916 resultados para High spectral resolution detectors


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This thesis presents details on progress made in the fabrication and application of short and novel structure fibre Bragg gratings. The basic theoretical concepts of in-fibre Bragg gratings and photosensitive mechanisms are introduced together with an overview of fabrication methods and applications presented to date. The fabrication of fibre Bragg gratings using a quadrupled Nd:YAG laser is presented and some of the issues of grating fabrication using a fabrication using a phasemask are investigated, including the variation of the separation of the fibre and phasemask, and other alignment issues. A new apodisation technique is presented, enabling the production of gratings with a wide range of spectral profiles. The technique is used to investigate the design and fabrication of length limited fibre Bragg gratings for use in telecommunication systems as filters. Application to devices designed for use in WDM systems is presented. The use of fibre Bragg gratings as high spatial resolution distributed sensors is investigated. Grating sensing arrays comprising very short apodised gratings are demonstrated and Chirped Moiré gratings are implemented as distributed sensors achieving high spatial resolution with miniature point sensing sub-elements. A novel grating sensing element designed to imitate an interferometer is also presented. Finally, the behaviour of gratings fabricated in Boron-Germania-co-doped fibre is investigated, revealing atypical behaviour of the Bragg wavelength during ageing.


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Two-dimensional optical power distribution of the out-coupled radiation from UV-inscribed tilted fibre Bragg gratings (TFBGs) in multimode fibre (MMF) has been side-detected with high spatial/spectral resolution, showing a near-identical radiation mode profile to that measured from the fibre-end detection method. A comparative investigation of the radiation characteristics of TFBGs fabricated in singlemode fibre (SMF) and MMF clearly indicates that the radiation out-coupling is stronger and spatially more confined in MMF. The unique spatial-to-spectral encoding property of the coupling mechanism offers potential application in low-cost WDM devices.


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We present an imaging system based on light emitting diode (LED) illumination that produces multispectral optical images of the human ocular fundus. It uses a conventional fundus camera equipped with a high power LED light source and a highly sensitive electron-multiplying charge coupled device camera. It is able to take pictures at a series of wavelengths in rapid succession at short exposure times, thereby eliminating the image shift introduced by natural eye movements (saccades). In contrast with snapshot systems the images retain full spatial resolution. The system is not suitable for applications where the full spectral resolution is required as it uses discrete wavebands for illumination. This is not a problem in retinal imaging where the use of selected wavelengths is common. The modular nature of the light source allows new wavelengths to be introduced easily and at low cost. The use of wavelength-specific LEDs as a source is preferable to white light illumination and subsequent filtering of the remitted light as it minimizes the total light exposure of the subject. The system is controlled via a graphical user interface that enables flexible control of intensity, duration, and sequencing of sources in synchrony with the camera. Our initial experiments indicate that the system can acquire multispectral image sequences of the human retina at exposure times of 0.05 s in the range of 500-620 nm with mean signal to noise ratio of 17 dB (min 11, std 4.5), making it suitable for quantitative analysis with application to the diagnosis and screening of eye diseases such as diabetic retinopathy and age-related macular degeneration.


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Two-dimensional optical power distribution of the out-coupled radiation from UV-inscribed tilted fibre Bragg gratings (TFBGs) in multimode fibre (MMF) has been side-detected with high spatial/spectral resolution, showing a near-identical radiation mode profile to that measured from the fibre-end detection method. A comparative investigation of the radiation characteristics of TFBGs fabricated in singlemode fibre (SMF) and MMF clearly indicates that the radiation out-coupling is stronger and spatially more confined in MMF. The unique spatial-to-spectral encoding property of the coupling mechanism offers potential application in low-cost WDM devices.


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Two-dimensional optical power distribution of the out-coupled radiation from UV-inscribed tilted fibre Bragg gratings (TFBG) in multimode fibre (MMF) has been side-detected with high spatial spectral resolution, showing a near-identical radiation mode profile to that measured from the fibre-end detection method. A comparative investigation of the radiation characteristics of TFBGs fabricated in singlemode fibre (SMF) and MMF clearly indicates that the radiation out-coupling is stronger and spatially more confined in MMF. The unique spatial-to-spectral encoding property of the coupling mechanism offers potential application in low-cost WDM devices.


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We report on the effective side detection of radiation-mode out-coupling from blazed fiber Bragg gratings (BFBGs) fabricated in single-mode fiber (SMF) and multimode fiber (MMF). The far-field radiation power distribution from BFBGs have been measured achieving a high spatial-spectral resolution (0.17 mm/nm). We have also investigated comparatively the transmission-loss characteristics of BFBGs in both fiber types, fabricated using phase-mask and holographic inscription techniques. Our results reveal clearly that the radiation out-coupling from BFBGs is significantly stronger and spectrally more confined in MMF than in SMF.


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Long period fiber grating (LPFG) can be used as active gain controlling device in EDFA. However, LPFGs fabricated in the standard telecom fiber only have a typical temperature sensitivity of 3-10nm/100°C, which may not be sufficient for implementing tuneable filters capable of wide tuning range and high tuning efficiency. In this paper, we report a theoretical and experimental investigation of thermal properties of LPFGs fabricated in B/Ge co-doped optical fiber. We have found that the temperature sensitivity of the LPFGs in the B/Ge fiber is considerably increased compared with those produced in the standard fiber. The LPFGs written in the B/Ge fiber have achieved, on average, one order of magnitude higher sensitivity than that of the LPFGs produced in the standard telecom fiber. We have also identified that the thermal response of LPFG is strongly dependent on the order of the coupled resonant cladding mode. The maximum sensitivity of 1.75nm/°C achieved by the 10th cladding mode of the 240μm LPFG is nearly 24 times that of the minimum value (0.075nm/C) exhibited by the 30th mode of the 34μm LPFG. Such devices may lead to high-efficiency and low-cost thermal/electrical tunable loss filters or sensors with extremely high temperature resolution.


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Similarly to the case of LIF (Laser-Induced Fluorescence), an equally revolutionary impact to science is expected from resonant X-ray photo-pumping. It will particularly contribute to a progress in high energy density science: pumped core hole states create X-ray transitions that can escape dense matter on a 10 fs-time scale without essential photoabsorption, thus providing a unique possibility to study matter under extreme conditions. In the first proof of principle experiment at the X-ray Free Electron Laser LCLS at SCLAC [Seely, J., Rosmej, F.B., Shepherd, R., Riley, D., Lee, R.W. Proposal to Perform the 1st High Energy Density Plasma Spectroscopic Pump/Probe Experiment", approved LCLS proposal L332 (2010)] we have successfully pumped inner-shell X-ray transitions in dense plasmas. The plasma was generated with a YAG laser irradiating solid Al and Mg targets attached to a rotating cylinder. In parallel to the optical laser beam, the XFEL was focused into the plasma plume at different delay times and pump energies. Pumped X-ray transitions have been observed with a spherically bent crystal spectrometer coupled to a Princeton CCD. By using this experimental configuration, we have simultaneously achieved extremely high spectral (λ/δλ ≈ 5000) and spatial resolution (δx≈70 μm) while maintaining high luminosity and a large spectral range covered (6.90 - 8.35 Å). By precisely measuring the variations in spectra emitted from plasma under action of XFEL radiation, we have successfully demonstrated transient X- ray pumping in a dense plasma.


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Ongoing developments in laser-driven ion acceleration warrant appropriate modifications to the standard Thomson Parabola Spectrometer (TPS) arrangement in order to match the diagnostic requirements associated to the particular and distinctive properties of laser-accelerated beams. Here we present an overview of recent developments by our group of the TPS diagnostic aimed to enhance the capability of diagnosing multi-species high-energy ion beams. In order to facilitate discrimination between ions with same Z / A , a recursive differential filtering technique was implemented at the TPS detector in order to allow only one of the overlapping ion species to reach the detector, across the entire energy range detectable by the TPS. In order to mitigate the issue of overlapping ion traces towards the higher energy part of the spectrum, an extended, trapezoidal electric plates design was envisaged, followed by its experimental demonstration. The design allows achieving high energy-resolution at high energies without sacrificing the lower energy part of the spectrum. Finally, a novel multi-pinhole TPS design is discussed, that would allow angularly resolved, complete spectral characterization of the high-energy, multi-species ion beams.


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In dieser Arbeit werden optische Filterarrays für hochqualitative spektroskopische Anwendungen im sichtbaren (VIS) Wellenlängenbereich untersucht. Die optischen Filter, bestehend aus Fabry-Pérot (FP)-Filtern für hochauflösende miniaturisierte optische Nanospektrometer, basieren auf zwei hochreflektierenden dielektrischen Spiegeln und einer zwischenliegenden Resonanzkavität aus Polymer. Jeder Filter erlaubt einem schmalbandigem spektralen Band (in dieser Arbeit Filterlinie genannt) ,abhängig von der Höhe der Resonanzkavität, zu passieren. Die Effizienz eines solchen optischen Filters hängt von der präzisen Herstellung der hochselektiven multispektralen Filterfelder von FP-Filtern mittels kostengünstigen und hochdurchsatz Methoden ab. Die Herstellung der multiplen Spektralfilter über den gesamten sichtbaren Bereich wird durch einen einzelnen Prägeschritt durch die 3D Nanoimprint-Technologie mit sehr hoher vertikaler Auflösung auf einem Substrat erreicht. Der Schlüssel für diese Prozessintegration ist die Herstellung von 3D Nanoimprint-Stempeln mit den gewünschten Feldern von Filterkavitäten. Die spektrale Sensitivität von diesen effizienten optischen Filtern hängt von der Genauigkeit der vertikalen variierenden Kavitäten ab, die durch eine großflächige ‚weiche„ Nanoimprint-Technologie, UV oberflächenkonforme Imprint Lithographie (UV-SCIL), ab. Die Hauptprobleme von UV-basierten SCIL-Prozessen, wie eine nichtuniforme Restschichtdicke und Schrumpfung des Polymers ergeben Grenzen in der potenziellen Anwendung dieser Technologie. Es ist sehr wichtig, dass die Restschichtdicke gering und uniform ist, damit die kritischen Dimensionen des funktionellen 3D Musters während des Plasmaätzens zur Entfernung der Restschichtdicke kontrolliert werden kann. Im Fall des Nanospektrometers variieren die Kavitäten zwischen den benachbarten FP-Filtern vertikal sodass sich das Volumen von jedem einzelnen Filter verändert , was zu einer Höhenänderung der Restschichtdicke unter jedem Filter führt. Das volumetrische Schrumpfen, das durch den Polymerisationsprozess hervorgerufen wird, beeinträchtigt die Größe und Dimension der gestempelten Polymerkavitäten. Das Verhalten des großflächigen UV-SCIL Prozesses wird durch die Verwendung von einem Design mit ausgeglichenen Volumen verbessert und die Prozessbedingungen werden optimiert. Das Stempeldesign mit ausgeglichen Volumen verteilt 64 vertikal variierenden Filterkavitäten in Einheiten von 4 Kavitäten, die ein gemeinsames Durchschnittsvolumen haben. Durch die Benutzung der ausgeglichenen Volumen werden einheitliche Restschichtdicken (110 nm) über alle Filterhöhen erhalten. Die quantitative Analyse der Polymerschrumpfung wird in iii lateraler und vertikaler Richtung der FP-Filter untersucht. Das Schrumpfen in vertikaler Richtung hat den größten Einfluss auf die spektrale Antwort der Filter und wird durch die Änderung der Belichtungszeit von 12% auf 4% reduziert. FP Filter die mittels des Volumengemittelten Stempels und des optimierten Imprintprozesses hergestellt wurden, zeigen eine hohe Qualität der spektralen Antwort mit linearer Abhängigkeit zwischen den Kavitätshöhen und der spektralen Position der zugehörigen Filterlinien.


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Résumé : Face à l’accroissement de la résolution spatiale des capteurs optiques satellitaires, de nouvelles stratégies doivent être développées pour classifier les images de télédétection. En effet, l’abondance de détails dans ces images diminue fortement l’efficacité des classifications spectrales; de nombreuses méthodes de classification texturale, notamment les approches statistiques, ne sont plus adaptées. À l’inverse, les approches structurelles offrent une ouverture intéressante : ces approches orientées objet consistent à étudier la structure de l’image pour en interpréter le sens. Un algorithme de ce type est proposé dans la première partie de cette thèse. Reposant sur la détection et l’analyse de points-clés (KPC : KeyPoint-based Classification), il offre une solution efficace au problème de la classification d’images à très haute résolution spatiale. Les classifications effectuées sur les données montrent en particulier sa capacité à différencier des textures visuellement similaires. Par ailleurs, il a été montré dans la littérature que la fusion évidentielle, reposant sur la théorie de Dempster-Shafer, est tout à fait adaptée aux images de télédétection en raison de son aptitude à intégrer des concepts tels que l’ambiguïté et l’incertitude. Peu d’études ont en revanche été menées sur l’application de cette théorie à des données texturales complexes telles que celles issues de classifications structurelles. La seconde partie de cette thèse vise à combler ce manque, en s’intéressant à la fusion de classifications KPC multi-échelle par la théorie de Dempster-Shafer. Les tests menés montrent que cette approche multi-échelle permet d’améliorer la classification finale dans le cas où l’image initiale est de faible qualité. De plus, l’étude effectuée met en évidence le potentiel d’amélioration apporté par l’estimation de la fiabilité des classifications intermédiaires, et fournit des pistes pour mener ces estimations.


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Introduction Compounds exhibiting antioxidant activity have received much interest in the food industry because of their potential health benefits. Carotenoids such as lycopene, which in the human diet mainly derives from tomatoes (Solanum lycopersicum), have attracted much attention in this aspect and the study of their extraction, processing and storage procedures is of importance. Optical techniques potentially offer advantageous non-invasive and specific methods to monitor them. Objectives To obtain both fluorescence and Raman information to ascertain if ultrasound assisted extraction from tomato pulp has a detrimental effect on lycopene. Method Use of time-resolved fluorescence spectroscopy to monitor carotenoids in a hexane extract obtained from tomato pulp with application of ultrasound treatment (583 kHz). The resultant spectra were a combination of scattering and fluorescence. Because of their different timescales, decay associated spectra could be used to separate fluorescence and Raman information. This simultaneous acquisition of two complementary techniques was coupled with a very high time-resolution fluorescence lifetime measurement of the lycopene. Results Spectroscopic data showed the presence of phytofluene and chlorophyll in addition to lycopene in the tomato extract. The time-resolved spectral measurement containing both fluorescence and Raman data, coupled with high resolution time-resolved measurements, where a lifetime of ~5 ps was attributed to lycopene, indicated lycopene appeared unaltered by ultrasound treatment. Detrimental changes were, however, observed in both chlorophyll and phytofluene contributions. Conclusion Extracted lycopene appeared unaffected by ultrasound treatment, while other constituents (chlorophyll and phytofluene) were degraded.


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An algorithm based on a Bayesian network classifier was adapted to produce 10-day burned area (BA) maps from the Long Term Data Record Version 3 (LTDR) at a spatial resolution of 0.05° (~5 km) for the North American boreal region from 2001 to 2011. The modified algorithm used the Brightness Temperature channel from the Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) band 31 T31 (11.03 μm) instead of the Advanced Very High Resolution Radiometer (AVHRR) band T3 (3.75 μm). The accuracy of the BA-LTDR, the Collection 5.1 MODIS Burned Area (MCD45A1), the MODIS Collection 5.1 Direct Broadcast Monthly Burned Area (MCD64A1) and the Burned Area GEOLAND-2 (BA GEOLAND-2) products was assessed using reference data from the Alaska Fire Service (AFS) and the Canadian Forest Service National Fire Database (CFSNFD). The linear regression analysis of the burned area percentages of the MCD64A1 product using 40 km × 40 km grids versus the reference data for the years from 2001 to 2011 showed an agreement of R2 = 0.84 and a slope = 0.76, while the BA-LTDR showed an agreement of R2 = 0.75 and a slope = 0.69. These results represent an improvement over the MCD45A1 product, which showed an agreement of R2 = 0.67 and a slope = 0.42. The MCD64A1, BA-LTDR and MCD45A1 products underestimated the total burned area in the study region, whereas the BA GEOLAND-2 product overestimated it by approximately five-fold, with an agreement of R2 = 0.05. Despite MCD64A1 showing the best overall results, the BA-LTDR product proved to be an alternative for mapping burned areas in the North American boreal forest region compared with the other global BA products, even those with higher spatial/spectral resolution


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We present a high resolution spectrometer consisting of dual solid Fabry-Perot Interferometers (FPIs). This work is intended to be an all inclusive documentation of the instrument including discussion of the design of this instrument, the methods used in data reduction, and the analysis of these data. Each FPI is made of a single piece of L-BBH2 glass which has a high index of refraction n~2.07 with a thickness on the order of 100 μm. Each is then coated with partially reflective mirrors to create a resonant cavity and thus achieve a spectral resolution of R~30,000. Running the FPIs in tandem reduces the overlapping orders and allows for a much wider free spectral range and higher contrast. We will also discuss the properties of the FPIs which we have measured. This includes the tuning of the FPIs which is achieved by adjusting the temperature and thus changing the FPI gap and the refractive index of the material. The spectrometer then moves spatially in order to get spectral information at every point in the field of view. We select spectral lines for further analysis and create maps of the line depths across the field. Using this technique we are able to measure the fluorescence of chlorophyll in plants and attempt to observe zodiacal light. In the chlorophyll analysis we are able to detect chlorophyll fluorescence using the line depth in a plant using the sky as a reference solar spectrum. This instrument has possible applications in either a cubesat or aerial observations to measure bulk plant activity over large areas.


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Los sensores remotos proveen imágenes que según sus características permiten determinar cambios en el uso de la tierra. Se han desarrollado sensores con alto potencial para llevar a cabo este tipo de trabajo, aunque en ocasiones es difícil tener todos los elementos para discriminar los objetos en una misma imagen, por ello recurrimos a transformaciones para la consecución de los objetivos. Este artículo constituye un subproducto del proyecto “Análisis de los cambios del uso de la tierra en el distrito de Orosi, utilizando datos teledetectados de los proyectos CENIGA1 (TERRA 97) y CARTA2 2003: período 1997-2003”. En el caso de Carta 2003 y Spot se presenta una coincidencia temporal pero no espacial ni espectral. El objetivo es ofrecer técnicas de transformación de imágenes fotográficas y multiespectrales del proyecto Carta 2003, así como una imagen de la plataforma del Spot. Las transformaciones de las imágenes permitieron cambiar la resolución espacial y espectral, las cuales variaban de 2 a 30 metros espacialmente y de 1 a 50 en su espectro. Para los objetivos de la investigación se seleccionaron 9 bandas a las cuales fue posible aplicarles las transformaciones. Se obtuvo resultante de 2 metros de resolución espacial y 9 bandas espectrales. Utilizando las resultantes se realizó la clasificación supervisada, con lo cual se obtuvo un mayor nivel de detalle en la delimitación de los diferentes usos presentes en el área de estudio. ABSTRACT Remote sensors supply images that, according to their characteristics, allow for determining changes in land use. Sensors have been developed with a high potential to carry out this type of work, although on occasion it is difficult to have all of the elements to distinguish the objects in the same image, and for that we resort to transformations to attain the objectives. This article constitutes a byproduct of the project: “Analysis of Land Use Changes in the District of Orosi, Using Remote Sensing Data of the Projects CENIGA (TERRA 97) and CARTA 2003: Period 1997-2003”. CARTA 2003 and Spot present temporary coincidence but not spatial or spectral. The objective is to offer techniques of transforming photographic images and multispectrals of the CARTA 2003 project, such as an image of the Spot platform. Transformation of the images allowed for changing the spatial and spectral resolution, which varied from 2 to 30 meters spatially and from 1 to 50 in their spectrum. For the objectives of the investigation, nine bands were selected to which it was possible to apply the transformations, and with them managed to obtain results of 2 meters of spatial resolution and 9 spectral bands. Utilizing the results, the supervised classification was realized, obtaining a greater level of detail in defining the different uses present in the area of study.