903 resultados para Low cost airlines
Khartoum like many cities in least developing countries (LDCs) still witnesses huge influx of people. Accommodation of the new comers leads to encroachment on the cultivation land leads to sprawl expansion of Greater Khartoum. The city expanded in diameter from 16.8 km in 1955 to 802.5 km in 1998. Most of this horizontal expansion was residential. In 2008 Khartoum accommodated 29% of the urban population of Sudan. Today Khartoum is considered as one of 43 major cities in Africa that accommodates more than 1 million inhabitants. Most of new comers live in the outskirts of the city e.g. Dar El-Salam and Mayo neighbourhoods. The majority of those new comers built their houses especially the walls from mud, wood, straw and sacks. Selection of building materials usually depends on its price regardless of the environmental impact, quality, thermal performance and life of the material. Most of the time, this results in increasing the cost with variables of impacts over the environment during the life of the building. Therefore, consideration of the environmental impacts, social impacts and economic impacts is crucial in the selection of any building material. Decreasing such impacts could lead to more sustainable housing. Comparing the sustainability of the available wall building materials for low cost housing in Khartoum is carried out through the life cycle assessment (LCA) technique. The purpose of this paper is to compare the most available local building materials for walls for the urban poor of Khartoum from a sustainability point of view by going through the manufacturing of the materials, the use of these materials and then the disposal of the materials after their life comes to an end. Findings reveal that traditional red bricks couldn’t be considered as a sustainable wall building material that will draw the future of the low cost housing in Greater Khartoum. On the other hand, results of the comparison lead to draw attention to the wide range of the soil techniques and to its potentials to be a promising sustainable wall material for urban low cost housing in Khartoum.
This paper describes the use of 800nm femtosecond infrared (IR) and 248nm nanosecond ultraviolet (UV) laser radiation in performing ablative micromachining of parylene-C on SiO2 substrates for the patterning of human hNT astrocytes. Results are presented that support the validity of using IR laser ablative micromachining for patterning human hNT astrocytes cells while UV laser radiation produces photo-oxidation of the parylene-C and destroys cell patterning. The findings demonstrate how IR laser ablative micromachining of parylene-C on SiO2 substrates can offer a low cost, accessible alternative for rapid prototyping, high yield cell patterning.
Analysis of the decision in Richardson v Midland Heart Ltd (formally Focus Homes Options) [2008] L&TR 31
This paper analyses the impact of trading costs on the profitability of momentum strategies in the United Kingdom and concludes that losers are more expensive to trade than winners. The observed asymmetry in the costs of trading winners and losers crucially relates to the high cost of selling loser stocks with small size and low trading volume. Since transaction costs severely impact net momentum profits, the paper defines a new low-cost relative-strength strategy by shortlisting from all winner and loser stocks those with the lowest total transaction costs. While the study severely questions the profitability of standard momentum strategies, it concludes that there is still room for momentum-based return enhancement, should asset managers decide to adopt low-cost relative-strength strategies.
With a wide range of applications benefiting from dense network air temperature observations but with limitations of costs, existing siting guidelines and risk of damage to sensors, new methods are required to gain a high resolution understanding of the spatio-temporal patterns of urban meteorological phenomena such as the urban heat island or precision farming needs. With the launch of a new generation of low cost sensors it is possible to deploy a network to monitor air temperature at finer spatial resolutions. Here we investigate the Aginova Sentinel Micro (ASM) sensor with a bespoke radiation shield (together < US$150) which can provide secure near-real-time air temperature data to a server utilising existing (or user deployed) Wireless Fidelity (Wi-Fi) networks. This makes it ideally suited for deployment where wireless communications readily exist, notably urban areas. Assessment of the performance of the ASM relative to traceable standards in a water bath and atmospheric chamber show it to have good measurement accuracy with mean errors < ± 0.22 °C between -25 and 30 °C, with a time constant in ambient air of 110 ± 15 s. Subsequent field tests of it within the bespoke shield also had excellent performance (root-mean-square error = 0.13 °C) over a range of meteorological conditions relative to a traceable operational UK Met Office platinum resistance thermometer. These results indicate that the ASM and bespoke shield are more than fit-for-purpose for dense network deployment in urban areas at relatively low cost compared to existing observation techniques.
A low cost, compact embedded design approach for actuating soft robots is presented. The complete fabrication procedure and mode of operation was demonstrated, and the performance of the complete system was also demonstrated by building a microcontroller based hardware system which was used to actuate a soft robot for bending motion. The actuation system including the electronic circuit board and actuation components was embedded in a 3D-printed casing to ensure a compact approach for actuating soft robots. Results show the viability of the system in actuating and controlling siliconebased soft robots to achieve bending motions. Qualitative measurements of uniaxial tensile test, bending distance and pressure were obtained. This electronic design is easy to reproduce and integrate into any specified soft robotic device requiring pneumatic actuation.
Virtual Reality (VR) can provide visual stimuli for EEG studies that can be altered in real time and can produce effects that are difficult or impossible to reproduce in a non-virtual experimental platform. As part of this experiment the Oculus Rift, a commercial-grade, low-cost, Head Mounted Display (HMD) was assessed as a visual stimuli platform for experiments recording EEG. Following, the device was used to investigate the effect of congruent visual stimuli on Event Related Desynchronisation (ERD) due to motion imagery.
A novel poly(p-xylylene), PPX, derivative bearing phenyl side groups was electrochemically synthesized in 85% yield. The polymer, poly(2-phenyl-p-xylylene) (PPPX), presented a major fraction (88%) soluble in common organic solvents. It showed to be thermally resistant up to 140 degrees C. UV-VIS analysis revealed an Egap of similar to 3.0 eV. Gas sensors made from thin films of CSA doped PPPX deposited on interdigitated electrodes exhibited significant changes in electrical conductance upon exposure to five carbonyl compounds: acetaldehyde, propionaldehyde. benzaldehyde, acetone and butanone. Three-dimensional plots of relative response vs. time of half-response vs. time of half-recovery showed good discrimination between the five carbonyl Compounds tested. (C) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Dye-sensitized solar cells, named by us Dye-Cells, are one of the most promising devices for solar energy conversion due to their reduced production cost and low environmental impact, especially those sensitized by natural dyes. The efficiency and stability of devices based on natural sensitizers such as mulberry (Morus alba Lam), blueberry (Vaccinium myrtillus Lam), and jaboticaba`s skin (Mirtus cauliflora Mart) were investigated. Dye-Cells prepared with aqueous mulberry extract presented the highest P(max) value (1.6 mW cm(-2)) with J(sc) = 6.14 mA cm(-2) and V(oc) = 0.49 V, Photoelectrochemical parameters of 16 cm(2) active area devices sensitized by mulberry dye were constant for 14 weeks of continuous evaluation. Moreover, the cell remained stable even after 36 weeks with a fairly good efficiency. Therefore, mulberry dye opens up a perspective of commercial feasibility for inexpensive and environmentally friendly Dye-Cells. (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
With the ever increasing demands for high complexity consumer electronic products, market pressures demand faster product development and lower cost. SoCbased design can provide the required design flexibility and speed by allowing the use of IP cores. However, testing costs in the SoC environment can reach a substantial percent of the total production cost. Analog testing costs may dominate the total test cost, as testing of analog circuits usually require functional verification of the circuit and special testing procedures. For RF analog circuits commonly used in wireless applications, testing is further complicated because of the high frequencies involved. In summary, reducing analog test cost is of major importance in the electronic industry today. BIST techniques for analog circuits, though potentially able to solve the analog test cost problem, have some limitations. Some techniques are circuit dependent, requiring reconfiguration of the circuit being tested, and are generally not usable in RF circuits. In the SoC environment, as processing and memory resources are available, they could be used in the test. However, the overhead for adding additional AD and DA converters may be too costly for most systems, and analog routing of signals may not be feasible and may introduce signal distortion. In this work a simple and low cost digitizer is used instead of an ADC in order to enable analog testing strategies to be implemented in a SoC environment. Thanks to the low analog area overhead of the converter, multiple analog test points can be observed and specific analog test strategies can be enabled. As the digitizer is always connected to the analog test point, it is not necessary to include muxes and switches that would degrade the signal path. For RF analog circuits, this is specially useful, as the circuit impedance is fixed and the influence of the digitizer can be accounted for in the design phase. Thanks to the simplicity of the converter, it is able to reach higher frequencies, and enables the implementation of low cost RF test strategies. The digitizer has been applied successfully in the testing of both low frequency and RF analog circuits. Also, as testing is based on frequency-domain characteristics, nonlinear characteristics like intermodulation products can also be evaluated. Specifically, practical results were obtained for prototyped base band filters and a 100MHz mixer. The application of the converter for noise figure evaluation was also addressed, and experimental results for low frequency amplifiers using conventional opamps were obtained. The proposed method is able to enhance the testability of current mixed-signal designs, being suitable for the SoC environment used in many industrial products nowadays.
In the last years the number of industrial applications for Augmented Reality (AR) and Virtual Reality (VR) environments has significantly increased. Optical tracking systems are an important component of AR/VR environments. In this work, a low cost optical tracking system with adequate attributes for professional use is proposed. The system works in infrared spectral region to reduce optical noise. A highspeed camera, equipped with daylight blocking filter and infrared flash strobes, transfers uncompressed grayscale images to a regular PC, where image pre-processing software and the PTrack tracking algorithm recognize a set of retro-reflective markers and extract its 3D position and orientation. Included in this work is a comprehensive research on image pre-processing and tracking algorithms. A testbed was built to perform accuracy and precision tests. Results show that the system reaches accuracy and precision levels slightly worse than but still comparable to professional systems. Due to its modularity, the system can be expanded by using several one-camera tracking modules linked by a sensor fusion algorithm, in order to obtain a larger working range. A setup with two modules was built and tested, resulting in performance similar to the stand-alone configuration.
O transporte, neste caso o transporte aéreo para a Madeira, assume particular importância na atividade turística, para mais sendo esta uma região insular e ultraperiférica da Europa, em que a realidade socioeconómica tem como pedra basilar o Turismo que, por si só, representa 25% do PIB. Frequentemente são apontados como “culpados” pelas cíclicas crises no sector, a promoção (ou a falta dela) e as opções tomadas, a concorrência de destinos mais baratos, o peso das taxas aeroportuárias, os fenómenos climáticos, os incentivos às companhias aéreas e aos operadores, o estímulo à operação low cost, as unidades hoteleiras e as camas disponíveis, a distância (tempo de voo) deste destino em relação ao norte da Europa e ao outro lado do Atlântico, a existência ou não de ligações aéreas diretas, um sem número de “razões” em que, provavelmente, todas elas, em maior ou menor percentagem, darão o seu contributo. As infraestruturas aeroportuárias, outrora também “culpadas” por não permitirem operações de longo curso, estão hoje habilitadas para receber voos intercontinentais. A Madeira, não deixou de ser a “Pérola do Atlântico”, com um clima ameno e profilático, com as levadas e a floresta Laurissilva, com o Vinho Madeira; com a Festa do Fim do Ano, o Carnaval e a Festa da Flor, com as Paisagens únicas, o Mar e a Montanha, o Golf, o Rali da Madeira, atrativos que deveriam ser suficientes para ultrapassar os fatores “negativos” citados. Sê-lo-ão? Sem a presunção de encontrar soluções milagrosas para algo que vem sendo estudado por profissionais e consultores, pretende-se possibilitar um olhar sob uma outra perspetiva, deixando pistas para uma abordagem diversa, em que se investigam os efeitos dos voos não diretos, o peso das operações low cost e se desenha um benchmarking com o destino concorrencial das Canárias.
This thesis presents a low cost non-intrusive home energy monitor built on top of Non-Intrusive Load Monitoring (NILM) concepts and techniques. NILM solutions are already considered low cost alternatives to the big majority of existing commercial energy monitors but the goal here is to make its cost even lower by using a mini netbook as a whole in one solution. The mini netbook is installed in the homes main circuit breaker and computes power consumption by reading current and voltage from the built-in sound card. At the same time, feedback to the users is provided using the 11’’ LCD screen as well as other built-in I/O modules. Our meter is also capable of detecting changes in power and tries to find out which appliance lead to that change and it is being used as part of an eco-feedback platform that was build to study the long terms of energy eco-feedback in individuals. In this thesis the steps that were taken to come up with such a system are presented, from the basics of AC power measurements to the implementation of an event detector and classifier that was used to disaggregate the power load. In the last chapter results from some validation tests that have been performed are presented in order to validate the experiment. It is believed that such a system will not only be important as an energy monitor, but also as an open system than can be easily changed to accommodate and test new or existing nonintrusive load monitoring techniques.