977 resultados para Määttä, Timo: "Sinne, missä hätä on suurin"
Dissertação apresentada na Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia da Universidade Nova de Lisboa para a obtenção do grau de Mestre em Engenharia Química e Bioquímica
AIMS: Evaluation of thymectomy cases between 1990-2003, in a General Surgery Department. Evaluation of the therapeutic efficacy in Miastenia Gravis patients. PATIENTS AND METHODS: Retrospective study based on evaluation of data from Serviço de Cirurgia, Neurologia and Consult de Neurology processes, between 1990-2003, of 15 patients submitted to total thymectomy. RESULTS: 15 patients, aged 17 to 72, 11 female and 4 male. Miastenia Gravis was the main indication for surgery, for uncontrollable symptoms or suspicion of thymoma. In patients with myasthenia, surgery was accomplish after compensation of symptoms. There weren't post-surgery complications. Pathology were divided in thymic hyperplasia and thymoma. Miastenia patients have there symptoms diminished or stable with reduction or cessation of medical therapy. CONCLUSIONS: Miastenia was the most frequent indication for thymectomy. Surgery was good results, with low morbimortality, as long as the protocols are respected.
Fungi have been considered a potential source of natural anticancer drugs. However, studies on these organisms have mainly focused on compounds present in the sporocarp and mycelium. The aim of this study was to assess the anticancer potential of fungal spores using a bioassay-guided fractionation with cancer and normal cell lines. Crude extracts from spores of the basidiomycetous fungus Pisolithus tinctorius were prepared using five solvents/solvent mixtures in order to select the most effective crude extraction procedure. A dichloromethane/methanol (DCM/MeOH) mixture was found to produce the highest extraction yield, and this extract was fractionated into 11 fractions. Crude extracts and fractions were assayed for cytotoxicity in the human osteocarcinoma cell line MG63, the human breast carcinoma cell line T47D, the human colon adenocarcinoma cell line RKO, and the normal human brain capillary endothelial cell line hCMEC/D3. Cytotoxicity was assessed by the 3-(4,5-dimethyl-2-thiazolyl)-2,5-diphenyl-2H-tetrazolium bromide (MTT) reduction assay. The results showed a reduction in cancer cell viability of approximately 95% with 4 of 11 fractions without a significant reduction in viability of hCMEC/D3 cells. Data demonstrated that spores of P. tinctorius might serve as an interesting source of compounds with potential anticancer properties.
Based on samples cross-sections from the Main Altarpiece of the Coimbra Old Cathedral, where a blue coating performed in 1685 is observed (that was partly covered with a Prussian blue-containing overpaint), the raw materials present in this coating were reproduced and studied. Blue areas were painted with smalt in oil, according to the contract signed by Manoel da Costa Pereira in 1684 and the analysis by Le Gac in 2009. Based on these, three batches of cobalt-based glasses (S1, S2 and S3) were heated and melted in alumina crucibles in the kiln. S1 contained 6.03 % of cobalt oxide, S2 contained 2.10 %, with the addition of 1.49 % of magnesium oxide, and S3 contained 6.82 % of cobalt oxide, with the addition of 4.63% of antimony trioxide. These batches were ground mechanically with water and manually with different vehicles stated in recipes. The results were studied by means of OM, SEM-EDS, X-Ray CT, Colorimetry and Vickers HT. Different binders were also produced and analyzed by means of μ-FTIR, in order to perform their characterization and obtain Standard Spectra. Since anhydrite was identified in the ground layers, gypsum from Óbidos was also characterized by XRD. The main goal of this thesis was to study all the raw materials present in the 1685-blue coating, in order to allow the historically accurate reconstruction of the layers build-up in the next future.
PURPOSE: To evaluate 2 left ventricular mass index (LVMI) normality criteria for the prevalence of left ventricular geometric patterns in a hypertensive population ( HT ) . METHODS: 544 essential hypertensive patients, were evaluated by echocardiography, and different left ventricular hypertrophy criteria were applied: 1 - classic : men - 134 g/m² and women - 110 g/m² ; 2- obtained from the 95th percentil of LVMI from a normotensive population (NT). RESULTS: The prevalence of 4 left ventricular geometric patterns, respectively for criteria 1 and 2, were: normal geometry - 47.7% and 39.3%; concentric remodelying - 25.4% and 14.3%; concentric hypertrophy - 18.4% and 27.7% and excentric hypertrophy - 8.8% and 16.7%, which confered abnormal geometry to 52.6% and 60.7% of hypertensive. The comparative analysis between NT and normal geometry hypertensive group according to criteria 1, detected significative stuctural differences,"( *p < 0.05):LVMI- 78.4 ± 1.50 vs 85.9 ±0.95 g/m² *; posterior wall thickness -8.5 ± 0.1 vs 8.9 ± 0.05 mm*; left atrium - 33.3 ± 0.41 vs 34.7 ± 0.30 mm *. With criteria 2, significative structural differences between the 2 groups were not observed. CONCLUSION: The use of a reference population based criteria, increased the abnormal left ventricular geometry prevalence in hypertensive patients and seemed more appropriate for left ventricular hypertrophy detection and risk stratification.
El objetivo de este proyecto es investigar el sustrato neurobiológico que subyace a los efectos centrales de grelina (Gr) en estructuras extrahipotalámicas tales como núcleo dorsal del rafe (NDR), hipocampo(Hi) y amígdala(Am) donde hemos demostrado que el péptido incrementa la memoria e ingesta, Los mecanismos neurales, neurotrasmisores(nt), segundos mensajeros, etc., involucrados en estos procesos fisiológicos, inducidos por el péptido, necesitan aun ser esclarecidos. Hemos demostrado que grelina incrementa la retención de la memoria cuando es inyectado en Hi, NDR y Am. También incrementa la ingesta al ser administrado en Hi y NDR pero no así en Am. En Hi los efectos de Gr sobre la memoria se correlacionan con incremento en los niveles tisulares de óxido nítrico (NO) y con la disponibilidad del nt 5-HT. En lo que a electrofisiología se refiere hemos demostrado que Gr disminuye el umbral para generar potenciación a largo plazo (LTP). A fin de aportar nuevas evidencias que contribuyan a esclarecer los efectos del péptido sobre memoria e ingesta utilizaremos estudios conductuales, determinaciones bioquímicas y determinaciones electrofisiológicas. En lo que a ingesta se refiere intentaremos esclarecer el papel de los núcleos central y basolateral de la Am en aspectos hedónicos de la ingesta inducida por Gr En esta etapa, más específicamente nos proponemos:1) Determinar si los efectos de grelina sobre ingesta y memoria demostrados en hipocampo y NDR después de la su administración se correlacionan con modificaciones en la liberación de serotonina utilizando cortes de hipocampo precargados con 5HT tritiada en presencia y ausencia del péptido.2) Evaluar si el incremento de óxido nítrico inducido por grelina en hipocampo se correlaciona con cambios en la expresión de nNOS, utilizando Western-blot y la importancia de NOS/NO en la acción de grelina repitiendo los experimentos previo tratamiento de las ratas con inhibidores de NOS. 3)Estudiar la participación del nt glutamato en los efectos hipocampales de Gr sobre la memoria. Analizando a) si grelina modifica la liberación del nt a partir de sinaptosomas aislados de hipocampo de ratas pretratadas con Gr.b) la participación de los receptores NMDA y GABAa en los efectos de grelina previo bloqueo farmacológico del mencionado receptor y el test step down.c) la participación de los receptores NMDA y GABAa en los efectos de grelina utilizando electrofisiología y Western Blot. 4) Estudiar el efecto de la administración de Gr en Amigdala Central y Basolateral sobre aspectos hedónicos de la ingesta utilizando diferentes paradigmas conductuales en animales. Estudiaremos:a) si Gr modifica el consumo de alimento de diferente palatabilidad en animales y si afecta el componente motivacional de la conducta de ingesta paradigma de "runway".
La diarrea neonatal representa uno de los problemas sanitarios de mayor relevancia en las primeras semanas de vida del cerdo. Provoca importantes pérdidas económicas por morbilidad y mortalidad. El cultivo de enterocitos primarios representa una herramienta valiosa para el estudio de patologías causadas por agentes infecciosos que afectan la integridad del epitelio intestinal. La producción de anticuerpos extraídos a partir de la yema de huevo de gallinas inmunizadas (IgY), es una tecnología innovadora, que ha mostrado ser protectiva contra diarreas causadas por agentes víricos y bacterianos. La nanotecnología permite mejorar la eficiencia en la administración de distintas drogas. Los nanotubos de carbono han ganado una enorme popularidad por sus propiedades y aplicaciones únicas. La investigación sobre los aspectos toxicológicos de estas nanopartículas es escasa. Una vez dentro de la célula, las nanopartículas pueden inducir estrés oxidativo intracelular por perturbar el equilibrio oxidativo. Las hipótesis de trabajo es: La administración de IgY anti-Escherichia coli a través de nanotubos protegerá in vitro e in vivo a los enterocitos de una infección por E. coli previniendo la diarrea neonatal porcina. Los objetivos del trabajo son: Evaluar la protección por un anticuerpo aviario IgY anti-E. coli aplicado mediante nanotubos de carbono a cultivo de enterocitos porcinos primarios sometidos a una post-infección con E. coli; Analizar los efectos secundarios de los nanotubos con IgY anti-E coli en la citotoxicidad, el balance oxidativo y la apoptosis de los enterocitos porcinos cultivados in vitro y Evaluar la acción terapeútica de la IgY anti-E coli aplicada a porcinos y efectos secundarios de la administración con nanotubos. Se implementará un diseño experimental in vitro con diferentes grupos de cultivos con nanotubos, con IgY anti-E. coli e inespecifica y con exposición a E. coli. Se realizará cultivo de enterocitos porcinos primarios con una técnica de disgregación enzimática con colagenasa según protocolo de Bader et al. (2000). Se evaluará la viabilidad por la prueba de azul tripan. Para la obtención del anticuerpo anti-E. coli aviario se aplicarán un total de 3 dosis de E. coli (109 UFC/ml de adyuvante) a gallinas Legorhn en condiciones fisiológicas. Se recolectarán los huevos diariamente. Se purificará la IgY según método de Polson et al. (1985) utilizando PEG 6000. La concentración de IgY se medirá por ELISA de alta sensibilidad. La IgY será incorporada a nanotubos según protocolo de Acevedo et al. 2006. Para analizar los posibles efectos secundarios de los nanotubos se evaluará: 1. Citotoxicidad por técnica de MTT 2. Estrés oxidativo por técnica de TBARS y 3. Apoptosis por técnica de TUNEL.Además, se implementará un diseño experimental in vivo para probar la acción terapeútica de este nutraceútico aplicados a lechones destetados y los efectos secundarios de la administración con nanotubos. Se realizará un cultivo de enterocitos de lechones que previamente fueron tratados con la IgY anti-E. coli administrada mediante nanotubos y efectuarán las técnicas descriptas anteriormente. Los resultados esperados son: Elaboración de un Ac aviario IgY anti-E. coli para prevenir infección de enterocitos, Profundización en el conocimiento acerca de los efectos citotóxicos de los nanotubos de carbono multilamelares, Generación de tratamiento alternativo para enfermedades entéricas porcinas.
Objective: To measure renal tissue oxygenation in young normo-and hypertensive volunteers under conditions of salt loading and depletion using blood oxygen level dependent magnetic resonance imaging (BOLD-MRI). Design and Methods: Ten normotensive (NT) male volunteers (age 26.5_7.4 y) and eight non-treated, hypertensive (HT) male volunteers (age 28.8_5.7 y) were studied after one week on a high salt (HS) regimen (6g of salt/day added to their normal regimen) and again after one week of a low sodium diet (LS). On the 8th day, BOLD-MRI was performed under standard hydration conditions. Four coronal slices were selected in each kidney, and combination sequence was used to acquire T2* weighted images. The mean R2* (1/T2*) was measured to determine cortical and medullar oxygenation. Results: Baseline characteristics and their changes are shown in the table. The mean cortical R2* was not different under conditions of HS or LS (17.8_1.3 vs. 18.2_0.6 respectively in NT group, p_0.27; 17.4_0.6 vs 17.8_0.9 in HT group, p_0.16). However, the mean medullary R2* was significantly lower under LS conditions in both groups (31.3_0.6 vs 28.1_0.8 in NT group, p_0.05; 30.3_0.8 vs 27.9_1.5 in HT group, p_0.05), corresponding to higher medullary oxygenation as compared to HS conditions, without significant changes in hemoglobin or hematocrit values. The salt induced changes in medullary oxygenation were comparable in the two groups (ANOVA, p_0.1). Conclusion: Dietary sodium restriction leads to increased renal medullary oxygenation compared to high sodium intake in normo-and hypertensive subjects. This observation may in part explain the potential renal benefits of a low sodium intake.
The Millennium Declaration (2000) set as one of its targets a substantial reduction in child mortality. This paper studies whether the massive increase in development aid can account for part of the reduction in child mortality observed in developing countries since the year 2000. To do so, we analyze a panel of more than 130 developing countries over the 2000-2008 period. We use the time trend evolution of aid to identify an exogenous source of variation. Total aid has had no statistically significant effect on child mortality. However, a disaggregate analysis identifies certain sectors of aid that have had a significant impact. The effects have been larger in high mortality countries, including Sub-Saharan Africa. Projections based on our estimates strongly support the concern that most countries in that region will miss the Millennium Goals target on child mortality.
The inhibitory effect of Lippia alba and Lippia citriodora essential oils on dengue virus serotypes replication in vitro was investigated. The cytotoxicity (CC50) was evaluated by the MTT assay and the mode of viral inhibitory effect was investigated with a plaque reduction assay. The virus was treated with the essential oil for 2 h at 37ºC before cell adsorption and experiments were conducted to evaluate inhibition of untreated-virus replication in the presence of oil. Antiviral activity was defined as the concentration of essential oil that caused 50% reduction of the virus plaque number (IC50). L. alba oil resulted in less cytotoxicity than L. citriodora oil (CC50: 139.5 vs. 57.6 μg/mL). Virus plaque reduction for all four dengue serotypes was observed by treatment of the virus before adsorption on cell. The IC50 values for L. alba oil were between 0.4-32.6 μg/mL and between 1.9-33.7 μg/mL for L. citriodora oil. No viral inhibitory effect was observed by addition of the essential oil after virus adsorption. The inhibitory effect of the essential oil seems to cause direct virus inactivation before adsorption on host cell.
PURPOSE: This study investigates the effects of triamcinolone acetonide (TA) on retinal endothelial cells in vitro and explores the potential vascular toxic effect of TA injected into the vitreous cavity of rats in vivo. METHODS: Subconfluent endothelial cells were treated with either 0.1 mg/ml or 1 mg/ml TA in 1% ethanol. Control cells were either untreated or exposed to 1% ethanol. Cell viability was evaluated at 24 h, 72 h, and five days using the tetrazolium 3-(4,5-dimethylthiazol-2-yl)-2,5 phenyltetrazolium bromide test (MTT) and lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) assays. Cell proliferation was evaluated by 5-bromo-2-deoxyuridine (BrdU) test. Apoptosis was evaluated by terminal deoxynucleotidyl transferase dUTP nick end labeling assay (TUNEL assay), annexin-binding, and caspase 3 activation. Caspase-independent cell deaths were investigated by immunohistochemistry using antibodies against apoptosis inducing factor (AIF), cytochrome C, microtubule-associated protein (MAP)-light chain 3 (MAP-LC3), and Leukocyte Elastase Inhibitor/Leukocyte Elastase Inhibitor-derived DNase II (LEI/L-DNase II). In vivo, semithin and ultrathin structure analysis and vascular casts were performed to examine TA-induced changes of the choroidal vasculature. In addition, outer segments phagocytosis assay on primary retinal pigment epithelium (RPE) cells was performed to assess cyclooxygenase (COX-2) and vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) mRNAs upregulation with or without TA. RESULTS: The inhibitory effect of TA on cell proliferation could not explain the significant reduction in cell viability. Indeed, TA induced a time-dependent reduction of bovine retinal endothelial cells viability. Annexin-binding positive cells were observed. Cytochrome C was not released from mitochondria. L-DNase II was found translocated to the nucleus, meaning that LEI was changed into L-DNase II. AIF was found nuclearized in some cells. LC3 labeling showed the absence of autophagic vesicles. No autophagy or caspase dependent apoptosis was identified. At 1 mg/ml TA induced necrosis while exposure to lower concentrations for 3 to 5 days induced caspase independent apoptosis involving AIF and LEI/L-DNase II. In vivo, semithin and ultrathin structure analysis and vascular casts revealed that TA mostly affected the choroidal vasculature with a reduction of choroidal thickness and increased the avascular areas of the choriocapillaries. Experiments performed on primary RPE cells showed that TA downregulates the basal expression of COX-2 and VEGF and inhibits the outer segments (OS)-dependent COX-2 induction but not the OS-dependent VEGF induction. CONCLUSIONS: This study demonstrates for the first time that glucocorticoids exert direct toxic effect on endothelial cells through caspase-independent cell death mechanisms. The choroidal changes observed after TA intravitreous injection may have important implications regarding the safety profile of TA use in human eyes.
The electron hole transfer (HT) properties of DNA are substantially affected by thermal fluctuations of the π stack structure. Depending on the mutual position of neighboring nucleobases, electronic coupling V may change by several orders of magnitude. In the present paper, we report the results of systematic QM/molecular dynamic (MD) calculations of the electronic couplings and on-site energies for the hole transfer. Based on 15 ns MD trajectories for several DNA oligomers, we calculate the average coupling squares 〈 V2 〉 and the energies of basepair triplets X G+ Y and X A+ Y, where X, Y=G, A, T, and C. For each of the 32 systems, 15 000 conformations separated by 1 ps are considered. The three-state generalized Mulliken-Hush method is used to derive electronic couplings for HT between neighboring basepairs. The adiabatic energies and dipole moment matrix elements are computed within the INDO/S method. We compare the rms values of V with the couplings estimated for the idealized B -DNA structure and show that in several important cases the couplings calculated for the idealized B -DNA structure are considerably underestimated. The rms values for intrastrand couplings G-G, A-A, G-A, and A-G are found to be similar, ∼0.07 eV, while the interstrand couplings are quite different. The energies of hole states G+ and A+ in the stack depend on the nature of the neighboring pairs. The X G+ Y are by 0.5 eV more stable than X A+ Y. The thermal fluctuations of the DNA structure facilitate the HT process from guanine to adenine. The tabulated couplings and on-site energies can be used as reference parameters in theoretical and computational studies of HT processes in DNA
Opinnäytetyömme tarkoituksena oli kartoittaa imetyspäätökseen ja imetyksen kestoon vaikuttavia tekijöitä, erityisesti imetysasenteita. Kartoituksen perusteella tuotimme lehtisen imetyksen tukemiseksi. Valitsimme lehtisen muodoksi sarjakuvan, koska uskomme sen puhuttelevan paremmin nykypäivän nuoria äitejä ja heidän lähipiiriään. Lehtisen perimmäisenä tavoitteena on vaikuttaa myönteisesti niihin asenteisiin, jotka vähentävät nuorten äitien imetysmotivaatiota. Tätä kautta haluamme lisätä imettävien äitien ja rintamaitoa saavien lasten määrää. Opinnäytetyöprosessimme vaati meiltä syventymistä nuorten äitien imetysasenteita käsitteleviin tutkimuksiin sekä terveyden edistämistä ja terveysaineiston tuottamista käsittelevään kirjallisuuteen. Lehtisemme sarjakuvan pääteemoiksi valitsimme isien osuuden imetyspäätökseen sekä julkisen imetyksen. Useissa lukemissamme tutkimuksissa nämä kaksi teemaa tulivat esille imetystä vähentävinä ja pulloruokintaa lisäävinä tekijöinä. Lasta odottavan perheen terveyden edistämisessä avainasemassa on muun muassa äitiysneuvolatoiminta. Imetysohjauksen kehittämisellä on merkitystä koko perheelle. Tuottamamme lehtinen on suunnattu jaettavaksi äitiysneuvoloissa kaikille raskaana oleville perheille, koska suurin osa heistä tekee imetyspäätöksen jo ennen synnytystä. Olisi tärkeää antaa lehtinen äideille ja isille jo alkuraskauden aikana, jotta se olisi käytettävissä heidän tehdessään päätöstä tulevan lapsensa imetyksestä. Lehtistä voi käyttää myös imetysohjauksen tukena sekä perhevalmennuksessa että yksilöohjauksessa.
Opinnäytetyössä selvitettiin Palmian catering-palveluissa työskentelevien maahanmuuttajien taustoja ja heidän vaikutuksiaan työpaikkojensa toimintaan. Tavoitteena oli saada tietoa maahanmuuttajien koulutuksen kehittämiseksi. Saadun tiedon toivottiin auttavan niin Palmiaa kuin muitakin yrityksiä henkilöstövalinnoissaan. Kyselytutkimus osoitettiin Palmian catering-palveluiden esimiehille sähköpostitse. Maahanmuuttajien vaikutukset työpaikoilla perustuivat heidän näkemyksiinsä. Palmiaa kysyttiin yhteistyöhön, koska se toimi pääosin Helsingissä, missä asuu lähes puolet maamme maahanmuuttajista. Palmia oli myös riittävän suuri yritys tarpeellisen vastausmäärän saamiseksi. Vastausten analysoinnissa merkittävimmiksi tekijöiksi muodostuivat kielitaito ja koulutus, joiden osuutta peilattiin työsuhteen pituuteen, maahanmuuttajan motivaatioon, työpaikan ilmapiiriin ym. työhön vaikuttaviin tekijöihin. Maahanmuuttajien vaikutukset työpaikoilla olivat suurimmaksi osaksi myönteisiä ja he olivat pidettyjä työntekijöitä. Tutkimuksen maahanmuuttajista lähes 80 prosenttia työskenteli ruokapalvelutyöntekijöinä. Suurimpana yksittäisenä ongelmana tuli esille heikko suomen kielen osaaminen. Maahanmuuttajat, joilla oli huono kielitaito ja joilla ei ollut aikaisempaa alan koulutusta tai työkokemusta, työllistyivät kuitenkin parhaiten pysyviin työsuhteisiin. Koulutettujen ja kielitaitoisten maahanmuuttajien huomattiin vaikuttavan kaikkein myönteisimmin työpaikoilla. Tutkimus osoitti, että yritysten kannattaisi palkata kielitaitoisia ja koulutettuja maahanmuuttajia ennakkoluulottomasti, sillä heidän vaikutuksensa työpaikoilla olivat hyvin myönteisiä. Maahanmuuttajien kielitaidon kehittämiseen ja koulutukseen olisi panostettava uudella tavalla. Tutkimuksen mukaan ruokapalvelutyöntekijöiksi voidaan palkata heikosti suomea osaavia ihmisiä vailla aikaisempaa alan kokemusta. Heille olisi hyödyllistä opiskella kieltä rinnakkain työn kanssa, koska silloin heidän kommunikointi- ja yhteistyötaidot sekä edellytykset kouluttautua paranisivat. Olisi ilmeistä, että maahanmuuttajan usko parempaan huomiseen vaikuttaisi myönteisesti työpaikoilla. Kielenopiskelun ja työnteon yhdistäminen kannustavalla tavalla vaatisi uusia koulutuksellisia päätöksiä asian mahdollistamiseksi. Tehtävä voitaisiin antaa tutkimuksen valmistumisen kanssa samaan aikaan järjestäytyvän Suomen hallituksen uudelle opetusministerille työryhmineen.