342 resultados para K1


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At Site 1117, drilled during Leg 180 of the Ocean Drilling Program in the Woodlark Basin, we cored a fault zone and recovered fault gouge, mylonitized and brecciated gabbros, and undeformed gabbro. We measured the anisotropy of magnetic susceptibility for the rock samples. The susceptibilities of the fault gouge samples were lower than those of the undeformed gabbro, and those of deformed gabbros were lowest. The anisotropy degrees of the fault gouge samples were higher than those of the deformed and undeformed gabbros. Oblate magnetic fabrics were dominant in the samples from the fault zone.


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We present results from a field study of inorganic carbon (C) acquisition by Ross Sea phytoplankton during Phaeocystis-dominated early season blooms. Isotope disequilibrium experiments revealed that HCO3? was the primary inorganic C source for photosynthesis in all phytoplankton assemblages. From these experiments, we also derived relative enhancement factors for HCO3?/CO2 interconversion as a measure of extracellular carbonic anhydrase activity (eCA). The enhancement factors ranged from 1.0 (no apparent eCA activity) to 6.4, with an overall mean of 2.9. Additional eCA measurements, made using membrane inlet mass spectrometry (MIMS), yielded activities ranging from 2.4 to 6.9 U/[?g chl a] (mean 4.1). Measurements of short-term C-fixation parameters revealed saturation kinetics with respect to external inorganic carbon, with a mean half-saturation constant for inorganic carbon uptake (K1/2) of ~380 ?M. Comparison of our early springtime results with published data from late-season Ross Sea assemblages showed that neither HCO3? utilization nor eCA activity was significantly correlated to ambient CO2 levels or phytoplankton taxonomic composition. We did, however, observe a strong negative relationship between surface water pCO2 and short-term 14C-fixation rates for the early season survey. Direct incubation experiments showed no statistically significant effects of pCO2 (10 to 80 Pa) on relative HCO3? utilization or eCA activity. Our results provide insight into the seasonal regulation of C uptake by Ross Sea phytoplankton across a range of pCO2 and phytoplankton taxonomic composition.


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New data obtained in a shipboard laboratory are used to illustrate effect exerted by lithology of enclosing rock and by early diagenesis on residu¬al organic carbon content of Holocene deposits on the northwestern Bering Sea shelf. Loss of organic carbon is found to total 8-12% in the upper 10-15 cm of sediments and about 22% in the upper 1 m that agrees with data obtained for other areas by independent methods.


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The anisotropy of magnetic susceptibility documents the generation of tectonically produced fabrics in sediments that macroscopically show no evidence of this disruption. The fabric observed in initial accretion is largely produced by overprinting of the original sedimentary susceptibility anisotropy by an E-W horizontal tectonic shortening and vertical extension. The response of the sediments to stress during initial accretion is variable, particularly near the sediment surface, and appears to reflect the inhomogeneous distribution of strain rate in the overthrust sequence. The susceptibility anisotropy of sediments possessing scaly fabric is consistent with the strong orientation of Phyllosilicates seen in thin section, producing a Kmin normal to the scalyness. The slope sediments deposited on the accreted sequence are also affected by tectonic shortening. The accreted sequences at Sites 673 and 674 show a complex history of fabric modification, with previous tectonic fabrics overprinted by later fabric modifications, pointing to continued tectonic shortening during the accretion process. The form of the susceptibility anisotropy axes at Sites 673 and 674 is consistent with NESW shortening, probably reflected in the NW-SE surface expression of the out-of-sequence thrusts. The susceptibility anisotropy appears to document a downhole change in the trend of shortening from E to W at the surface to more NESW at depth, probably as a result of the obliquely trending basement ridge, the Tiburon Rise.


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The magnetic properties of 11 samples from Site 670 of Leg 109, 3 harzburgites and 8 highly serpentinized peridotites, have been studied. Reflected light microscopy and Curie temperatures confirm that magnetite is the dominant magnetic mineral in all samples. However, both rock types show different magnetic behavior. Susceptibility, saturation magnetization, and NRM are higher for the serpentinites, because of the higher magnetite content. The hysteresis parameters indicate magnetite particles with pseudosingle domain structure for both rock types. For the remarkable anisotropy of the magnetic susceptibility no definite explanation could be found, because of the complex texture of the samples. In both rock types the presence of maghemite, a product of low temperature oxidation of magnetite, has been indicated by reflected light microscopy and by thermomagnetic analysis. As the maghemite converts to hematite at temperatures above 350°C, the temperature during the serpentinization was below this value assuming that the maghemitization took place at the same time.


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Ocean acidification (OA) due to atmospheric CO2 rise is expected to influence marine primary productivity. In order to investigate the interactive effects of OA and light changes on diatoms, we grew Phaeodactylum tricornutum, under ambient (390 ppmv; LC) and elevated CO2 (1000 ppmv; HC) conditions for 80 generations, and measured its physiological performance under different light levels (60 µmol/m**2/s, LL; 200 µmol/m**2/s, ML; 460 µmol/m**2/s, HL) for another 25 generations. The specific growth rate of the HC-grown cells was higher (about 12-18%) than that of the LC-grown ones, with the highest under the ML level. With increasing light levels, the effective photochemical yield of PSII (Fv'/Fm') decreased, but was enhanced by the elevated CO2, especially under the HL level. The cells acclimated to the HC condition showed a higher recovery rate of their photochemical yield of PSII compared to the LC-grown cells. For the HC-grown cells, dissolved inorganic carbon or CO2 levels for half saturation of photosynthesis (K1/2 DIC or K1/2 CO2) increased by 11, 55 and 32%, under the LL, ML and HL levels, reflecting a light dependent down-regulation of carbon concentrating mechanisms (CCMs). The linkage between higher level of the CCMs down-regulation and higher growth rate at ML under OA supports the theory that the saved energy from CCMs down-regulation adds on to enhance the growth of the diatom.


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We investigated carbon acquisition by the N2-fixing cyanobacterium Trichodesmium IMS101 in response to CO2 levels of 15.1, 37.5, and 101.3 Pa (equivalent to 150, 370, and 1000 ppm). In these acclimations, growth rates as well as cellular C and N contents were measured. In vivo activities of carbonic anhydrase (CA), photosynthetic O2 evolution, and CO2 and HCO3- fluxes were measured using membrane inlet mass spectrometry and the 14C disequilibrium technique. While no differences in growth rates were observed, elevated CO2 levels caused higher C and N quotas and stimulated photosynthesis and N2 fixation. Minimal extracellular CA (eCA) activity was observed, indicating a minor role in carbon acquisition. Rates of CO2 uptake were small relative to total inorganic carbon (Ci) fixation, whereas HCO{3 contributed more than 90% and varied only slightly over the light period and between CO2 treatments. The low eCA activity and preference for HCO3- were verified by the 14C disequilibrium technique. Regarding apparent affinities, half-saturation concentrations (K1/2) for photosynthetic O2 evolution and HCO3- uptake changed markedly over the day and with CO2 concentration. Leakage (CO2 efflux : Ci uptake) showed pronounced diurnal changes. Our findings do not support a direct CO2 effect on the carboxylation efficiency of ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase (RubisCO) but point to a shift in resource allocation among photosynthesis, carbon acquisition, and N2 fixation under elevated CO2 levels. The observed increase in photosynthesis and N2fixation could have potential biogeochemical implications, as it may stimulate productivity in N-limited oligotrophic regions and thus provide a negative feedback in rising atmospheric CO2 levels.


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In the context of the KErguelen Ocean and Plateau compared Study (KEOPS, 19 January-13 February 2005), particle dynamics were investigated using thorium isotope measurements over and off the Kerguelen plateau. Dissolved and particulate 230Th and 232Th samples were collected at nine stations. Dissolved excess 230Th concentrations (230Thxs) vary from 0.5 to 20.8 fg/kg and particulate 230Thxs concentrations from 0.1 to 10.0 fg/kg. Dissolved and particulate 232Th concentration ranges are 16.8-450.2 pg/kg and 3.8-502.8 pg/kg, respectively. The 230Thxs concentrations increase linearly with depth down to the bottom at most of the plateau stations and down to 1000 m at the off-plateau stations. This linear trend is observed down to the bottom (1550 m) at Kerfix, the open-ocean "upstream" station located west of the Kerguelen plateau. A simple reversible scavenging model applied to these data allowed the estimation of adsorption rate constant (k1~=0.2-0.8 per year), desorption rate constant (k-1~=1-8 per year) and partition coefficients (average K=0.16±0.07). Calculated particle settling velocities S deduced from this simple model are ca. 500 m/year at most of the plateau stations and 800 m/year at all the off-plateau stations. The plateau settling velocities are relatively low for such a productive site, compared to the surrounding HNLC areas. The difference might reflect the fact that lateral advection is neglected in this model. Taking this advection into account allows the reconstruction of the observed 230Thxs linear distributions, but only if faster settling velocities are considered. This implies that the 1D model strongly underestimates the settling velocity of the particles. In the deep layers, the occurrence of intense boundary scavenging along the escarpment due to bottom sediment re-suspension and interaction with a nepheloid layer, yielding a removal of ?50% of the Th stock along the northwestward transect, is suggested.