264 resultados para Latreille
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
A study of the reproductive biology of B. chinensis (L.) DC. (Iridaceae) was realized comprising floral biology and breeding systems. The floral biology studies included analyses of nectar production, occurence of osmophores, corolla pigments, ultraviolet reflexion and absortion patterns, viability of pollen, pollinators and flower visitors. The breeding systems were studied taking into account the results of manual pollinators tests. B. chinensis is self-compatible bul cross-pollination is more frequent. The effective pollinators are Plebeia droryana (Friese, 1906) (45,7%), Trigona spinipes (Fabricius, 1793) (27,3%), Tetragonisca angustula (Latreille, 1811) (9,3%). Others insects visitors are considered nectar and pollen thieves. The flowering begins generally in January and February. The complete reproductive cicle, as here considered, begining with floral bud production ending with development of mature fruits, lasts January to June. Seed dispersion is ornitocoric.
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
The thermoregulatory capacity of colonies of the stingless bee subspecies Tetragonisca angustula fiebrigi Schwarz 1938, and Tetragonisca angustula angustula Latreille 1807, was investigated during winter and summer. The temperatures [T] inside and outside the nests were measured for 48 hh every 2 hh. In the brood area, the mean T observed for T a fiebrigi are 28.1° and 29.5° C, respectively, during winter and summer, whereas for T a angustula they are 28.6° and 31.6° C The ambient T in the same period range from 10.5° - 24.4° C (winter) and 20.1 - 36.3° C (summer). In workers, the respiratory rates [RR] increase with a rise in T, however, the differences between workers of the subspecies are not significant in contrast to the RR measured within subspecies in winter and summer. The Q10 values indicate an optimal T range from 15 - 25° C in winter, and from 20 - 30° C in summer for T a fiebrigi. For T a angustula the corresponding values were 25 - 35° C and 30 - 40° C, respectively.
The number and degree of digestion of pollen grains in the midgut and rectum, the midgut proteolytic activity and the time of pollen grain passage through the digestive tract in the stingless bee Scaptotrigona postica (Latreille) have been analyzed. The results show similar protein requirements among larvae, nurse bees and queens, as well as between forager bees and old males, but these requirements are higher in individuals from the former groups than in those from the latter. Although protein requirements have been demonstrated to vary according to a bee's activity in the colony, they are similar among bees from different castes or sexes. These changes in feeding behavior are related to the bee's function and to less competition for nourishment among individuals of the colony. It is also noted that pollen grains took between 6 and 28 h to pass through the digestive tract. Pollen grains are irregularly accumulated in the various regions of the midgut, which may reflect functional differentiation throughout the midgut. © 2001 Elsevier B.V.
The genus Paratrechina (Motschulsky) is composed of about 147 cosmopolitan ant species and subspecies, of which some were accidentally spread by commerce around the world, infesting houses and hospitals. In Brazil, two species are of remarkable economic importance: Paratrechina fulva (Mayr) and Paratrechina longicornis (Latreille). The present paper aims to report the following aspects on the biology of P. longicornis: number of larval instars, growth rates, duration and viability of the developmental stages and some observations on brood-care behaviour. Artificial colonies were kept under controlled temperature (25±2°C) and relative humidity (60±10%) conditions. To access the number of larval instars, we analyzed 1531 larvae fixed in Dietrich by measuring their maximum head capsule widths. We analysed ten artificial colonies daily to measure the developmental time and viability of immatures. We found P. longicornis presented three larval instars and a mean growth ratio of 1.2988. Egg stage was found to last 16.1 ±0.1 days, with a viability of 24.6%; larval stages were found to last 18.3±0.1 days, with a viability of 33.3% and the pupal stage was found to last 12.3±0.1 days, with a viability of 65.3%.
Larvas do caranguejo da lama Panopeus lacustris Desbonne, 1867 foram cultivadas em laboratório a partir de fêmeas ovígeras coletadas na área estuarina do Rio Caeté na região Amazônica. O desenvolvimento completo desta espécie consistiu em 4 de zoea e um megalopa, onde cada estágio foi descrito e ilustrado em detalhes. Os resultados foram comparados com os de outros estudos anteriores sobre o desenvolvimento larval das espécies pertencentes ao gênero Panopeus e brevemente discutidos. Além da descrição das larvas do desenvolvimento completo de P. lacustris, foi descrita e ilustrada a primeira fase de zoea de treze espécies de caranguejos braquiúros coletados no mesmo estuário: P. lacustris, P. americanus Saussure, 1857, Eurytium limosum (Say, 1818), Sesarma curacaoense De Man, 1892, Sesarma rectum Randall, 1840, Armases rubripes (Rathbun, 1897), Aratus pisonii (H. Milne Edwards, 1837), Ocypode quadrata (Fabricius, 1787), Uca rapax (Smith, 1870), Uca maracoani (Latreille, 1802), Uca thayeri Rathbun, 1900, Ucides cordatus (Linnaeus, 1763) e Pachygrapsus gracilis (Saussure, 1858). Apenas a zoea I de P. lacustris não foi descrito novamente. As características morfológicas dessas espécies são comparadas com as descrições originais. Para facilitar o estudo de material coletado no plâncton, foi desenvolvida uma chave para identificação das espécies descritas neste estudo.
O gênero Macrobrachium contém mais de 120 espécies e ocorre nas regiões tropicais e subtropicais de todo o mundo (VALENTI, 1987). São camarões de água doce da família Palaemonidae e da ordem Decapoda (RAFINESQUE, 1815; LATREILLER, 1802). No Brasil existem 18 espécies, até agora classificadas, distribuídas ao longo da bacia amazônica (MELO 2003). Entre estas, o Macrobrachium amazonicum (HELLER, 1862) conhecido popularmente como camarão-sossego ou camarão-canela, amplamente empregados na carcinicultura. Os crustáceos dispõem de estruturas sensitivas localizadas no cefalotórax, que permitem receber estímulos do meio para localizar e capturar o alimento (BARNES, 1998). Os olhos compostos estão presentes em todas as classes de crustáceo. Assim, a hipótese levantada nessa pesquisa foi que no Macrobrachium amazonicum, estes olhos são do tipo de superposição reflexiva, onde o aparelho dióptrico e o rabdômero se estendem em camadas e está separado por uma zona clara não pigmentada. Neste trabalho temos como objetivos: Avaliar os aspectos morfológicos do olho do Macrobrachium amazonicum em microscopia eletrônica de varredura; Caracterizar a morfologia das células fotorreceptoras; Descrever as estruturas morfológicas do olho do M. amazonicum; Caracterizar as relações morfométricas entre o olho e as demais estruturas do M. amazonicum. Os animais foram adquiridos no distrito de Mosqueiro nos períodos de chuvas, março de 2009 e março de 2010, com pescadores no município de Santa Bárbara, área metropolitana de Belém, e transportados para o laboratório em caixas de isopor, sendo mantidos em quarentena em um recipiente contendo uma solução de permanganato de potássio a 1,3 mg/L (CARNEIRO et al., 005). Os animais foram fixados em Davidson e Karnovisky, em seguida os olhos de cada animal foram cuidadosamente seccionados e colocados em frascos plásticos. Nas relações biométricas foram realizadas a análise de variância com α = 0,05, foi realizada com Bio Estat 5.0 para os comprimentos do olho látero-lateral e ântero-posterior dos quatro morfotipos, e SigmaPlot 11.0 e regressão linear simples, para as variáveis olho total e cefalotórax. Observou-se que o tamanho médio do cefalotórax, do corpo, do olho é respectivamente: 21,03 mm; 70,62 mm e 4,52 mm, sendo que, o peso médio do camarão foi de 7,97 g. Os valores máximos registrados dessas estruturas foram de 31,95 mm para o cefalotórax; 100,10 mm para o tamanho do corpo; 6,80 mm para o tamanho do olho e de 20,54 g para o peso do camarão. Após análise histológica foram identificadas as seguintes estruturas (Figs. 13 e 14 A-B): córnea, cone cristalino, pigmento distal, haste do cone, zona clara, cutícula, retina, rabdoma, fibras do nervo óptico e lamina. Com relação à microscopia eletrônica de varredura, foram selecionadas para observação as principais estruturas e especialmente o arranjo em seção transversal quadrada dos omatídeos (Figs. 16 A-B). As análises morfométrica e morfológica (por histologia e microscopia eletrônica de varredura) apontaram características próprias de Macrobrachium amazonicum adultos oriundos da região metropolitana de Belém. Estes achados incluem uma óptica de superposição reflexiva com olhos adaptados a percepção de estímulos luminosos.
The laboratory-hatched first zoeal stage of twelve brachyuran species collected in the estuarine area of the Caeté River in the Amazonian region are described and illustrated in the present study: P. americanus Saussure, 1857, Eurytium limosum (Say, 1818), Sesarma curacaoense De Man, 1892, S. rectum Randall, 1840, Armases rubripes (Rathbun, 1897), Aratus pisonii (H. Milne Edwards, 1837), Ocypode quadrata (Fabricius, 1787), Uca rapax (Smith, 1870), U. maracoani (Latreille, 1802), U. thayeri Rathbun, 1900, Ucides cordatus (Linnaeus, 1763) and Pachygrapsus gracilis (Saussure, 1858). Through intraspecific comparisons of the respective larval stage, an identification key was generated and provided. Most of the studied species presented morphological differences (e.g. type and presence or absence of setae) when compared to the same species previously described in the literature.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Invasive species are potential threats to biodiversity, especially if they become established and outnumber native species. In this study, a population of the non-indigenous crab Charybdis hellerii was analyzed in an estuary-bay complex on the southeastern Brazilian coast, with respect to its abundance relative to sympatric native brachyuran species, as well as the size structure, sexual maturity, sex ratio, frequency of mutilation, reproductive period, and development of the reproductive system. Crabs were sampled monthly both in the intertidal zone of rocky shores and on sublittoral soft-bottom. Nine species were recorded on the rocky shores, where C. hellerii was the second most abundant species; only three individuals of C. hellerii were collected in the sublittoral samples. This population of C. hellerii showed a unimodal size structure composed mainly of mature individuals; males were larger than females, and the sex ratio was skewed toward males (3.1:1). About 46.9% of the individuals (75 of 160 crabs) had mutilated or regenerating appendages, more frequent in males (56.8%) than in females (28.2%), which may reflect both inter- and intraspecific agonistic interactions. A continuous reproductive pattern is suggested for this population, although ovigerous females occurred unevenly during the year, with 58.82% of them being collected in winter. There was evidence of multiple spawning, since the ovigerous females with an initial egg mass showed mature ovaries as well as seminal receptacles filled with sperm. C. hellerii is well established in the estuary-bay complex, but is concentrated in intertidal and shallow subtidal rocky shores, where it may compete with and replace other species such as the portunid Cronius ruber. This study also highlights the importance of systematic monitoring studies to evaluate the effects of the introduction of non-indigenous species on ecologically similar natives.