929 resultados para LETHAL
The physiological responses of the clam R. decussatus from the Ria Formosa, southern Portugal, were examined in relation to normoxia, hypoxia (11, 6, 3 and 1.2 kPa) and anoxia; acute elevation of temperature (at 20, 27 and 32 °C), and its effect on the resistance to air exposure (at 20, 28 and 35 °C); current velocity (0.6, 3, 8 17, 24 and 36 cm. s-1) and turbidity (10, 100 and 300 mg. l-1 dry weight of particulate matter), and the efficiency of this species in retaining particles of different size (at 10 and 100 mg. l-1); and to copper contamination considering both short-term acute exposure to high levels (0.1-10 mg Cu. l-1) and chronic environmental levels (0.01 mg Cu. l-1). Clearance rates, respiration rates, absorption efficiency and excretion rates were assessed through the physiological energetics in terms of the energy budget and scope for growth (SFG). Stress independent respiration rates (R) and clearance rates (CR) were observed in relation to hypoxia down to 12 kPa and 6 kPa, respectively. Anoxic rates were 3.6 % of normoxic rates. Scope for growth was greatly reduced under extreme hypoxia (14 % of SFG in normoxia). Respiration rate was temperature independent in the range 20-32 °C but the decline in clearance rate resulted in negative SFG at 32 °C. Gaping during air exposure and the maintenance of faster aerobic metabolism led to 100 % mortality in 20 hours at 35 °C, 4 days at 28 °C and 5 days at 20 °C. Low current velocities (≤ 8 cm. s-1) supported high clearance rates. Shear stresses ≥ 0.9 Pa induced sediment movement and disturbed the feeding processes resulting in decreased clearance rates (at 36 cm. s-1, is 10 % of maximum CR). The observed ability of jetting out depleted water at a different level than the one of the inhalant current results is an important adaptation of clams to the slow currents of sheltered environments. Ingestion at high seston concentrations (> 100 mg. l-1) is controled by reducing the amount filtered, lowering CR (to 30 % of CR at low seston loads) and producing pseudofeces. Observed efficient retention of particles (70-100 %) in the range 3 to 8 μm is beneficial when algal cells are diluted by fine silt particles as it is likely to occur in the clams natural environment. R. decussatus in the short term escaped the exposure to copper by valve closure and therefore acute tests are not applicable to adult clams of this species. At environmental levels chronic exposure to copper did not induce lethal effects during the exposure period (20 days), but scope for growth was reduced to c. 30 %, indicating sustained impairment of physiological functions. The sensitivity of the physiological energetics and the integrated scope for growth measurement in assessing stress effects caused by natural environmental factors was highlighted.
Introdução – O melanoma maligno cutâneo (MMC) é considerado uma das mais letais neoplasias e no seu seguimento recorre-se, para além dos exames clínicos e da análise de marcadores tumorais, a diversos métodos imagiológicos, como é o exame Tomografia por Emissão de Positrões/Tomografia Computorizada (PET/CT, do acrónimo inglês Positron Emission Tomography/Computed Tomography) com 18fluor-fluorodeoxiglucose (18F-FDG). O presente estudo tem como objetivo avaliar a utilidade da PET/CT relativamente à análise da extensão e à suspeita de recidiva do MMC, comparando os achados imagiológicos com os descritos em estudos CT. Metodologia – Estudo retrospetivo de 62 estudos PET/CT realizados em 50 pacientes diagnosticados com MMC. Excluiu-se um estudo cujo resultado era duvidoso (nódulo pulmonar). As informações relativas aos resultados dos estudos anatomopatológicos e dos exames imagiológicos foram obtidas através da história clínica e dos relatórios médicos dos estudos CT e PET/CT. Foi criada uma base de dados com os dados recolhidos através do software Excel e foi efetuada uma análise estatística descritiva. Resultados – Dos estudos PET/CT analisados, 31 foram considerados verdadeiros positivos (VP), 28 verdadeiros negativos (VN), um falso positivo (FP) e um falso negativo (FN). A sensibilidade, especificidade, o valor preditivo positivo (VPP), o valor preditivo negativo (VPN) e a exatidão da PET/CT para o estadiamento e avaliação de suspeita de recidiva no MMC são, respetivamente, 96,9%, 96,6%, 96,9%, 96,6% e 96,7%. Dos resultados da CT considerados na análise estatística, 14 corresponderam a VP, 12 a VN, três a FP e cinco a FN. A sensibilidade, especificidade, o VPP e o VPN e a exatidão da CT para o estadiamento e avaliação de suspeita de recidiva no MMC são, respetivamente, 73,7%, 80,0%, 82,4%, 70,6% e 76,5%. Comparativamente aos resultados CT, a PET/CT permitiu uma mudança na atitude terapêutica em 23% dos estudos. Conclusão – A PET/CT é um exame útil na avaliação do MMC, caracterizando-se por uma maior acuidade diagnóstica no estadiamento e na avaliação de suspeita de recidiva do MMC comparativamente à CT isoladamente.
Ovarian cancer is within the most lethal gynecological malignancies in woman. Therefore, many investigators study its biological aspects with the purpose of discovering more rapid diagnostic methods and efficient treatment. Resembling many other tumors, in ovarian cancer, aberrant glycosylation occurs with the appearance of novel or altered carbohydrate structures. These can be terminal motifs, such as the Lewis determinants, or entire carbohydrate sequences, which have been related to tumorigenesis and its outcome.(...)
We have evaluated the sensitivity of the classical blood subinoculation method, modified through cyclophosphamide treatment of transferred mice, for the detection of occult parasitaemias in Trypanosoma cruzi chronically infected mice. Besides its simplicity, the method was shown to be highly sensitive for both the "chronic" phase parasites (99% of chronic cases were shown to harbour occult parasitaemias) and for the acute phase parasites (T. cruzi could be detected in 53.8% of animals transferred with one Y strain parasite and in 20% of animals transferred with one CL strain parasite). Using acute phase bloodforms, the assay proved to be more sensitive than conventional subinoculation when dealing with the CL, but not the Y strain of the parasite. With the help of this parasite detection tool, we have studied during a one year period, the evolution of subpatent parasitaemias in a group of mice which survived through chemotherapy from lethal acute phase of T. cruzi infection. Cyclophosphamide transfer assay revealed occult parasitaemias in 100% of the chronic animals, nevertheless, continuous and discontinuous patterns of positivity were observed.
Laboratory tests with aqueous solutions of Euphorbia splendens var. hislopii latex have demonstrated seasonal stability of the molluscicidal principle, with LD90 values of 1.14 ppm (spring), 1.02 ppm (fall), 1.09 ppm (winter), and 1.07 ppm (summer) that have been determined against Biomphalaria tenagophila in the field. Assays on latex collected in Belo Horizonte and Recife yielded LD90 values similar to those obtained with the reference substance collected in Rio de Janeiro (Ilha do Governador), demonstrating geographic stability of the molluscicidal effect. The molluscicidal action of aqueous dilutions of the latex in natura, centrifuged (precipitate) and lyophilized, was stable for up to 124 days at room temperature (in natura) and for up to 736 days in a common refrigerator at 10 to 12ºC (lyophilized product). A 5.0 ppm solution is 100% lethal for snails up to 13 days after preparation, the effect being gradually lost to almost total inactivity by the 30th day. This observation indicated that the active principle is instable. These properties together with the wide distribution of the plant, its resistance and adaptation to the tropical climate, its easy cultivation and the easy obtention of latex and preparation of the molluscicidal solution, make this a promising material for large-scale use in the control of schistosomiasis
Systemic disease by Cryptococcus neoformans (C. neoformans) is a common opportunistic infection in immunodeficient patients. Cellular immunity seems to be the most important determinant of resistance. The aim of this study was to assess the effect of recombinant rat interferon gamma (IFN-gamma) in murine cryptococcosis (Balb/c mice infected by IP route with the Rivas strain of C. neoformans), evaluating survival time, macroscopic and microscopic examination of the organs, and massive seeding of brain homogenate. IFN-gamma treatment, at a daily dose of 10,000 IU, did not modify significantly these variables when mice were challenged with a high inoculum (10(7) yeasts) and treatment was delayed to 5 days after infection (median survival 21 days in control mice vs. 23 days in IFN-treated). Another set of experiments suggested that IFN-gamma treatment, at a dose of 10,000 IU/day, begun at the moment of infection could be useful (it prolonged survival from 20 to 28 days, although the difference did not achieve statistical signification). When used simultaneously with infection by 3.5 x 10(5) yeasts, IFN-gamma at 10,000 IU/day for 15 days significantly prolonged survival of mice (p = 0.004). These results suggest that, depending on the experimental conditions, IFN-gamma can improve survival of mice infected with a lethal dose of C. neoformans.
The variation of resistance to 60Co gamma-rays of Biomphalaria glabrata was studied. A population of 480 mollusks was observed during 30 days - distributed in 8 groups of snails isolated and 8 groups of snails in colonies - after exposure (30 snails per group per dose) to increasing doses of gamma radiation. Doses of 10, 20, 40, 60, 80, 160, 320 and 640 Gy from a Gamma-cell 60Co irradiator, were applied to the test groups and two groups control (non-irradiated) of snails - isolated and colony - were kept apart. After have been exposed, the snails were drew back to the aquaria where they were maintained before. The survival was estimated on a daily score of the alive animals in each group-dose, starting after the irradiation exposure day. As a result, the survival self-fertilization forms (DL50/30 = 218.2 Gy) was found greater than in cross-fecundation forms. These data point to a low radio-resistance on the cross-fertilization forms - the sexual reproductive form - which is most found in nature. The lower radio-resistance of the cross-fertilization forms suggests the presence of some sex-linked hormonal factor related to this phenomenon.
O vírus da hepatite delta (HDV) é o agente etiológico de uma das formas mais graves de hepatite viral e é ainda endémico em diversas regiões do globo, nomeadamente em África, na Amazónia e no Extremo Oriente. O HDV co-infecta ou super-infecta hepatócitos infectados com o vírus da hepatite B (HBV) aumentando em cerca de 10 vezes o risco de cirrose e hepatite fulminante. A associação clínica entre os dois vírus deve-se ao facto do invólucro do HDV ser constituído pelos antigénios de superfície do HBV (HBsAgs) que são necessários para a propagação da infecção. O genoma do HDV é constituído por uma molécula de RNA de cadeia simples, circular, com cerca de 1.7 Kb, que possui cerca de 70% de emparelhamento interno. Foi identificada uma única grelha de leitura aberta (ORF) no RNA viral que codifica para o antigénio delta (HDAg). A ocorrência de um mecanismo de editing do RNA, resulta na expressão de duas formas do HDAg, a pequena (S-HDAg) e a grande (L-HDAg). Várias funções essenciais para a replicação do HDV têm sido atribuídas a ambas as formas do HDAg, sendo a S-HDAg essencial para a acumulação de RNA viral e a L-HDAg responsável pela interacção com os HBsAgs para formar partículas virais. No entanto, dada a simplicidade dos seus componentes, admite-se que a replicação viral depende das interacções estabelecidas entre os HDAgs e factores celulares do hospedeiro. Apesar do número considerável de factores celulares descritos como interactores dos HDAgs ou RNA virais, a importância de muitas destas interacções não foi elucidada e muitas etapas do ciclo de replicação do HDV permanecem pouco claras. Para além disso, dado o número limitado de factores do hospedeiro que estão envolvidos na sua replicação, é muito provável que um número elevado de interactores do HDV permaneça por identificar. Este trabalho teve como objectivo a identificação de proteínas de fígado humano capazes de interagir com os HDAgs, utilizando o sistema yeast Two-Hybrid (YTH). Identificaram-se trinta proteínas com capacidade de interagir com a S-HDAg no sistema YTH, sendo que estas proteínas se encontram envolvidas em diferentes processos celulares. Com base nas características funcionais, foram seleccionadas três destas proteínas e as suas interacções com a S-HDAg foram investigadas com maior detalhe. As três proteínas seleccionadas foram a ribonucleoproteína nuclear heterogénea C (hnRNPC), a embryonic lethal abnormal vision like1 (ELAVL1/HuR) e a proteína 2 de ligação a EBNA1 (EBP2). As duas primeiras são proteínas de ligação a RNA, previamente descritas como envolvidas em processos de replicações de outros vírus com genoma RNA, enquanto a EBP2, é uma proteína de localização preferencialmente nucleolar, tal como por vezes acontece com os HDAgs. As interacções foram analisadas recorrendo a vários ensaios bioquímicos. No caso da hnRNPC e da HuR, após validação no sistema YTH, a capacidade de interacção com a S-HDAg foi confirmada quer in vitro por blot overlay quer in vivo por co-imunoprecipitação em células de hepatoma humano. Nas mesmas células, observou-se uma co-localização considerável entre os HDAgs e os RNAs virais. Finalmente, de modo a investigar a contribuição das proteínas hnRNPC e HuR na replicação do HDV, procedeu-se ao silenciamento destas proteínas pela utilização de short hairpin RNAs (shRNAs) específicos para os mRNAs correspondentes Observou-se que o silenciamento de ambas as proteínas hnRNPC e HuR endógenas, individualmente resultou numa diminuição acentuada nos níveis de expressão dos HDAgs. No que respeita à EBP2, a interacção com a S-HDAg foi confirmada em condições in vitro com recurso a ensaios de blot overlay e de cromatografia de afinidade. A análise por imunofluorescência indirecta e microscopia confocal revelou co-localização elevada entre os HDAgs e a EBP2, principalmente nos nucléolos de células de hepatoma humano. Finalmente, foi ainda utilizado o sistema YTH para estudar os mecanismos de importação dos HDAgs. Assim, este sistema foi utilizado com o propósito de identificar proteínas celulares capazes de interagir com um domínio específico dos HDAgs, o sinal de localização nuclear (NLS). Na pesquisa YTH realizada obtiveram-se 161 clones positivos, sendo que um deles mostrou codificar para a carioferina α4 (KPNA4). A interacção da KPNA4 com a S-HDAg foi reproduzida em condições in vitro através de um ensaio de cromatografia de afinidade tendo sido utilizadas formas recombinantes das duas proteínas. Este trabalho permitiu identificar várias proteínas celulares que interagem com a S-HDAg. Obtiveram-se evidências sugestivas de que algumas das proteínas identificadas podem desempenhar funções importantes no ciclo de replicação do HDV e que abrem novas perspectivas para o estudo do ciclo de replicação do vírus.
Heparin, in some regions of Brazil has been used in the treatment of bothropic accidents, but the data found in the literature are inconclusive about its effectiveness. The venoms of Bothrops atrox and of B. erythromelas were characterized according to their biological activities. The capacity of heparin in neutralizing these activities was tested with doses of 3 and 6 IU in isolated form and associated to Antibothropic Serum (ABS). It was verified that heparin, in doses of 3 and 6 IU, was not effective in neutralizing the desfibrinating and edema-forming activities of B. atrox venom and the hemorrhagic and coagulant actions of both venoms. Heparin diminished the effectiveness of the ABS in the neutralization of the hemorrhagic and edema-forming activities of the B. atrox venom. However, heparin in the 6 IU dose was capable of neutralize the edema-forming of the B. erythromelas and increase the effectiveness of the ABS. Heparin also neutralized the phospholipasic A2 activity of B. atrox (14.3%) and B. erythromelas (28.0%) venoms. For B. erythromelas venom, the associated treatment, heparin and ABS, was more effective in the neutralization of its lethal activity.
Innate attack to Schistosoma mansoni cercariae was evaluated in irradiated mice. It was observed that 70% of the larvae from mice sacrificed one day after whole body irradiation with 400 or 800 rads were surrounded by cluster reactivities, without difference from controls. Differences were apparent on day 5 after irradiation with sub lethal (400 rads) or lethal doses (800 rads) suggesting that innate defence to infection take at least 5 days to be affected by low dose whole-body radiation.
Over the last 30 years, a number of Vibrio species found in the aquatic environment have been indicated as cause of disease in human beings. Vibrio vulnificus is an emergent pathogen, an invasive and lethal marine bacterium related to wound infection and held accountable for gastroenteritis and primary septicemia. It occurs quite frequently in marine organisms, mainly in mollusks. This study aimed at isolating and identifying strains of V. vulnificus based upon the analysis of twenty samples of seabob shrimp, Xiphopenaeus kroyeri (Heller), purchased at the Mucuripe fish market (Fortaleza, Brazil). TCBS agar was used to isolate suspect strains. Seven of twenty-nine strains isolated from six different samples were confirmed as such by means of biochemical evidence and thus submitted to biological assays to determine their virulence. The susceptibility of the V. vulnificus strains to a number of antibiotics was tested. None of the V. vulnificus strains showed signs of virulence during a 24-hour observation period, possibly due to the shedding of the capsules by the cells. As to the results of the antimicrobial susceptibility tests, the seven above-mentioned V. vulnificus strains were found to be sensitive to nitrofurantoin (NT), ciprofloxacin (CIP), gentamicin (GN) and chloramphenicol (CO) and resistant to clindamycin (CI), penicillin (PN) and ampicillin (AP).
Dissertação para obtenção do Grau de Doutor em Engenharia Física
A total of 110 strains of Streptococcus suis, isolated from diseased pigs in Brazil were serotyped and analyzed for virulence. Serotyping of the strains resulted in the following classification: 42 strains of serotype 2 (38.2%), 10 strains of serotype 14 (9.1%), seven strains of serotype 9 (6.4%), three strains each of serotype 7 and 11 (2.7%), two strains each of serotype 1 and 8 (1.8%) and one strain each of serotypes ½, 3, 5, 6 and 10 (0.9%). Cross reactions among serotypes 1, 14 and 7 were observed in 21 strains (19.1%). Only 41.9% of the strains were lethal for mice using the pathogenicity test.
The objective of this study was to evaluate the larvicidal activity of diterpenoids obtained from the oil-resin of Copaifera reticulata against Aedes aegypti larvae, the principal vector of dengue and urban yellow fever. Four diterpenes were obtained from oil-resin extraction with organic solvents and subsequent chromatographic and spectroscopic procedures allowed to isolation and identification of these compounds as 3-b-acetoxylabdan-8(17)-13-dien-15-oic acid (1), alepterolic acid (2), 3-b-hidroxylabdan-8(17)-en-15-oic acid (3), and ent-agatic acid (4). Each compound was previously dissolved in dimethylsulphoxide, and distilled water was added to obtain the desired concentrations. Twenty larvae of third instars were placed into plastic beckers, containing the solution test (25 mL), in a five repetitions scheme, and their mortality, indicated by torpor and darkening of the cephalic capsule, was recorded after 48h. Probit analyses were used to determine lethal concentrations (LC50 and LC90) and their respective 95% confidence intervals. This study showed that only diterpenoids 1 and 2 exhibited larvicidal properties with LC50 of 0.8 ppm and 87.3 ppm, respectively, revealing the former as the most toxic compound against third instars of Ae. aegypti. Therefore, this compound seems to be an interesting source for new metabolite to be exploited.
Cryptococcus neoformans is the major cause of fungal meningitis, a potentially lethal mycosis. Bird excreta can be considered a significant environmental reservoir of this species in urban areas, thirty-three samples of pigeon excreta were collected within the city of Vitoria, Brazil. Cryptococcus neoformans was isolated and identified using standard biochemical assays in ten samples. PCR amplification with primer M13 and orotidine monophosphate pyrophosphorylase (URA5) gene-restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) analysis discerned serotypes and genotypes within this species. All isolates were serotype A (C. neoformans var. grubii) and genotype VNI. The two alternative alleles a and α at the mating type locus were determined by PCR amplification and mating assays performed on V8 medium. All isolates were MAT α mating type but only 50% were able to mate in vitro with the opposite mating type MAT a tester strains (JEC20, KN99a and Bt63). This study adds information on the ecology and molecular characterization of C. neoformans in the Southeast region of Brazil.