999 resultados para LAMELLAR MORPHOLOGY


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We develop a scheme based on a real space microscopic analysis of particle dynamics to ascertain the relevance of dynamical facilitation as a mechanism of structural relaxation in glass-forming liquids. By analyzing the spatial organization of localized excitations within clusters of mobile particles in a colloidal glass former and examining their partitioning into shell-like and corelike regions, we establish the existence of a crossover from a facilitation-dominated regime at low area fractions to a collective activated hopping-dominated one close to the glass transition. This crossover occurs in the vicinity of the area fraction at which the peak of the mobility transfer function exhibits a maximum and the morphology of cooperatively rearranging regions changes from stringlike to a compact form. Collectively, our findings suggest that dynamical facilitation is dominated by collective hopping close to the glass transition, thereby constituting a crucial step towards identifying the correct theoretical scenario for glass formation.


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Gadolinium oxide (Gd2O3) nanotubes of micron length and average diameter 100 nm have been synthesized by a controlled template-assisted electrochemical deposition technique. Structure and morphology of the synthesized nanotubes have been well characterized by using microscopy and spectroscopy analyses. HRTEM and XRD analysis revealed the crystalline planes of Gd2O3 nanotubes. Magnetic measurements of the aligned Gd2O3 nanotubes have been performed for both parallel and perpendicular orientations of the magnetic field with respect to the axis of the Gd2O3 nanotube array. Large bifurcation in ZFC-FC over the regime of 2-320 K without any signature of long range magnetic ordering confirms the presence of SPM clusters in Gd2O3 nanotubes. Also, large magnetocaloric effect is observed in the cryogenic temperature regime. No anisotropy is seen at the low temperature region but is found to evolve with temperature and becomes significant 300 K. These nanotubes can be considered as promising candidates for magnetic refrigeration at cryogenic temperature. (C) 2016 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Micro-arc oxidation (MAO) coatings were prepared on AZ31B magnesium alloy using alkaline silicate electrolyte at different current densities (0.026, 0.046 and 0.067 A/cm(2)). Field Emission Scanning Electron Microscopy (FESEM) analysis of the coating revealed an irregular porous structure with cracked morphology. Compositional analysis carried out for MAO coating showed the presence of almost an equal amount of Mg and 0 (34 wt.%) apart from other elements such as F, Si and AI. The cross-sectional FESEM images clearly portrayed that the MAO coating was dense along with the presence of very few fine pores. The surface roughness (R-a) of the coatings increased with an increase in the current density. Potentiodynamic polarization and electrochemical impedance spectroscopic (EIS) studies were carried out for both the bare and MAO coated AZ31B Mg alloy in 3.5% NaCl solution. The corrosion potential (E-corr) and corrosion current density (i(corr)) values obtained for the bare substrate were -1.49 V and 46 mu A/cm(2), respectively. The coating prepared at 0.046 A/cm(2) exhibited the lowest i(corr) value of 7.79 x 10(-10) A/cm(2) and highest polarization resistance (41.6 M Omega cm(2)) attesting to the better corrosion resistance of the coating compared to other samples. EIS results also indicated almost similar corrosion behavior for the MAO coatings. Mott-Schottky analysis showed n-type and p-type semiconductor behavior for the oxide layer present on the bare magnesium alloy and MAO coatings respectively. (C) 2016 Published by Elsevier B.V.


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The structure-rheology relationship in the shear alignment of a lamellar fluid is studied using a mesoscale model which provides access to the lamellar configurations and the rheology. Based on the equations and free energy functional, the complete set of dimensionless groups that characterize the system are the Reynolds number (rho gamma L-2/mu), the Schmidt number (mu/rho D), the Ericksen number (mu(gamma)/B), the interface sharpness parameter r, the ratio of the viscosities of the hydrophilic and hydrophobic parts mu(r), and the ratio of the system size and layer spacing (L/lambda). Here, rho and mu are the fluid density and average viscosity, (gamma) over dot is the applied strain rate, D is the coefficient of diffusion, B is the compression modulus, mu(r) is the maximum difference in the viscosity of the hydrophilic and hydrophobic parts divided by the average viscosity, and L is the system size in the cross-stream direction. The lattice Boltzmann method is used to solve the concentration and momentum equations for a two dimensional system of moderate size (L/lambda = 32) and for a low Reynolds number, and the other parameters are systematically varied to examine the qualitative features of the structure and viscosity evolution in different regimes. At low Schmidt numbers where mass diffusion is faster than momentum diffusion, there is fast local formation of randomly aligned domains with ``grain boundaries,'' which are rotated by the shear flow to align along the extensional axis as time increases. This configuration offers a high resistance to flow, and the layers do not align in the flow direction even after 1000 strain units, resulting in a viscosity higher than that for an aligned lamellar phase. At high Schmidt numbers where momentum diffusion is fast, the shear flow disrupts layers before they are fully formed by diffusion, and alignment takes place by the breakage and reformation of layers by shear, resulting in defects (edge dislocations) embedded in a background of nearly aligned layers. At high Ericksen number where the viscous forces are large compared to the restoring forces due to layer compression and bending, shear tends to homogenize the concentration field, and the viscosity decreases significantly. At very high Ericksen number, shear even disrupts the layering of the lamellar phase. At low Ericksen number, shear results in the formation of well aligned layers with edge dislocations. However, these edge dislocations take a long time to anneal; the relatively small misalignment due to the defects results in a large increase in viscosity due to high layer stiffness and due to shear localization, because the layers between defects get pinned and move as a plug with no shear. An increase in the viscosity contrast between the hydrophilic and hydrophobic parts does not alter the structural characteristics during alignment. However, there is a significant increase in the viscosity, due to pinning of the layers between defects, which results in a plug flow between defects and a localization of the shear to a part of the domain.


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Plastic deformation behaviour of Zr52.5Al10Ni10Cu15Be12.5 and Mg65Cu25Gd10 bulk metallic glasses (BMGs) is studied by using the depth-sensing nanoindentation and microindentation. The subsurface plastic deformation zone of the BMGs is investigated using the bonded interface technique. Both the BMGs exhibit the serrated flow depending on the loading rate in the loading process of indentation. Slow indentation rates promote more conspicuous serrations, and rapid indentations suppress the serrated flow. Mg-based BMG shows a much higher critical loading rate for the disappearance of the serration than that in Zr-based BMG. The significant difference in the shear band pattern in the subsurface plastic deformation zone is responsible for the different deformation behaviour between the two BMGs. Increase of the loading rate can lead to the increase of the density of shear bands. However, there is no distinct change in the character of shear bands at the loading rate of as high as 1000 nm/s.


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The macrostructure can be changed by changing the morphology of its units. In this article, we use a colloidal template route, combined with hydrothermal growth method, to get the hexagonally arrayed ZnO nanorods on the polycrystalline ZnO substrate. More significantly, through controlling the morphology of ZnO crystals by adding structure-directing agent in the precursor solution, the highly ordered porous ZnO films were obtained instead of ZnO nanorods. This templated solvent-thermal method has great potential in micro/nano-fabrication. (C) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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There is a wealth of literature dealing with fish gills (Review, see Hoar & Randall, 1984), yet hardly anything is known about the gills of cephalopods. This is rather surprising considering the commercial importance of the cephalopods. In view of the paucity of information available it was necessary to start by establishing the morphology of the gills. This is covered in the first section of this thesis. Of all the cephalopods, Octopus vulgaris was singled out for more detailed investigation (see chapters 2 & 3) as its physiology is comparatively well understood (Wells, 1978). The gills of cephalopods are the major sites for respiratory gaseous exchange. It follows that their dimensions might be expected to govern their potential for absorbing oxygen. Section two deals with the morphometries of cephalopod gills, and predicted values are compared with physiological measurements of oxygen uptake for four representative The final section describes the physiological experiments I performed on octopuses. These experiments were designed to find out whether the animals could regulate the gills' potential to take up oxygen through changes to the gills themselves.


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Paralarval and juvenile cephalopods collected in plankton samples on 21 western North Atlantic cruises were identified and enumerated. The 3731 specimens were assigned to 44 generic and specific taxa. This paper describes their spatial and temporal distributions and their developmental morphology. The smallest paralarvae recognized for a number of species are identified and illustrated. The two most abundant and most frequently collected taxa were identifiable to species based on known systematic characters of young, as well as on distribution of the adults. These were the neritic squids Loligo pealeii and Illex illecebrosus collected north of Cape Hatteras, both valuable fishery resources. Other abundant taxa included two morphotypes of ommastrephids, at least five species of enoploteuthids, two species of onychoteuthids, and unidentified octopods. Most taxa were distributed widely both in time and in space, although some seasonal and mesoscale-spatial patterns were indicated. The taxa that appeared to have distinct seasonal distribution included most of the neritic species and, surprisingly, the young of the bathypelagic cranchiids. In eight seasonal cruises over the continental shelf of the middle U.S. Atlantic states, neritic taxa demonstrated approximately the same seasonal patterns during two consecutive years. Interannual differences in the oceanic taxa collected on the shelf were extreme. The highest abundance and diversity of planktonic cephalopods in the oceanic samples were consistently found in the vicinity of the Gulf Stream. Only eight of the oceanic taxa appeared to have limited areal distributions, compared with twelve taxa that were found throughout the western North Atlantic regions sampled in this study. Many taxa, however, were not collected frequently enough to describe seasonal or spatial patterns. Comparisons with published accounts of other cephalopod surveys indicate both strengths and weaknesses in various sampling techniques for capturing the young of oceanic cephalopods. Enoploteuthids were abundant both in our study and in other studies using midwater trawls in several areas of the North Atlantic. Thus, this family probably is adequately sampled over its developmental range. In contrast, octopoteuthids and chtenopterygiids are rare in collections made by small to medium-sized midwater trawls but are comparatively common in plankton samples. For families that are relatively common in plankton samples, paralarval abundance, derived similarly to the familiar ichthyoplankton surveys of fisheries science, may be the most reliable method of gathering data on distribution and abundance. (PDF file contains 58 pages.)


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The uniqThe unique lamellar chips formed in turning–machining of a Vit 1 bulk metallic glass (BMG) are found to be due to repeated shearband formation in the primary shear zone (PSZ). A coupled thermomechanical orthogonal cutting model, taking into account force, free volume and energy balance in the PSZ, is developed to quantitatively characterize lamellar chip formation. Its onset criterion is revealed through a linear perturbation analysis. Lamellar chip formation is understood as a self-sustained limit-cycle phenomenon: there is autonomous feedback in stress, free volume and temperature in the PSZ. The underlying mechanism is the symmetry breaking of free volume flow and source, rather than thermal instability. These results are fundamentally useful for machining BMGs and even for understanding the physical nature of inhomogeneous flow in BMGs.ue lamellar chips formed in turning–machining of a Vit 1 bulk metallic glass (BMG) are found to be due to repeated shearband.


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The unique structure and properties of brush polymers have led to increased interest in them within the scientific community. This thesis describes studies on the self-assembly of these brush polymers.

Chapter 2 describes a study on the rapid self-assembly of brush block copolymers into nanostructures with photonic bandgaps spanning the entire visible spectrum, from ultraviolet to near infrared. Linear relationships are observed between the peak wavelengths of reflection and polymer molecular weights. This work enables "bottom-up" fabrication of photonic crystals with application-tailored bandgaps, through synthetic control of the polymer molecular weight and the method of self-assembly.

Chapter 3 details the analysis of the self-assembly of symmetrical brush block copolymers in bulk and thin films. Highly ordered lamellae with domain spacing ranging from 20 to 240 nm are obtained by varying molecular weight of the backbone. The relationship between degree of polymerization and the domain spacing is reported, and evidence is provided for how rapidly the brush block copolymers self-assemble and achieve thermodynamic equilibrium.

Chapter 4 describes investigations into where morphology transitions take place as the volume fraction of each block is varied in asymmetrical brush block copolymers. Imaging techniques are used to observe a transition from lamellar to a cylindrical morphology as the volume fraction of one of the blocks exceeds 70%. It is also shown that the asymmetric brush block copolymers can be kinetically trapped into undulating lamellar structures by drop casting the samples.

Chapter 5 explores the capability of macromolecules to interdigitate into densely grafted molecular brush copolymers using stereocomplex formation as a driving force. The stereocomplex formation between complementary linear polymers and brush copolymers is demonstrated, while the stereocomplex formation between complementary brush copolymers is shown to be restricted.


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In this paper, some observations are made following a flash-flood that occurred in Stake Clough, a small tributary of the River Goyt, during the evening of 6 August 1996. The site was visited eight times between 8 August - 30 October 1996 to take samples and make observations on the stream. The flood scoured the bed of Stake Clough but more significantly, caused it to change course along the middle part of the floodplain. Initially after the flood, the numbers of insects in all stretches of the stream channel were low (100-200 m super(2)), but then gradually rose to population densities approaching ten times this figure. The benthos was dominated by the Chironomidae and also leuctrid stoneflies (Leuctra nigra, L. hippopus and L. inermis). On 8th August 1996, 12 mesh bags, each containing oak leaves, were placed in the stream and collected after 24 hours. These were also dominated by chironomids, and contained relatively high numbers of the caddis, Potamophylax cingulatus.


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Part I. Novel composite polyelectrolyte materials were developed that exhibit desirable charge propagation and ion-retention properties. The morphology of electrode coatings cast from these materials was shown to be more important for its electrochemical behavior than its chemical composition.

Part II. The Wilhelmy plate technique for measuring dynamic surface tension was extended to electrified liquid-liquid interphases. The dynamical response of the aqueous NaF-mercury electrified interphase was examined by concomitant measurement of surface tension, current, and applied electrostatic potential. Observations of the surface tension response to linear sweep voltammetry and to step function perturbations in the applied electrostatic potential (e.g., chronotensiometry) provided strong evidence that relaxation processes proceed for time-periods that are at least an order of magnitude longer than the time periods necessary to establish diffusion equilibrium. The dynamical response of the surface tension is analyzed within the context of non-equilibrium thermodynamics and a kinetic model that requires three simultaneous first order processes.


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Intrinsically fuzzy morphological erosion and dilation are extended to a total of eight operations that have been formulated in terms of a single morphological operation--biased dilation. Based on the spatial coding of a fuzzy variable, a bidirectional projection concept is proposed. Thus, fuzzy logic operations, arithmetic operations, gray-scale dilation, and erosion for the extended intrinsically fuzzy morphological operations can be included in a unified algorithm with only biased dilation and fuzzy logic operations. To execute this image algebra approach we present a cellular two-layer processing architecture that consists of a biased dilation processor and a fuzzy logic processor. (C) 1996 Optical Society of America