933 resultados para MAGNETIC FIELDS
A systematic investigation of nitrides R3F29-xCrxN4 (R = Y, Ce, Nd, Sm, Gd, Tb, and Dy) has been performed. The nitrogen concentration in the nitride R3Fe29-xCrxNy was determined to be y = 4. Nitrogenation leads to a relative volume expansion of about 5.3%. The lattice constants and unit cell volume decrease with increasing rare earth atomic number from Nd to Dy, reflecting the lanthanide contraction. In average, the increase of Curie temperature upon nitrogenation is about 200 K, compared with its parent compound. The nitrogenation also results in a remarkable improvement in the saturation magnetization and anisotropy fields for R3Fe29-x CrxN4 at 4.2 K and room temperature, compared with their parent compounds. A spin reorientation of Nd3Fe24.5Cr4.5N4 occurs at around 368 K, which is 138 K higher than that of Nd3F24.5Cr4.5. Magnetohistory effects of R3Fe29-xCrxN4 (R = Nd and Sm) are observed in a low field of 0.04 T. First-order magnetization process occurs in Sm3Fe24.0Cr5.0N4 in magnetic fields of around 3.0 T at 4.2 K. After nitrogenation the easy magnetization direction of Sm3Fe24.0C5.0 is changed from the easy-cone structure to the uniaxial. The excellent intrinsic magnetic properties of Sm3Fe24.0Cr5.0N4 make this compound a hopeful candidate for new high-performance permanent magnets.
An extension of Faulkner's method for the energy levels of the shallow donor in silicon and germanium at zero field is made in order to investigate the effects of a magnetic field upon the excited states. The effective-mass Hamiltonian matrix elements of an electron bound to a donor center and subjected to a magnetic field B, which involves both the linear and quadratic terms of magnetic field, are expressed analytically and matrices are solved numerically. The photothermal ionization spectroscopy of phosphorus in ultrapure silicon for magnetic fields parallel to the [1,0,0] and [1,1,1] directions and up to 10 T is explained successfully.
We present a model for electrons confined in narrow conducting channels by a parabolic well under moderate to high magnetic fields which takes into account a cutoff in the filling of the subbands. Such a cutoff gives rise to energy-separated subbands and a two-dimensional (2D) like subband depopulation, resulting in a relation between sublevel index n and inverse magnetic field B-1 such that in the high-field regime it changes over to the well-known 2D form as expected, and in the moderate field regime it shows pronounced deviation from linearity. This agrees well with the experimental results. The linear region of the n-B-1 experimental plot is believed to arise from the two dimensionality of the system. Calculations show that no resolvable 1D sublevel exists in the 0.5-mu-m-wide wire at very small magnetic fields (including zero field), which agrees qualitatively with the experimental results found in other wires that the Hall resistance, R(H), approaches its classical value B/n(e)e in this region and R(H) = 0 at B = 0, where n(e) is the electron concentration. In this model the linear and nonlinear regions in the experimental n-B-1 plot are used to extract the characteristic frequency omega-0, and the effective 2D electron concentration N(e)2D, respectively.
The crystallographic and intrinsic magnetic properties of hydride R3Fe29-xTxHy (R=Y, Ce, Nd, Sm, Gd, Tb, and Dy; T=V and Cr) have been investigated. The lattice constants and the unit cell volume of R3Fe29-xTxHy decrease with increasing R atomic number from Nd to Dy, except for Ce, reflecting the lanthanide contraction. Regular anisotropic expansions, mainly along the a- and b-axis rather than along the c-axis, are observed for all the compounds upon hydrogenation. Hydrogenation leads to an increase in Curie temperature. First-order magnetization processes (FOMP) occur in magnetic fields of around 1.5 T and 4.0 T at 4.2 K for Nd3Fe24.5Cr4.5H5.0 and Tb(3)Fc(27.0)Cr(2.0)H(2.8), and around 1.4 T at room temperature for Gd3Fe28.0Cr1.0H4.2 Abnormal crystallographic and magnetic properties of Ce3Fe29-xTxHy suggest that the Ce ion is non-triply ionized.
Chaplin, W. J.; Dumbill, A. M.; Elsworth, Y.; Isaak, G. R.; McLeod, C. P.; Miller, B. A.; New, R.; Pint?r, B., Studies of the solar mean magnetic field with the Birmingham Solar-Oscillations Network (BiSON), Monthly Notice of the Royal Astronomical Society, Volume 343, Issue 3, pp. 813-818. RAE2008
Simultaneous measurements of high-altitude optical emissions and magnetic fields produced by sprite-associated lightning discharges enable a close examination of the link between low-altitude lightning processes and high-altitude sprite processes. We report results of the coordinated analysis of high-speed sprite video and wideband magnetic field measurements recorded simultaneously at Yucca Ridge Field Station and Duke University. From June to August 2005, sprites were detected following 67 lightning strokes, all of which had positive polarity. Our data showed that 46% of the 83 discrete sprite events in these sequences initiated more than 10 ms after the lightning return stroke, and we focus on these delayed sprites in this work. All delayed sprites were preceded by continuing current moments that averaged at least 11 kA km between the return stroke and sprites. The total lightning charge moment change at sprite initiation varied from 600 to 18,600 C km, and the minimum value to initiate long-delayed sprites ranged from 600 for 15 ms delay to 2000 C km for more than 120 ms delay. We numerically simulated electric fields at altitudes above these lightning discharges and found that the maximum normalized electric fields are essentially the same as fields that produce short-delayed sprites. Both estimated and simulation-predicted sprite initiation altitudes indicate that long-delayed sprites generally initiate around 5 km lower than short-delayed sprites. The simulation results also reveal that slow (5-20 ms) intensifications in continuing current can play a major role in initiating delayed sprites. Copyright 2008 by the American Geophysical Union.
The ability to wirelessly power electrical devices is becoming of greater urgency as a component of energy conservation and sustainability efforts. Due to health and safety concerns, most wireless power transfer (WPT) schemes utilize very low frequency, quasi-static, magnetic fields; power transfer occurs via magneto-inductive (MI) coupling between conducting loops serving as transmitter and receiver. At the "long range" regime - referring to distances larger than the diameter of the largest loop - WPT efficiency in free space falls off as (1/d)(6); power loss quickly approaches 100% and limits practical implementations of WPT to relatively tight distances between power source and device. A "superlens", however, can concentrate the magnetic near fields of a source. Here, we demonstrate the impact of a magnetic metamaterial (MM) superlens on long-range near-field WPT, quantitatively confirming in simulation and measurement at 13-16 MHz the conditions under which the superlens can enhance power transfer efficiency compared to the lens-less free-space system.
This work presents computation analysis of levitated liquid thermal and flow fields with free surface oscillations in AC and DC magnetic fields. The volume electromagnetic force distribution is continuously updated with the shape and position change. The oscillation frequency spectra are analysed for droplets levitation against gravity in AC and DC magnetic fields at various combinations. For larger volume liquid metal confinement and melting the semi-levitation induction skull melting process is simulated with the same numerical model. Applications are aimed at pure electromagnetic material processing techniques and the material properties measurements in uncontaminated conditions.
The presented numerical modelling for the magnetic levitation involves coupling of the electromagnetic field, liquid shape change, fluid velocities and the temperature field at every time step during the simulation in time evolution. Combination of the AC and DC magnetic fields can be used to achieve high temperature, stable levitation conditions. The oscillation frequency spectra are analysed for droplets levitated in AC and DC magnetic fields at various combinations. An electrically poorly conducting, diamagnetic droplet (e.g. water) can be stably levitated using the dia- and para-magnetic properties of the sample material in a high intensity, gradient DC field.
In high intensity and high gradient magnetic fields the volumetric force on diamagnetic material, such as water, leads to conditions very similar to microgravity in a terrestrial laboratory. In principle, this opens the possibility to determine material properties of liquid samples without wall contact, even for electrically non-conducting materials. In contrast, AC field levitation is used for conductors, but then terrestrial conditions lead to turbulent flow driven by Lorentz forces. DC field damping of the flow is feasible and indeed practiced to allow property measurements. However, the AC/DC field combination acts preferentially on certain oscillation modes and leads to a shift in the droplet oscillation spectrum.What is the cause? A nonlinear spectral numerical model is presented, to address these problems
In high intensity and high gradient magnetic fields the volumetric force on diamagnetic material, such as water, leads to conditions very similar to microgravity in a terrestrial laboratory. In principle, this opens the possibility to determine material properties of liquid samples without wall contact, even for electrically non-conducting materials. In contrast, AC field levitation is used for conductors, but then terrestrial conditions lead to turbulent flow driven by Lorentz forces. DC field damping of the flow is feasible and indeed practiced to allow property measurements. However, the AC/DC field combination acts preferentially on certain oscillation modes and leads to a shift in the droplet oscillation spectrum.What is the cause? A nonlinear spectral numerical model is presented, to address these problems.
Equilibrium distances, binding energies and dissociation energies for the ground and low-lying states of the hydrogen molecular ion in a strong magnetic field parallel to the internuclear axis are calculated and refined, by using the two- dimensional pseudospectral method. High-precision results are presented for the binding energies over a wider field regime than already given in the literature (Kravchenko and Liberman 1997 Phys. Rev. A 55 2701). The present work removes a long- standing discrepancy for the R-eq value in the 1sigma(u) state at a field strength of 1.0 x 10(6) T. The dissociation energies of the antibonding 1pi(g) state induced by magnetic fields are determined accurately. We have also observed that the antibonding 1pi(g) potential energy curve develops a minimum if the field is sufficiently strong. Some unreliable results in the literature are pointed out and discussed. A way to efficiently treat vibrational processes and coupling between the nuclear and the electronic motions in magnetic fields is also suggested within a three-dimensional pseudospectral scheme.
Evidence for scattering closed orbits for the Rydberg electron of the singly excited helium atom in crossed electric and magnetic fields at constant scaled energy and constant scaled electric field strength has been found through a quantum calculation of the photo-excitation spectrum. A particular 3D scattering orbit in a mixed regular and chaotic region has been investigated and the hydrogenic 3D closed orbits composing it identified. To the best of our knowledge, this letter reports the first quantum calculation of the scaled spectrum of a non- hydrogenic atom in crossed fields.
The scaled photoexcitation spectrum of the hydrogen atom in crossed electric and magnetic fields has been obtained by means of accurate quantum mechanical calculation using a new algorithm. Closed orbits in the corresponding classical system have also been obtained, using a new, efficient and practical searching procedure. Two new classes of closed orbit have been identified. Fourier transforming each photoexcitation quantum spectrum to yield a plot against scaled action has allowed direct comparison between peaks in such plots and the scaled action values of closed orbits, Excellent agreement has been found with all peaks assigned.
In a recent Letter to the Editor (J Rao, D Delande and K T Taylor 2001 J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys. 34 L391-9) we made a brief first report of our quantal and classical calculations for the hydrogen atom in crossed electric and magnetic fields at constant scaled energy and constant scaled electric field strength. A principal point of that communication was our statement that each and every peak in the Fourier transform of the scaled quantum photo-excitation spectrum for scaled energy value epsilon = -0.586 538 871028 43 and scaled electric value (f) over tilde = 0.068 537 846 207 618 71 could be identified with a scaled action value of a found and mapped-out closed orbit up to a scaled action of 20. In this follow-up paper, besides presenting full details of our quantum and classical methods, we set out the scaled action values of all 317 closed orbits involved, together with the geometries of many.