240 resultados para Jokela, Marjut


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Abstract Background Many important toxins and antibiotics are produced by non-ribosomal biosynthetic pathways. Microcystins are a chemically diverse family of potent peptide toxins and the end-products of a hybrid NRPS and PKS secondary metabolic pathway. They are produced by a variety of cyanobacteria and are responsible for the poisoning of humans as well as the deaths of wild and domestic animals around the world. The chemical diversity of the microcystin family is attributed to a number of genetic events that have resulted in the diversification of the pathway for microcystin assembly. Results Here, we show that independent evolutionary events affecting the substrate specificity of the microcystin biosynthetic pathway have resulted in convergence on a rare [D-Leu1] microcystin-LR chemical variant. We detected this rare microcystin variant from strains of the distantly related genera Microcystis, Nostoc, and Phormidium. Phylogenetic analysis performed using sequences of the catalytic domains within the mcy gene cluster demonstrated a clear recombination pattern in the adenylation domain phylogenetic tree. We found evidence for conversion of the gene encoding the McyA2 adenylation domain in strains of the genera Nostoc and Phormidium. However, point mutations affecting the substrate-binding sequence motifs of the McyA2 adenylation domain were associated with the change in substrate specificity in two strains of Microcystis. In addition to the main [D-Leu1] microcystin-LR variant, these two strains produced a new microcystin that was identified as [Met1] microcystin-LR. Conclusions Phylogenetic analysis demonstrated that both point mutations and gene conversion result in functional mcy gene clusters that produce the same rare [D-Leu1] variant of microcystin in strains of the genera Microcystis, Nostoc, and Phormidium. Engineering pathways to produce recombinant non-ribosomal peptides could provide new natural products or increase the activity of known compounds. Our results suggest that the replacement of entire adenylation domains could be a more successful strategy to obtain higher specificity in the modification of the non-ribosomal peptides than point mutations.


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FOOD-CT-2007-036298: AquAgriS. Project co-funded by the European Commission within the Sixth Framework (2002-2006)


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A considerable fraction of the world's biodiversity is of recent evolutionary origin and has evolved as a by-product of, and is maintained by, divergent adaptation in heterogeneous environments. Conservationists have paid attention to genetic homogenization caused by human-induced translocations (e.g. biological invasions and stocking), and to the importance of environmental heterogeneity for the ecological coexistence of species. However, far less attention has been paid to the consequences of loss of environmental heterogeneity to the genetic coexistence of sympatric species. Our review of empirical observations and our theoretical considerations on the causes and consequences of interspecific hybridization suggest that a loss of environmental heterogeneity causes a loss of biodiversity through increased genetic admixture, effectively reversing speciation. Loss of heterogeneity relaxes divergent selection and removes ecological barriers to gene flow between divergently adapted species, promoting interspecific introgressive hybridization. Since heterogeneity of natural environments is rapidly deteriorating in most biomes, the evolutionary ecology of speciation reversal ought to be fully integrated into conservation biology.


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Cryptic species, i.e. species that are morphologically hard to distinguish, have been detected repeatedly in various taxa and ecosystems. In order to evaluate the importance of this finding, we have to know in how far cryptic species differ in various aspects of their biology. The amphipod Gammarus fossarum is a key invertebrate in freshwater streams and contains several cryptic species. We examined the population genetic structure, genetic diversity and demographic history of two of them (type A and type B) using microsatellite markers and asked whether they show significant differences. We present results of population genetic analyses based on a total of 37 populations from the headwaters of two major European drainages, Rhine and Rhone. We found that, in both species, genetic diversity was geographically structured among and within drainages. For type A in the Rhine and type B in the Rhone, we detected significant patterns of isolation by distance. The increase of genetic differentiation with geographical distance, however, was much higher in type A than in type B. This result indicates substantial interspecific differences in population history and/or the extent of current gene flow between populations. In the Rhine, type B does not show evidence of isolation by distance, and population differentiation is relatively low across hundreds of kilometres. The majority of these populations also show signatures of recent bottlenecks. These patterns are consistent with a recent expansion of type B into the Rhine drainage. In summary, our results suggest considerable and previously unrecognized interspecific differences in the genetic structure of these cryptic keystone species.


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In order to understand and protect ecosystems, local gene pools need to be evaluated with respect to their uniqueness. Cryptic species present a challenge in this context because their presence, if unrecognized, may lead to serious misjudgement of the distribution of evolutionarily distinct genetic entities. In this study, we describe the current geographical distribution of cryptic species of the ecologically important stream amphipod Gammarus fossarum (types A, B and C). We use a novel pyrosequencing assay for molecular species identification and survey 62 populations in Switzerland, plus several populations in Germany and eastern France. In addition, we compile data from previous publications (mainly Germany). A clear transition is observed from type A in the east (Danube and Po drainages) to types B and, more rarely, C in the west (Meuse, Rhone, and four smaller French river systems). Within the Rhine drainage, the cryptic species meet in a contact zone which spans the entire G. fossarum distribution range from north to south. This large-scale geographical sorting indicates that types A and B persisted in separate refugia during Pleistocene glaciations. Within the contact zone, the species rarely co-occur at the same site, suggesting that ecological processes may preclude long-term coexistence. The clear phylogeographical signal observed in this study implies that, in many parts of Europe, only one of the cryptic species is present.


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Many parasites infect multiple host species. In coevolving host–parasite interactions, theory predicts that parasites should be adapted to locally common hosts, which could lead to regional shifts in host preferences. We studied the interaction between freshwater Gammarus (Crustacea, Amphipoda) and their acanthocephalan parasites using a large-scale field survey and experiments, combined with molecular identification of cryptic host and parasite species. Gammarus pulex is a common host for multiple species of Acanthocephala in Europe but, in Switzerland, is less common than two cryptic members of the Gammarus fossarum species complex (type A and type B). We found that natural populations of these cryptic species were frequently infected by Pomphorhynchus tereticollis and Polymorphus minutus. Four additional parasite species occurred only locally. Parasites were more common in G. fossarum type B than in type A. Infection experiments using several host and parasite sources confirmed consistently lower infection rates in G. pulex than in G. fossarum type A, suggesting a general difference in susceptibility between the two species. In conclusion, we could show that cryptic host species differ in their interactions with parasites, but that these differences were much less dramatic than differences between G. fossarum (type A) and G. pulex. Our data suggest that the acanthocephalans in Switzerland have adapted to the two most common Gammarus species in this region where host species frequencies differ from near-by regions in Europe.


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The ecologically important stream invertebrate Gammarus fossarum is a morphospecies that includes at least three genetically differentiated biological species. We developed ten microsatellite markers and tested them in a total of 208 individuals from all three known cryptic species (types A, B and C). All markers were polymorphic and successfully amplified in type A, nine in type B and five in type C. There were up to 11 alleles per marker and species.


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Mode of access: Internet.


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From the Divercity project, the article reflects on methodology, good practices and indicators useful for community art practices. At first term, social exclusión is defined as well as community art, and which features it presents. Subsequently, the article reviews the indicators that are being used to measure the success or achievement of community arts practice, raising criticism from equality and including indicators that measure the well-being of women.


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Vesienhoidon keskeisenä tavoitteena on estää jokien, järvien ja rannikkovesien sekä pohjavesien tilan heikkeneminen sekä pyrkiä kaikkien vesien vähintään hyvään tilaan. Erinomaisiksi tai hyviksi arvioitujen vesien tilaa ei saa heikentää. Tavoitteen saavuttamiseksi suunnitellaan ja toteutetaan vesien tilaa parantavia toimenpiteitä ja seurataan niiden vaikutuksia. Vesienhoidossa otetaan huomioon myös merenhoidon, tulvariskien hallinnan sekä luonnonsuojelun tavoitteet. Vesienhoitoa suunnitellaan vesienhoitoalueittain, joita on Manner-Suomessa seitsemän. Vesienhoitoalue muodostuu yhdestä tai useammasta vesistöalueesta. Lapuanjoen vesistöalue kuuluu Kokemäenjoen-Saaristomeren-Selkämeren vesienhoitoalueeseen. Vesienhoidon suunnittelu etenee kuuden vuoden jaksoissa. Ensimmäiset vuoteen 2015 ulottuvat toimenpideohjelmat laadittiin laajassa yhteistyössä vuosien 2008–2009 aikana. Lisätietoa vesienhoidosta ja vesienhoidon järjestämisestä vesienhoitoalueella on saatavilla osoitteessa www.ymparisto.fi/lantinenvesienhoitoalue sekä Kokemäenjoen - Saarisromeren – Selkämeren vesenhoitoalueen vesienhoitosuunnitelmasta. Vesienhoitosuunnitelmassa esitellään tarkemmin vesienhoitoon liittyvä lainsäädäntö ja vesienhoitoon liittyvät muut suunnitelmat ja strategiat. Lisäksi vesienhoitosuunnitelmassa on tehty koko vesienhoitoaluetta koskava vaihtoehtotarkastelu vesienhoidon toimenpiteistä.


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Tässä tutkielmassa esitellään Turun keskustasta, Aboa Vetus & Ars Nova –museon alueelta arkeologisissa kaivauksissa talteen otetut fajanssi-, posliini- ja piiposliinilöydöt. Tutkimuksen tavoitteena on pyrkiä aineiston pohjalta selvittämään, millaisista esineistä kyseinen aineisto muodostuu, mistä niitä on Turkuun eri aikoina hankittu ja mitä löydöt kertovat asukkaiden sosio-ekonomisesta asemasta ja kulutuskäyttäytymisestä 1600–1800-luvuilla. Tutkimusaineisto koostuu yhteensä 716 löytönumerosta, jotka on otettu talteen alueen kaivauksissa vuosina 1994–2008. Näistä 32 % on fajanssilöytöjä, 15 % posliinia ja loput 53 % piiposliinilöytöjä. Löytöjen analyysi perustui visuaaliseen tarkasteluun, jossa otettiin huomioon astian savimassan väri ja koostumus, lasite ja mahdollinen koristelu. Astiatyyppi pyrittiin selvittämään palan profiilin, kaarevuuden ja muiden määrittävien piirteiden avulla. Löydön ajoitus perustettiin esineen piirteiden vuoksi löydön kontekstitietoihin sekä mahdollisiin tehdasleimoihin ja muihin merkintöihin itse esineessä. Varhaisimmat tunnistetut löydöt ajoittuivat mitä luultavimmin 1600-luvulle ja olivat kiinalaista posliinia sekä hollantilaista fajanssia. Ne kertovat Ruotsin suurvalta-ajan kaukokaupan lisäksi aikansa muoti-ilmiöistä ruokapöydässä. Tutkimuksen keskiöön nousivat kuitenkin pääasiassa 1800-luvulle ajoittuvat piiposliinilöydöt, joita oli yli puolet tutkimusaineistosta. Niiden joukossa on koristeltua ja koristelematonta käyttökeramiikkaa kuten lautasia ja kahviastiaston osia. Esineiden joukosta pystyi tunnistamaan englantilaisia tehtaita sekä monia omana aikanaan laajalle levinneitä koristeaiheita ja –kuvia. Löytöaineisto osoittaa, että Aboa Vetus & Ars Nova -museon alueen asukkaiden kulutusmallit ovat ainakin keramiikan osalta noudattaneet yleiseurooppalaista trendiä 1600–1800–luvuilla. Samalla aineiston kautta pääsee käsiksi tuon ajan varhaiseen keramiikkateollisuuteen. Tutkielma pyrkii osoittamaan, millaisen monipuolisen lähteen myös 1800-luvun piiposliinilöydöt muodostavat arkeologiselle tutkimukselle.