850 resultados para Innovation System, Research Policy


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In June 2000, the Authority convened a Criminal Justice Planning Assembly in which policy makers, service providers, researchers, practitioners, and elected officials participated. The goals and objectives for the criminal justice system, which came out of the Assembly, were refined in the following months and recommended action steps to address identified priorities were developed. This work resulted in a Criminal Justice Plan for the State of Illinois. A primary purpose of the Plan was the development of a framework for a comprehensive statewide approach to coordinating the allocation and expenditure of all federal and state funds appropriated to the Authority and made available for juvenile and criminal justice purposes. The Plan as well as past funding initiatives, the latest data on drug and violent crime in Illinois, and new criminal justice issues that have arisen in the last several years were taken into account in the development of the strategy. The strategy describes the role that Illinois' Anti-Drug Abuse Act Edward Byrne Memorial Fund award plays in the larger plan for Illinois, coordinating research, policy, and the legislative activities with funding initiatives.


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Principal recruitment has attracted national and international attention in recent years (eg. Barty et al, 2005 in Australia; Earley et al, 2002 in the UK; Brooking et al, 2003 in New Zealand; Williams, 2003 in Canada). Importantly, Australian research in both state and non-state schools suggests that potential principal aspirants are less enthusiastic than might be expected in their desire to become principals (DArbon et al, 2002; Cranston et al, 2004; Lacey, 2002). Given the importance of ensuring we have quality leaders for our schools in the future, the research reported here (which is on-going) examined the views of potential aspirants (primary and secondary deputy principals) from one large government education system in Australia about the principalship and their intentions in seeking promotion (or otherwise) to such positions and the reasons driving these intentions. Data were collected via the Aspiring Principals Questionnaire (APQ) especially developed for the study comprising 38 closed items mainly of a Likert-type format, 5 open-ended items linked to particular closed items allowing participants to add their own suggestions/ideas, expand/elaborate on responses; and 4 further more general open-ended items. A number of system-level policy and practice recommendations have been developed from the findings.


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Esta pesquisa apresenta estudo de caso cujo objetivo foi analisar a aceitao do Portal Inovao, identificando os fatores preditivos da inteno comportamental de uso e do comportamento de uso direcionadores da adoo da tecnologia por seus usurios via extenso do Modelo Unificado de Aceitao de Tecnologia, denominado pela sigla UTAUT (Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technololgy) de Venkatesh et al. (2003). O objeto da pesquisa o Portal Inovao foi desenvolvido pelo Ministrio da Cincia, Tecnologia e Inovao (MCTI) em parceria com o Centro de Gesto e Estudos Estratgicos (CGEE), Associao Brasileira de Desenvolvimento Industrial (ABDI) e Instituto Stela, visando atender s demandas do Sistema Nacional de Cincia, Tecnologia e Inovao (SNCTI) do Pas. Para atingir os objetivos propostos, recorreu-se s abordagens qualitativa, que foi subsidiada pelo mtodo estudo de caso (YIN, 2005) e quantitativa, apoiada pela metodologia UTAUT, aplicada a usurios do portal e que contemplou o resultado de 264 respondentes validados. Quanto ao material de anlise, utilizou-se da pesquisa bibliogrfica sobre governo eletrnico (e-Gov), Internet, Sistema Nacional de Inovao, modelos de aceitao de tecnologia, dados oficiais pblicos e legislaes atinentes ao setor de inovao tecnolgica. A tcnica de anlise empregada quantitativamente consistiu no uso de modelagem por equaes estruturais, com base no algoritmo PLS (Partial Least Square) com bootstrap de 1.000 reamostragens. Os principais resultados obtidos demonstraram alta magnitude e significncia preditiva sobre a Inteno Comportamental de Uso do Portal pelos fatores: Expectativa de Desempenho e Influncia Social. Alm de evidenciarem que as condies facilitadoras impactam significativamente sobre o Comportamento de Uso dos usurios. A concluso principal do presente estudo a de que ao considerarmos a aceitao de um portal governamental em que a adoo voluntria, o fator social altamente influente na inteno de uso da tecnologia, bem como os aspectos relacionados produtividade consequente do usurio e o senso de utilidade; alm da facilidade de interao e domnio da ferramenta. Tais constataes ensejam em novas perspectivas de pesquisa e estudos no mbito das aes de e-Gov, bem como no direcionamento adequado do planejamento, monitoramento e avaliao de projetos governamentais.


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O Brasil situa-se, no incio da dcada de 2010, dentro de um sistema econmico mundial que apresenta caractersticas de ampla globalizao dos mercados e alta competitividade das organizaes que compe esse sistema, e que sinalizam a necessidade de profissionais que sejam agentes de mudana nesses contextos dinmicos e repletos de desafios. Na maioria dos pases, a maturidade do sistema de inovao est ligada ao investimento em Pesquisa e Desenvolvimento (P&D) e ao volume de gerao de Propriedade Intelectual (PI). O Brasil, apesar de apresentar um Produto Interno Bruto (PIB) concentrado nos setores de agropecuria e de servios, revela um nvel de inovao gerado pelo setor produtivo e o seu consequente investimento em P&D muito baixos em comparao com a evoluo desse mesmo PIB, denotando com isso que as empresas buscam, em seus pases de origem, solues j desenvolvidas e patenteadas para seu desenvolvimento ou procuram transferir a responsabilidade de produzir registros e patentes de inovaes academia. A integrao da cultura acadmica com a cultura empresarial capaz de gerar benefcios mtuos, melhorando a competitividade do pas; em outras palavras, uma maneira de transformar o conhecimento em riqueza. Este trabalho relacionando os conceitos ensino-pesquisa e prtica empresarial pretende estudar, sob o enfoque da realidade apresentada pelos Planos Estratgicos Regionais (PER) da Regio do Grande ABC Paulista e das diretrizes do Plano Nacional de Ps-Graduao 2011-2020 (PNPG 2011-2020), o processo de integrao do conhecimento cientfico existente entre as Entidades Empresariais (E-E) e as Universidades dessa mesma regio. Atravs da metodologia de pesquisa de estudo de caso, analisaram-se as estratgias propostas pelas universidades e a prtica do setor empresarial e as possveis barreiras apontadas como restries s interaes entre eles. Nosso estudo enfocou a anlise da relao entre esses dois atores e apontou as principais barreiras para a otimizao dessa parceria, tais como o acesso a recursos, o aumento da competitividade via aumento da credibilidade na relao Universidade Empresa (U-E), o reconhecimento das realidades regionais e o latente descompasso entre o pensamento acadmico e a realidade empresarial. Alm disso, constatou-se a necessidade de uma mais ampla discusso, disseminao e implementao dos documentos setoriais, regionais e nacionais que regulam, esclarecem e fornecem bases estratgicas para o desenvolvimento da relao U-E, como forma de otimizao do processo de transformao do conhecimento em riqueza social.


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As empresas que almejam garantir e melhorar sua posio dentro de em um mercado cada vez mais competitivo precisam estar sempre atualizadas e em constante evoluo. Na busca contnua por essa evoluo, investem em projetos de Pesquisa & Desenvolvimento (P&D) e em seu capital humano para promover a criatividade e a inovao organizacional. As pessoas tm papel fundamental no desenvolvimento da inovao, mas para que isso possa florescer de forma constante preciso comprometimento e criatividade para a gerao de ideias. Criatividade pensar o novo; inovao fazer acontecer. Porm, encontrar pessoas com essas qualidades nem sempre tarefa fcil e muitas vezes preciso estimular essas habilidades e caractersticas para que se tornem efetivamente criativas. Os cursos de graduao podem ser uma importante ferramenta para trabalhar esses aspectos, caractersticas e habilidades, usando mtodos e prticas de ensino que auxiliem no desenvolvimento da criatividade, pois o ambiente ensino-aprendizagem pesa significativamente na formao das pessoas. O objetivo deste estudo de identificar quais fatores tm maior influncia sobre o desenvolvimento da criatividade em um curso de graduao em administrao, analisando a influncia das prticas pedaggicas dos docentes e as barreiras internas dos discentes. O referencial terico se baseia principalmente nos trabalhos de Alencar, Fleith, Torrance e Wechsler. A pesquisa transversal de abordagem quantitativa teve como pblico-alvo os alunos do curso de Administrao de uma universidade confessional da Grande So Paulo, que responderam 465 questionrios compostos de trs escalas. Para as prticas docentes foi adaptada a escala de Prticas Docentes em relao Criatividade. Para as barreiras internas foi adaptada a escala de Barreiras da Criatividade Pessoal. Para a anlise da percepo do desenvolvimento da criatividade foi construda e validada uma escala baseada no referencial de caractersticas de uma pessoa criativa. As anlises estatsticas descritivas e fatoriais exploratrias foram realizadas no software Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS), enquanto as anlises fatoriais confirmatrias e a mensurao da influncia das prticas pedaggicas e das barreiras internas sobre a percepo do desenvolvimento da criatividade foram realizadas por modelagem de equao estrutural utilizando o algoritmo Partial Least Squares (PLS), no software Smart PLS 2.0. Os resultados apontaram que as prticas pedaggicas e as barreiras internas dos discentes explicam 40% da percepo de desenvolvimento da criatividade, sendo as prticas pedaggicas que exercem maior influencia. A pesquisa tambm apontou que o tipo de temtica e o perodo em que o aluno est cursando no tm influncia sobre nenhum dos trs construtos, somente o professor influencia as prticas pedaggicas.


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As empresas que almejam garantir e melhorar sua posio dentro de em um mercado cada vez mais competitivo precisam estar sempre atualizadas e em constante evoluo. Na busca contnua por essa evoluo, investem em projetos de Pesquisa & Desenvolvimento (P&D) e em seu capital humano para promover a criatividade e a inovao organizacional. As pessoas tm papel fundamental no desenvolvimento da inovao, mas para que isso possa florescer de forma constante preciso comprometimento e criatividade para a gerao de ideias. Criatividade pensar o novo; inovao fazer acontecer. Porm, encontrar pessoas com essas qualidades nem sempre tarefa fcil e muitas vezes preciso estimular essas habilidades e caractersticas para que se tornem efetivamente criativas. Os cursos de graduao podem ser uma importante ferramenta para trabalhar esses aspectos, caractersticas e habilidades, usando mtodos e prticas de ensino que auxiliem no desenvolvimento da criatividade, pois o ambiente ensino-aprendizagem pesa significativamente na formao das pessoas. O objetivo deste estudo de identificar quais fatores tm maior influncia sobre o desenvolvimento da criatividade em um curso de graduao em administrao, analisando a influncia das prticas pedaggicas dos docentes e as barreiras internas dos discentes. O referencial terico se baseia principalmente nos trabalhos de Alencar, Fleith, Torrance e Wechsler. A pesquisa transversal de abordagem quantitativa teve como pblico-alvo os alunos do curso de Administrao de uma universidade confessional da Grande So Paulo, que responderam 465 questionrios compostos de trs escalas. Para as prticas docentes foi adaptada a escala de Prticas Docentes em relao Criatividade. Para as barreiras internas foi adaptada a escala de Barreiras da Criatividade Pessoal. Para a anlise da percepo do desenvolvimento da criatividade foi construda e validada uma escala baseada no referencial de caractersticas de uma pessoa criativa. As anlises estatsticas descritivas e fatoriais exploratrias foram realizadas no software Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS), enquanto as anlises fatoriais confirmatrias e a mensurao da influncia das prticas pedaggicas e das barreiras internas sobre a percepo do desenvolvimento da criatividade foram realizadas por modelagem de equao estrutural utilizando o algoritmo Partial Least Squares (PLS), no software Smart PLS 2.0. Os resultados apontaram que as prticas pedaggicas e as barreiras internas dos discentes explicam 40% da percepo de desenvolvimento da criatividade, sendo as prticas pedaggicas que exercem maior influencia. A pesquisa tambm apontou que o tipo de temtica e o perodo em que o aluno est cursando no tm influncia sobre nenhum dos trs construtos, somente o professor influencia as prticas pedaggicas.


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Purpose - To provide an example of the use of system dynamics within the context of a discrete-event simulation study. Design/methodology/approach - A discrete-event simulation study of a production-planning facility in a gas cylinder-manufacturing plant is presented. The case study evidence incorporates questionnaire responses from sales managers involved in the order-scheduling process. Findings - As the project progressed it became clear that, although the discrete-event simulation would meet the objectives of the study in a technical sense, the organizational problem of "delivery performance" would not be solved by the discrete-event simulation study alone. The case shows how the qualitative outcomes of the discrete-event simulation study led to an analysis using the system dynamics technique. The system dynamics technique was able to model the decision-makers in the sales and production process and provide a deeper understanding of the performance of the system. Research limitations/implications - The case study describes a traditional discrete-event simulation study which incorporated an unplanned investigation using system dynamics. Further, case studies using a planned approach to showing consideration of organizational issues in discrete-event simulation studies are required. Then the role of both qualitative data in a discrete-event simulation study and the use of supplementary tools which incorporate organizational aspects may help generate a methodology for discrete-event simulation that incorporates human aspects and so improve its relevance for decision making. Practical implications - It is argued that system dynamics can provide a useful addition to the toolkit of the discrete-event simulation practitioner in helping them incorporate a human aspect in their analysis. Originality/value - Helps decision makers gain a broader perspective on the tools available to them by showing the use of system dynamics to supplement the use of discrete-event simulation. Emerald Group Publishing Limited.


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Some researchers argue that the top team, rather than the CEO, is a better predictor of an organisations fate (Finkelstein & Hambrick, 1996; Knight et al., 1999). However, others suggest that the importance of the top management team (TMT) composition literature is exaggerated (West & Schwenk, 1996). This has stimulated a need for further research on TMTs. While the importance of TMT is well documented in the innovation literature, the organisational environment also plays a key role in determining organisational outcomes. Therefore, the inclusion of both TMT characteristics and organisational variables (climate and organisational learning) in this study provides a more holistic picture of innovation. The research methodologies employed includes (i) interviews with TMT members in 35 Irish software companies (ii) a survey completed by managerial respondents and core workers in these companies (iii) in-depth interviews with TMT members from five companies. Data were gathered in two phases, time 1 (1998-2000) and time 2 (2003). The TMT played an important part in fostering innovation. However, it was a group process, rather than team demography, that was most strongly associated with innovation. Task reflexivity was an important predictor of innovation time 1, time 2). Only one measure of TMT diversity was associated with innovation - tenure diversity -in time 2 only. Organisational context played an important role in determining innovation. This was positively associated with innovation - but with one dimension of organisational learning only. The ability to share information (access to information) was not associated with innovation but the motivation to share information was (perceiving the sharing of information to be valuable). Innovative climate was also associated with innovation. This study suggests that this will lead to innovative outcomes if employees perceive the organisation to support risk, experimentation and other innovative behaviours.


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This thesis explores the innovative capacity of voluntary organizations in the field of the personal social services. It commences with a full literature review, which concludes that the wealth of research upon innovation in the organization studies field has not addressed this topic, whilst the specialist literatures upon voluntary organizations and upon the personal social services have neglected the study of innovation. The research contained in this thesis is intended to right this neglect and to integrate lessons from both fields. It combines a survey of the innovative activity of voluntary organizations in three localities with cross-sectional case studies of innovative, developmental and traditional organizations. The research concludes that innovation is an important, but not integral, characteristic of voluntary organizations. It develops a contingent model of this innovative capacity of voluntary organizations, which stresses the role of external environmental and institutional forces in shaping and releasing this capacity. It concludes by considering the contribution of this model both to organization studies and to the study of voluntary organizations.


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This thesis is concerned with the means by which the state in Britain has attempted to influence the technological development of private industry in the period 1945-1979. Particular emphasis is laid on assessing the abilities of technology policy measures to promote innovation. With that objective, the innovation literature is selectively reviewed to draw up an analytical framework to evaluate the innovation content of policy (Chapter 2). Technology policy is taken to consist of the specific measures utilised by government and its agents that affect the technological behaviour of firms. The broad sweep of policy during the period under consideration is described in Chapter 3 which concentrates on elucidating its institutional structure and the activities of the bodies involved. The empirical core of the thesis consists of three parallel case studies of policy toward the computer, machine tool and textile machinery industries (Chapters 4-6). The studies provide detailed historical accounts of the development and composition of policy, relating it to its specific institutional and industrial contexts. Each reveals a different pattern and level of state intervention. The thesis concludes with a comparative review of the findings of the case studies within a discussion centred on the arguments presented in Chapter 2. Topics arising include the state's differential support for the range of activities involved in innovation, the location of state-funded R&D, the encouragement of supplier-user contact, and the difficulties raised in adoption and diffusion.


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What drives innovation? How does it contribute to the growth of firms, industries, and economies? And do intellectual property rights help or hurt innovation and growth? Uniquely combining microeconomics, macroeconomics, and theory with empirical analysis drawn from the United States and Europe, this book introduces graduate students and advanced undergraduates to the complex process of innovation. By addressing all the major dimensions of innovation in a single text, Christine Greenhalgh and Mark Rogers are able to show how outcomes at the microlevel feed through to the macro-outcomes that in turn determine personal incomes and job opportunities. In four sections, this textbook comprehensively addresses the nature of innovation and intellectual property, the microeconomics and macroeconomics of innovation, and economic policy at the firm and macroeconomic levels. Among the topics fully explored are the role of intellectual property in creating incentives to innovate; the social returns of innovation; the creation and destruction of jobs by innovation; whether more or fewer intellectual property rights would give firms better incentives to innovate; and the contentious issues surrounding international treaties on intellectual property.


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The ability to identify and evaluate the competitive advantage of employees' transferable and innovative characteristics is of importance to firms and policymakers. This research extends the standard measure of human capital by developing a unique and far reaching concept of Innovative Human Capital and emphasises its effect on small firm innovation and hence growth (jobs, sales and productivity). This new Innovative Human Capital concept encapsulates four elements: education, training, willingness to change in the workplace and job satisfaction to overcome the limitations of measurements used previously. An augmented innovation production function is used to test the hypothesis that small firms who employ managers with Innovative Human Capital are more likely to innovate. There is evidence from the results that Innovative Human Capital may be more valuable to small firms (i.e. less than 50 employees) than larger-sized firms (i.e. more than 50 employees). The research expands innovation theory to include the concept of Innovative Human Capital as a competitive advantage and determinant of small firm innovation; and distinguishes Innovative Human Capital as a significant concept to consider when creating public support programmes for small firms.


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Az elmlt vtizedek felgyorsult technolgiai fejldse komoly kihvsokat jelent mind a cgeknek, mind az egyneknek. Intzmnyestett jvkezelsre s ennek menedzselsre van szksg. A szerzk tanulmnyukban t kvnjk tekinteni a jvkutats, a technolgiamenedzsment, az innovcimenedzsment s egyb megkzeltsek relevns alapjait, viszonyait s lehetsges integrcijukat. Be kvnjk mutatni a meghatroz terleteket s trendeket. Keresik azokat a menedzsment-alapkrdseket, tanulsgokat s dilemmkat, amelyek minden olyan vllalatnak rdekesek s hasznosak lehetnek, amelyek a fejld technolgia lehetsgeit szeretnk kiaknzni, vagy csak egyszeren szeretnnek a kvethetetlenl gyors fejldsben talpon maradni. _____________ The fast pace technology development creates a serious challenge both for individuals and for companies. There is a concept which attempts to handle this challenge by institutional future management. In their paper the authors survey the relevant concepts of future studies, technology management and other areas, and explore their connections and integration possibilities. They also would like to introduce some key technology trends, and at the same time some basic managerial questions, dilemmas, conclusions which might have importance to those corporations which have to survive in an environment determined by accelerated technology based innovation.


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Mra az innovci a versenyelny megszerzsnek s megrzsnek legfbb forrsa, ezrt az innovcis tevkenysget vez menedzselsi feladatok egyre komplexebbek s sokrtbbek lettek. Az innovci nem csupn a vletlen eredmnye, ezrt ha a vllalat rdemi erfesztseket tesz az innovcivezrelt szervezet kialaktsa rdekben, akkor vlhetleg sikeresebben veszi a versenypiaci akadlyokat, ami hossz tvon eredmnyesebb vllalkozst eredmnyezhet. A cikk elsdleges clja, hogy rvilgtson az innovci s a stratgia kapcsolatra. A tanulmny rendszerez jelleggel tekinti t a nemzetkzi s hazai szakirodalmat, annak rdekben, hogy bemutassa az innovci stratgiai jelentsgt. A cikk eredmnyeknt innovcis alapstratgikat fogalmaz meg, amelyek segtenek megrteni az innovci vllalati rtkteremtsben betlttt szerept. A tanulmny tovbb rmutat azokra a fkuszterletekre, amelyek kiemelt relevancival rendelkeznek az innovci menedzselse szempontjbl. _____ Nowadays innovation is one of the most important sources of competitiveness, thus more and more attention turns on its execution. Innovation is not only the result of random development, it can be managed in order to make the entire innovation process more predictable and profitable. The aim of this article is to highlight the interconnections between innovation and strategy. The study systematizes the international and the domestic literature to get an overall picture about the current issues of innovation management. As a conclusion, the author tries to reveal the role of innovation in corporate value creation. Besides, he proposes further innovation strategies that can support a higher execution level in strategic innovation management.


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A stratgiai gondolkodsmd a szervezetben mkd egynek olyan kognitv sminak sszessge, melyek alapjaiban befolysoljk a szervezet zleti lehetsgeivel kapcsolatos feltevseiket, valamint ezltal a vllalati stratgit s innovcit. Jelen tanulmny egy koncepcialkot munka, mely ngy alapvet stratgiai gondolkodsmdot azonost, amelyek mindegyike sajtos mdon kapcsoldik az innovcihoz. Ksbbi empirikus vizsglathoz kapcsoldan hrom feltevst azonost, melyek a kvetkezek: 1. Minl dinamikusabb a vllalat stratgiai gondolkodsmdja, annl radiklisabb innovcis kezdemnyezseket tmogat. 2. Idben a vllalatok (a stabilitsra val trekvsk miatt) a statikusabb stratgiai gondolkodsmd fel mozdulnak el. 3. Minl konzisztensebb a vllalat stratgiai gondolkodsmdja, annl nagyobb mrtkben kerl megvalstsra a tervezett stratgia. _____ Strategic mindset is the sum of those cognitive patterns of a group of individuals in an organization which fundamentally influence their assumptions about business opportunities. Four types of strategic mindsets can be distinguished which fundamentally influence the strategy and innovation capability of the firm. This paper is a conceptual framework which describes three assumptions such as 1. the more dynamic strategic mindset results the more radical innovation strategy; 2. in time strategic mindsets become more static; and 3. the more consistent strategic mindsets inside the firm, the greater possibility of the intended strategy is implemented. By this way it is a first step of a future research examining why start-up companies can lose their innovation capability and why large firms can keep it?