443 resultados para Incisional hernia
Résumé Introduction: La plupart des études disponibles sur la chirurgie colorectale par laparoscopie concernent des patients hautement sélectionnés. Le but de cette étude est d'analyser les résultats à court et à long terme de l'ensemble des patients traités dans un service de chirurgie générale. Méthodes: Il s'agit d'une analyse rétrospective d'un registre prospectif interne au service, dans lequel tous les patients consécutifs opérés pour la première fois du colon et du rectum entre mars 1993 et décembre 1997 ont été enregistrés. Les informations concernant le suivi ont été collectées par questionnaire. Résultats: Un total de 187 patients ont été opérés par laparoscopie et 215 patients par chirurgie ouverte durant la période d'étude. Les informations concernant le suivi ont pu être collectées dans 95% des cas avec une évolution de 1-107 mois (médiane 59 mois), respectivement de 1-104 mois (médiane 53 mois). Une conversion fut nécessaire dans 28 cas (15%) mais ceux-ci restent inclus dans le groupe laparoscopie pour l'analyse par intention de traitement. Dans le groupe laparoscopie, les opérations ont duré plus longtemps (205 vs 150 min, p<0.001) mais l'hospitalisation a été plus courte (8 vs 13 jours, p<0.001). La reprise du transit a été plus rapide après laparoscopie, mais uniquement après intervention sur le colon gauche (3 vs 4 jours, p<0.01). Cependant, la sélection préopératoire (nombre plus élevé d'urgences et de patients avec un risque anesthésiologique élevé dans le groupe de la chirurgie ouverte) a été favorable à la laparoscopie. Le taux de complications (global ainsi que pour chaque complication chirurgicale) a été similaire dans les deux groupes, avec un taux global de 20% environ. Conclusions: Malgré une sélection favorable des cas, uniquement très peu d'avantages à la laparoscopie sur la chirurgie ouverte ont pu être observés. Abstract Background: Most studies available on laparoscopic colorectal surgery focus on highly selected patient groups. The aim of the present study was to review short- and long-term outcome of everyday patients treated in a general surgery department. Methods: Retrospective review was carried out of a prospective database of all consecutive patients having undergone primary laparoscopic (LAP) or open colorectal surgery between March 1993 and December 1997. Follow-up data were completed via questionnaire. Results: A total of 187 patients underwent LAP resection and 215 patients underwent open surgery. Follow up was complete in 95% with a median of 59 months (range, 1-107 months) and 53 months (range, 1-104 months), respectively. There were 28 conversions (15%) in the LAP group and these remained in the LAP group in an intention-to-treat analysis. The LAP operations lasted significantly longer for all types of resections (205 vs 150 min, P<0.001) and hospital stay was shorter (8 vs 13 days, P<0.001). Recovery of intestinal function was faster in the LAP group, but only after left-sided procedures (3 vs 4days, P<0.01). However, preoperative patient selection (more emergency operations and patients with higher American Society of Anesthesiologists (ASA) score in the open group) had a major influence on these elements and favours the LAP group. Surprisingly, the overall surgical complication rate (including long-term complications such as wound hernia) was 20% in both groups with rates of individual complications also being comparable in both groups. Conclusion: Despite a patient selection favourable to the laparoscopy group, only little advantage in postoperative outcome could be shown for the minimally invasive over the open approach in the everyday patient.
Objectives The objective of this article is to describe the development of an anatomically accurate simulator in order to aid the training of a perinatal team in the insertion and removal of a fetal endoscopic tracheal occlusion (FETO) balloon in the management of prenatally diagnosed congenital diaphragmatic hernia. Methods An experienced perinatal team collaborated with a medical sculptor to design a fetal model for the FETO procedure. Measurements derived from 28-week fetal magnetic resonance imaging were used in the development of an anatomically precise simulated airway within a silicone rubber preterm fetal model. Clinician feedback was then used to guide multiple iterations of the model with serial improvements in the anatomic accuracy of the simulator airway. Results An appropriately sized preterm fetal mannequin with a high-fidelity airway was developed. The team used this model to develop surgical skills with balloon insertion, and removal, and to prepare the team for an integrated response to unanticipated delivery with the FETO balloon still in situ. Conclusions This fetal mannequin aided in the ability of a fetal therapy unit to offer the FETO procedure at their center for the first time. This model may be of benefit to other perinatal centers planning to offer this procedure.
The evolution of visceral surgery is characterized by defining with ever increasing precision the real role of new techniques. Hernia repair, abdominal compartment syndrome, pancreatic and colorectal cancers, as well as haemorrhoids, confirm this reality. Although laparoscopy has clear indications in hernia repairs, many still prefer open approach. The abdominal compartment syndrome, now better understood thanks to laparoscopy, is increasingly important in intensive care. The role of laparoscopy for pancreatic and colorectal cancers is still limited. The development of minimally invasive techniques has led to a reduced morbidity of surgery for haemorrhoids and better results. The economic impact of new technologies must remain a primary concern.
We would like to add a comment on another important contribution of Arthur Keithto the Weld of herniology, that is, the original and accuratedescription of the inguinal “shutter” mechanism, a remarkableanatomic action against development of an inguinal hernia. [...] Today, virtual reality surgicalsimulation models allowing three-dimensional (3D) visualizationof the human inguinal anatomy can be used as a complementary tool to assess dynamics of the inguinal area. In fact, using simulations with the Wnite elementmethod we have recently confirmed the physiological “shutter” mechanism already described almost 100 years ago. These virtual reality Wndings are our presenttribute to the outstanding anatomic descriptions of ArthurKeith.
Arterial hypertension has been reported as a complication of surgical closure of an abdominal wall defect. No report studying the incidence, the characteristics and the clinical significance of hypertension after surgical correction of an omphalocele or gastroschisis has been published so far. The medical records of all newborns with surgically corrected gastroschisis or omphalocele identified in two centers were retrospectively evaluated. Arterial hypertension was defined as a mean daily systolic and/or diastolic blood pressure value higher than the 95 percentile for age and/or weight, according to literature data. The timing of surgery, weight gain, plasma creatinine and the use of diuretics or vasoactive drugs were compared between the groups with and without hypertension. Seventy-two patients were identified and included in the study, 29 with omphalocele and 43 with gastroschisis. Those with omphalocele were born at a mean age of 37.3+/-2.6 weeks with a mean birth weight of 2,971+/-715 g, and those with gastroschisis were born at 36.1+/-2.0 weeks with a mean birth weight of 2,527+/-498 g. Blood pressure values of 66 patients were available for analysis. Of the omphalocele patients, 46.2% (12/26) developed systolic hypertension, compared to 17.5% (7/40) of the patients with gastroschisis (P =0.024). Hypertension was always transient, lasting an average of 4 and 1 day in the omphalocele and gastroschisis groups, respectively. Two patients with omphalocele were given anti-hypertensive therapy. There was no difference between patients with or without hypertension regarding weight gain, use of vasoactive drugs or diuretics, mean weekly creatinine values or the timing of surgery. Newborns with an abdominal wall defect frequently present with transient arterial hypertension. Hypertension occurs significantly more often, is more severe and lasts longer in patients with omphalocele than in patients with gastroschisis. In both groups, hypertension is transient and rarely requires therapy. The cause of hypertension remains unclear.
BACKGROUND: Maternal pregestational diabetes is a well-known risk factor for congenital anomalies. This study analyses the spectrum of congenital anomalies associated with maternal diabetes using data from a large European database for the population-based surveillance of congenital anomalies. METHODS: Data from 18 population-based EUROCAT registries of congenital anomalies in 1990-2005. All malformed cases occurring to mothers with pregestational diabetes (diabetes cases) were compared to all malformed cases in the same registry areas to mothers without diabetes (non-diabetes cases). RESULTS: There were 669 diabetes cases and 92,976 non diabetes cases. Odds ratios in diabetes pregnancies relative to non-diabetes pregnancies comparing each EUROCAT subgroup to all other non-chromosomal anomalies combined showed significantly increased odds ratios for neural tube defects (anencephaly and encephalocele, but not spina bifida) and several subgroups of congenital heart defects. Other subgroups with significantly increased odds ratios were anotia, omphalocele and bilateral renal agenesis. Frequency of hip dislocation was significantly lower among diabetes (odds ratio 0.15, 95% CI 0.05-0.39) than non-diabetes cases. Multiple congenital anomalies were present in 13.6 % of diabetes cases and 6.1 % of non-diabetes cases. The odds ratio for caudal regression sequence was very high (26.40,95% CI 8.98-77.64), but only 17% of all caudal regression cases resulted from a pregnancy with pregestational diabetes. CONCLUSIONS: The increased risk of congenital anomalies in pregnancies with pregestational diabetes is related to specific non-chromosomal congenital anomalies and multiple congenital anomalies and not a general increased risk.
The anaerobic Gram-positive bacterium Propionibacterium avidum is a common inhabitant of the skin with low pathogenicity. We report a case of P. avidum sacroilitis, psoas abscess and osteomyelitis in a 67-year-old male who had recently undergone surgical repair of an inguinal hernia. The organism was recovered from blood cultures, a bone biopsy specimen and specimens from the abscess. The spectrum of bone and joint infections caused by Propionibacterium is discussed. Infection by Propionibacterium spp. should be considered in patients with bone and joint infections.
Laparoscopic cholecystectomy reduces postoperative pain, hospital stay and recovery in comparison with the open procedure. This approach allows to treat most of vesicular pathologies, as acute cholecystitis and choledocal lithiasis, with excellent results. Biliary tract injuries represent however the most feared complication. Concerning groin hernia pathology, two different laparoscopic approaches are described, as the trans-abdominal pre-peritoneal approach (TAPP) and the total extra-peritoneal approach (TEP). The first technique is easier to perform, but associated with more frequent significant intraabdominal morbidity. Results are comparable to the classic open Lichtenstein technique in term of reccurence. Laparoscopic approach could be associated with a lower chronic pain rate, but further studies should confirm this statement.
El dolor post-operatori és un dels problemes més importants que segons la OMS afecta als pacients intervinguts quirúrgicament i el que més els preocupa. Any rere any hi ha un increment del nombre de pacients intervinguts per Cirurgia Major ambulatòria al nostre país de manera que ha de ser el mateix usuari i la família els que facilitin les cures als pacients al propi domicili. Aquest estudi planteja si introduir intervencions educatives al servei disminueix el dolor post-operatori dels usuaris Objectiu general: Dissenyar un programa d’informació que realitzarà infermeria dirigit als cuidadors i pacients del servei de CMA i que han de ser intervinguts de hèrnia engonal. Avaluar l’eficiència del mateix programa educatiu. Metodologia: l’àmbit d’estudi d’aquest treball serà les unitats de Cirurgia Major ambulatòria de qualsevol centre de Catalunya. Es realitzarà un estudi comparatiu quantitatiu entre dos grups independents integrants per 30 participants en cadascun d’ells (total de 60 participants). Grupo A: protocol habitual de la unitat Grup B: intervenció educativa dissenyada Els participants seran pacients majors d’edat, que compleixen els requisits per ser intervinguts per Cirurgia Major Ambulatòria de Hèrnia inguinal. El participant ha de fer-ho amb un familiar responsable de les seves cures. Es realitzaran 3 enquestes al pacient i 3 al familiar responsable de les cures, la primera a les 24 hores després de la intervenció, la segona a la setmana i l’última a les 2 setmanes. Limitacions de l’estudi: en cas de que el pacient que ha de formar part de l’estudi requereixi ingrés hospitalari per alguna complicació durant la cirurgia el pacient deixa de participar en l’estudi automàticament. En cas que el pacient o familiar no contestin al telèfon el dia i l’hora pactada prèviament també deixarà de formar part de la investigació. Per aquest motiu es tindran 10 pacients de reserva per si calgués reemplaçar el subjecte d’estudi.
BACKGROUND: There is increasing interest in provision of essential surgical care as part of public health policy in low- and middle-income countries (LMIC). Relatively simple interventions have been shown to prevent death and disability. We reviewed the published literature to examine the cost-effectiveness of simple surgical interventions which could be made available at any district hospital, and compared these to standard public health interventions. METHODS: PubMed and EMBASE were searched using single and combinations of the search terms "disability adjusted life year" (DALY), "quality adjusted life year," "cost-effectiveness," and "surgery." Articles were included if they detailed the cost-effectiveness of a surgical intervention of relevance to a LMIC, which could be made available at any district hospital. Suitable articles with both cost and effectiveness data were identified and, where possible, data were extrapolated to enable comparison across studies. RESULTS: Twenty-seven articles met our inclusion criteria, representing 64 LMIC over 16 years of study. Interventions that were found to be cost-effective included cataract surgery (cost/DALY averted range US$5.06-$106.00), elective inguinal hernia repair (cost/DALY averted range US$12.88-$78.18), male circumcision (cost/DALY averted range US$7.38-$319.29), emergency cesarean section (cost/DALY averted range US$18-$3,462.00), and cleft lip and palate repair (cost/DALY averted range US$15.44-$96.04). A small district hospital with basic surgical services was also found to be highly cost-effective (cost/DALY averted 1 US$0.93), as were larger hospitals offering emergency and trauma surgery (cost/DALY averted US$32.78-$223.00). This compares favorably with other standard public health interventions, such as oral rehydration therapy (US$1,062.00), vitamin A supplementation (US$6.00-$12.00), breast feeding promotion (US$930.00), and highly active anti-retroviral therapy for HIV (US$922.00). CONCLUSIONS: Simple surgical interventions that are life-saving and disability-preventing should be considered as part of public health policy in LMIC. We recommend an investment in surgical care and its integration with other public health measures at the district hospital level, rather than investment in single disease strategies.
BACKGROUND: The purpose of the present study was to challenge the hypothetical advantage of single port laparoscopy (SPL) over conventional laparoscopy by measuring prospectively the morbidity specifically related to conventional trocar sites (TS). METHODS: From November 2010 to December 2011, 300 patients undergoing various laparoscopic procedures were enrolled. Patient, surgery, and trocar characteristics were recorded. We evaluated at three time points (in-hospital and at 1 and 6 months postoperatively) specifically for each TS, pain (Visual Analog Scale), morbidity (infection, hematoma, hernia), and cosmesis (Patient Scar Assessment Score; PSAS). Patients designated their "worst TS," and a composite endpoint "bad TS" was defined to include any adverse outcome at a TS. RESULTS: We analyzed 1,074 TS. Follow-up was >90 %. Pain scores of >3/10 at 1 and 6 months postoperatively, were reported by 3 and 1 % of patients at the 5 mm TS and by 9 and 1 % at the larger TS, respectively (5 mm TS vs larger TS; p = 0.001). Pain was significantly lower for TS located in the lower abdomen than for the upper abdomen or the umbilicus (p = 0.001). The overall complication rate was <1 % and significantly lower for the 5 mm TS (hematoma p = 0.046; infection p = 0.0001). No hernia was found. The overall PSAS score was low and significantly lower for the 5 mm TS (p = 0.0001). Significant predictors of "bad TS" were larger TS (p = 0.001), umbilical position (p = 0.0001), emergency surgery (p = 0.0001), accidental trocar exit (p = 0.022), fascia closure (p = 0.006), and specimen extraction site (p = 0.0001). CONCLUSIONS: Specific trocar morbidity is low and almost negligible for 5 mm trocars. The umbilicus appears to be an unfavorable TS.
Pallister-Killian syndrome (PKS) is a potentially lethal disorder with facial dysmorphism, pigmentary skin anomalies, developmental delay and major visceral anomalies, such as diaphragmatic hernia, anorectal malformation, and congenital heart disease. PKS is causally associated with mosaic tetrasomy of chromosome 12p. A routine chromosome analysis in peripheral lymphocytes usually fails to detect the mosaic state. A prompt diagnosis rests on clinical awareness and a subsequent chromosome or molecular analysis in fibroblasts, buccal mucosal cells, or bone marrow cells. We report here on three infants with PKS. One infant had aortic dilatation, a previously unreported association in PKS. More importantly, all infants showed a recognizable, though mild, pattern of skeletal changes mainly affecting axial bones, including delayed ossification of the vertebral bodies and pubic bones, flared anterior ribs, and broad metaphyses of the long bones, particularly of the femora. These skeletal changes should be considered as a useful diagnostic sign in PKS. Awareness of the axial skeletal alterations can be helpful in prompting clinicians to search for mosaic tetrasomy 12p and perform chromosomal analysis in appropriate tissue types.
PURPOSE: To describe a patient with metastatic choroidal paraganglioma that was locally controlled with radiotherapy. DESIGN: Interventional clinicopathologic case report. PARTICIPANT: One patient with metastatic choroidal paraganglioma. METHODS: Interventional clinicopathologic case report and systematic search of the literature. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: Description of clinicopathologic features, treatment methods, and outcome. RESULTS: A 50-year-old man had a nonpigmented atypical choroidal mass with secondary retinal detachment in the left eye. After incisional biopsy, the diagnosis of paraganglioma was established. Metastatic work-up revealed vertebral, mediastinal, and pulmonary metastases of a nonsecretory, malignant paraganglioma without tracer uptake. The primary tumor was not identified. The ocular tumor regressed after stereotaxic radiotherapy. Two years later, recurrent lesions developed in the contralateral eye, which also was irradiated. CONCLUSIONS: Malignant paraganglioma can metastasize in the choroid and should be included in the differential diagnosis of a nonpigmented choroidal mass. Stereotaxic radiation therapy is an effective treatment method. To the authors' knowledge, this is the first report of a patient with choroidal paraganglioma. FINANCIAL DISCLOSURE(S): The author(s) have no proprietary or commercial interest in any materials discussed in this article.