928 resultados para Immediate serial recall


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Objective: The purpose of the present study was to investigate the influence that education and depression have on the performance of elderly people in neuropsychological tests. Methods: The study was conducted at the Institute of Psychiatry, University of Sao Paulo School of Medicine, Hospital das Clinicas. All of the individuals evaluated were aged 60 or older. The study sample consisted of 59 outpatients with depressive disorders and 51 healthy controls. We stratified the sample by level of education: low = 1-4 years of schooling; high = 5 or more years of schooling. Evaluations consisted of psychiatric assessment, cognitive assessment, laboratory tests and cerebral magnetic resonance imaging. Results: We found that level of education influenced all the measures of cognitive domains investigated (intellectual efficiency, processing speed, attention, executive function and memory) except the Digit Span Forward and Fuld Object Memory Evaluation (immediate and delayed recall), whereas depressive symptoms influenced some measures of memory, attention, executive function and processing speed. Although the combination of a low level of education and depression had a significant negative influence on Stroop Test part B, Trail Making Test part B and Logical Memory (immediate recall), we found no other significant effects of the interaction between level of education and depression. Conclusion: The results of this study underscore the importance of considering the level of education in the analysis of cognitive performance in depressed elderly patients, as well as the relevance of developing new cognitive function tests in which level of education has a reduced impact on the results.


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This paper introduces a corrected test statistic for testing seasonal unit roots when residuals contain serial correlations, based on the HEGY test proposed by Hylleberg,Engle, Granger and Yoo (1990). The serial correlations in the residuals of test regressionare accommodated by making corrections to the commonly used HEGY t statistics. Theasymptotic distributions of the corrected t statistics are free from nuisance parameters.The size and power properties of the corrected statistics for quarterly and montly data are investigated. Based on our simulations, the corrected statistics for monthly data havemore power compared with the commonly used HEGY test statistics, but they also have size distortions when there are strong negative seasonal correlations in the residuals.


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Speech perception runs smoothly and automatically when there is silence in the background, but when the speech signal is degraded by background noise or by reverberation, effortful cognitive processing is needed to compensate for the signal distortion. Previous research has typically investigated the effects of signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) and reverberation time in isolation, whilst few have looked at their interaction. In this study, we probed how reverberation time and SNR influence recall of words presented in participants' first- (L1) and second-language (L2). A total of 72 children (10 years old) participated in this study. The to-be-recalled wordlists were played back with two different reverberation times (0.3 and 1.2 s) crossed with two different SNRs (+3 dBA and +12 dBA). Children recalled fewer words when the spoken words were presented in L2 in comparison with recall of spoken words presented in L1. Words that were presented with a high SNR (+12 dBA) improved recall compared to a low SNR (+3 dBA). Reverberation time interacted with SNR to the effect that at +12 dB the shorter reverberation time improved recall, but at +3 dB it impaired recall. The effects of the physical sound variables (SNR and reverberation time) did not interact with language. © 2016 Hurtig, Keus van de Poll, Pekkola, Hygge, Ljung and Sörqvist.


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Neste projeto busca-se identificar as reações dos consumidores brasileiros ao recall de produtos. No exterior recall é prática mais antiga enquanto que no Brasil é um procedimento recente, mas que vem ganhando crescente importância nos últimos anos. De fato, esse alerta, que um determinado lote da produção não saiu de fábrica como o planejado, feito pelos fabricantes a um grupo de compradores de seus produtos, vem ocorrendo com mais freqüência e particularmente no setor automobilístico. Todavia, é bem possível que muitos consumidores ainda não conheçam esse procedimento e nem saibam que estão sujeitos a imprevistos como o de adquirir um produto que, mesmo tendo passado pelos testes de qualidade do fabricante, possa estar sendo objeto de um chamado desse tipo, pois algo diferente do que era esperado foi encontrado no produto: ele não passou por alguma sabatina posterior de testes do fabricante ou até mesmo de sua matriz no exterior! O objetivo do estudo é o de identificar as reações do consumidor frente ao recall de produtos e os impactos que possa estar criando para ele.


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Este estudo analisa o comportamento do consumidor brasileiro frente ao recall de veículos automotivos. O processo de compra, uso e descarte dos automóveis que sofreram o chamamento é analisado sob a ótica da teoria da reatância psicológica, originária da psicologia e que visa explanar a reação de indivíduos a limitações em sua liberdade. O objetivo do estudo é dimensionar a reatância psicológica individual e verificar a percepção dos consumidores ao recall de veículos automotivos, através dos indicativos de valor percebido e a qualidade no relacionamento percebida pelo indivíduo. A resultante do processo foi o comportamento de compra pós recall. Os maiores beneficiários deste estudo serão os próprios consumidores bem como as montadoras de veículos, os órgãos de defesa dos consumidores e entidades jurídicas interessadas neste tema. A originalidade de avaliar as implicações deste acontecimento sob a ótica do consumidor é uma contribuição deste estudo, pois o recall ainda não foi estudado sob este ponto de vista anteriormente no Brasil, apesar do constante escrutínio do tema na mídia. O estudo tem início com um histórico do recall nos Estados Unidos da América e no Brasil. Em seguida, foi elaborada uma revisão de conhecimento reunindo os principais conceitos apresentados anteriormente e foi proposto um esquema unindo as variáveis. Em seguida, foram elaboradas na cidade de São Paulo duas pesquisas: uma qualitativa, exploratória a fim de examinar o processo de compra e pensamentos sobre o recall e outra quantitativa a fim de traduzir as escalas para o dimensionamento das variáveis: (a) reatância psicológica (o questionário para o dimensionamento da reatância psicológica de Merz (1983), (b) o valor percebido pelo consumidor (dimensionado através da escala PERVAL de Sweeney e Soutar (2001) e (c) a qualidade percebida no relacionamento entre consumidor e organização de Roberts et al (2003) e apresentar as relações existentes entre elas. Os resultados indicam que o consumidor não passa ileso pelo recall. Ele cria uma memória e sabedoria das conseqüências do chamamento. Duas perspectivas do consumidor frente ao recall foram identificadas: uma visão negativa, mais reatante, que aparentemente fica mais preocupada com o incômodo que o processo todo causa do que com uma potencial ameaça a sua segurança e mais propensa a mudar de fornecedor; e outra visão positiva, pouco reatante e que considera o processo como uma atitude responsável, que transmite credibilidade e confiança do fabricante, esta por sua vez mais propensa a permanecer na marca.


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O presente trabalho de conclusão de curso busca expor e estudar as etapas, características e aspectos entre o procedimento de recall (também denominado chamamento) de automóveis brasileiro e o procedimento de recall de automóveis norte-americano, país pioneiro na procedimentalização do chamamento de automóveis, a fim de comparar as diferenças percebidas entre cada um destes modelos e em que medidas estas se justificam, analisando o porquê de tais diferenças, bem como o que poderia ser aprimorado em cada um dos modelos.


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We give a thorough account of the various equivalent notions for \sheaf" on a locale, namely the separated and complete presheaves, the local home- omorphisms, and the local sets, and to provide a new approach based on quantale modules whereby we see that sheaves can be identi¯ed with certain Hilbert modules in the sense of Paseka. This formulation provides us with an interesting category that has immediate meaningful relations to those of sheaves, local homeomorphisms and local sets. The concept of B-set (local set over the locale B) present in [3] is seen as a simetric idempotent matrix with entries on B, and a map of B-sets as de¯ned in [8] is shown to be also a matrix satisfying some conditions. This gives us useful tools that permit the algebraic manipulation of B-sets. The main result is to show that the existing notions of \sheaf" on a locale B are also equivalent to a new concept what we call a Hilbert module with an Hilbert base. These modules are the projective modules since they are the image of a free module by a idempotent automorphism On the ¯rst chapter, we recall some well known results about partially ordered sets and lattices. On chapter two we introduce the category of Sup-lattices, and the cate- gory of locales, Loc. We describe the adjunction between this category and the category Top of topological spaces whose restriction to spacial locales give us a duality between this category and the category of sober spaces. We ¯nish this chapter with the de¯nitions of module over a quantale and Hilbert Module. Chapter three concerns with various equivalent notions namely: sheaves of sets, local homeomorphisms and local sets (projection matrices with entries on a locale). We ¯nish giving a direct algebraic proof that each local set is isomorphic to a complete local set, whose rows correspond to the singletons. On chapter four we de¯ne B-locale, study open maps and local homeo- morphims. The main new result is on the ¯fth chapter where we de¯ne the Hilbert modules and Hilbert modules with an Hilbert and show this latter concept is equivalent to the previous notions of sheaf over a locale.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Cultura de fezes (Método de Exclusão Competitiva - EC) utilizada para prevenir a colonização cecal de aves por Salmonella enterica serovar Enteritidis (SE) foi submetida a cultivos seriados para evitar a presença de patógenos e, após o tratamento mais adequado, foi armazenada em temperatura de refrigeração antes do seu uso por até 63 dias. Os resultados mostraram que o cultivo repetido por 14 vezes não prejudica a ação protetora da cultura (CE), a qual continua inibindo a colonização cecal por SE. O produto submetido a 12 cultivos e armazenado durante 28 dias em temperatura de refrigeração também continua eficaz.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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The transmission of influenza in health care settings is a major threat to patients, especially those with severe diseases. The attitude of health care workers (HCWs) may influence the transmission of countless infections. The current study aimed to quantify knowledge and identify attitudes of HCWs involved in intensive care units (ICUs) regarding the risk of nosocomial influenza transmission. A questionnaire was applied through interviews to HCWs who worked in one of the five ICUs from a teaching hospital. Questions about influenza were deliberately dispersed among others that assessed several infectious agents. Forty-two HCWs were interviewed: nine physicians, ten nurses and 23 nursing technicians or auxiliaries. Among the 42 HCWs, 98% were aware of the potential transmission of influenza virus in the ICUs, but only 31% would indicate droplet precautions for patients with suspected infection. Moreover, only 31% of them had been vaccinated against influenza in the last campaign (2008). Nursing technicians or auxiliaries were more likely to have been vaccinated, both by univariate and multivariable analysis. When asked about absenteeism, only 10% of the study subjects stated that they would not go to work if they had an influenza-like illness. Those findings suggest that, in non-pandemic periods, influenza control in hospitals requires strategies that combine continuous education with changes in organizational culture.


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Endodontic treatment is an important step of tooth replantation protocols, but the ideal moment for definitive obturation of replanted teeth has not yet been established. In this study, a histomorphometric analysis was undertaken to evaluate the repair process on immediate replantation of monkeys teeth after calcium hydroxide (CH) therapy for 1 and 6 months followed by root canal filling with a CH-based sealer (Sealapex (R)). The maxillary and mandibular lateral incisors of five female Cebus apella monkeys were extracted, kept in sterile saline for 15 min, replanted and splinted with stainless steel orthodontic wire and composite resin for 10 days. In Group I (control), definitive root canal filling was performed before tooth extraction. In Groups II and III, CH therapy started after removal of splint, and definitive root canal filling was performed 1 and 6 months later, respectively. The animals were euthanized 9 months after replantation, and specimens were processed for histomorphometric analysis. In all groups, epithelial attachment occurred at the cementoenamel junction or very close to this region; the areas of resorption on root surface had small extension and depth and were repaired by newly formed cementum; and the periodontal ligament was organized. Statistical analysis of the scores obtained for the histomorphometric parameters did not show any statistically significant difference (P = 0.1221) among the groups. The results suggests that when endodontic treatment is initiated 10 days after immediate replantation and an antibiotic regimen is associated, definitive root canal filling can be performed after a short-term CH therapy.


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The aim of this study was to present the factors that influence planning for immediate loading of implants through a literature review for treatment success. Research was conducted in the PubMed database including the key words immediate implant loading, implant-supported prostheses, and implant planning for studies published from 2000 to 2011. Forty-eight articles were used in this review to describe the indications and counterindications, presurgical planning, and technologies available for planning of this treatment alternative.


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The treatment with implants aims to obtain a direct interface between bone and implant. The implant is kept load-free during 4 to 6 months in the 2-stage procedure, which is considered a requisite for osseointegration. However, this period is based on empirical principles and uncomfortable for patient. So, the immediate loading protocol was Suggested to submit implants to occlusal function after placement. This protocol has been applied for several conditions of edentulism. The aim of this study was to evaluate the treatment alternatives for immediate loading of complete and partial edentulous patients. In general, the studies have demonstrated high previsibility for rehabilitation of complete edentulous arches with full-arch, implant-supported prosthesis. The rehabilitation with immediate loading for maxillary overdenture is questionable because there is no longitudinal study in literature. The studies with partial edentulous arches have demonstrated high success rates for implants placed in the mandibular and maxillary anterior region. Additional care is recommended for posterior region mainly in the maxillary arch, and further studies are suggested to corroborate this treatment.