854 resultados para Learning of languages
Student attitudes towards a subject affect their learning. For students in physics service courses, relevance is emphasised by vocational applications. A similar strategy is being used for students who aspire to continued study of physics, in an introduction to fundamental skills in experimental physics – the concepts, computational tools and practical skills involved in appropriately obtaining and interpreting measurement data. An educational module is being developed that aims to enhance the student experience by embedding learning of these skills in the practicing physicist’s activity of doing an experiment (gravity estimation using a rolling pendulum). The group concentrates on particular skills prompted by challenges such as: • How can we get an answer to our question? • How good is our answer? • How can it be improved? This explicitly provides students the opportunity to consider and construct their own ideas. It gives them time to discuss, digest and practise without undue stress, thereby assisting them to internalise core skills. Design of the learning activity is approached in an iterative manner, via theoretical and practical considerations, with input from a range of teaching staff, and subject to trials of prototypes.
Affective learning, the learning of likes and dislikes, is proposed to differ from signal learning, the learning of relationships between events. However, affective learning research varies in the methodology used, and in addition, researchers concerned primarily with affective learning tend to use different paradigms from those concerned with signal learning. The current research used an affective priming task in addition to verbal ratings to assess changes in the valence of neutral geometric shapes in an aversive differential conditioning procedure. After acquisition, affective learning was present as indexed by ratings and affective priming, whereas after extinction, affective learning remained significant only in the ratings. This study suggests that different measures of affective learning may be differentially sensitive to valence, which has implications for studies that employ verbal ratings as the sole measure of affective learning. Moreover, there is no evidence from the current study that affective learning differs from signal learning.
Speech disorder in monolingual Cantonese- or English-speaking children has been well described in the literature. There appear to be no reports, however, that describe speech-disordered children who have been exposed to both languages. Here we report on the error patterns of two preschool speech-disordered children who were learning two languages. Both children's first language was Cantonese, but they were also exposed to English through the media and child care. Their disorders were of unknown aetiology. The following questions were asked of the data: (a) Do bilingual children, suspected of having speech problems, make errors in Cantonese and English that reflect delay or disorder when compared with normative data on monolingual speech development in each language? (b) How does the children's speech differ from other bilingual children from the same language learning background? (c) Are the children's speech difficulties apparent in both languages? (d) Is the pattern of errors the same in both languages or do language-specific processes operate? The results bear on theories of acquisition, disorder and bilingualism; they also have clinical implications for speech-language pathologists whose caseloads include bilingual preschool children.
Aims. To investigate the effects of using bromazepam on the relative power in alpha while performing a typing task. Bearing in mind the particularities of each brain hemisphere, our hypothesis was that measuring the relative power would allow its to investigate the effects of bromazepam oil specific areas of the cortex. More, specifically, we expected to observe different patterns of powers in sensory-motor integration, attention and activation processes. Subjects and methods. The sample was made up of 39 subjects (15 males and 24 females) with a mean age of 30 +/- 10 years. The control (placebo) and experimental (3 mg and 6 mg of bromazepam) groups were trained ill the typing task with a randomised double-blind model. Results. A three-way ANOVA and Scheffe test were used to analyse interactions between the factors condition and moment, and between condition and sector Conclusions. The doses used ill this study facilitated motor performance of the typing task. Ill this study, the use of the drug did not prevent learning of the task, but it did appear to concentrate mental effort on more restricted and specific aspects of typing. It also seemed to influence the rhythm and effectiveness of the operations performed during mechanisms related to the encoding and storage often, information. Likewise, a predominance of activity was observed in the left (dominant) frontal area in the 3 mg bromazepam group, which indicates that this close of the drug affords the subject a greater degree of directionality of cortical activity for planning and performing the task. [REV NEUROL 2009; 49: 295-9]
Evaluative learning theory states that affective learning, the acquisition of likes and dislikes, is qualitatively different from relational learning, the learning of predictive relationships among stimuli. Three experiments tested the prediction derived from evaluative learning theory that relational learning, but not affective learning, is affected by stimulus competition by comparing performance during two conditional stimuli, one trained in a superconditioning procedure and the other in a blocking procedure. Ratings of unconditional stimulus expectancy and electrodermal responses indicated stimulus competition in relational learning. Evidence for stimulus competition in affective learning was provided by verbal ratings of conditional stimulus pleasantness and by measures of blink startle modulation. Taken together, the present experiments demonstrate stimulus competition in relational and affective learning, a result inconsistent with evaluative learning theory. (C) 2001 Academic Press.
This article reports on an exploratory study into the use of students' native language (NL) by teachers in the foreign language (FL) classroom. The project was undertaken by four teachers of beginner French at the University of Queensland. The teachers' aim was to investigate the use of NL in a context which actively promotes an immersion approach to FL teaching. The audio recordings of the teachers' speech were transcribed to provide data for estimating the amount of NL, and for analyzing the various instances of NL use. The study indicates that the activity type is a significant variable affecting NL amount. It also isolates two strategic uses of NL, translating FL words into NL, and contrasting NL and FL forms, both of which involve intrasentential code switching with NL words embedded in an FL sentence. The study suggests that these strategies may facilitate acquisition during immersion in FL, but experimental research is needed to test the hypothesis that translation and contrast facilitate learning of FL vocabulary and grammar.
This paper examines the use of on-line discussion as a medium for learning in a pre-service teacher education program. As part of an Education Studies course student teachers engaged in a discussion of issues related to technology and equity in schools. The design of the task and the subsequent analysis of the on-line text were part of a research project investigating whether and how communications technology can be used to integrate and extend the learning of teacher education students. The main argument developed in the paper is that through the on-line activity distinctive sets of writing practices were created. These practices enabled students to make connections between the often disparate parts of teacher education programs-theory and practice, campus and school, research and experience. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
Esta pesquisa apresenta as imagens da escola como mediadoras do processo formativo dos jovens no ensino da Arte em diálogo com a história, memória e ambientes intraescolares. Inscreve-se no debate produzido pela linha de pesquisa em Educação e Linguagens. Analisa a formação dos jovens numa turma do terceiro ano do Ensino Médio na Escola Estadual de Ensino Médio “Hunney Everest Piovesan”, localizada no município de Cariacica no Estado do Espírito Santo. O estudo foi realizado em 2013 e tem como objetivo analisar as imagens escolares como mediadoras na formação dos estudantes do Ensino Médio no ensino da Arte em diálogo com a história, memória e ambientes intraescolares. Ao mesmo tempo, por meio de trabalho colaborativo, contribui para (re)construção da história da instituição, significando-a junto aos alunos e comunidade escolar. Por meio de intervenção artística com imagens da escola propõe reflexão crítica, analisando a formação dos jovens no terceiro ano do Ensino Médio. Para compreender os conceitos de mediação e meio social, estabelece um diálogo com as obras de Lev Semenovith Vigotski. A partir dos estudos de Maria Ciavatta e Schütz–Foerste procura entender a mediação imagética e sua dimensão educativa. Dialoga ainda com Frago, Escolano e Buffa, ampliando as reflexões sobre os ambientes intraescolares, dimensionando a imagética desses espaços e o senso de pertencimento à escola a partir da impregnação pela história e memória. A investigação pauta-se nos referenciais do método qualitativo e colaborativo de pesquisa. A produção dos dados contou com o recolhimento e análise documental de um conjunto de fontes primárias e secundárias formadas por livro de registro de funcionários da escola da década de 1970, diários de classe, recortes de jornais, convites de formaturas e registros fotográficos escolares dessa mesma década até a atualidade. Além desses documentos históricos, foram analisadas entrevistas de antigos alunos e questionários dos alunos do terceiro ano do Ensino Médio da instituição. Relata brevemente experiências de curto intercâmbio acadêmico realizado na Universidade de Ancara, na Turquia, com o objetivo de ampliar os horizontes de referência sociocultural, em especial com o contexto educacional do Ensino Médio euroasiático, identificando os espaços de formação dos jovens no contexto turco e suas relações com a educação brasileira. Esta experiência apresentada não integra a análise desta dissertação, mas projeta a discussão para novos estudos. A análise se elabora a partir da triangulação, entre outros, do referencial teórico com o processo de intervenção, produção de dados e no debate acadêmico em diferentes contextos. A partir da caminhada acadêmica permeada pela história e memória, inferimos que as imagens escolares medeiam o processo formativo dos jovens do terceiro ano do Ensino Médio no ensino da Arte. Contribuem para o cultivo da memória escolar, enquanto presença impregnada pela história da instituição, por meio da imagética dos seus ambientes intraescolares. Constatamos ainda que as imagens colaboram para o (re)conhecimento por parte desses sujeitos do seu papel ativo, autônomo e transformador da realidade escolar na qual estão inseridos.
In the context of the Bologna Declaration a change is taking place in the teaching/learning paradigm. From teaching-centered education, which emphasizes the acquisition and transmission of knowledge, we now speak of learning-centered education, which is more demanding for students. This paradigm promotes a continuum of lifelong learning, where the individual needs to be able to handle knowledge, to select what is appropriate for a particular context, to learn permanently and to understand how to learn in new and rapidly changing situations. One attempt to face these challenges has been the experience of ISCAP regarding the teaching/learning of accounting in the course Managerial Simulation. This paper describes the process of teaching, learning and assessment in an action-based learning environment. After a brief general framework that focuses on education objectives, we report the strengths and limitations of this teaching/learning tool. We conclude with some lessons from the implementation of the project.
18th SPACE Annual Conference and EURASHE-SEPHE Seminar 21-24 March 2007 Thursday 22 March 2007
In this paper, we will focus on the importance of languages as an asset to people and companies in knowledge-based society, giving special attention to the case of portuguese, not forgetting the role of Higher Education Institutions in preparing students to be part of the new creative multilingual and sucsessful class.
TLE in infancy has been the subject of varied research. Topographical and structural evidence is coincident with the neuronal systems responsible for auditory processing of the highest specialization and complexity. Recent studies have been showing the need of a hemispheric asymmetry for an optimization in central auditory processing (CAP) and acquisition and learning of a language system. A new functional research paradigm is required to study mental processes that require methods of cognitive-sensory information analysis processed in very short periods of time (msec), such as the ERPs. Thus, in this article, we hypothesize that the TLE in infancy could be a good model for topographic and functional study of CAP and its development process, contributing to a better understanding of the learning difficulties that children with this neurological disorder have.
Sendo a escola uma instituição concebida para a formação académica e social da criança, a aprendizagem duma língua estrangeira torna-se crucial para que a criança desenvolva uma atitude positiva perante outras línguas e culturas. É, portanto, necessário que a escola encontre formas de ensinar línguas estrangeiras que sejam adequadas ao 1º ciclo do Ensino Básico. O presente projeto de mestrado, intitulado Ensino do Inglês no 1º ciclo: perceções dos professores de Inglês do 1º e 2º ciclos e dos alunos do 2º ciclo reflete uma investigação baseada nas opiniões e perceções de profissionais e alunos de escolas públicas portuguesas que, direta ou indiretamente, estão envolvidos com o Inglês no 1º ciclo. Inicialmente apresenta-se um enquadramento legal que permite perceber quais as normas e orientações existentes na Europa e em Portugal, em termos de ensino precoce de línguas estrangeiras. A introdução do Programa de Generalização do Ensino de Inglês em 2005 começou por refletir um caminho de convergência com as políticas educativas europeias. No entanto, muitas das vitórias conseguidas por este Programa, pertencem ao passado. Os profissionais no ensino das línguas estrangeiras questionam-se acerca de muitos aspetos, originados pela forma como se cumpre atualmente o Ensino do Inglês, enquanto Atividade de Enriquecimento Curricular no 1º ciclo. Os questionários aplicados neste projeto pretendem dar voz às perceções e opiniões destes mesmos profissionais.
More than ever, the economic globalization is creating the need to increase business competitiveness. Lean manufacturing is a management philosophy oriented to the elimination of activities that do not create any type of value and are thus considered a waste. One of the main differences from other management philosophies is the shop-floor focus and the operators' involvement. Therefore, the training of all organization levels is crucial for the success of lean manufacturing. Universities should also participate actively in this process by developing students' lean management skills and promoting a better and faster integration of students into their future organizations. This paper proposes a single realistic manufacturing platform, involving production and assembly operations, to learn by playing many of the lean tools such as VSM, 5S, SMED, poke-yoke, line balance, TPM, Mizusumashi, plant layout, and JIT/kanban. This simulation game was built in tight cooperation with experienced lean companies under the international program “Lean Learning Academy,”http://www.leanlearningacademy.eu/ and its main aim is to make bachelor and master courses in applied sciences more attractive by integrating classic lectures with a simulated production environment that could result in more motivated students and higher study yields. The simulation game results show that our approach is efficient in providing a realistic platform for the effective learning of lean principles, tools, and mindset, which can be easily included in course classes of less than two hours.
The concepts and instruments required for the teaching and learning of geometric optics are introduced in the didactic processwithout a proper didactic transposition. This claim is secured by the ample evidence of both wide- and deep-rooted alternative concepts on the topic. Didactic transposition is a theory that comes from a reflection on the teaching and learning process in mathematics but has been used in other disciplinary fields. It will be used in this work in order to clear up the main obstacles in the teachinglearning process of geometric optics. We proceed to argue that since Newton’s approach to optics, in his Book I of Opticks, is independent of the corpuscular or undulatory nature of light, it is the most suitable for a constructivist learning environment. However, Newton’s theory must be subject to a proper didactic transposition to help overcome the referred alternative concepts. Then is described our didactic transposition in order to create knowledge to be taught using a dialogical process between students’ previous knowledge, history of optics and the desired outcomes on geometrical optics in an elementary pre-service teacher training course. Finally, we use the scheme-facet structure of knowledge both to analyse and discuss our results as well as to illuminate shortcomings that must be addressed in our next stage of the inquiry.