305 resultados para Inventions.


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Práticas discursivas sobre o homoerotismo e docência são objetos de desejo nesta Tese produzida a partir do trabalho com narrativas docentes. Ao adotar-se uma investida em jogos discursivos subversivos que desmargeiam os centros e povoam as periferias na produção epistemológica, adveio perscrutar sobre docência e diferença e procurar em narrativas a produção da performatividade homoerótica na experiência do ensino superior. No encalce deste intento, rastros levaram ao pós-estruturalismo como teorização da diferença na busca de composições em devires e conduziram à produção de uma escritura que ocorre em uma conjunção epistemológica que considera a sua fragmentação, inconstância, deslizamentos e interpelamentos arquitetados enquanto tirocínios discursivos, orientados, e por vezes desorientados, por entendimentos deleuzianos e foucaultianos. Nas linhas de fuga dessas orientações se investe em uma experiência de escritura cartográfica multiplicadora de acontecimentos em jogos intensos de processualidades e experimentações para produzir uma poética da escrita com invenções, contos, poesias, devaneios e divagações. Atravessa o estudo a compreensão da experiência homoerótica na docência enquanto lugar da abjeção virtualizado e atualizado num continuum de problematizações e recolocações, achados e criações. A experiência homoerótica na docência opera, portanto, como um espaço móvel, provocativo, perturbador, instável e fronteiriço, atravessado por práticas discursivas que lhe imprimem governamento, performatividade e desproblematização, porém, lugar de onde emerge a possibilidade de dissensos. Por isso, quando o contrassenso da significação se instala no sítio da experiência docente, as performances são deslocadas e passam a operar de forma produtiva forjando sujeitos fronteiras, entre/através, na travessia de dois lugares simbólicos – o homoerotismo e a docência.


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A presente pesquisa parte do pressuposto de que, no Brasil, não se segue uma teoria consistente da decisão penal. Tem por finalidade desenvolver argumentos para demonstrar que a epistemologia garantista de Luigi Ferrajoli apresenta problemas que a afastam do mundo prático e dificultam a construção de fundamentos para impor limites ao poder do juiz criminal. Embora se preocupe bastante com o relativismo interpretativo, propondo uma técnica de formalização da linguagem para reduzir os espaços de incerteza, a teoria do garantismo ainda admite uma margem insuprimível de discricionariedade (sempre pro reo). A proposta da tese é a superação desse modelo semântico de percepção do Direito por uma compreensão hermenêutica do fenômeno. A partir da hermenêutica filosófica (Hans Georg Gadamer) e da teoria do Direito como integridade (Ronald Dworkin), a pesquisa defende a hipótese de que o Direito não é fruto de descobertas (convencionalismo), tampouco de invenções (pragmatismo). Não está, pois, escrito em algum lugar do passado, também não é aquilo que os juízes pensam que ele é; o Direito é uma prática social interpretativa, é fruto da melhor argumentação moral possível. A partir da articulação de conceitos caros a Gadamer (tais como estrutura prévia da compreensão, fusão de horizontes, tradição, diálogo, experiência, finitude e linguagem) com a análise da integridade em Dworkin, a pesquisa – sem a pretensão de corrigir a epistemologia garantista, mas objetivando superar os entraves que uma teoria semântica do Direito pode causar – apresenta a hermenêutica como uma via privilegiada para o controle da decisão penal.


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Pós-graduação em Matemática em Rede Nacional - IBILCE


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The toothbrush is identified as one of the most importants inventions in human history. Most of them are made by polypropylene, a recyclable polymer. Some are made of polypropylene and polyethylene leftovers from others industrial processes. However, the toothbrushes are discarded incorrectly and end up in landfills, which could be avoided by using a material and design suitable for the manufacture of the product. This study aimed, based on research, develop and design a toothbrush model with great features. For the conception of the prototype, was used rapid prototyping technologies. With the intention of improving the product quality, was created an ergonomic, sustainable and environmentally friendly model, seeking maximally reduce the generation of waste and environmental damages. The solution adopted was the use of "interchangeable head", which can be discarded after their useful life, keeping the rest of the body.


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Pós-graduação em Direito - FCHS


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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The aim of this PhD thesis is to study accurately and in depth the figure and the literary production of the intellectual Jacopo Aconcio. This minor author of the 16th century has long been considered a sort of “enigmatic character”, a profile which results from the work of those who, for many centuries, have left his writing to its fate: a story of constant re-readings and equally incessant oversights. This is why it is necessary to re-read Aconcio’s production in its entirety and to devote to it a monographic study. Previous scholars’ interpretations will obviously be considered, but at the same time an effort will be made to go beyond them through the analysis of both published and manuscript sources, in the attempt to attain a deeper understanding of the figure of this man, who was a Christian, a military and hydraulic engineer and a political philosopher,. The title of the thesis was chosen to emphasise how, throughout the three years of the doctorate, my research concentrated in equal measure and with the same degree of importance on all the reflections and activities of Jacopo Aconcio. My object, in fact, was to establish how and to what extent the methodological thinking of the intellectual found application in, and at the same time guided, his theoretical and practical production. I did not mention in the title the author’s religious thinking, which has always been considered by everyone the most original and interesting element of his production, because religion, from the Reformation onwards, was primarily a political question and thus it was treated by almost all the authors involved in the Protestant movement - Aconcio in the first place. Even the remarks concerning the private, intimate sphere of faith have therefore been analysed in this light: only by acknowledging the centrality of the “problem of politics” in Aconcio’s theories, in fact, is it possible to interpret them correctly. This approach proves the truth of the theoretical premise to my research, that is to say the unity and orderliness of the author’s thought: in every field of knowledge, Aconcio applies the rules of the methodus resolutiva, as a means to achieve knowledge and elaborate models of pacific cohabitation in society. Aconcio’s continuous references to method can make his writing pedant and rather complex, but at the same time they allow for a consistent and valid analysis of different disciplines. I have not considered the fact that most of his reflections appear to our eyes as strongly conditioned by the time in which he lived as a limit. To see in him, as some have done, the forerunner of Descartes’ methodological discourse or, conversely, to judge his religious theories as not very modern, is to force the thought of an author who was first and foremost a Christian man of his own time. Aconcio repeats this himself several times in his writings: he wants to provide individuals with the necessary tools to reach a full-fledged scientific knowledge in the various fields, and also to enable them to seek truth incessantly in the religious domain, which is the duty of every human being. The will to find rules, instruments, effective solutions characterizes the whole of the author’s corpus: Aconcio feels he must look for truth in all the arts, aware as he is that anything can become science as long as it is analysed with method. Nevertheless, he remains a man of his own time, a Christian convinced of the existence of God, creator and governor of the world, to whom people must account for their own actions. To neglect this fact in order to construct a “character”, a generic forerunner, but not participant, of whatever philosophical current, is a dangerous and sidetracking operation. In this study, I have highlighted how Aconcio’s arguments only reveal their full meaning when read in the context in which they were born, without depriving them of their originality but also without charging them with meanings they do not possess. Through a historical-doctrinal approach, I have tried to analyse the complex web of theories and events which constitute the substratum of Aconcio’s reflection, in order to trace the correct relations between texts and contexts. The thesis is therefore organised in six chapters, dedicated respectively to Aconcio’s biography, to the methodological question, to the author’s engineering activity, to his historical knowledge and to his religious thinking, followed by a last section concerning his fortune throughout the centuries. The above-mentioned complexity is determined by the special historical moment in which the author lived. On the one hand, thanks to the new union between science and technique, the 16th century produces discoveries and inventions which make available a previously unthinkable number of notions and lead to a “revolution” in the way of studying and teaching the different subjects, which, by producing a new form of intellectual, involved in politics but also aware of scientific-technological issues, will contribute to the subsequent birth of modern science. On the other, the 16th century is ravaged by religious conflicts, which shatter the unity of the Christian world and generate theological-political disputes which will inform the history of European states for many decades. My aim is to show how Aconcio’s multifarious activity is the conscious fruit of this historical and religious situation, as well as the attempt of an answer to the request of a new kind of engagement on the intellectual’s behalf. Plunged in the discussions around methodus, employed in the most important European courts, involved in the abrupt acceleration of technical-scientific activities, and especially concerned by the radical religious reformation brought on by the Protestant movement, Jacopo Aconcio reflects this complex conjunction in his writings, without lacking in order and consistency, differently from what many scholars assume. The object of this work, therefore, is to highlight the unity of the author’s thought, in which science, technique, faith and politics are woven into a combination which, although it may appear illogical and confused, is actually tidy and methodical, and therefore in agreement with Aconcio’s own intentions and with the specific characters of European culture in the Renaissance. This theory is confirmed by the reading of the Ars muniendorum oppidorum, Aconcio’s only work which had been up till now unavailable. I am persuaded that only a methodical reading of Aconcio’s works, without forgetting nor glorifying any single one, respects the author’s will. From De methodo (1558) onwards, all his writings are summae, guides for the reader who wishes to approach the study of the various disciplines. Undoubtedly, Satan’s Stratagems (1565) is something more, not only because of its length, but because it deals with the author’s main interest: the celebration of doubt and debate as bases on which to build religious tolerance, which is the best method for pacific cohabitation in society. This, however, does not justify the total centrality which the Stratagems have enjoyed for centuries, at the expense of a proper understanding of the author’s will to offer examples of methodological rigour in all sciences. Maybe it is precisely because of the reforming power of Aconcio’s thought that, albeit often forgotten throughout the centuries, he has never ceased to reappear and continues to draw attention, both as a man and as an author. His ideas never stop stimulating the reader’s curiosity and this may ultimately be the best demonstration of their worth, independently from the historical moment in which they come back to the surface.


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This thesis aims to fill the gap in the literature by examining the relationship between technological trajectories and environmental policy in the automotive industry, focusing on the role of environmental policies in unlocking the industry from fossil fuel path-dependence. It first explores the inducement mechanism that underpins the interaction between environmental policy and green technological advances, investigating under what conditions the European environmental transport policy portfolio and the intrinsic characteristics of assignees' knowledge boost worldwide green patent production. Subsequently, the thesis empirically analyses the dynamics of technological knowledge involved in technological trajectories assessing evolution patterns such as variation, selection and retention, in order to study the impact of policy implementation on technological knowledge related to electric and hybrid vehicle technologies. Finally, the thesis sheds light on the drivers that encourage a shift from incumbent internal combustion engine technologies towards low-emission vehicle technologies. This analysis tests whether tax-inclusive fuel prices and technological proximity between technological fields induce a shift from non-environmental inventions to environmentally friendly inventive activities and if they impact the competition between alternative vehicle technologies. The findings provide insights into the effectiveness of environmental policy in triggering inventive activities related to the development of alternative vehicle technologies. In addition, there is evidence that environmental policy redirects technological efforts towards a sustainable path and impacts the competition between low-emission vehicles.


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Studies have depicted that the rate of unused patents comprises a high portion of patents in North America, Europe and Japan. Particularly, studies have identified a considerable share of strategic patents which are left unused due to pure strategic reasons. While such patents might generate strategic rents to their owner, they may have harmful consequences for the society if by blocking alternative solutions that other inventions provide they hamper the possibility of better solutions. Accordingly, the importance of the issue of nonuse is highlighted within the literature on strategic patenting, IPR policy and innovation economics. Moreover, the current literature has emphasized on the role of patent pools in dealing with potential issues such as excessive transaction cost caused by patent thickets and blocking patents. In fact, patent pools have emerged as policy tools facilitating technology commercialization and alleviating patent litigation among rivals holding overlapping IPRs. In this dissertation I provide a critical literature review on strategic patenting, identify present gaps and discuss some future research paths. Moreover, I investigate the drivers of strategic non-use of patents with particular focus on unused strategic play patents. Finally, I examine if participation intensity in patent pools by pool members explains their willingness to use their non-pooled patents. I also investigate which characteristics of the patent pools are associated to the willingness to use non-pooled patents through pool participation. I show that technological uncertainty and technological complexity are two technology environment factors that drive unused play patents. I also show that pool members participating more intensively in patent pools are more likely to be willing to use their non-pooled patents through pool participation. I further depict that pool licensors are more likely to be willing to use their non-pooled patents by participating in pools with higher level of technological complementarity to their own technology.


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Wheatstone’s stereoscope placed two mirrors on either side that were mounted at a right angle in order to view the two dissimilar drawings presented (Hankins 148). There are two identical monocular tubes that allow each eye to view the images (Hankins 148). Each eye views the image it was intended to see. The two eyes see slightly different images through this binocular vision (Hankins 148). The combination of the two images creates this illusion of depth and solidarity through their superimposition (Hankins 154). In order to view these images, the eyes were covered from all external light (Clay 152). The stereoscope was first seen as a philosophical toy along with other inventions such as the zoetrope, providing entertainment as well as scientific insight (Hankins 148). The stereoscope above is more similar to the “Holmes Stereoscope”, which transformed Wheatstone’s stereoscope into a handheld version that could be put on a stand (Hawkins 155). He replaced the retina of the eye with a sensitive plate; therefore, the lenses acted as the eyes (Silverman 738). In the video, an embellishment adorns the bottom of the stand that holds up the binocular lens and the images. The lenses are in a wooden frame that has an attached stand that holds the slides of images. There also is a knob on the side of the device that can adjust the lens on the two monocular tubes (Bokander 485).


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Die Grundidee der Personenevakuierung mittels eines Vertikalförderers ist nicht neu, allerdings wird mit dem Swiss Rescue System (SRS) ein komplett neuer Weg beschritten. Die Innovation des Systems liegt in einer Fülle von kleinen Erfindungen, die in der Summe einen komplett neuen Weg der Vertikalförderung ermöglichen.


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The phenomenon of Open Innovation has been gaining prominence over the last decade. Idea competitions have been used in a variety of industrial sectors. Nevertheless, the legal issues raised by this topic have not been broadly addressed, yet. These arise from the adverse interests of the actors. The company which organizes an idea competition would usually like to have the opportunity to comprehensively use the solutions, ideas or products submitted by the competition entrants. For the company it is important to obtain all intellectual property rights in the idea, in the product created as a result and, thus, in the rights to be exploited in the future, in particular, patents, utility models, trademarks, copyrights and registered designs as well as other industrial property rights. The participant would like to participate to the greatest extent possible in the success of the submitted solution. This affects, firstly, the question of fair remuneration or further participation in any profits earned as well as, secondly, any personal rights such as being named as inventor or author. The article aims to show the contractual difficulties which have to be addressed tailoring theterms of an idea competition under German law.


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Este artículo discute las concepciones de jóvenes brasileños, argentinos y uruguayos sobre los sujetos en la historia, en función de su aprendizaje histórico escolar y extra-escolar. Los datos fueron obtenidos a partir de la encuesta internacional " Jóvenes frente a la historia " . Los cuestionarios estuvieron dirigidos a estudiantes de 15 años y sus profesores, y se utilizó mayormente la escala Likert. Teóricamente, la investigación se sustenta en los conceptos de conciencia histórica y cultura histórica, formulados por la Didáctica de la historia alemana, pero también en el concepto de cultura política. Los resultados apuntan que, dentro del universo estudiado, las llamadas " personalidades importantes " típicas de la enseñanza escolar de la historia son reconocidas en lo que se refiere a los "padres fundadores" de las naciones, pero no en cuanto sujetos que hicieron la historia nacional. De la misma manera ocurre en el caso de los personajes femeninos. Ciencia, tecnología e invenciones son vistos como un factor de cambio más importante que las "personas importantes" y estos, a su vez, han sido superados por la importancia reconocida a los movimientos colectivos


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Este artículo discute las concepciones de jóvenes brasileños, argentinos y uruguayos sobre los sujetos en la historia, en función de su aprendizaje histórico escolar y extra-escolar. Los datos fueron obtenidos a partir de la encuesta internacional " Jóvenes frente a la historia " . Los cuestionarios estuvieron dirigidos a estudiantes de 15 años y sus profesores, y se utilizó mayormente la escala Likert. Teóricamente, la investigación se sustenta en los conceptos de conciencia histórica y cultura histórica, formulados por la Didáctica de la historia alemana, pero también en el concepto de cultura política. Los resultados apuntan que, dentro del universo estudiado, las llamadas " personalidades importantes " típicas de la enseñanza escolar de la historia son reconocidas en lo que se refiere a los "padres fundadores" de las naciones, pero no en cuanto sujetos que hicieron la historia nacional. De la misma manera ocurre en el caso de los personajes femeninos. Ciencia, tecnología e invenciones son vistos como un factor de cambio más importante que las "personas importantes" y estos, a su vez, han sido superados por la importancia reconocida a los movimientos colectivos