862 resultados para Interação oral professor-aluno


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Pós-graduação em Psicologia do Desenvolvimento e Aprendizagem - FC


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Pós-graduação em Educação Escolar - FCLAR


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Esse estudo teve como objetivos: 1. Investigar os resultados da aprendizagem dos alunos, decorrente de uma experiência de avaliação, usando como recurso facilitador o quadro de escrever. 2. Utilizar procedimentos que possibilitem a participação do aluno nas atividades avaliativas desenvolvidas no quadro de escrever. Foi desenvolvida em uma turma do 1º ano do Ensino Médio, em escola pública federal do estado do Pará. Os resultados indicam que o uso do quadro de escrever de forma interativa, facilita a aprendizagem dos alunos quando considerados aspectos didático-pedagógicos inerentes às tendências em Educação Matemática, tais como a avaliação diagnóstica, a interação social, o contrato didático, o erro e os obstáculos epistemológicos. Por fim, conclui-se que o quadro de escrever deve ser ressignificado na prática pedagógica do professor de matemática.


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Nesta dissertação de mestrado, objetivamos investigar a relação entre o professor e o livro didático na 4ª série do ensino fundamental em seis escolas públicas, localizadas na cidade de Belém. Para tanto, buscamos perceber quais critérios adotados na seleção, quais objetos de ensino evidenciados no livro e nas aulas de língua portuguesa, quais seções usadas e quais estratégias instauradas pelas professoras no momento em que usam o livro didático. Neste estudo, adotamos uma pesquisa de caráter etnográfico, pois consideramos as vozes das professoras sobre o processo de seleção e a utilização do livro em sala de aula. Fazemos uso também de idéias de base sócio-interacionista de Vygotsky (1984, 2003) e Bakhtin (1993, 1997, 1999) a respeito da linguagem, da interação, da construção do sujeito, dentre outras; e recorremos a alguns estudos referentes ao ensino de língua portuguesa e ao livro didático. Na análise, refletimos sobre as propostas dos livros didáticos (publicados entre 2003 e 2005) atinentes à compreensão e produção (oral e escrita) e sobre o objeto de ensino priorizado nesse material. Analisamos as entrevistas com seis professoras e as aulas de língua portuguesa, comparamos as propostas dos livros às das professoras e apresentamos algumas sugestões para um melhor aproveitamento do livro. Os resultados da pesquisa indicam que os livros didáticos, adotados pelas escolas envolvidas neste estudo, parecem não desempenhar a função de direcionadores do ensino nem assumir a função das professoras, uma vez que eles são apenas utilizados para complementar as atividades, planejadas previamente por elas.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Pós-graduação em Educação - FFC


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The inclusive school consists of a school that thoroughly attends the diversity and, therefore, students with special educational needs, including the ones with physical dysfunction. The objective of this study was to identify the difficulties of a teacher in the process of school inclusion of the student with physical dysfunction in order to adapt learning resources, having adequate school furniture and to guide the teacher in specific situations. A teacher of early childhood education participated in this study. For data collection two half-structuralized interviews were used. The first obtained information concerning the teacher’s difficulties due to the motor aspects of the student with difficulty to access the curriculum. The second interview gathered information about the teacher’s perception of the partnership between the occupational therapist and the teacher in the perspective of the inclusive education. The data analysis of the first interview and the student case-study allowed elaborating occupational therapy strategies to minimize these difficulties.After elaborating the strategies, a second interview was performed. The data of this interview showed that based on the analysis and adequacy of the interaction between a person’s functional demands, the task and the environment, make it possible for the student to overcome satisfactorily the inherent challenges of the educational context, and detached the importance of the partnership of the teacher and occupational therapist in the whole process. It concludes that the pupil incapacity would not have manifested if there was an adequate environment to receive him.


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Este trabalho visa explorar o ensino da matemática por meio da análise de livros didáticos do aluno e do professor entre as décadas de 1960 e 1980, focando o 1º ano do ensino primário, atual fundamental I. Iniciamos por uma revisão bibliográfica sobre o contexto histórico, desde a introdução do livro na sociedade até a utilização do mesmo para o ensino na área da matemática. A pesquisa tentará retratar brevemente, a história da educação e da educação matemática no Brasil, as diferentes concepções de ensino da época em questão, ou seja, entre as décadas de 1960 e 1980, onde houve o ápice e o declínio do Movimento da Matemática Moderna. Por fim, este trabalho buscará explorar de maneira panorâmica, se ocorreram mudanças nos conteúdos no ensino da matemática por meio da análise de livros didáticos do aluno e do professor no 1º ano das séries iniciais e relatar quais foram essas mudanças. Utilizar-se-á como metodologia a análise de livros didáticos como um objeto pertencente à história cultural, com um enfoque na análise sócio-histórica, na análise formal ou discursiva e, finalmente, interpretação/ reinterpretação.


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The current curriculum policy of the Secretary of Education in the State of Sao Paulo introduced into the education environment the Registrar of Teacher and Student - support material to ease the teacher's work and the student's learning, in order to address all the curriculum components created as strategy of learning. The resulting guidelines that aim to transform the everyday policies of educational institutions and the individuals who compose them, are incorporated into the school experience. These decisions, however, do not transfer into life outside the learning environment nor are they translated into the work of the teachers exactly as their creators intended. Thus, in order to better understand the curriculum policies introduced by the Registrar in schools, it is essential to comprehend the viewpoint of the teachers who themselves are both the targets and agents of curriculum policy, and later the Registrar. For that was made reflexive interviews with eigth teachers that teach in São Paulo metropolitan region, than we could see that they adapt their external determinations in their own reality


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Here we present an exploratory study on the subject of Physics and Music, discussing how this issue is addressed in two high schools belonging to state education network in Rio Claro – SP city. Initially, we conducted a critical analysis of the books that are used as the main tool to support the teacher in the classroom. Alert this analysis , it is possible to realize low-level content when we bring the topic into the classroom. Based in this analysis and an experimental class that was held as part of the course Teaching Practice and Supervised , the Bachelor's Degree in Physical Activity - UNESP Campus Rio Claro was an elaborate educational proposal related to Physics Teaching and Music with a thematic strategy different from the traditional approach , considering the use of experiments built with low cost (Ferreira and Ramos , 2008) materials , which can be an alternative to improve the teaching learning process student , because these experiments stimulate and provide a more dynamic and closer interaction with the objects class. We also seek to study, in greater depth , aspects of wave physics, discussing how a wave propagates in a string with its two fixed ends , which besides being a subject that is usually covered in books , is a phenomenon that is present in string instruments


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Learning the written language has been the subject of research and study of various sciences in recent decades, in the same way that inclusion in regular education of students with disabilities such as autism, also has been the subject of discussions in the academic and even political. However, it can be observed that these two topics are disjointed, despite the importance of ownership of the system of writing by students with autism, because that would be a way to facilitate social interaction, which is the principal difficulty of this students. This research intend to describe the inclusion process of a student with autism into a common room of the initial years, in a public school, observing which are the strategies used by the teacher in the literacy process, as well as analyze the collaborative process developed by the researcher. The methodology was a qualitative and collaborative research, the kind of case study. The participants were a teacher and her students, from the cycle I of Primary School of a public school, among which, one is diagnosed with autism. The instruments used to the data’s analysis were interviews, with the teacher and the mother of the student with autism; the written productions of the student during the research; camp diary; and the observations made during the research. To the interventions, were used alternative practices, including material production (a mobile alphabet and a album of photos), that make more easy the process of literacy, The results showed the great difficulty in performing the interventions in a collaborative process, considering that in the observations, it was found that the practices of this teacher were traditional, and also there was no planning, on her part, content to be deal with the students. Otherwise, related to the development of the autism student’s written language, it could be seen like a breakthrough, have in...


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)