413 resultados para IAS
The levels and kinetic properties of arginase of the liver of s vertebrates : the fish otifg trhinea e)n, ztyhmee b ias thi(gPhteerro ipnu aslls tph.e), 3t hmeasmqumirarles lin(F cuonmampabruilsuosnp teon tnhaantt oi)f tahned p tohiek iglootahter(Cmaspra s(pC.)atalarec sattulad)i,edth. eT fhreo ga c(tRivaintya greater than that of the frog. The activity ; its activity in the fish is far in the bat and highest in the goat. in the bat is the same as in other mammals. The Km of the enzyme is lowest partially purified enzyme of vertebrates. significant difference in the inhibitory effect of glyoxylic acid on the partially purified enzyme of vertebrates.
The present work deals with the characterization of polyhydroxyalkanoates accumulating vibrios from marine benthic environments and production studies of polyhydroxyalkanoates by vibrio sp.BTKB33. Vibrios are a group of (iram negative, curved or straight motile rods that normally inhabit the aquatic environments.The present study therefore aimed at evaluating the occurrence of PHA accumulating vibrios inhabiting marine benthic environments; characterizing the potential PHA accumulators employing phenotypic and genotypic approaches and molecular characterization of the PHA synthase gene. The study also evaluated the PHA production in V:'hri0 sp. strain BTKB33, through submerged fennentation using statistical optimization and characterized the purified biopolymer. Screening for PHA producing vibrios from marine benthic environments. Characterization of PHA producers employing phenotypic and genotypic approaches.The incidence of PHA accumulation in Vibrio sp. isolated from marine sediments was observed to be high, indicating that the natural habitat of these bacteria are stressful. Considering their ubiquitous nature, the ecological role played by vibrios in maintaining the delicate balance of the benthic ecosystem besides returning potential strains, with the ability to elaborate a plethora of extracellular enzymes for industrial application, is significant. The elaboration of several hydrolytic enzymes by individuals also emphasize the crucial role of vibrios in the mineralization process in the marine environment. This study throws light on the extracellular hydrolytic enzyme profile exhibited by vibrios. It was concluded that apart from the PHA accumulation, presence of exoenzyme production and higher MAR index also aids in their survival in the highly challenging benthic enviromnents. The phylogenetic analysis of the strains and studies on intra species variation within PHA accumulating strains reveal their diversity. The isolate selected for production in this study was Vibrio sp. strain BTKB33, identified as V.azureus by 16S rDNA sequencing and phenotypic characterization. The bioprocess variables for PHA production utilising submerged fermentation was optimized employing one-factor-at-a-time-method, PB design and RSM studies. The statistical optimization of bioprocess variables revealed that NaCl concentration, temperature and incubation period are the major bioprocess variables influencing PHA production and PHA content. The presence of Class I PHA synthase genes in BTKB33 was also unveiled. The characterization of phaC genes by PCR and of the extracted polymer employing FTIR and NMR analysis revealed the presence of polyhydroxybutyrate, smallest known PI-IAs, having wider domestic, industrial and medical application. The strain BTKB33 bearing a significant exoenzyme profile, can thus be manipulatedin future for utilization of diverse substrates as C- source for PHA production. In addition to BTKB33, several fast growing Vibrio sp. having PHA accumulating ability were also isolated, revealing the prospects of this environment as a mine for novel PHA accumulating microbes. The findings of this study will provide a reference for further research in industrial production of PHAs from marine microorganisms .
Conoc iendo la impor tancia del sector asegurador como parte de la base de l sistema financiero de un país, consideram os de gran importancia realizar un estudio que permita establecer la situac ión actual y que posic ión debe tomar el sector asegurador, para enfrent ar escenarios futuros en el corto, mediano y lar go plazo, delimitando las tendencias del me rcado y del entorno, para así crear posibles es trategias encaminadas a tornar a favor las si tuaciones adversas. Con el transcurso de los años ha evolucionado el concepto de riesgo para las Personas y a que estas han tomado conciencia de la inherencia de éste en la vida cotidiana, esto denot a el surgim iento de empresas preocupadas por satisfacer las necesidades y exigenc ias de este sector.
Las hipótesis son: los escolares de áreas rurales presentan mayor índice de fracaso que los de zona urbana. Hay diferencias en el fracaso según la variable sexo, hay correlación entre el fracaso y el nivel socio-económico. Existe una relación entre problemas de adaptación escolar y fracaso, se relacionan problemas de adaptación social y fracaso, hay relación entre problemas de autoestima y fracaso, el desarrollo cognitivo y el interés escolar depende del hábitat. Se ha realizado un muestreo estratificado en función de población: rural o urbana y el tipo de centro público o privado con un total de 1300 alumnos de séptimo y octavo de EGB y primero y segundo de FP y de BUP. Es una investigación de tipo correlacional en la que se trata de estimar el grado de relación que existe entre el fracaso escolar y las variables. Variable dependiente: fracaso escolar. Variables independientes: autoestima, campos de interés, desarrollo cognoscitivo, inadaptación escolar, inadaptación social, nivel socio-económico, población rural urbana. Cuestionario personal: para recoger los datos personales. Cuestinario escolar: se estudia la escuela actual y la ideal. Escala de autoestima de Rosenberg. Cuestionario de Adaptación Escolar (CAE). Cuestionario de Adaptación Social (IAS). Escala para medir el pensamiento lógico Piaget-Longeot referido al campo concreto del azar. Análisis de correspondencias múltiples con el paquete SPAD para ver cuales son las variables influyentes. Tablas de contingencia para observar las relaciones reales en el análisis de correspondencias. Análisis de varianza. Prueba de Chi cuadrado. Paquete SPSS para estas dos últimas pruebas. No hay diferencias significativas entre áreas rurales y urbanas: el mayor fracaso se da en Formación Profesional y en la Escuela pública. Hay mayor índice de fracaso en varones que en mujeres. El mayor porcenteje de fracaso se relaciona con nivel socio-económico bajo y éste con la escuela pública. Los niños con fracaso presentan formas de inadaptación mayores que los otros. Los no fracasados presentan una media superior en adaptación social. La autoestima es más baja en niños rurales que en urbanos. Un nivel bajo de autoestima se relaciona con el fracaso. Los escolares de medio rural presentan un desarrollo cognoscitivo más lento que el de los urbanos.
Analizar el aprendizaje de estrategias comunicativas por parte de ni??os autistas mediante el entrenamiento en un sistema aumentativo de comunicaci??n. Estudiar el proceso de transferencia de estrategias comunicativas a otros contextos diferentes al del entrenamiento, concretamente, al del aula y al familiar.. 4 ni??os autistas (6, 10, 11, 12 a??os) del Centro Concertado de Educaci??n Especial, CEPRI (Madrid).. Se analizan las dificultades comunicativas de los ni??os autistas y el empleo y transferencia de Sistemas Alternativos de Comunicaci??n, presentando los objetivos y tipolog??a de los mismos. Se procede a la selecci??n de la muestra de acuerdo con los siguientes criterios: 1. Diagn??stico de autismo (DSM-III-R), 2. El individuo se encuentra en la primera fase del programa de comunicaci??n Total de Schaeffer, 3. El individuo tiene la edad mental suficiente para progresar en dicho programa, 4. El individuo no presenta trastornos conductuales. La muestra se estudia seg??n las variables: 1. Edad, 2. Sexo, 3. Edad mental, 4. Rasgos conductuales, 5. Competencia comunicativa. Se desarrollan las sesiones de entrenamiento y evaluaci??n del aprendizaje de la estrategia considerando el Indice de Ayuda Total (IAT). Las grabaciones en video de las situaciones de interacci??n en el hogar y en el aula son categorizadas por psic??logos ajenos al proceso de instrucci??n. Se procede al tratamiento inform??tico de los datos obtenidos empleando el programa Stat View 512+.. Escala de Desarrollo Psicomotor de la Primera Infancia Brunet-Lezine (MEPSA), Cuestionario de HAbilidades Comunicativas, Indice de Ayuda por Sesi??n (IAS), Indice medio de Ayuda por Sesi??n (IAS'), Indice de Ayuda Total (IAT).. Los ni??os autistas con menor edad mental muestran mayor dificultad en el proceso de aprendizaje de la estrategia comunicativa entrenada. Los ni??os autistas muestran una tendencia a generalizar con mayor dificultad el signo aprendido cuando se refiere a un objeto neutro. El empleo de ciertas conductas comunicativo-sociales por parte del adulto favorece la utilizaci??n m??s temprana de la estrategia entrenada en el ni??o. Las respuestas comunicativas de la madre son adecuadas en la medida que suscitan el empleo de gestos por parte del ni??o..
Estamos prestes a encerrar as XVI Jornadas Sobre a Função Social do Museu.Desde 1988, ano em que reunimos as Ias. Jornadas na Quinta da Subserra em Vila Franca de Xira, que nos temos encontrado anualmente. Esta “longevidade” no âmbito das instituições museológicas portuguesas é já por si motivo de celebração. Sobretudo se observarmos que alguns de nós temos estado presentes desde as primeiras Jornadas.Mas temos este ano, outra efeméride a celebrar: os 20 anos do MINOM. De facto, foi em Lisboa em Novembro de 1985 (se não erro, no dia 5 desse mês) que a Assembleia Constitutiva aprovou os estatutos do Movimento Internacional para uma Nova Museologia. Nessa ocasião, foram divulgados entre nós e, pela primeira vez amplamente discutidos, textos que nos habituámos a considerar como textos fundacionais do Movimento. Refiro-me à Declaração de Santiago do Chile, à Declaração de Oaxtepec, à definição, então muito recente, de G. H. Rivière, de Ecomuseu.
Private governance is currently being evoked as a viable solution to many public policy goals. However, in some circumstances it has shown to produce more harm than good, and even disastrous consequences as in the case of the financial crisis that is raging in most advanced economies. Although the current track record of private regulatory schemes is mixed, policy guidance documents around the world still require that policy-makers give priority to self- and co-regulation, with little or no additional guidance being given to policymakers to devise when, and under what circumstances, these solutions can prove viable from a public policy perspective. With an array of examples from several policy fields, this paper approaches regulation as a public-private collaborative form and attempts to identify possible policy tools to be applied by public policy-makers to efficiently and effectively approach private governance as a solution, rather than a problem. We propose a six-step theoretical framework and argue that IA techniques should: i) define an integrated framework including both the possibility that private regulation can be used as an alternative or as a complement to public legislation; ii) involve private parties in public IAs in order to define the best strategy or strategies that would ensure achievement of the regulatory objectives; and iii) contemplate the deployment of indicators related to governance and activities of the regulators and their ability to coordinate and solve disputes with other regulators.
Reaction of 1,3-diaryltriazenes (abbreviated in general as HL-R, where R stands for the para-substituent in the aryl fragment and H stands for the dissociable hydrogen atom, R = OCH3, CH3, H, Cl, NO2) with [Rh(PPh3)(2)(CO)Cl] in ethanol in the presence of NEt3 produces a series of tris-diaryltriazenide complexes of rhodium of type [Rh(L-R)(3)], where the triazenes are coordinated to rhodium as monoanionic, bidentate N,N-donors. Structure of the [Rh(L-OCH3)(3)] complex has been determined by X-ray crystallography. The complexes are diamagnetic, and show characteristic H-1 NMR signals and intense MLCT transitions in the visible region. They also fluoresce in the visible region under ambient condition while excited at around 400 nm. Cyclic voltammetry on these complexes shows a Rh(III)-Rh(IV) oxidation (within 0.84-1.67 V vs SCE), followed by an oxidation of the coordinated tri- and azene ligand (except the R = NO2 complex). An irreversible reduction of the coordinated triazene is also observed for all the complexes below -1.03 V vs SCE.
Reaction of 2-(2'-carboxyphenylazo)-4-methylphenol (H2L) with [M(PPh3)(2)Cl-2] (M = Pd, Pt) affords mixed-ligand complexes of type [M(PPh3)(L)]. Structures of both the complexes have been determined by X-ray crystallography. Both the complexes are square planar, where the 2-(2'-carboxyphenylazo)-4-methylphenol is coordinated to the metal center, via dissociation of the two acidic protons, as a dianionic tridentate O,N,O-donor, and the fourth position is occupied by the triphenylphosphine. These complexes show intense MLCT transitions in the visible region.
Transport and deposition of charged inhaled aerosols in double planar bifurcation representing generation three to five of human respiratory system has been studied under a light activity breathing condition. Both steady and oscillatory laminar inhalation airflow is considered. Particle trajectories are calculated using a Lagrangian reference frame, which is dominated by the fluid force driven by airflow, gravity force and electrostatic forces (both of space and image charge forces). The particle-mesh method is selected to calculate the space charge force. This numerical study investigates the deposition efficiency in the three-dimensional model under various particle sizes, charge values, and inlet particle distribution. Numerical results indicate that particles carrying an adequate level of charge can improve deposition efficiency in the airway model.
In this paper the use of neural networks for the control of dynamical systems is considered. Both identification and feedback control aspects are discussed as well as the types of system for which neural networks can provide a useful technique. Multi-layer Perceptron and Radial Basis function neural network types are looked at, with an emphasis on the latter. It is shown how basis function centre selection is a critical part of the implementation process and that multivariate clustering algorithms can be an extremely useful tool for finding centres.
Impact Assessments (IAs) were introduced at the EU level under the rhetorical facade of ‘better regulation’. The actual aim was to improve not only the quality but also the reputation of EU regulation before stakeholders. However, evidence brought forward by a number of evaluations pointed out that IAs are yet to achieve acceptable quality standards. The paper offers an overview of different disciplinary approaches for looking at IAs. It suggests that risk regulation encompasses the theoretical foundations to help understand the role of IAs in the EU decisionmaking process. The analysis of 60 early days preliminary IAs provides empirical evidence regarding policy alternatives, methodology of consultation and use of quantitative techniques. Findings suggest that dawn period IAs were used mainly to provide some empirical evidence for regulatory intervention in front of stakeholders. The paper concludes with assumptions about the future role of IAs at EU level.
In 2003 the European Commission started using Impact Assessment (IA) as the main empirical basis for its major policy proposals. The aim was to systematically assess ex ante the economic, social and environmental impacts of EU policy proposals. In parallel, research proliferated in search for theoretical grounds for IAs and in an attempt to evaluate empirically the performance of the first sets of IAs produced by the European Commission. This paper combines conceptual and evaluative studies carried out in the first five years of EU IAs. It concludes that the great discrepancy between rationale and practice calls for a different theoretical focus and a higher emphasis on evaluating empirically crucial risk economics aspects of IAs, such as the value of statistical life, price of carbon, the integration of macroeconomic modelling and scenario analysis.