230 resultados para Heroin-addicts
Thesis (Master's)--University of Washington, 2016-09
This poetry collection explores the concepts of addiction and redemption. It does so through a series of vignette-style poems set in the Baltimore and DC area at the height of the heroin epidemic in the United States. Split into three parts, the first addresses the narrator’s initial drug use, the second follows the narrator at the strongest and least hopeful point of his addiction, and the third examines, through various scenes, the narrator’s attempts to find a life free from the confines of addiction. Although dealing with subject matter derived from dark and unfortunate circumstances, the narrator’s heroin addiction serves merely as a catalyst for the various situations that force the narrator to develop emotionally and grow even when trapped in the seemingly inescapable confines of addiction.
När en socialsekreterare ska handlägga ärenden enligt Lag om Vård av Missbrukare i vissa fall (LVM) behöver denne ta ställning utifrån många olika perspektiv. Syftet med denna studie är att ge kunskap om hur socialsekreterare upplever handläggning av LVM-ärenden samt vilka erfarenheter de har av en sådan process. Undersökningens material grundar sig på kvalitativa semistrukturerade intervjuer med sex socialsekreterare som alla har arbetat med LVM-handläggning. För att kunna tolka och analysera materialet användes gräsrotsbyråkrati, makt, etik i socialt arbete och handlingsutrymme som teoretisk referensram. Resultatet indikerar att socialsekreterarna upplever både för- och nackdelar i arbetet med lagstiftningen. De upplever handläggningen av LVM-ärenden likt ett dilemma. Socialsekreterarna anser att lagen är nödvändig då de i avsaknad av den skulle känna en stor maktlöshet av att inte kunna ingripa i allvarliga situationer där klienten riskerar att avlida eller skada sig själv och andra till följd av sitt missbruk. De anser även att tillämpningen av lagen medför inskränkningar i den enskilda klientens integritet och att klienten i mötet med socialtjänsten riskerar att bli kränkt utan noga eftertanke från socialsekreterarens sida. Resultatet visar även på att socialsekreterarna så långt som det är möjligt respekterar klientens autonomi men att autonomin vid fråga om liv och död måste förbises.
Os comportamentos de saúde e de risco são comuns em toxicodependentes. Este trabalho foi conduzido no âmbito da análise descritiva da amostra, nomeadamente, caracterização sócio-demográfica e variáveis cognitivas, seguindo-se um segundo objectivo que consistiu na descrição dos comportamentos, crenças e atitudes face à saúde que os adictos apresentam. A amostra é constituída por 75 sujeitos, do sexo masculino, com uma média de idade de 34,07 anos. A metodologia utilizada caracteriza o estudo de quantitativo-correlacionai, uma vez que se pretende efectuar a descrição das características da amostra e os comportamentos de saúde e de risco que apresentam. Os resultados revelam que os adictos apresentam comportamentos de risco, logo, são menores os comportamentos de saúde adoptados durante os consumos. É necessário intervir nas várias áreas de saúde do adicto, nomeadamente, nas práticas sexuais, na prevenção de doenças, nos cuidados alimentares, na conduta rodoviária e na preocupação com o exercício físico-desportivo. /ABSTRACT: Health behaviors and risk factors are common in drug addicts. This work was conducted under the descriptive analysis, including socio-demographic and cognitive variables, followed by a second objective was to describe the altitudes, beliefs and altitudes towards health that addicts have. The sample consists of 75 subjects were mala, with a mean age of 34.07 years. The methodology characterizes the quantitative and correlational study, since we intend to perform the description of sample characteristics and health behaviors and risk they present. The results show that addicts exhibit risky behavior, so they are smaller health behaviors adopted during the intake. lt is necessary to intervene in several areas of health of the addict, including sexual practices, disease prevention, care food, conduct road and the concern that physical exercise I sports.
Resumen Palabras clave: drogas, psiquiatrización, medicalización, control social.AbstractThe article addresses the connections between medicalization and the prosecution of the consumption of substances called narcotics and their effects on the subject- a subject who, at the same time, is entitled to rights. Through the examination of six judicial warrants for compulsory admissions to a "psychiatric colony", the working of the interconnection between legal and psychiatric practices is analyzed. What is also analysed are the effects such interconnection has on the construction of a broader spectrum of action and intervention, both of the judiciary and the medical practices, beyond the framework of the statutory regulations upon which such admissions are based. From the examined material two main aspects come to light: firstly, the medical and mental-health arguments from which decisions about psychiatric hospital admissions in drug or alcohol abuse cases will be made. Secondly, there is also an indication of the purpose or objective of such hospital admissions. This paper also deals with the processes that Foucault calls "indefinite medicalization « and the real productions that go beyond therapeutic aspects, relating the effects of the former with the workings of the control of subjects through the different diagnoses categories of addicts, be it alcoholics or drug addicts.Keywords: drug, psychiatrization, medicalization, social control.