950 resultados para Impulse facility
Purpose. The central concepts in pressure ulcer risk are exposure to external pressure caused by inactivity and tissue tolerance to pressure, a factor closely related to blood flow. Inactivity measures are effective in predicting pressure ulcer risk. The purpose of the study is to evaluate whether a physiological measure of skin blood flow improves pressure ulcer risk prediction. Skin temperature regularity and self-similarity, as proxy measures of blood flow, and not previously described, may be undefined pressure ulcer risk factors. The specific aims were to determine whether a sample of nursing facility residents at high risk of pressure ulcers classified using the Braden Scale for Pressure Sore Risk© differ from a sample of low risk residents according to (1) exposure to external pressure as measured by resident activity, (2) tissue tolerance to external pressure as measured by skin temperature, and (3) skin temperature fluctuations and recovery in response to a commonly occurring stressor, bathing and additionally whether (4) scores on the Braden Scale mobility subscale score are related to entropy and the spectral exponent. ^ Methods. A two group observational time series design was used to describe activity and skin temperature regularity and self-similarity, calculating entropy and the spectral exponent using detrended fluctuation analysis respectively. Twenty nursing facility residents wore activity and skin temperature monitors for one week. One bathing episode was observed as a commonly occurring stressor for skin temperature.^ Results. Skin temperature multiscale entropy (MSE), F(1, 17) = 5.55, p = .031, the skin temperature spectral exponent, F(1, 17) = 6.19, p = .023, and the activity mean MSE, F(1, 18) = 4.52, p = .048 differentiated the risk groups. The change in skin temperature entropy during bathing was significant, t(16) = 2.55, p = .021, (95% CI, .04-.40). Multiscale entropy for skin temperature was lowest in those who developed pressure ulcers, F(1, 18) = 35.14, p < .001.^ Conclusions. This study supports the tissue tolerance component of the Braden and Bergstrom conceptual framework and shows differences in skin temperature multiscale entropy between pressure ulcer risk categories, pressure ulcer outcome, and during a commonly occurring stressor. ^
A descriptive and exploratory analysis of occupational injuries at a chemical manufacturing facility
A retrospective study of 1353 occupational injuries occurring at a chemical manufacturing facility in Houston, Texas from January, 1982 through May, 1988 was performed to investigate the etiology of the occupational injury process. Injury incidence rates were calculated for various sub-populations of workers to determine differences in the risk of injury for various groups. Linear modeling techniques were used to determine the association between certain collected independent variables and severity of an injury event. Finally, two sub-groups of the worker population, shiftworkers and injury recidivists, were examined. An injury recidivist as defined is any worker experiencing one or more injury per year. Overall, female shiftworkers evidenced the highest average injury incidence rate compared to all other worker groups analyzed. Although the female shiftworkers were younger and less experienced, the etiology of their increased risk of injury remains unclear, although the rigors of performing shiftwork itself or ergonomic factors are suspect. In general, females were injured more frequently than males, but they did not incur more severe injuries. For all workers, many injuries were caused by erroneous or foregone training, and risk taking behaviors. Injuries of these types are avoidable. The distribution of injuries by severity level was bimodal; either injuries were of minor or major severity with only a small number of cases falling in between. Of the variables collected, only the type of injury incurred and the worker's titlecode were statistically significantly associated with injury severity. Shiftworkers did not sustain more severe injuries than other worker groups. Injury to shiftworkers varied as a 24-hour pattern; the greatest number occurred between 1200-1230 hours, (p = 0.002) by Cosinor analysis. Recidivists made up 3.3% of the population (23 males and 10 females), yet suffered 17.8% of the injuries. Although past research suggests that injury recidivism is a random statistical event, analysis of the data by logistic regression implicates gender, area worked, age and job titlecode as being statistically significantly related to injury recidivism at this facility. ^
The objective of this dissertation was to design and implement strategies for assessment of exposures to organic chemicals used in the production of a styrene-butadiene polymer at the Texas Plastics Company (TPC). Linear statistical retrospective exposure models, univariate and multivariate, were developed based on the validation of historical industrial hygiene monitoring data collected by industrial hygienists at TPC, and additional current industrial hygiene monitoring data collected for the purposes of this study. The current monitoring data served several purposes. First, it provided information on current exposure data, in the form of unbiased estimates of mean exposure to organic chemicals for each job title included. Second, it provided information on homogeneity of exposure within each job title, through the use of a carefully designed sampling scheme which addressed variability of exposure both between and within job titles. Third, it permitted the investigation of how well current exposure data can serve as an evaluation tool for retrospective exposure estimation. Finally, this dissertation investigated the simultaneous evaluation of exposure to several chemicals, as well as the use of values below detection limits in a multivariate linear statistical model of exposures. ^
The University Compost Facility, 52274 260th St., Ames, Iowa has completed three full years of operation. The facility is managed by the ISU Research Farms and has a separate revolving account that receives fees and sales, and pays expenses. The facility is designed to be self-supporting, i.e. not receive allocations for its operations. The facility consists of seven, 80 × 140 ft hoop barns and a new 55 × 120 ft hoop barn, all with paved floors. The facility also has a Mettler-Toledo electronic scale with a 10 ft × 70 ft platform to weigh all materials. Key machinery is 1) compost turner, a used pull-type Aeromaster PT-170, 14 ft wide made by Midwest Biosystems, Tampico, IL; 2) a converted dump truck trailer used to construct windrows and haul material; 3) telehandler, Caterpillar TH407 with cab and 2.75 cubic yard bucket; and 4) tractor, John Deere 7520 (125 hp) with IVT (Infinite Variable Transmission) and front-wheel assist used to pull the turner and dump trailer.
Technofusion is the scientific&technical installation for fusion research in Spain, based on three pillars: • It is an open facility to European users. • It is a facility with instrumentation not accesible to small research groups. • It is designed to be closely coordiated with the European Fusion Program. With a budget of 80-100 M€ over five years, several top laboratories will be constructed
This work is based on the prototype High Engineering Test Reactor (HTTR) of the Japan Agency of Energy Atomic (JAEA). Its objective is to describe an adequate deterministic model to be used in the assessment of its design safety margins via damage domains. The concept of damage domain is defined and it is shown its relevance in the ongoing effort to apply dynamic risk assessment methods and tools based on the Theory of Stimulated Dynamics (TSD). To illustrate, we present results of an abnormal control rod (CR) withdrawal during subcritical condition and its comparison with results obtained by JAEA. No attempt is made yet to actually assess the detailed scenarios, rather to show how the approach may handle events of its kind
The application of liquid metal technology in fusion devices requires R&D related to many phenomena: interaction between liquid metals and structural material as corrosion, erosion and passivation techniques; magneto-hydrodynamics; free surface fluid-dynamics and any other physical aspect that will be needed for their safe reliable operation. In particular, there is a significant shortage of experimental facilities dedicated to the development of the lithium technology. In the framework of the TECHNOFUSION project, an experimental laboratory devoted to the lithium technology development is proposed, in order to shed some light in the path to IFMIF and the design of chamber's first wall and divertors. The conceptual design foresee a development in two stages, the first one consisting on a material testing loop. The second stage proposes the construction of a mock-up of the IFMIF target that will allow to assess the behaviour of a free-surface lithium target under vacuum conditions. In this paper, such conceptual design is addressed.
An automated panoramic irradiator with a 3 Ci 241Am-Be neutron source is installed in a bunker-type large room at the Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (UPM). It was recently modified and a neutron spectrometry campaign was organized to characterize the neutron fields in different measurement points along the irradiation bench. Four research groups working with different Bonner Sphere Spectrometers (BSS) and using different spectral unfolding codes took part to this exercise. INFN-LNF used a BSS formed by 9 spheres plus bare detector, with cylindrical, almost point like, 6LiI(Eu) scintillator (4 mm x 4 mm, from Ludlum); UAZ-UPM employed a similar system but with only 6 spheres plus bare detector; UAB worked with a 3He filled proportional counter at 8kPa filling pressure, cylindrical 9 mm x 10 mm (05NH1 from Eurisys) with 11 spheres configuration; and CIEMAT used 12 spheres with an spherical 3He SP9 counter (Centronic Ltd., UK) with very high sensitivity due to the large diameter (3.2 cm) and the filling pressure of the order of 228 kPa. Each group applied a different spectral unfolding method: INFN and UAB worked with FRUIT ver. 3.0 with their own response matrixes; UAZ-UPM used the BUNKIUT unfolding code with the response matrix UTA4 and CIEMAT employed the GRAVEL-MAXED-IQU package with their own response matrix. The paper shows the main results obtained in terms of neutron spectra at fixed distances from the source as well as total neutron fluence rate and ambient dose equivalent rate H*(10) determined from the spectra. The latter are compared with the readings of a common active survey-meter (LB 6411). The small differences in the results of the various groups are discussed.
From the very first steps to execute a building, it is essential to analyze its life cycle. Similarly, we should consider the life cycle when projecting an urban intervention. Professionals of the Facility Management take part in construction projects, developing and managing DBFMO projects (Design, Build, Finance, Maintenance & Operate). Whatever the nature of the promoter is – private or public – promoters are leaders in projects of responsible management of spaces, whether these are work spaces, leisure spaces or residential spaces. They know and identify with the company and its performance, its values and its needs. These professionals give sustainable solutions in the life cycle of buildings (offices and housing), new ways to work and initiatives of innovations linked to current social changes: technology, social networks, and new habits. Concepts where innovation is essential should consider responsible values. Social, economic and sustainable aspects have to associate with the management performed by a Facilities Manager when considering the three groups of stakeholders with which it is linked: economic (shareholders), contractual (users), non-contractual (neighborhoods, organizations, etc.). Marcus Vitruvius Pollio, at the beginning of his book "The Ten Books on Architecture" describes and argues how the distribution in buildings must always adapt to their inhabitants. Let us build cities and buildings with responsible criteria, bearing in mind all its users and the needs of each one of them. Not to mention the need to adapt to future requirements with minimum cost and maximum profitability. These needs, under responsible management, are competencies developed by a Facilities Manager in his day to day. He cares and takes over the entire life cycle of buildings and their surroundings. This work is part of the PhD project whose main aim is to study the added value to the architectural profession when social responsibility criteria are applied in his/her role as Facility Manager.
From the moment we enter a large office building until we leave it, we receive a lot of attentions served by the management of services to the user. However, it is usually quite inappreciable the work that is being developed to keep things running smoothly.The services provided in a building are carried out by people. However, we often tend to forget these people when we talk about the tasks that make that a building operates properly 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.But, for example, what would happen if one day the service provided by the reception in a large building did not function as it should? What would it be like if one day the person performing the service of maintenance of the building's cleaning were not at his post? How would the working day develop if there were not a correct air handling system?People are the foundation of the proper functioning of a building. The work of the Facilities Manager and the Facility Management is the management of their functions: the responsible management of the team.
The ESS-Bilbao facility, hosted by the University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU), envisages the operation of a high-current proton accelerator delivering beams with energies up to 50 MeV. The time-averaged proton current will be 2.25 mA, delivered by 1.5 ms proton pulses with a repetition rate of 20 Hz. This beam will feed a neutron source based upon the Be (p,n) reaction, which will enable the provision of relevant neutron experimentation capabilities. The neutron source baseline concept consists in a rotating beryllium target cooled by water. The target structure will comprise a rotatable disk made of 6061-T6 aluminium alloy holding 20 beryllium plates. Heat dissipation from the target relies upon a distribution of coolant-flow channels. The practical implementation of such a concept is here described with emphasis put on the beryllium plates thermo-mechanical optimization, the chosen coolant distribution system as well as the mechanical behavior of the assembly.
n this article, a tool for simulating the channel impulse response for indoor visible light communications using 3D computer-aided design (CAD) models is presented. The simulation tool is based on a previous Monte Carlo ray-tracing algorithm for indoor infrared channel estimation, but including wavelength response evaluation. The 3D scene, or the simulation environment, can be defined using any CAD software in which the user specifies, in addition to the setting geometry, the reflection characteristics of the surface materials as well as the structures of the emitters and receivers involved in the simulation. Also, in an effort to improve the computational efficiency, two optimizations are proposed. The first one consists of dividing the setting into cubic regions of equal size, which offers a calculation improvement of approximately 50% compared to not dividing the 3D scene into sub-regions. The second one involves the parallelization of the simulation algorithm, which provides a computational speed-up proportional to the number of processors used.
Building-integrated Photovoltaics (BIPV) is one of the most promising technologies enabling buildings to generate on-site part of their electricity needs while performing architectural functionalities. A clear example of BIPV products consists of semi-transparent photovoltaic modules (STPV), designed to replace the conventional glazing solutions in building façades. Accordingly, the active building envelope is required to perform multiple requirements such as provide solar shading to avoid overheating, supply solar gains and thermal insulation to reduce heat loads and improve daylight utilization. To date, various studies into STPV systems have focused on their energy performance based on existing simulation programs, or on the modelling, normally validated by limited experimental data, of the STPV modules thermal behaviour. Taking into account that very limited experimental research has been conducted on the energy performance of STPV elements and that the characterization in real operation conditions is necessary to promote an energetically efficient integration of this technology in the building envelope, an outdoor testing facility has been designed, developed and built at the Solar Energy Institute of the Technical University of Madrid. In this work, the methodology used in the definition of the testing facility, its capability and limitations are presented and discussed.