951 resultados para MB
Background. Renal abnormalities in leprosy have been largely described in medical literature, but there are few studies evaluating renal function in these patients. Methods. This is a cross-sectional study in 59 consecutive paucibacillary (PB) and multibacillary (MB) leprosy patients. Glomerular filtration rate (GFR) was estimated by simplified-MDRD formula. Microalbuminuria was determined by 24 h urine collection. Urinary acidification capacity was measured after water deprivation and acid-loading with CaCl2. Urinary concentration capacity was evaluated after desmopressin acetate administration, using the urinary to plasma osmolality (U/P-osm) ratio. All parameters except microalbuminuria were measured in a control group of 18 healthy volunteers. Results. Age and gender were similar between leprosy (MB or PB) and control groups. GFR <= 80 ml/min/1.73 m(2) was observed in 50% of the leprosy patients. GFR and U/P-osm in leprosy patients were significantly lower than in controls (P < 0.001). Urinary acidification defect was found in 32% of PB and in 29% of MB patients and urinary concentrating ability was abnormal in 83% of PB and 85% of MB patients. Microalbuminuria was found in 4 patients (8.5%), leukocyturia was found in 13 (22%) and haematuria was present in 16 patients (27%). Plasma creatinine (P-cr) > 1.2 mg/dl was observed in 17.9% of MB patients and in none of the controls (P = 0.020). A negative correlation was observed between GFR and time of treatment (r = -0.339; P = 0.002). Age and time of treatment were independent risk factors for GFR <= 80 ml/min/1.73 m(2) in multivariate analysis. Conclusions. Asymptomatic GFR changes and renal tubular dysfunction, including urine concentration defect and impaired acidifying mechanisms, can be caused by leprosy on specific treatment and without any reaction episodes.
BACKGROUND - Multibacillary (MB) leprosy may be manifested with antiphospholipid antibodies (aPL), among which anti-beta(2)GP1 (beta(2)-glycoprotein 1). High titers of aPL are associated with APS (Antiphospholipid Syndrome), characterized by thrombosis. The mutation Val247Leu in the domain V of beta(2)GP1 exposes hidden epitopes with consequent development of anti-beta(2)GP1 antibodies. OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the Val247Leu polymorphism of beta(2)GP1 gene and its correlation with anti-beta(2)GP1 antibodies in leprosy patients. METHODS: The Val247Leu polymorphism was performed by PCR-RFLP and anti-beta(2)GP1 antibodies were measured by ELISA. RESULTS: The genotypic Val/Val was more prevalent in the leprosy group, compared to controls. Regarding the 7 MB patients with APS, four presented heterozygosis and three, Val/Val homozygosis. Although higher titrations of anti-beta(2)GP1 IgM antibodies were seen in MB leprosy group with Val/Leu and Val/Val genotypes, there was no statistical difference when compared to Leu/Leu genotype. CONCLUSION: The prevalence of Val/Val homozygosis in leprosy group can partially justify the presence of anti-beta(2)GP1 IgM antibodies in MB leprosy. The description of heterozygosis and Val/Val homozygosis in 7 patients with MB leprosy and thrombosis corroborates the implication of anomalous phenotype expression of beta(2)GP1 and development of anti-beta(2)GP1 antibodies, with consequent thrombosis and APS.
Antiphospholipid antibodies, such as anti-beta 2-glycoprotein I (beta 2GPI), are present in multibacillary leprosy (MB) patients; however, MB patients do not usually present with antiphospholipid antibody syndrome (APS), which is characterized by thromboembolic phenomena (TEP). Rare cases of TEP occur in leprosy patients, but the physiopathology of this condition remains unclear. In this case-control study, we examined whether single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) of the beta 2GPI gene contributed to the risk of leprosy and APS co-morbidity. SNPs Ser88Asn, Leu247Val, Cys306Gly and Trp316Ser were identified in 113 Brazilian leprosy patients. Additionally, anti-beta 2GPI antibodies and plasma concentrations of beta 2GPI were quantified. The Ser88Asn, Cys306Gly and Trp316Ser SNPs were not risk factors for APS in leprosy. A higher frequency of Val/Val homozygosity was observed in leprosy patients compared to controls (36 vs. 5%; P < 0.001). Forty-two percent of MB and 17% of paucibacillary leprosy patients were positive for anti-beta 2GPI IgM (P = 0.014). There was no correlation between SNP Ser88Asn or Cys306Gly and anti-beta 2GPI antibody levels. In MB patients with positive anti-beta 2GPI IgM, the frequency of Val/Val homozygosity was higher than in controls (32 vs. 15%; P = 0.042). The frequency of the mutant allele Ser316 was higher in MB patients with positive rather than negative anti-beta 2GPI IgM levels (6 vs. 0%; P = 0.040) and was greater than in the control group (6 vs. 1%; P = 0.034). The studied polymorphisms did not influence the plasma concentrations of beta 2GPI. These results suggest that Leu247Val and Trp316Ser SNPs may represent genetic risk factors for anti-beta 2GPI antibody production in MB patients.
We previously reported a Vietnamese-American family with isolated autosomal dominant occipital cephalocele. Upon further neuroimaging studies, we have recharacterized this condition as autosomal dominant Dandy-Walker with occipital cephalocele (ADDWOC). A similar ADDWOC family from Brazil was also recently described. To determine the genetic etiology of ADDWOC, we performed genome-wide linkage analysis on members of the Vietnamese-American and Brazilian pedigrees. Linkage analysis of the Vietnamese-American family identified the ADDWOC causative locus on chromosome 2q36.1 with a multipoint parametric LOD score of 3.3, while haplotype analysis refined the locus to 1.1 Mb. Sequencing of the five known genes in this locus did not identify any protein-altering mutations. However, a terminal deletion of chromosome 2 in a patient with an isolated case of Dandy-Walker malformation also encompassed the 2q36.1 chromosomal region. The Brazilian pedigree did not show linkage to this 2q36.1 region. Taken together, these results demonstrate a locus for ADDWOC on 2q36.1 and also suggest locus heterogeneity for ADDWOC.
Background. Morphological and dentofacial alterations have been attributed to impaired respiratory function. Objective. To examine the influence of mouth breathing (MB) on children facial morphology before and after adenoidectomy or adenotonsillectomy. Methods. Thirty-three MB children who restored nasal breathing (NB) after surgery and 22 NB children were evaluated. Both groups were submitted to lateral cephalometry, at time 1 (T1) before and at time 2 (T2) 28 months on average postoperatively. Results. Comparison between the MB and NB groups at T1 showed that mouth breathers had higher inclination of the mandibular plane; more obtuse gonial angle; dolichofacial morphology; and a decrease in the total and inferior posterior facial heights. Twenty-eight months after the MB surgical intervention, they still presented a dolichofacial morphologic pattern. During this period, MB altered the face growth direction and decreased their mandible plane inclination, with reduction in the SN.GoGn, PP.MP, SNGn, and ArGo.GoMe parameters as well as an increase in BaN.PtGn. Conclusion. After the MB rehabilitation, children between 3 and 6 years old presented significant normalization in the mandibular growth direction, a decrease in the mandible inclination, and an increase in the posterior facial height. Instead, they still persisted with a dolichofacial pattern when compared with nasal breathers.
Objective To evaluate the extent sensory and motor blocks produced by the epidural injection of different volumes of 0.25% bupivacaine (Bu) with methylene blue (MB), in dogs. Study design Prospective experimental trial. Animals Twenty healthy adult mongrel dogs, weighing 9.9 +/- 1.9 kg. Methods Dogs were randomly allocated into one of four groups that received 0.2, 0.4, 0.6 or 0.8 mL kg-1 of an epidural solution containing 0.25% Bu and MB. Sensory block was evaluated against time by pinching the tail, hind limb interdigital web, toenail bases and the skin over the vertebral dermatomes. Motor block was assessed by ataxia, hind limb weight-bearing ability and by loss of muscle tone of the tail and pelvic limbs. Data were collected at 2, 5, 10, 15 and 30 minutes after the end of epidural injection. After the final time point, dogs were euthanatized and laminectomies were conducted to expose the extent of the dural dye staining. Results The volumes 0.2, 0.4, 0.6 and 0.8 mL kg-1 of 0.25% Bu and MB blocked a mean of 5, 14.2, 20.2 and 21 dermatomes, respectively. The extent of the senory block increased up to a volume of 0.6 mL kg-1. Motor block was longer-lasting and more intense than sensory block. Complete dyeing of the spinal cord with MB was achieved in some dogs at 0.4 mL kg-1 and all dogs at 0.6 mL kg-1. Conclusions The volume of anesthetic injected into the epidural space plays an important role in the quality of the epidural anesthesia. At 0.25%, bupivacaine provided an efficient sensory block at 0.6 mL kg-1. Clinical relevance Relatively high volumes (0.6 mL kg-1) of 0.25%, BU and MB were needed to produce an effective sensory and motor block caudal to the umbilicus, but all spinal cord segments were reached by MB at this dose.
We show here that the neurotrophin nerve growth factor (NGF), which has been shown to be a mitogen for breast cancer cells, also stimulates cell survival through a distinct signaling pathway. Breast cancer cell lines (MCF-7, T47-D, BT-20, and MDA-MB-231) were found to express both types of NGF receptors: p140(trkA) and p75(NTR). The two other tyrosine kinase receptors for neurotrophins, TrkB and TrkC, were not expressed. The mitogenic effect of NGF on breast cancer cells required the tyrosine kinase activity of p140(trkA) as well as the mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) cascade, but was independent of p75(NTR). I, contrast, the anti-apoptotic effect of NGF (studied using the ceramide analogue C2) required p75(NTR) as well as the activation of the transcription factor NF-kB, but neither p140(trkA) nor MAPK was necessary. Other neurotrophins (BDNF, NT-3, NT-4/5) also induced cell survival, although not proliferation, emphasizing the importance of p75(NTR) in NGF-mediated survival. Both the pharmacological NF-KB inhibitor SN50, and cell transfection with IkBm, resulted in a diminution of NGF anti-apoptotic effect. These data show that two distinct signaling pathways are required for NGF activity and confirm the roles played by p75(NTR) and NF-kappaB in the activation of the survival pathway in breast cancer cells.
The class of molecular chaperones known as 14-3-3 is involved in the control of cellular growth by virtue of its apparent regulation of various signaling pathways, including the Raf/mitogen-activated protein kinase pathway. In breast cancer cells, the sigma form of 14-3-3 has been shown to interact with cyclin-dependent kinases and to control the rate of entry into mitosis. To test for a direct role for 14-3-3 in breast epithelial cell neoplasia, me have quantitated 14-3-3 protein levels using a proteomic approach based on two-dimensional electrophoresis and matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization mass spectrometry (MALDI-TOF). We show here that 14-3-3 sigma protein is strongly down-regulated in the prototypic breast cancer cell lines MCF-7 and MDA-MB-231 and in primary breast carcinomas as compared with normal breast epithelial cells. In contrast, levels of the alpha, beta, delta, or zeta isoforms of 14-3-3 mere the same in both normal and transformed cells. The data support the idea that 14-3-3 sigma is involved in the neoplastic transition of breast epithelial cells by virtue of its role as a tumor suppressor; as such, it may constitute a robust marker with clinical efficacy for this pathology.
Background, Cardiac complications occur commonly in vascular surgery patients. Diagnosis of cardiac complications is difficult because of the inaccuracies associated with traditional cardiac enzyme measurements. CTi, a highly sensitive and specific marker of myocardial injury, may be able to detect cardiac complications with greater ease and accuracy. Methods. The study prospectively examined 100 consecutive patients who underwent major vascular surgery between 6/7/98 and 31/12/98 at the Royal Brisbane Hospital. Daily measurements of cTi, creatine kinase (CK), creatine kinase MB (CKMB), CKMB index, renal function and haemoglobin were taken for three postoperative days. One postoperative electrocardiograph (ECC) was taken. An extensive cardiac history was taken. Intraoperative and postoperative events were recorded. Findings. There were 100 patients, 18 patients (18%) had a cTi elevation. On the basis of classical diagnostic criteria, 15 patients (15%) suffered one or more cardiac complication (either myocardial infarction, congestive cardiac failure, unstable angina or atrial fibrillation), One patient (1%) who had a cTi elevation died. CTI elevation occurred in five patients (5%) who were not diagnosed with cardiac complications based on traditional criteria. Despite not meeting specific diagnostic criteria for cardiac complications, all patients showed signs and symptoms that could be attributed to myocardial ischaemia, Every patient who developed congestive cardiac failure or atrial fibrillation had a cTi elevation. A Chi-square analysis revealed a significant association between cTi elevation and postoperative cardiac complications. Four variables contributed small but significant amounts of unique variance to the prediction of peak cTi on linear regression analysis. These were peak CKMB index, postoperative congestive cardiac failure, postoperative chest pain and postoperative cardiac complications. Conclusions. Routine cTi monitoring of postoperative vascular patients would be an effective and inexpensive way to detect patients with cardiac complications. The relationship between postoperative cTi elevation and significant coronary artery disease remains to be shown, (C) 2001 The international Society for Cardiovascular Surgery. Published by Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
Prior in vivo studies supported the concept that Mallory bodies (MBs) are aggresomes of cytokeratins 8 and 18. However, to test this hypothesis an in vitro model is needed to study the dynamics of MB formation. Such a study is difficult because MBs have never been induced in tissue culture. Therefore, MBs were first induced in vivo in drug-primed mice and then primary cultures of hepatocytes from these mice were studied. Two approaches were utilized: 1. Primary cultures were transfected with plasmids containing the sequence for cytokeratin 18 (CK 18) tagged with green fluorescent protein (GFP). 2. Immunofluorescent staining was used to localize the ubiquitin-proteasome pathway components involved in MB-aggresome complex formation in primary hepatocyte cultures. The cells were double stained with a ubiquitin antibody and one of the following antibodies: CK 8, CK 18, tubulin, mutant ubiquitin (UBB+ 1), transglutaminase, phosphothreonine, and the 20S and 26S proteasome subunits P25 and Tbp7, respectively. In the first approach, fluorescence was observed in keratin filaments and MBs 48 h after the cells were transfected with the CK 18 GFP plasmid. Nascent cytokeratin 18 was preferentially concentrated in MBs. Less fluorescence was observed in the normal keratin filaments. This indicated that MBs continued to form in vitro. The immunofluorescent staining of the hepatocytes showed that CK 8 and 18, ubiquitin, mutant ubiquitin (UBB+ 1), P25, Tbp7, phosphothreonine, tubulin, and transglutaminase were all located at the border or the interior of the MB. These results support the concept that MBs are aggresomes of CK 8 and CK 18 and are a result of inhibition of the ubiquitin-proteasome pathway of protein degradation possibly caused by UBB+ 1. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science.
Peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor beta (PPARbeta) is a member of the nuclear hormone receptor superfamily and is a ligand activated transcription factor. although the precise genes that it regulates and its physiological and pathophysiological role remain unclear. In view of the association of PPARbeta with colon cancer and increased mRNA levels of PPARbeta in colon tumours we sought in this study to examine the expression of PPARbeta in human breast epithelial cells of tumorigenic (MCF-7 and MDA-MB-231) and non-tumorigenic origin (MCF-10A). Using quantitative RT-PCR we measured PPARbeta mRNA levels in MCF-7. MDA-MB-231 and MCF-10A cells at various stages in culture. After serum-deprivation, MDA-MB-231 and MCF-10A cells had a 4.2- and 3.8-fold statistically greater expression of PPARbeta compared with MCF-7 cells. The tumorigenic cell lines also exhibited a significantly greater level of PPARbeta mRNA after serum deprivation compared with subconfluence whereas such an effect was not observed in non-tumorigenic MCF-10A cells. The expression of PPARbeta was inducible upon exposure to the PPARbeta ligand bezafibrate. Our results suggest that unlike colon cancer. PPARbeta overexpression is not an inherent property of breast cancer cell lines. However, the dynamic changes in PPARbeta mRNA expression and the ability of PPARbeta in the MCF-7 cells to respond to ligand indicates that PPARbeta may play a role in mammary gland carcinogenesis through activation of downstream genes via endogenous fatty acid ligands or exogenous agonists. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
This paper tests the four-phase heuristic model of change in resource management regimes developed by Gunderson et al. (1995. In: Barriers and Bridges to the Renewal of Ecosystems and Institutions. Columbia University Press, New York, pp. 489-533) by applying it to a case analysis of rainforest management in northeastern Australia. The model suggests that resource management regimes change in four phases: (i) crisis caused by external factors, (ii) a search for alternative management solutions, (iii) creation of a new management regime, and (iv) bureaucratic implementation of the new arrangements. The history of human use arid management of the tropical forests of this region is described and applied to this model. The ensuing analysis demonstrates that: (i) resource management tends to be characterized by a series of distinct eras; (ii) changes to management regimes are precipitated by crisis; and (iii) change is externally generated. The paper concludes by arguing that this theoretical perspective oil institutional change in resource management systems has wider utility. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
A cria????o da rede BIM (Bibliotecas Integradas da Marinha) permitiu a integra????o de 38 bibliotecas da Marinha Brasileira (MB) em um sistema ??nico de bibliotecas, por meio da intranet/internet, que tem como caracter??stica maior rapidez em pesquisa e na padroniza????o do processamento t??cnico, o que reduziu os gastos em manuten????o (calculado em R$ 236.400,00), software e hardware (calculado em R$ 377.170,00), al??m da racionaliza????o das aquisi????es. Conseq??entemente, houve maior integra????o entre os bibliotec??rios e efici??ncia no atendimento. Dessa forma, a MB, integrado em uma grande rede com credibilidade, oferece aos seus usu??rios o maior n??mero de informa????es em apenas uma consulta, aproximando a obra dos seus leitores, sem contar que os limites de cada biblioteca n??o se restringem mais a seu espa??o f??sico e alcan??am, tamb??m, os ???internautas???
Em um mundo cada vez mais virtual, em que a facilidade, a agilidade e a presteza na troca de informa????es s??o preponderantes para as organiza????es obterem sucesso, n??o h?? mais espa??o para um processo manual de gest??o de documentos, extremamente burocr??tico, lento, ineficiente e dotado de uma s??rie de procedimentos que n??o agregam valor ?? informa????o tramitada. Pensando nisso, a Marinha do Brasil (MB) buscou a mudan??a do paradigma burocr??tico para o da gest??o da informa????o, por meio do desenvolvimento de um sistema capaz de introduzir um novo modelo de gest??o na administra????o p??blica: a Gest??o Eletr??nica de Documentos (GED). Tal iniciativa, pioneira na Administra????o P??blica Federal, j?? ?? um sucesso, sendo a MB constantemente solicitada a fornecer subs??dios para a implementa????o da GED em outros ??rg??os da administra????o p??blica
Um idoso saudável não apresenta riscos acrescidos de queda pelo simples facto de ser idoso. O estilo de vida sedentária contribui para acelerar o processo de envelhecimento. Os programas de exercísio físico regular e mantidos a longo prazo reduzem o risco de quedas nos idosos.