955 resultados para High temperatures.
Se introdujeron varias modificaciones tecnológicas en la elaboración habitual del jamón curado español de cerdo blanco para mejorar su seguridad y calidad, así como para investigar la contribución relativa de los diversos procesos implicados en la calidad sensorial. Las modificaciones introducidas en cada uno de 3 experimentos (a, b, c) fueron: a) inoculación de un cultivo iniciador (CI) en la superficie del producto y el envasado del jamón al vacío durante la etapa de reposo (EV); b) aplicación de una atmósfera modificada con un contenido reducido de oxígeno (AMCRO) (durante la totalidad o la última parte del procesado) en dos procesos que diferían en las humedades relativas aplicadas; c) realización de un estufaje de 4 días a 35ºC y la aplicación repetida de pequeñas cantidades de grasa dorsal líquida sobre la superficie del jamón. En cada experimento, se siguió un diseño experimental de bloques incompletos para bloquear y evaluar el efecto de la materia prima en cada parámetro. La aplicación del CI evitó el crecimiento superficial de hongos, pero modificó el flavor del producto, dando lugar a la aparición de flavores impropios del jamón tradicional, al aumento de la incidencia de la coquera y a la reducción de la intensidad de notas características del mismo como el flavor añejo. Estos efectos fueron debidos a la acción directa del CI pero probablemente también a los cambios que provocó en la superficie del jamón, como la atenuación del "sudado" del jamón. El EV trajo consigo una reducción del crecimiento superficial de mohos; un mayor gradiente de humedad entre el interior y el exterior del jamón; una disminución de la pérdida de peso; un aumento del nitrógeno no proteico y cambios negativos en la textura, aspecto y flavor, como el aumento de la intensidad del velo blanco y del flavor a pienso, el aumento de la incidencia de la coquera y la atenuación del flavor añejo. Estos efectos fueron consecuencia del mayor contenido de humedad a que dio lugar dicha modificación tecnológica, de la potenciación de los efectos negativos del uso del CI, así como a los cambios que provocó en la superficie del jamón. El uso de una ACRO durante todo el proceso provocó un aumento del nitrógeno no proteico, una disminución de la concentración de óxidos de colesterol, un aumento de la intensidad del velo blanco y, en combinación con el uso de humedades relativas bajas, causó una disminución del crecimiento bacteriano y evitó el crecimiento de hongos, levaduras y ácaros en el interior y exterior del jamón y el desarrollo de la coquera. Asímismo, dio lugar a una drástica reducción de la intensidad del flavor del jamón debido a la disminución de la intensidad de la oxidación lipídica. Cuando esta ACRO se aplicó únicamente al final del proceso, se consiguió la eliminación de las formas móviles de los ácaros y la disminución de la intensidad de la coquera y el producto resultante poseía un flavor algo más intenso que aquél sometido a una ACRO durante todo el proceso. El aumento de la temperatura de 25-27 ºC a 35 ºC durante 4 días no tuvo ningún efecto sobre los parámetros estudiados. La aplicación de la grasa líquida en la superficie del jamón evitó el secado excesivo en superficie, previno el desarrollo de la coquera y causó un aumento de la intensidad del flavor añejo y una reducción de la incidencia de notas negativas como el tostado, hechos que indican que la liberación de grasa líquida en el jamón ("sudado") constituye un fenómeno determinante en su calidad sensorial. La materia prima fue el factor que afectó a un mayor número de parámetros.
[EU]Energia berriztagarria iturri naturaletatik sortzen den energia mota da. Energia lortzeko erabiltzen diren baliabide naturalak asko dira, eguzki-energia, haizea, ura… Energia berriztagarrien artean, eolikoa da zabalkunde handien lortu duena; batez ere ingurumen-inpaktu urriagatik eta bere kostuak gero eta txikiagoak izateagatik. Honen ondorioz, energia garbi, lehiakor eta ekonomikoki bideragarria da gaur egun. Hala ere, aerosorgailu hauen ekoizpen prozesuak desabantaila nabaria aurkezten du palen ontze prozesuan. Tenperatura igoeraren ondorioz material konkretu baten degradazioa dela eta. Ikerketa lan honetan, aerosorgailu palen karakterizazioa egingo da eta ontze prozesuan, “polikloruro de binilo” (PVC)-ak jasaten duen degradazioaren azterketa.
A range of archaeological samples have been examined using FT-IR spectroscopy. These include suspected coprolite samples from the Neolithic site of Catalhoyuk in Turkey, pottery samples from the Roman site of Silchester, UK and the Bronze Age site of Gatas, Spain and unidentified black residues on pottery sherds from the Roman sites of Springhead and Cambourne, UK. For coprolite samples the aim of FT-IR analysis is identification. Identification of coprolites in the field is based on their distinct orange colour; however, such visual identifications can often be misleading due to their similarity with deposits such as ochre and clay. For pottery the aim is to screen those samples that might contain high levels of organic residues which would be suitable for GC-MS analysis. The experiments have shown coprolites to have distinctive spectra, containing strong peaks from calcite, phosphate and quartz; the presence of phosphorus may be confirmed by SEM-EDX analysis. Pottery containing organic residues of plant and animal origin has also been shown to generally display strong phosphate peaks. FT-IR has distinguished between organic resin and non-organic compositions for the black residues, with differences also being seen between organic samples that have the same physical appearance. Further analysis by CC-MS has confirmed the identification of the coprolites through the presence of coprostanol and bile acids, and shows that the majority of organic pottery residues are either fatty acids or mono- or di-acylglycerols from foodstuffs, or triterpenoid resin compounds exposed to high temperatures. One suspected resin sample was shown to contain no organic residues. and it is seen that resin samples with similar physical appearances have different chemical compositions. FT-IR is proposed as a quick and cheap method of screening archaeological samples before subjecting them to the more expensive and time-consuming method of GC-MS. This will eliminate inorganic samples such as clays and ochre from CC-MS analysis, and will screen those samples which are most likely to have a high concentration of preserved organic residues. (C) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
The conditions for soil development in the lowland tropics are described, in particular the soil-forming factors, climate, parent material, topography and organisms, and their interactions through time. Of particular importance is the climate of the lowland tropics, which has a major influence on the nature of soil development because of high temperatures and the duration of the periods when the soil is moist. The nature of the parent material is also a major determinant of the nature of the soil. Because soil development has taken place in much of the tropics over long time periods, the soils have distinctive characteristics. Soil-forming processes are described briefly, in particular the nature of the weathering of the inorganic fraction of the soil, and the removal of soluble materials in leaching and the translocation of materials in suspension. Typical soils developed in the humid and seasonally moist tropics are briefly described, and comparisons made between the two most widely used international soil classifications, Soil Taxonomy and World Reference Base for Soil Resources. Some of the other soils found within the tropics are briefly described.
Temperature regimes that induce and ameliorate cropping troughs ("thermodormancy") were evaluated over two seasons for the everbearing strawberry 'Everest'. When plants were exposed to 26 degrees C for 5, 10, 20 or 30 d in July, heat-induced troughs in cropping were observed in August. An important discovery was that cool (13 degrees C) night temperatures ameliorated the severity of thermodormancy. In this study, thermodormancy appeared to be due principally to flower abortion post-anthesis, as large numbers of flowers emerged in mid-July, during the high temperature treatments, but went on to produce low fruit numbers in mid-August. Flower initiation itself (monitored by crown dissection) was not reduced by high temperatures. The observation that night-time temperature is critical for thermodormancy has significance for commercial production, in which protected cropping tends to increase average temperatures throughout the season, and venting tends to focus on day-time temperatures.
Here we describe results which teach us much about the mechanism of the reduction and oxidation of TiO2(110) by the application of scanning tunnelling microscopy imaging at high temperatures. Titania reduces at high temperature by thermal oxygen loss to leave localized (i.e. Ti3+) and delocalized electrons on the lattice Ti, and a reduced titania interstitial that diffuses into the bulk of the crystal. The interstitial titania can be recalled to the surface by treatment in very low pressures of oxygen, occurring at a significant rate even at 573 K. This re-oxidation occurs by re-growth of titania layers in a Volmer-Weber manner, by a repeating sequence in which in-growth of extra titania within the cross-linked (1 x 2) structure completes the (1 x 1) bulk termination. The next layer then initiates with the nucleation of points and strings which extend to form islands of cross-linked (1 x 2), which once again grow and fill in to reform the (1 x 1). This process continues in a cyclical manner to form many new layers of well-ordered titania. The details of the mechanism and kinetics of the process are considered.
The crystallization kinetics of each constituent of poly(p-dioxanone)-b-poly(epsilon-caprolactone) diblock copolymers (PPDX-b-PCL) has been determined in a wide composition range by differential scanning calorimetry and compared to that of the equivalent homopolymers. Spherulitic growth rates were also measured by polarized optical microscopy while atomic force microscopy was employed to reveal the morphology of one selected diblock copolymer. It was found that crystallization drives structure formation and both components form lamellae within mixed spherulitic superstructures. The overall isothermal crystallization kinetics of the PPDX block at high temperatures, where the PCL is molten, was determined by accelerating the kinetics through a previous self-nucleation procedure. The application of the Lauritzen and Ho. man theory to overall growth rate data yielded successful results for PPDX and the diblock copolymers. The theory was applied to isothermal overall crystallization of previously self-nucleated PPDX ( where growth should be the dominant factor if self-nucleation was effective) and the energetic parameters obtained were perfectly matched with those obtained from spherulitic growth rate data of neat PPDX. A quantitative estimate of the increase in the energy barrier for crystallization of the PPDX block, caused by the covalently bonded molten PCL as compared to homo-PPDX, was thus determined. This energy increase can dramatically reduce the crystallization rate of the PPDX block as compared to homo-PPDX. In the case of the PCL block, both the crystallization kinetics and the self-nucleation results indicate that the PPDX is able to nucleate the PCL within the copolymers and heterogeneous nucleation is always present regardless of composition. Finally, preliminary results on hydrolytic degradation showed that the presence of relatively small amounts of PCL within PPDX-bPCL copolymers substantially retards hydrolytic degradation of the material in comparison to homo-PPDX. This increased resistance to hydrolysis is a complex function of composition and its knowledge may allow future prediction of the lifetime of the material for biomedical applications.
This paper assesses the potential for using building integrated photovoltaic (BIPV) roof shingles made from triple-junction amorphous silicon (3a-Si) for electrification and as a roofing material in tropical countries, such as Accra, Ghana. A model roof was constructed using triple-junction amorphous (3a-Si) PV on one section and conventional roofing tiles on the other. The performance of the PV module and tiles were measured, over a range of ambient temperatures and solar irradiance. PVSyst (a computer design software) was used to determine the most appropriate angle of tilt. It was observed that 3a-Si performs well in conditions such as Accra, because it is insensitive to high temperatures. Building integration gives security benefits, and reduces construction costs and embodied energy, compared to freestanding PV systems. Again, it serves as a means of protection from salt spray from the oceans and works well even when shaded. However, compared to conventional roofing materials, 3a-Si would increase the indoor temperature by 1-2 °C depending on the surface area of the roof covered with the PV modules. The results presented in this research enhance the understanding of varying factors involved in the selection of an appropriate method of PV installation to offset the short falls of the conventional roofing material in Ghana.
Lack of sulphur nutrition during potato cultivation has been shown to have profound effects on tuber composition, affecting in particular the concentrations of free asparagine, other amino acids and sugars. This is important because free asparagine and sugars react at high temperatures to form acrylamide, a suspect carcinogen. Free amino acids and sugars also form a variety of other compounds associated with colour and flavour. In this study the volatile aroma compounds formed in potato flour heated at 180 °C for 20 min were compared for three varieties of potato grown, with and without sulphur fertiliser. Approximately 50 compounds were quantified in the headspace extracts of the heated flour, of which over 40 were affected by sulphur fertilisation and/or variety. Many of the 41 compounds found at higher concentrations in the sulphur-deficient flour were Strecker aldehydes and compounds formed from their condensation, whereas only one compound, benzaldehyde, behaved in the same way as did acrylamide and was found at higher concentrations in the sulphur-sufficient flour. The reasons for these effects are discussed.
The potential longevity of japonica rice (Oryza sativa L. subsp. japonica) seed is particularly sensitive to high temperature – and thus climate change – during development and maturation. Cultivar Taipei 309 was grown at 28/208C (12 h/12 h) and then from 19 DAA (days after 50% anthesis), when seeds were just over half filled, at 28/208C, 30/228C, 32/248C or 34/268C (12 h/12 h). Whereas ability to germinate ex planta had been achieved in almost all seeds by 24 DAA, only half the population were desiccation tolerant. Desiccation tolerance continued to increase over the subsequent 28 d, similarly at all four temperatures. Subsequent longevity, assessed by p50 (period in days to reduce viability to 50% in hermetic storage at 408C with c. 15% moisture content), increased progressively at 28/208C until 38 DAA, and remained constant until the final harvest (52 DAA). The three warmer temperature regimes provided similar longevity to 28/208C at any one harvest, except at 38 DAA where the warmest (34/268C) was poorer. That temperature regime also provided greater seed-to-seed variability within each survival curve. The results confirm that appreciable improvement in seed quality occurs during seed development and also subsequent maturation in japonica rice, but that increase in temperature from 28/208C to 34/268C during late seed filling onwards has comparatively little effect thereon. Comparison with previous investigations suggests that seed quality development may be less sensitive to high temperatures during late development and maturation than during the early seed development that precedes it.
We present helium scattering measurements of a water ad-layer grown on a O(2 1)/Ru(0001) surface. The adsorbed water layer results in a well ordered helium diffraction pattern with systematic extinctions of diffraction spots due to glide line symmetries. The data reflects a well-defined surface structure that maintains proton order even at surprisingly high temperatures of 140 K. The diffraction data we measure is consistent with a structure recently derived from STM measurements performed at 6 K. Comparison with recent DFT calculation is in partial agreement, suggesting that these calculations might be underestimating the contribution of relative water molecule orientations to the binding energy.
Small gaseous combustion systems are being targeted by strict pollution legislation which will provide challenges to reduce the NOx being emitted. A novel type of gas burner has been successfully designed and developed which incorporates a Coanda ejector to promote recirculation of flue gas from the burner exit. This provides a combustion system which gives very low emissions of NOx and CO, whilst maintaining a high degree of flame stability over a range of air/fuel ratios and fuel flow rates. Recirculation of flue gas was obtained by manipulating the aerodynamics of the system, without the aid of external duct work or moving parts. The design of the burner allowed very low pollutant emissions near stoichiometric conditions, resulting in high temperatures of the exit gas. Potential applications of this type of burner are in small and intermediate furnaces where low NOx emissions are required. Moreover, very high-temperature applications, such as glass furnaces could benefit in both cost and pollutant emissions from such a burner.
Semi-crystalline poly(ether ketone)s are important high-temperature engineering thermoplastics, but are difficult to characterize at the molecular level because of their insolubility in conventional organic solvents. Here we report that polymers of this type, including PEEK, react cleanly at high temperatures with low-volatility aralkyl amines to afford stable, noncrystalline poly(ether-imine)s, which are readily soluble in solvents such as chloroform, THF and DMF and so characterizable by conventional size-exclusion chromatography.
Molecular orientation parameters have been measured for the non-crystalline component of crosslinked natural rubber samples deformed in uniaxial tension as a function of the extension ratio and of temperature. The orientation parapeters 〈P2(cosα)〉 and 〈P4(cosα)〉 were obtained by an analysis of the anisotropy of the wide-angle X-ray scattering functions. For the measurements made at high temperatures the level of crystallinity detected was negligible and the orientation-strain behaviour could be compared directly with the predictions of molecular models of rubber elasticity. The molecular orientation behaviour with strain was found to be at variance with the estimates of the affine model particularly at low and moderate strains. Extension of the crosslinked rubber at room temperature led to strain-crystallization and measurements of both the molecular orientation of the non-crystalline chains and the degree of crystallinity during extension and relaxation enabled the role of the crystallites in the deformation process to be considered in detail. The intrinsic birefringence of the non-crystalline component was estimated, through the use of the 〈P2(cosα)〉 values obtained from X-ray scattering measurements, to be 0.20±0.02.
Acrylamide is a probable human carcinogen that forms in plant-derived foods when free asparagine and reducing sugars react at high temperatures. The identification of rye varieties with low acrylamide-forming potential or agronomic conditions that produce raw material with low acrylamide precursor concentrations would reduce the acrylamide formed in baked rye foods without the need for additives or potentially costly changes to processes. This work compared five commercial rye varieties grown under a range of fertilisation regimes to investigate the effects of genotype and nutrient (nitrogen and sulphur) availability on the accumulation of acrylamide precursors. A strong correlation was established between the free asparagine concentration of grain and the acrylamide formed upon heating. The five rye varieties accumulated different concentrations of free asparagine in the grain, indicating that there is genetic control of this trait and that variety selection could be useful in reducing acrylamide levels in rye products. High levels of nitrogen fertilisation were found to increase the accumulation of free asparagine, showing that excessive nitrogen application should be avoided in order not to exacerbate the problem of acrylamide formation. This effect of nitrogen was mitigated in two of the varieties by the application of sulphur.