955 resultados para Luminescence Resonance Energy Transfer


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Die neuronale Signalübertragung beruht auf dem synaptischen Vesikelzyklus, der durch das koordinierte Zusammenspiel von circa 400 verschiedenen Proteinen reguliert wird. Eines der Hauptproteine des synaptischen Vesikels ist Synaptophysin (SYP), das zu den tetraspan vesicle membrane proteins (TVPs) gehört. Es wird vermutet, dass es zahlreiche Funktionen der Exo- und Endozytose moduliert, wenngleich die zugrunde liegenden molekularen Mechanismen bisher größtenteils unverstanden sind. Ziel der Arbeit war daher die Identifizierung von Interaktionspartnern von SYP, um zum Verständnis der vielen ungeklärten Prozesse im synaptischen Vesikelzyklus beizutragen. Mit dem Split-Ubiquitin Yeast Two-Hybrid System, das eine direkte in vivo Interaktion von Membranproteinen erlaubt, konnten in der vorliegenden Arbeit bekannte, aber auch neue SYP-Bindungspartner identifiziert werden. Ein bekannter Interaktionspartner war Synaptobrevin2 (SYB2), das zu den stärksten im Split-Ubiquitin Y2H System identifizierten Bindeproteinen zählt. Zu den neuen starken SYP-Interaktionspartnern gehören die TVPs Synaptogyrin3 (SYNGR3) und SCAMP1. Somit konnten erstmals heterophile Interaktionen zwischen den verschiedenen TVP-Genfamilien nachgewiesen werden, die für eine universelle Funktion der TVPs sprechen. Die Validierung der im Split-Ubiquitin Y2H System ermittelten Interaktionspartner wurde auf eine Auswahl von Proteinen beschränkt, die vermutlich am synaptischen Vesikelzyklus beteiligt sind. Dabei konnte eine immunhistologische Kolokalisierung von SYP mit SYB2, SYNGR3, SCAMP1, Stathmin-like3 (STMN3), Rho family GTPase2 (RND2), Phospholipid transfer protein, Vesicle transport through interaction with t-SNAREs 1B homolog, Arfaptin2 und Profilin1 in den Synapsen-reichen Schichten der Retina beobachtet werden. Die SYP/SYB2- und SYP/SYNGR3-Komplexe konnten zudem sowohl aus Synaptosomen-Lysat als auch aus cDNA-transfizierten Epithelzellen koimmunpräzipitiert werden, wohingegen dies für die anderen Interaktionspartner nicht gelang. Da Koimmunpräzipitation die Struktur der Proteine durch Solubilisierung mit Detergenzien beeinflusst, wurden die in der Hefe beobachteten Interaktionen noch mittels Fluoreszenz-Resonanz-Energie-Transfer überprüft, mit dem Proteinwechselwirkungen in der nativen Umgebung nachgewiesen werden können. Ein positives FRET-Signal konnte für SYP mit SYB2, SYP, SYNGR3, SCAMP1, STMN3, RND2 und Arfaptin2 detektiert werden, lediglich für SYP mit Phospholipase D4 (PLD4) gelang dieser Nachweis nicht. Ferner zeigten FRET-Analysen von Synaptophysin-Mutanten, dass der zytoplasmatische C-Terminus für die Interaktion mit zytoplasmatischen und membranassoziierten Proteinen benötigt wird. Durch in vivo FRET-Studien mit der SH2-Domäne der Src-Kinase, die an phosphorylierte Tyrosine bindet, konnte eine Tyrosin-Phosphorylierung des zytoplasmatischen C-Terminus von Synaptophysin und von Synaptogyrin3 detektiert werden. Viele der neu identifizierten Synaptophysin-Interaktionspartner sind im Lipid-Metabolismus involviert. Vermutlich rekrutiert der zytoplasmatische und durch Phosphorylierung modifizierbare C-Terminus diese Partner in spezifische Lipoproteindomänen, die an der Feinabstimmung der synaptischen Vesikelendo- und -exozytose beteiligt sind.


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DcuS is a membrane-integral sensory histidine kinase involved in the DcuSR two-component regulatory system in Escherichia coli by regulating the gene expression of C4-dicarboxylate metabolism in response to external stimuli. How DcuS mediates the signal transduction across the membrane remains little understood. This study focused on the oligomerization and protein-protein interactions of DcuS by using quantitative Fluorescence Resonance Energy Transfer (FRET) spectroscopy. A quantitative FRET analysis for fluorescence spectroscopy has been developed in this study, consisting of three steps: (1) flexible background subtraction to yield background-free spectra, (2) a FRET quantification method to determine FRET efficiency (E) and donor fraction (fD = [donor] / ([donor]+[acceptor])) from the spectra, and (3) a model to determine the degree of oligomerization (interaction stoichiometry) in the protein complexes based on E vs. fD. The accuracy and applicability of this analysis was validated by theoretical simulations and experimental systems. These three steps were integrated into a computer procedure as an automatic quantitative FRET analysis which is easy, fast, and allows high-throughout to quantify FRET accurately and robustly, even in living cells. This method was subsequently applied to investigate oligomerization and protein-protein interactions, in particular in living cells. Cyan (CFP) and yellow fluorescent protein (YFP), two spectral variants of green fluorescent protein, were used as a donor-acceptor pair for in vivo measurements. Based on CFP- and YFP-fusions of non-interacting membrane proteins in the cell membrane, a minor FRET signal (E = 0.06 ± 0.01) can be regarded as an estimate of direct interaction between CFP and YFP moieties of fusion proteins co-localized in the cell membrane (false-positive). To confirm if the FRET occurrence is specific to the interaction of the investigated proteins, their FRET efficiency should be clearly above E = 0.06. The oligomeric state of DcuS was examined both in vivo (CFP/YFP) and in vitro (two different donor-acceptor pairs of organic dyes) by three independent experimental systems. The consistent occurrence of FRET in vitro and in vivo provides the evidence for the homo-dimerization of DcuS as full-length protein for the first time. Moreover, novel interactions (hetero-complexes) between DcuS and its functionally related proteins, citrate-specific sensor kinase CitA and aerobic dicarboxylate transporter DctA respectively, have been identified for the first time by intermolecular FRET in vivo. This analysis can be widely applied as a robust method to determine the interaction stoichiometry of protein complexes for other proteins of interest labeled with adequate fluorophores in vitro or in vivo.


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The two-component system DcuSR of Escherichia coli regulates gene expression of anaerobic fumarate respiration and aerobic C4-dicarboxylate uptake. C4-dicarboxylates and citrate are perceived by the periplasmic domain of the membrane-integral sensor histidine kinase DcuS. The signal is transduced across the membrane by phosphorylation of DcuS and of the response regulator DcuR, resulting in activation of DcuR and transcription of the target genes.rnIn this work, the oligomerisation of full-length DcuS was studied in vivo and in vitro. DcuS was genetically fused to derivatives of the green fluorescent protein (GFP), enabling fluorescence resonance energy transfer (FRET) measurements to detect protein-protein interactions in vivo. FRET measurements were also performed with purified His6-DcuS after labelling with fluorescent dyes and reconstitution into liposomes to study oligomerisation of DcuS in vitro. In vitro and in vivo fluorescence resonance energy transfer showed the presence of oligomeric DcuS in the membrane, which was independent of the presence of effector. Chemical crosslinking experiments allowed clear-cut evaluation of the oligomeric state of DcuS. The results showed that detergent-solubilised His6-DcuS was mainly monomeric and demonstrated the presence of tetrameric DcuS in proteoliposomes and in bacterial membranes.rnThe sensor histidine kinase CitA is part of the two-component system CitAB of E. coli, which is structurally related to DcuSR. CitAB regulates gene expression of citrate fermentation in response to external citrate. The sensor kinases DcuS and CitA were fused with an enhanced variant of the yellow fluorescent protein (YFP) and expressed in E. coli under the control of an arabinose-inducible promoter. The subcellular localisation of DcuS-YFP and CitA-YFP within the cell membrane was studied by means of confocal laser fluorescence microscopy. Both fusion proteins were found to accumulate at the cell poles. The polar accumulation was slightly increased in the presence of the stimulus fumarate or citrate, respectively, but independent of the expression level of the fusion proteins. Cell fractionation demonstrated that polar accumulation was not related to inclusion bodies formation. The degree of polar localisation of DcuS-YFP was similar to that of the well-characterised methyl-accepting chemotaxis proteins (MCPs), but independent of their presence. To enable further investigations on the function of the polar localisation of DcuS under physiological conditions, the sensor kinase was genetically fused to the flavin-based fluorescent protein Bs2 which shows fluorescence under aerobic and anaerobic conditions. The resulting dcuS-bs2 gene fusion was inserted into the chromosome of various E. coli strains.rnFurthermore, a protein-protein interaction between the related sensor histidine kinases DcuS and CitA, regulating common metabolic pathways, was detected via expression studies under anaerobic conditions in the presence of citrate and by in vivo FRET measurements.


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Zusammenfassung rnIn der vorliegenden Arbeit wurden sechs VWF/FVIII Gerinnungsfaktorkonzentrate unterschiedlicher Chargen auf ihre ADAMTS13 Aktivität, Antigen und VWF Multimere untersucht. Grund dafür ist die Annahme, dass bei der Aufkonzentrierung des VWFs möglicherweise auch erhöhte Mengen an ADAMTS13 vorhanden sind. Wäre dies nachweisbar, könnten die entsprechenden Konzentrate auch Anwendung bei TTP Patienten finden. Neben den Gerinnungsfaktorkonzentraten wurden ebenfalls die zur Plasmapherese verwendeten Therapeutika FFP und s/d Plasma analysiert. Es soll getestet werden, ob Unterschiede hinsichtlich der Qualität zwischen den Präparaten bestehen und inwiefern die Blutgruppen eine Auswirkung auf die ADAMTS13 Aktivität/Antigen haben. Überdies wurde die Bedeutung von ADAMTS13 als wichtiges diagnostisches Merkmal im Rahmen der Gegenüberstellung von Patienten mit thrombotischen Mikroangiopathien erörtert. Alle angewandten Methoden wurden zudem kritisch miteinander verglichen und auf ihre Eignung für die klinische Diagnostik getestet. Zur Untersuchung der ADAMTS13 Aktivität kamen drei unterschiedliche Methoden zur Anwendung, die BCS-Methode nach Böhm und zwei FRET Kits (Technozym®ADAMTS13/ActifluorTMADAMTS13). Für die Bestimmung des ADAMTS13 Antigen wurde das Technozym®ADAMTS13 Kit verwendete als auch der Imubind®ELISA angewendet. Mittels der SDS-Gelelektrophorese konnten die VWF Multimere dargestellt werden. Die Untersuchungen konnten zeigen, dass nur in Haemate®P, deutlich höhere ADAMTS13 Aktivitäten (12,3% bzw. 470ng/ml) sowie ein physiologische Antigenwerte vorlagen. Die anderen Faktorkonzentrate wiesen entweder nur sehr geringe bzw. keine Aktivitäten auf. Das Antigen lag bei allen Konzentraten im nachweisbaren Bereich. Folglich ist ein Einsatz von Haemate®P bei der Therapie der TTP, insbesondere bei hereditären Formen sowie bei Kindern, die durch eine Plasmapherese stark belastet werden, und bei Schwangeren, könnten, in Erwägung zu ziehen und innerhalb der Klinik zu testen. Die Plasmapräparate FFP und Octaplas® wiesen in allen Untersuchungen ADAMTS13 Aktivitäten und Antigen im mittleren bis hohen physiologischen Bereich auf. Insbesondere bei Blutgruppe 0 ließ sich beiden Präparaten eine höhere ADAMTS13 Aktivität und Antigen gegenüber den drei anderen Blutgruppen darstellen. Insgesamt waren die interindividuellen Schwankungen bei FFP deutlich höher als bei Octaplas®, was sich in der unterschiedlichen Herstellung der Präparate begründen lässt. Octaplas® ist also genauso geeignet zur Plasmapherese bei der TTP wie FFP, kann jedoch aufgrund seiner intensiveren Virusinaktivierung eine größere Sicherheit aufweisen und stellt sich auch in der Klinik als nebenwirkungsärmer dar. Bei der Gegenüberstellung der thrombotischen Mikroangiopathien konnte gezeigt werden, dass eine verminderte ADAMTS13 Aktivität ein wichtiges Unterscheidungsmerkmal ist und auch während der Remission schon diagnostizierbar werden kann. Auf der Grundlage der labordiagnostischen Werte und dem klinischen Erscheinungsbild im akuten Schub und in der Remission konnte ein diagnostischer Algorithmus für den klinischen Alltag erstellt werden. In der Methodenvalidierung erwies sich der ActifluorTMADAMTS13 Kit als der beste Kit, da er innerhalb kürzester Zeit zuverlässige Werte in Standardeinheiten liefert. Nach neuesten Erkenntnissen, bei der eine Unterscheidung von ADAMTS13 Aktivitäten über und unter 5 % von großer prognostischer Bedeutung sind, ist die BCS-Methode nach Böhm mit einer unteren Nachweisgrenze von 6,2% zu ungenau und auch hinsichtlich ihres Zeitaufwandes eher ungünstig.rn


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Die Zinkendopeptidasen Meprin α und β sind Schlüsselkomponenten in patho(physiologischen) Prozessen wie Entzündung, Kollagenassemblierung und Angiogenese. Nach ihrer Entdeckung in murinen Bürstensaummembranen und humanen Darmepithelien, wurden weitere Expressionsorte identifiziert, z.B. Leukozyten, Krebszellen und die humane Haut. Tiermodelle, Zellkulturen und biochemische Analysen weisen auf Funktionen der Meprine in der Epithelialdifferenzierung, Zellmigration, Matrixmodellierung, Angiogenese, Bindegewebsausbildung und immunologische Prozesse hin. Dennoch sind ihre physiologischen Substrate weitgehend noch unbekannt. Massenspektrometrisch basierte Proteomics-Analysen enthüllten eine einzigartige Spaltspezifität für saure Aminosäurereste in der P1´ Position und identifizierten neue biologische Substratkandidaten. Unter den 269 extrazellulären Proteinen, die in einem Substratscreen identifiziert wurden, stellten sich das amyloid precursor protein (APP) and ADAM10 (a disintegrin and metalloprotease 10) als sehr vielversprechende Kandidaten heraus. Mehrere Schnittstellen innerhalb des APP Proteins, hervorgerufen durch verschiedenen Proteasen, haben unterschiedlichen Auswirkungen zur Folge. Die β-Sekretase BACE (β-site APP cleaving enzyme) prozessiert APP an einer Schnittstelle, welche als initialer Schritt in der Entwicklung der Alzheimer Erkrankung gilt. Toxische Aβ (Amyloid β)-Peptide werden in den extrazellulären Raum freigesetzt und aggregieren dort zu senilen Plaques. Membran verankertes Meprin β hat eine β-Sekretase Aktivität, die in einem Zellkultur-basierten System bestätigt werden konnte. Die proteolytische Effizienz von Meprin β wurde in FRET (Fluorescence Resonance Energy Transfer)-Analysen bestimmt und war um den Faktor 104 höher als die von BACE1. Weiterhin konnte gezeigt werden, dass Meprin β die ersten zwei Aminosäuren prozessiert und somit aminoterminal einen Glutamatrest freisetzt, welcher nachfolgend durch die Glutaminylzyklase in ein Pyroglutamat zykliert werden kann. Trunkierte Aβ-Peptide werden nur in Alzheimer Patienten generiert. Aufgrund einer erhöhten Hydrophobie weisen diese Peptide eine höhere Tendenz zur Aggregation auf und somit eine erhöhte Toxizität. Bis heute wurde keine Protease identifiziert, welche diese Schnittstelle prozessiert. Die Bildung der Meprin vermittelten N-terminalen APP Fragmenten wurde in vitro und in vivo detektiert. Diese N-APP Peptide hatten keine cytotoxischen Auswirkungen auf murine und humane Gehirnzellen, obwohl zuvor N-APP als Ligand für den death receptor (DR) 6 identifiziert wurde, der für axonale Degenerationsprozesse verantwortlich ist. rnIm nicht-amyloidogenen Weg prozessiert ADAM10 APP und entlässt die Ektodomäne von der Zellmembran. Wir konnten das ADAM10 Propeptid als Substrat von Meprin β identifizieren und in FRET Analysen, in vitro und in vivo zeigen, dass die Meprin vermittelte Prozessierung zu einer erhöhten ADAM10 Aktivität führt. Darüber hinaus wurde ADAM10 als Sheddase für Meprin β identifiziert. Shedding konnte durch Phorbol 12-myristate 13-acetate (PMA) oder durch das Ionophor A23187 hervorgerufen werden, sowie durch ADAM10 Inhibitoren blockiert werden. rnDiese Arbeit konnte somit ein komplexes proteolytisches Netwerk innerhalb der Neurophysiologie aufdecken, welches für die Entwicklung der Alzheimer Demenz wichtig sein kann.rn


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We have shown previously that endogenous flotillin-1 and -2, closely related proteins implicated in scaffolding of membrane microdomains, are rapidly recruited to the uropods of chemoattractant-stimulated human neutrophils and T-cells and are involved in cell polarization. Coexpressed flotillin-1 and -2, but not singly expressed proteins, are also targeted to the uropod of T-cells and neutrophils. Biochemical studies suggest formation of flotillin homo- and hetero-oligomers in other cell types, but so far knowledge is lacking on in situ flotillin organization in leukocytes. We have now analyzed flotillin organization in human T-cells using fluorescence resonance energy transfer (FRET). Coexpressed C-terminally tagged flotillin-1-mCherry and flotillin-2-enhanced green fluorescent protein (EGFP) show significant FRET when analyzed in intact human T-cells in the absence and presence of chemokine. In contrast, little FRET was observed between coexpressed flotillin-1-mCherry and flotillin-1-EGFP before or after chemokine addition, indicating predominant formation of heterodimers and/or -oligomers. Interestingly coexpression of untagged flotillin-2 strongly enhanced FRET between differently tagged flotillin-1 molecules in resting and chemokine-stimulated cells, indicating that close contacts of flotillin-1 molecules only occur in flotillin-2-containing hetero-oligomers. Comparable results were obtained for tagged flotillin-2. We further show that disruption of the actin network, depletion of intracellular calcium, and inhibition of phospholipase C all result in suppression of chemokine-induced polarization and flotillin cap formation, but do not abolish FRET between tagged flotillin-1 and -2. Our results support predominant formation of flotillin-1 and -2 hetero-oligomers in resting and chemokine-stimulated human T-cells which may importantly contribute to structuring of the uropod.


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OBJECTIVE: To determine whether pharmacogenetic tests such as N-acetyltransferase 2 (NAT2) and cytochrome P450 2E1 (CYP2E1) genotyping are useful in identifying patients prone to antituberculosis drug-induced hepatotoxicity in a cosmopolite population. METHODS: In a prospective study we genotyped 89 patients treated with isoniazid (INH) for latent tuberculosis. INH-induced hepatitis (INH-H) or elevated liver enzymes including hepatitis (INH-ELE) was diagnosed based on the clinical diagnostic scale (CDS) designed for routine clinical practice. NAT2 genotypes were assessed by fluorescence resonance energy transfer probe after PCR analysis, and CYP2E1 genotypes were determined by PCR with restriction fragment length polymorphism analysis. RESULTS: Twenty-six patients (29%) had INH-ELE, while eight (9%) presented with INH-H leading to INH treatment interruption. We report no significant influence of NAT2 polymorphism, but we did find a significant association between the CYP2E1 *1A/*1A genotype and INH-ELE (OR: 3.4; 95% CI:1.1-12; p = 0.02) and a non significant trend for INH-H (OR: 5.9; 95% CI: 0.69-270; p = 0.13) compared with other CYP2E1 genotypes. This test for predicting INH-ELE had a positive predictive value (PPV) of 39% (95% CI: 26-54%) and a negative predictive value (NPV) of 84% (95% CI: 69-94%). CONCLUSION: The genotyping of CYP2E1 polymorphisms may be a useful predictive tool in the common setting of a highly heterogeneous population for predicting isoniazid-induced hepatic toxicity. Larger prospective randomized trials are needed to confirm these results.


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Keratin 8 (KRT8) is one of the major intermediate filament proteins expressed in single-layered epithelia of the gastrointestinal tract. Transgenic mice over-expressing human KRT8 display pancreatic mononuclear infiltration, interstitial fibrosis and dysplasia of acinar cells resulting in exocrine pancreatic insufficiency. These experimental data are in accordance with a recent report describing an association between KRT8 variations and chronic pancreatitis. This prompted us to investigate KRT8 polymorphisms in patients with pancreatic disorders. The KRT8 Y54H and G62C polymorphisms were assessed in a cohort of patients with acute and chronic pancreatitis of various aetiologies or pancreatic cancer originating from Austria (n=16), the Czech Republic (n=90), Germany (n=1698), Great Britain (n=36), India (n=60), Italy (n=143), the Netherlands (n=128), Romania (n=3), Spain (n=133), and Switzerland (n=129). We also studied 4,234 control subjects from these countries and 1,492 control subjects originating from Benin, Cameroon, Ethiopia, Ecuador, and Turkey. Polymorphisms were analysed by melting curve analysis with fluorescence resonance energy transfer probes. The frequency of G62C did not differ between patients with acute or chronic pancreatitis, pancreatic adenocarcinoma and control individuals. The frequency of G62C varied in European populations from 0.4 to 3.8%, showing a northwest to southeast decline. The Y54H alteration was not detected in any of the 2,436 patients. Only 3/4,580 (0.07%) European, Turkish and Indian control subjects were heterozygous for Y54H in contrast to 34/951 (3.6%) control subjects of African descent. Our data suggest that the KRT8 alterations, Y54H and G62C, do not predispose patients to the development of pancreatitis or pancreatic cancer.


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FGFRL1 is a novel member of the fibroblast growth factor (FGF) receptor family. Utilizing the FRET (fluorescence resonance energy transfer) technique, we demonstrate that FGFRL1 forms constitutive homodimers at cell surfaces. The formation of homodimers was verified by co-precipitation of differentially tagged FGFRL1 polypeptides from solution. If overexpressed in cultivated cells, FGFRL1 was found to be enriched at cell-cell contact sites. The extracellular domain of recombinant FGFRL1 promoted cell adhesion, but not cell spreading, when coated on plastic surfaces. Adhesion was mediated by heparan sulfate glycosaminoglycans located at the cell surface. It could specifically be blocked by addition of soluble heparin but not by addition of other glycosaminoglycans. When the amino acid sequence of the putative heparin-binding site was modified by in vitro mutagenesis, the resulting protein exhibited decreased affinity for heparin and reduced activity in the cell-binding assay. Moreover, a synthetic peptide corresponding to the heparin-binding site was able to neutralize the effect of heparin. With its dimeric structure and its adhesion promoting properties, FGFRL1 resembles the nectins, a family of cell adhesion molecules found at cell-cell junctions.


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Hematopoietic cells uniquely express G(alpha16), a G protein alpha-subunit of the G(q)-type. G(alpha16) is obligatory for P2Y2 receptor-dependent Ca2+-mobilization in human erythroleukemia cells and induces hematopoietic cell differentiation. We tested whether P2Y2 receptors physically interact with G(alpha16). Receptor and G protein were fused to cyan (CFP) and yellow (YFP) variants of the green fluorescent protein (GFP), respectively. When expressed in K562 leukemia cells, the fusion proteins were capable of triggering a Ca2+-signal upon receptor stimulation, demonstrating their functional integrity. In fluorescence resonance energy transfer (FRET) measurements using confocal microscopy, a strong FRET signal from the plasma membrane region of fixed, resting cells was detected when the receptor was co-expressed with the G protein as the FRET acceptor, as well as when the CFP-tagged receptor was co-expressed with receptor fused to YFP. We conclude that, under resting conditions, G(alpha16) and P2Y2 receptors form constitutive complexes, and that the P2Y2 receptor is present as an oligomer.


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We have shown previously that the raft-associated proteins flotillin-1 and -2 are rapidly recruited to the uropods of chemoattractant-stimulated human neutrophils and T-cells and are involved in cell polarization. Other proteins such as the adhesion receptor PSGL-1, the actin-membrane linker proteins ezrin/radixin/moesin (ERM) and the signaling enzyme phosphatidylinositol-4-phosphate 5-kinase type Iγ90 (PIPKIγ90) also accumulate in the T-cell uropod. Using the in situ proximity ligation assay (PLA) we now have investigated putative close associations of these proteins in human freshly isolated T-cells before and after chemokine addition. The PLA allows in situ subcellular localization of close proximity of endogenous proteins at single-molecule resolution in fixed cells. It allows detection also of weaker and transient complexes that would not be revealed with co-immunoprecipitation approaches. We previously provided evidence for heterodimer formation of tagged flotillin-1 and -2 in T-cells before and after chemokine addition using fluorescence resonance energy transfer (FRET). We now confirm these findings using PLA for the endogenous flotillins in fixed human T-cells. Moreover, in agreement with the literature, our PLA findings confirm a close association of endogenous PSGL-1 and ERM proteins both in resting and chemokine-activated human T-cells. In addition, we provide novel evidence using the PLA for close associations of endogenous activated ERM proteins with PIPKIγ90 and of endogenous flotillins with PSGL-1 in human T-cells, before and after chemokine addition. Our findings suggest that preformed clusters of these proteins coalesce in the uropod upon cell stimulation.


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BACKGROUND: The nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID), indomethacin (Indo), has a large number of divergent biological effects, the molecular mechanism(s) for which have yet to be fully elucidated. Interestingly, Indo is highly amphiphilic and associates strongly with lipid membranes, which influence localization, structure and function of membrane-associating proteins and actively regulate cell signaling events. Thus, it is possible that Indo regulates diverse cell functions by altering micro-environments within the membrane. Here we explored the effect of Indo on the nature of the segregated domains in a mixed model membrane composed of dipalmitoyl phosphatidyl-choline (di16:0 PC, or DPPC) and dioleoyl phosphatidyl-choline (di18:1 PC or DOPC) and cholesterol that mimics biomembranes. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: Using a series of fluorescent probes in a fluorescence resonance energy transfer (FRET) study, we found that Indo induced separation between gel domains and fluid domains in the mixed model membrane, possibly by enhancing the formation of gel-phase domains. This effect originated from the ability of Indo to specifically target the ordered domains in the mixed membrane. These findings were further confirmed by measuring the ability of Indo to affect the fluidity-dependent fluorescence quenching and the level of detergent resistance of membranes. CONCLUSION/SIGNIFICANCE: Because the tested lipids are the main lipid constituents in cell membranes, the observed formation of gel phase domains induced by Indo potentially occurs in biomembranes. This marked Indo-induced change in phase behavior potentially alters membrane protein functions, which contribute to the wide variety of biological activities of Indo and other NSAIDs.


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The injurious effect of nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) in the small intestine was not appreciated until the widespread use of capsule endoscopy. Animal studies found that NSAID-induced small intestinal injury depends on the ability of these drugs to be secreted into the bile. Because the individual toxicity of amphiphilic bile acids and NSAIDs directly correlates with their interactions with phospholipid membranes, we propose that the presence of both NSAIDs and bile acids alters their individual physicochemical properties and enhances the disruptive effect on cell membranes and overall cytotoxicity. We utilized in vitro gastric AGS and intestinal IEC-6 cells and found that combinations of bile acid, deoxycholic acid (DC), taurodeoxycholic acid, glycodeoxycholic acid, and the NSAID indomethacin (Indo) significantly increased cell plasma membrane permeability and became more cytotoxic than these agents alone. We confirmed this finding by measuring liposome permeability and intramembrane packing in synthetic model membranes exposed to DC, Indo, or combinations of both agents. By measuring physicochemical parameters, such as fluorescence resonance energy transfer and membrane surface charge, we found that Indo associated with phosphatidylcholine and promoted the molecular aggregation of DC and potential formation of larger and isolated bile acid complexes within either biomembranes or bile acid-lipid mixed micelles, which leads to membrane disruption. In this study, we demonstrated increased cytotoxicity of combinations of bile acid and NSAID and provided a molecular mechanism for the observed toxicity. This mechanism potentially contributes to the NSAID-induced injury in the small bowel.


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Uptake through the dopamine transporter (DAT) represents the primary mechanism used to terminate dopaminergic transmission in brain. Although it is well known that dopamine (DA) taken up by the transporter is used to replenish synaptic vesicle stores for subsequent release, the molecular details of this mechanism are not completely understood. Here, we identified the synaptic vesicle protein synaptogyrin-3 as a DAT interacting protein using the split ubiquitin system. This interaction was confirmed through coimmunoprecipitation experiments using heterologous cell lines and mouse brain. DAT and synaptogyrin-3 colocalized at presynaptic terminals from mouse striatum. Using fluorescence resonance energy transfer microscopy, we show that both proteins interact in live neurons. Pull-down assays with GST (glutathione S-transferase) proteins revealed that the cytoplasmic N termini of both DAT and synaptogyrin-3 are sufficient for this interaction. Furthermore, the N terminus of DAT is capable of binding purified synaptic vesicles from brain tissue. Functional assays revealed that synaptogyrin-3 expression correlated with DAT activity in PC12 and MN9D cells, but not in the non-neuronal HEK-293 cells. These changes were not attributed to changes in transporter cell surface levels or to direct effect of the protein-protein interaction. Instead, the synaptogyrin-3 effect on DAT activity was abolished in the presence of the vesicular monoamine transporter-2 (VMAT2) inhibitor reserpine, suggesting a dependence on the vesicular DA storage system. Finally, we provide evidence for a biochemical complex involving DAT, synaptogyrin-3, and VMAT2. Collectively, our data identify a novel interaction between DAT and synaptogyrin-3 and suggest a physical and functional link between DAT and the vesicular DA system.


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Genetically encoded, ratiometric biosensors based on fluorescence resonance energy transfer (FRET) are powerful tools to study the spatiotemporal dynamics of cell signaling. However, many biosensors lack sensitivity. We present a biosensor library that contains circularly permutated mutants for both the donor and acceptor fluorophores, which alter the orientation of the dipoles and thus better accommodate structural constraints imposed by different signaling molecules while maintaining FRET efficiency. Our strategy improved the brightness and dynamic range of preexisting RhoA and extracellular signal-regulated protein kinase (ERK) biosensors. Using the improved RhoA biosensor, we found micrometer-sized zones of RhoA activity at the tip of F-actin bundles in growth cone filopodia during neurite extension, whereas RhoA was globally activated throughout collapsing growth cones. RhoA was also activated in filopodia and protruding membranes at the leading edge of motile fibroblasts. Using the improved ERK biosensor, we simultaneously measured ERK activation dynamics in multiple cells using low-magnification microscopy and performed in vivo FRET imaging in zebrafish. Thus, we provide a construction toolkit consisting of a vector set, which enables facile generation of sensitive biosensors.