and scanning electron microscopy (SEM) was verified that as much the hydrothermal synthesis method as the calcination by TG were promising for the production of mesoporous materials with high degree of hexagonal ordination. The general analysis of the method of Analog Scan was performed at 10oC/min to 500 oC to avoid deterioration of capillary with very high temperatures. Thus, with the results, we observed signs mass/charge more evident and, using the MID method, was obtained curve of evolution of these signals. The addition of catalysis produced a decrease in temperature of polymer degradation proportional to the acidity of the catalyst. The results showed that the mesoporous materials contributed to the formation of compounds of lower molecular weight and higher value in the process of catalytic degradation of LDPE, representing an alternative to chemical recycling of solid waste
This work reports on the preparation of erbium and ytterbium co-doped SiO2:HfO2 single mode planar waveguides using the sol-gel method. Silica nanoparticles were prepared from tetraethylorthosilicate in basic media and the films were characterized by transmission electron microscopy, scanning electron microscopy, mechanical profilometry, M-lines spectroscopy based on prism coupling technique, X-ray diffractometry, infrared spectroscopy and photoluminescence spectroscopy. The film thicknesses and the refractive indexes were adjusted in order to satisfy a future efficient coupling to single mode optical fiber. Films suitable for both weak and strong light confinement were prepared varying hafnia concentration into the silica matrix. The lifetime values of erbium I-4(13/2) state were measured in order to investigate the influence of clustering and hydroxyl groups on the fluorescence quantum efficiency of the I-4(13/2) level, responsible for the emission at 1.55 mu m attributed to the I-4(13/2) -> I-4(15/2) transition. The high lifetime values suggest the absence of erbium clusters and the elimination of hydroxyl groups by rapid thermal process. (c) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Supercritical drying (SCD) and hydrophobic ambient pressure drying (APD) aerogels were prepared from hydrolysis of tetraethoxysilane in solutions of poly(ethylene oxide)-poly(propylene oxide)-poly(ethylene oxide) (P123) in the range of composition below the threshold for the ordered mesoporous silica precipitation. APD was carried out after silylation of wet gels with trimethylchlorosilane (TMCS) or hexamethyldisilazane (HMDZ). The samples were analyzed by small-angle X-ray scattering and nitrogen adsorption. Wet gels are formed by mass-fractal domains, with fractal dimension close to 2, and larger pores superposing the pores belonging to the fractal structure in case of high P123 concentrations. Aerogels exhibit smaller-sized mass-fractal domains with larger mass-fractal dimension accounting for some porosity elimination on drying. The pore volume of the aerogels increases significantly with the P123 amount and it is even larger in the APD aerogels than in the SCD aerogels. © 2013 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.