941 resultados para Kinase-like Protein
RESUMO: Clostridium difficile é presentemente a principal causa de doença gastrointestinal associada à utilização de antibióticos em adultos. C. difficile é uma bactéria Gram-positiva, obrigatoriamente anaeróbica, capaz de formar endósporos. Tem-se verificado um aumento dos casos de doença associada a C. difficile com sintomas mais severos, elevadas taxas de morbilidade, mortalidade e recorrência, em parte, devido à emergência de estirpes mais virulentas, mas também devido à má gestão do uso de antibióticos. C. difficile produz duas toxinas, TcdA e TcdB, que são os principais fatores de virulência e responsáveis pelos sintomas da doença. Estas são codificadas a partir do Locus de Patogenicidade (PaLoc) que codifica ainda para um regulador positivo, TcdR, uma holina, TcdE, e um regulador negativo, TcdC. Os esporos resistentes ao oxigénio são essenciais para a transmissão do organismo e recorrência da doença. A expressão dos genes do PaLoc ocorre em células vegetativas, no final da fase de crescimento exponencial, e em células em esporulação. Neste trabalho construímos dois mutantes de eliminação em fase dos genes tcdR e tcdE. Mostrámos que a auto-regulação do gene tcdR não é significativa. No entanto, tcdR é sempre necessário para a expressão dos genes presentes no PaLoc. Trabalho anterior mostrou que, com a exceção de tcdC, os demais genes do PaLoc são expressos no pré-esporo. Mostrámos aqui que TcdA é detectada à superfície do esporo maduro e que a eliminação do tcdE não influencia a acumulação de TcdA no meio de cultura ou em associação às células ou ao esporo. Estas observações têm consequências para o nosso entendimento do processo infecioso: sugeremque o esporo possa ser também um veículo para a entrega da toxina nos estágios iniciais da infecção, que TcdA possa ser libertada durante a germinação do esporo, e que o esporo possa utilizar o mesmo receptor reconhecido por TcdA para a ligação à mucosa do cólon.---------------------------ABSTRACT: Clostridium difficile is currently the major cause of antibiotic-associated gastrointestinal diseases in adults. This is a Gram-positive bacterium, endospore-forming and an obligate anaerobe that colonizes the gastrointestinal tract. Recent years have seen a rise in C. difficile associated disease (CDAD) cases, associated with more severe disease symptoms, higher rates of morbidity, mortality and recurrence, which were mostly caused due to the emergence of “hypervirulent” strains but also due to changing patterns of antibiotics use. C. difficile produces two potent toxins, TcdA and TcdB, which are the main virulence factors and the responsible for the disease symptoms. These are codified from a Pathogenicity Locus (PaLoc), composed also by the positive regulator, TcdR, the holin-like protein, TcdE, and a negative regulator, TcdC. Besides the toxins, the oxygen-resistant spores are also essential for transmission of the organism through diarrhea; moreover, spores can accumulate in the environment or in the host, which will cause disease recurrence. The expression of the PaLoc genes occurs in vegetative cells, at the end of the exponential growth phase, and in sporulating cells. In this work, we constructed two in-frame deletion mutants of tcdR and tcdE. We showed that the positive auto regulation of tcdR is not significant. However, tcdR is always necessary for the expression of the PaLoc genes. A previous work showed that, except tcdC, all the PaLoc genes are expressed in the forespore. Here, we detected TcdA at the spore surface. Furthermore, we showed that the in-frame deletion of tcdE does not affect the accumulation of TcdA in the culture medium or in association with cells or spores. This data was important for us to conclude about the infeccious process: it suggests that the spore may be the vehicle for the delivery of TcdA in early stages of infection, that TcdA may be released during spores germination and that this spore may use the same receptor recognized by TcdA to bind to the colonic mucosa.
Urothelial bladder carcinoma (UBC) is an intricate malignancy with a variable natural history and clinical behavior. Despite developments in diagnosis/prognosis refinement and treatment modalities, the recurrence rate is high, and progression from non-muscle to muscle invasive UBC commonly leads to metastasis. Moreover, patients with muscle-invasive or extra-vesical disease often fail the standard chemotherapy treatment, and overall survival rates are poor. Thus, UBC remains a challenge in the oncology field, representing an ideal candidate for research on biomarkers that could identify patients at increased risk of recurrence, progression, and chemo-refractoriness. However, progress toward personalized medicine has been hampered by the unique genetic complexity of UBC. Recent genome-wide expression and sequencing studies have brought new insights into its molecular features, pathogenesis and clinical diversity, revealing a landscape where classical pathology is intersected by the novel and heterogeneous molecular groups. Hence, it seems plausible to postulate that only an integrated signature of prognostic/predictive biomarkers inherent in different cancer hallmarks will reach clinical validation. In this review, we have summarized ours and others' research into novel putative biomarkers of progression and chemoresistance that encompass several hallmarks of cancer: tumor neovascularization, invasion and metastasis, and energy metabolism reprogramming of the tumor microenvironment.
Congenital cardiac and neurodevelopmental deficits have been recently linked to the mediator complex subunit 13-like protein MED13L, a subunit of the CDK8-associated mediator complex that functions in transcriptional regulation through DNA-binding transcription factors and RNA polymerase II. Heterozygous MED13L variants cause transposition of the great arteries and intellectual disability (ID). Here, we report eight patients with predominantly novel MED13L variants who lack such complex congenital heart malformations. Rather, they depict a syndromic form of ID characterized by facial dysmorphism, ID, speech impairment, motor developmental delay with muscular hypotonia and behavioral difficulties. We thereby define a novel syndrome and significantly broaden the clinical spectrum associated with MED13L variants. A prominent feature of the MED13L neurocognitive presentation is profound language impairment, often in combination with articulatory deficits.
The scaffold protein Islet-Brain1/c-Jun amino-terminal kinase Interacting Protein-1 (IB1/JIP-1) is a modulator of the c-Jun N-terminal kinase (JNK) activity, which has been implicated in pleiotrophic cellular functions including cell differentiation, division, and death. In this study, we described the presence of IB1/JIP-1 in epithelium of the rat prostate as well as in the human prostatic LNCaP cells. We investigated the functional role of IB1/JIP-1 in LNCaP cells exposed to the proapoptotic agent N-(4-hydroxyphenyl)retinamide (4-HPR) which induced a reduction of IB1/JIP-1 content and a concomittant increase in JNK activity. Conversely, IB1/JIP-1 overexpression using a viral gene transfer prevented the JNK activation and the 4-HPR-induced apoptosis was blunted. In prostatic adenocarcinoma cells, the neuroendocrine (NE) phenotype acquisition is associated with tumor progression and androgen independence. During NE transdifferentiation of LNCaP cells, IB1/JIP-1 levels were increased. This regulated expression of IB1/JIP-1 is secondary to a loss of the neuronal transcriptional repressor neuron restrictive silencing factor (NRSF/REST) function which is known to repress IB1/JIP-1. Together, these results indicated that IB1/JIP-1 participates to the neuronal phenotype of the human LNCaP cells and is a regulator of JNK signaling pathway.
Lymphocytes regulate their responsiveness to IL-2 through the transcriptional control of the IL-2R alpha gene, which encodes a component of the high affinity IL-2 receptor. In the mouse IL-2R alpha gene this control is exerted via two regulatable elements, a promoter proximal region, and an IL-2-responsive enhancer (IL-2rE) 1.3 kb upstream. In vitro and in vivo functional analysis of the IL-2rE in the rodent thymic lymphoma-derived, CD4- CD8- cell line PC60 demonstrated that three separate elements, sites I, II, and III, were necessary for IL-2 responsiveness; these three sites demonstrate functional cooperation. Site III contains a consensus binding motif for members of the Ets family of transcription factors. Here we demonstrate that Elf-1, an Ets-like protein, binds to site III and participates in IL-2 responsiveness. In vitro site III forms a complex with a protein constitutively present in nuclear extracts from PC60 cells as well as from normal CD4- CD8- thymocytes. We have identified this molecule as Elf-1 according to a number of criteria. The complex possesses an identical electrophoretic mobility to that formed by recombinant Elf-1 protein and is super-shifted by anti-Elf-1 antibodies. Biotinylated IL-2rE probes precipitate Elf-1 from PC60 extracts provided site III is intact and both recombinant and PC60-derived proteins bind with the same relative affinities to different mutants of site III. In addition, by introducing mutations into the core of the site III Ets-like motif and comparing the corresponding effects on the in vitro binding of Elf-1 and the in vivo IL-2rE activity, we provide strong evidence that Elf-1 is directly involved in IL-2 responsiveness. The nature of the functional cooperativity observed between Elf-1 and the factors binding sites I and II remains unresolved; experiments presented here however suggest that this effect may not require direct interactions between the proteins binding these three elements.
The chromatin of Trypanosoma congolense was analyzed by electron microscopy. The chromatin is organized as nucleosome filaments but does not form a 30 nm fiber. There are five groups of histones, including a histone H1-like protein, which has a molecular weight within the range of the core histones, and is extremely hydrophilic. Weak histone-histone interaction, a typical feature of trypanosoma chromatin, was found. These results are similar to those for T. cruzi and T. b. brucei, but differ significantly from those for higher eukaryotes. The results confirm the model of trypanosome chromatin, and support the theory of their early separation from the other eukaryotes during the evolution. T. congolensis is an excellent model for chromatin research on trypanosomes, because it is easy to cultivate and its chromatin has, a relatively high stability, compared to that of other trypanosomes.
Aeromonas hydrophila is a Gram-negative pathogen that causes serious infectious disease in humans. A. hydrophila induces apoptosis in infected macrophages, but the host proinflammatory responses triggered by macrophage death are largely unknown. Here, we demonstrate that the infection of mouse macrophages with A. hydrophila triggers the activation of caspase-1 and release of IL-1β. Caspase-1 activation was abrogated in macrophages deficient in Nod-like receptor family, pyrin domain containing 3 (NLRP3) and apoptosis-associated speck-like protein containing a caspase recruitment domain (ASC), but not NLR family, CARD domain containing 4 (NLRC4). The activation of the NLRP3 inflammasome was mediated by three cytotoxins (aerolysin, hemolysin and multifunctional repeat-in-toxin) produced by A. hydrophila. Our results indicated that the NLRP3 inflammasome senses A. hydrophila infection through the action of bacterial cytotoxins.
E2F transcriptional regulators control human-cell proliferation by repressing and activating the transcription of genes required for cell-cycle progression, particularly the S phase. E2F proteins repress transcription in association with retinoblastoma pocket proteins, but less is known about how they activate transcription. Here, we show that the human G1 phase regulator HCF-1 associates with both activator (E2F1 and E2F3a) and repressor (E2F4) E2F proteins, properties that are conserved in insect cells. Human HCF-1-E2F interactions are versatile: their associations and binding to E2F-responsive promoters are cell-cycle selective, and HCF-1 displays coactivator properties when bound to the E2F1 activator and corepressor properties when bound to the E2F4 repressor. During the G1-to-S phase transition, HCF-1 recruits the mixed-lineage leukemia (MLL) and Set-1 histone H3 lysine 4 methyltransferases to E2F-responsive promoters and induces histone methylation and transcriptional activation. These results suggest that HCF-1 induces cell-cycle-specific transcriptional activation by E2F proteins to promote cell proliferation.
Cells die through a programmed process or accidental death, know as apoptosis or necrosis, respectively. Bothrops jararaca is a snake whose venom inhibits the growth of Trypanosoma cruzi epimastigote forms causing mitochondrion swelling and cell death. The aim of the present work was to determine the type of death induced in epimastigotes of T. cruzi by this venom. Parasite growth was inhibited after venom treatment, and 50% growth inhibition was obtained with 10 µg/ml. Ultrastructural observations confirmed mitochondrion swelling and kinetoplast disorganization. Furthermore, cytoplasmic condensation, loss of mitochondrion membrane potential, time-dependent increase in phosphatidylserine exposure at the outer leaflet plasma membrane followed by permeabilization, activation of caspase like protein and DNA fragmentation were observed in epimastigotes throughout a 24 h period of venom treatment. Taken together, these results indicate that the stress induced in epimastigote by this venom, triggers a programmed cell death process, similar to metazoan apoptosis, which leads to parasite death.
The secondary metabolite hydrogen cyanide (HCN) is produced by Pseudomonas fluorescens from glycine, essentially under microaerophilic conditions. The genetic basis of HCN synthesis in P. fluorescens CHA0 was investigated. The contiguous structural genes hcnABC encoding HCN synthase were expressed from the T7 promoter in Escherichia coli, resulting in HCN production in this bacterium. Analysis of the nucleotide sequence of the hcnABC genes showed that each HCN synthase subunit was similar to known enzymes involved in hydrogen transfer, i.e., to formate dehydrogenase (for HcnA) or amino acid oxidases (for HcnB and HcnC). These similarities and the presence of flavin adenine dinucleotide- or NAD(P)-binding motifs in HcnB and HcnC suggest that HCN synthase may act as a dehydrogenase in the reaction leading from glycine to HCN and CO2. The hcnA promoter was mapped by primer extension; the -40 sequence (TTGGC ... ATCAA) resembled the consensus FNR (fumarate and nitrate reductase regulator) binding sequence (TTGAT ... ATCAA). The gene encoding the FNR-like protein ANR (anaerobic regulator) was cloned from P. fluorescens CHA0 and sequenced. ANR of strain CHA0 was most similar to ANR of P. aeruginosa and CydR of Azotobacter vinelandii. An anr mutant of P. fluorescens (CHA21) produced little HCN and was unable to express an hcnA-lacZ translational fusion, whereas in wild-type strain CHA0, microaerophilic conditions strongly favored the expression of the hcnA-lacZ fusion. Mutant CHA21 as well as an hcn deletion mutant were impaired in their capacity to suppress black root rot of tobacco, a disease caused by Thielaviopsis basicola, under gnotobiotic conditions. This effect was most pronounced in water-saturated artificial soil, where the anr mutant had lost about 30% of disease suppression ability, compared with wild-type strain CHA0. These results show that the anaerobic regulator ANR is required for cyanide synthesis in the strictly aerobic strain CHA0 and suggest that ANR-mediated cyanogenesis contributes to the suppression of black root rot.
Molecular characterization of Paracoccidioides brasiliensis variant strains that had been preserved under mineral oil for decades was carried out by random amplified polymorphic DNA analysis (RAPD). On P. brasiliensis variants in the transitional phase and strains with typical morphology, RAPD produced reproducible polymorphic amplification products that differentiated them. A dendrogram based on the generated RAPD patterns placed the 14 P. brasiliensis strains into five groups with similarity coefficients of 72%. A high correlation between the genotypic and phenotypic characteristics of the strains was observed. A 750 bp-RAPD fragment found only in the wild-type phenotype strains was cloned and sequenced. Genetic similarity analysis using BLASTx suggested that this RAPD marker represents a putative domain of a hypothetical flavin-binding monooxygenase (FMO)-like protein of Neurospora crassa.
BACKGROUND Obeche wood dust is a known cause of occupational asthma where an IgE-mediated mechanism has been demonstrated. OBJECTIVE To characterize the allergenic profile of obeche wood dust and evaluate the reactivity of the proteins by in vitro, ex vivo and in vivo assays in carpenters with confirmed rhinitis and/or asthma MATERIALS AND METHODS An in-house obeche extract was obtained, and two IgE binding bands were purified (24 and 12 kDa) and sequenced by N-terminal identity. Specific IgE and IgG, basophil activation tests and skin prick tests (SPTs) were performed with whole extract and purified proteins. CCD binding was analyzed by ELISA inhibition studies. RESULTS Sixty-two subjects participated: 12 with confirmed occupational asthma/rhinitis (ORA+), 40 asymptomatic exposed (ORA-), and 10 controls. Of the confirmed subjects, 83% had a positive SPT to obeche. There was a 100% recognition by ELISA in symptomatic subjects vs. 30% and 10% in asymptomatic exposed subjects and controls respectively (p<0.05). Two new proteins were purified, a 24 kDa protein identified as a putative thaumatin-like protein and a 12 kDa gamma-expansin. Both showed allergenic activity in vitro, with the putative thaumatin being the most active, with 92% recognition by ELISA and 100% by basophil activation test in ORA+ subjects. Cross-reactivity due to CCD was ruled out in 82% of cases. CONCLUSIONS Two proteins of obeche wood were identified and were recognized by a high percentage of symptomatic subjects and by a small proportion of asymptomatic exposed subjects. Further studies are required to evaluate cross reactivity with other plant allergens.
The lanthanide binuclear helicate [Eu(2)(L(C2(CO(2)H)))(3)] is coupled to avidin to yield a luminescent bioconjugate EuB1 (Q = 9.3%, tau((5)D(0)) = 2.17 ms). MALDI/TOF mass spectrometry confirms the covalent binding of the Eu chelate and UV-visible spectroscopy allows one to determine a luminophore/protein ratio equal to 3.2. Bio-affinity assays involving the recognition of a mucin-like protein expressed on human breast cancer MCF-7 cells by a biotinylated monoclonal antibody 5D10 to which EuB1 is attached via avidin-biotin coupling demonstrate that (i) avidin activity is little affected by the coupling reaction and (ii) detection limits obtained by time-resolved (TR) luminescence with EuB1 and a commercial Eu-avidin conjugate are one order of magnitude lower than those of an organic conjugate (FITC-streptavidin). In the second part of the paper, conditions for growing MCF-7 cells in 100-200 microm wide microchannels engraved in PDMS are established; we demonstrate that EuB1 can be applied as effectively on this lab-on-a-chip device for the detection of tumour-associated antigens as on MCF-7 cells grown in normal culture vials. In order to exploit the versatility of the ligand used for self-assembling [Ln(2)(L(C2(CO(2)H)))(3)] helicates, which sensitizes the luminescence of both Eu(III) and Tb(III) ions, a dual on-chip assay is proposed in which estrogen receptors (ERs) and human epidermal growth factor receptors (Her2/neu) can be simultaneously detected on human breast cancer tissue sections. The Ln helicates are coupled to two secondary antibodies: ERs are visualized by red-emitting EuB4 using goat anti-mouse IgG and Her2/neu receptors by green-emitting TbB5 using goat anti-rabbit IgG. The fact that the assay is more than 6 times faster and requires 5 times less reactants than conventional immunohistochemical assays provides essential advantages over conventional immunohistochemistry for future clinical biomarker detection.
Mutations in the cyclin-dependent kinase-like 5 gene (CDKL5) have been described in epileptic encephalopathies in females with infantile spasms with features that overlap with Rett syndrome. With more than 80 reported patients, the phenotype of CDKL5-related encephalopathy is well-defined. The main features consist of seizures starting before 6 months of age, severe intellectual disability with absent speech and hand stereotypies and deceleration of head growth, which resembles Rett syndrome. However, some clinical discrepancies suggested the influence of genetics and/or environmental factors. No genotype-phenotype correlation has been defined and thus there is a need to examine individual mutations. In this study, we analyzed eight recurrent CDKL5 mutations to test whether the clinical phenotype of patients with the same mutation is similar and whether patients with specific CDKL5 mutations have a milder phenotype than those with other CDKL5 mutations. Patients bearing missense mutations in the ATP binding site such as the p.Ala40Val mutation typically walked unaided, had normocephaly, better hand use ability, and less frequent refractory epilepsy when compared to girls with other CDKL5 mutations. In contrast, patients with mutations in the kinase domain (such as p.Arg59X, p.Arg134X, p.Arg178Trp/Pro/Gln, or c.145 + 2T > C) and frameshift mutations in the C-terminal region (such as c.2635_2636delCT) had a more severe phenotype with infantile spasms, refractory epileptic encephalopathy, absolute microcephaly, and inability to walk. It is important for clinicians to have this information when such patients are diagnosed. © 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.
Cell division in Gram-negative bacteria involves the co-ordinated invagination of the three cell envelope layers to form two new daughter cell poles. This complex process starts with the polymerization of the tubulin-like protein FtsZ into a Z-ring at mid-cell, which drives cytokinesis and recruits numerous other proteins to the division site. These proteins are involved in Z-ring constriction, inner- and outer-membrane invagination, peptidoglycan remodelling and daughter cell separation. Three papers in this issue of Molecular Microbiology, from the teams of Lucy Shapiro, Martin Thanbichler and Christine Jacobs-Wagner, describe a novel protein, called DipM for Division Involved Protein with LysM domains, that is required for cell division in Caulobacter crescentus. DipM localizes to the mid-cell during cell division, where it is necessary for the hydrolysis of the septal peptidoglycan to remodel the cell wall. Loss of DipM results in severe defects in cell envelope constriction, which is deleterious under fast-growth conditions. State-of-the-art microscopy experiments reveal that the peptidoglycan is thicker and that the cell wall is incorrectly organized in DipM-depleted cells compared with wild-type cells, demonstrating that DipM is essential for reorganizing the cell wall at the division site, for envelope invagination and cell separation in Caulobacter.