808 resultados para Hepatitis B, Chronic


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Background Historically, the paper hand-held record (PHR) has been used for sharing information between hospital clinicians, general practitioners and pregnant women in a maternity shared-care environment. Recently in alignment with a National e-health agenda, an electronic health record (EHR) was introduced at an Australian tertiary maternity service to replace the PHR for collection and transfer of data. The aim of this study was to examine and compare the completeness of clinical data collected in a PHR and an EHR. Methods We undertook a comparative cohort design study to determine differences in completeness between data collected from maternity records in two phases. Phase 1 data were collected from the PHR and Phase 2 data from the EHR. Records were compared for completeness of best practice variables collected The primary outcome was the presence of best practice variables and the secondary outcomes were the differences in individual variables between the records. Results Ninety-four percent of paper medical charts were available in Phase 1 and 100% of records from an obstetric database in Phase 2. No PHR or EHR had a complete dataset of best practice variables. The variables with significant improvement in completeness of data documented in the EHR, compared with the PHR, were urine culture, glucose tolerance test, nuchal screening, morphology scans, folic acid advice, tobacco smoking, illicit drug assessment and domestic violence assessment (p = 0.001). Additionally the documentation of immunisations (pertussis, hepatitis B, varicella, fluvax) were markedly improved in the EHR (p = 0.001). The variables of blood pressure, proteinuria, blood group, antibody, rubella and syphilis status, showed no significant differences in completeness of recording. Conclusion This is the first paper to report on the comparison of clinical data collected on a PHR and EHR in a maternity shared-care setting. The use of an EHR demonstrated significant improvements to the collection of best practice variables. Additionally, the data in an EHR were more available to relevant clinical staff with the appropriate log-in and more easily retrieved than from the PHR. This study contributes to an under-researched area of determining data quality collected in patient records.


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Though difficult, the study of gene-environment interactions in multifactorial diseases is crucial for interpreting the relevance of non-heritable factors and prevents from overlooking genetic associations with small but measurable effects. We propose a "candidate interactome" (i.e. a group of genes whose products are known to physically interact with environmental factors that may be relevant for disease pathogenesis) analysis of genome-wide association data in multiple sclerosis. We looked for statistical enrichment of associations among interactomes that, at the current state of knowledge, may be representative of gene-environment interactions of potential, uncertain or unlikely relevance for multiple sclerosis pathogenesis: Epstein-Barr virus, human immunodeficiency virus, hepatitis B virus, hepatitis C virus, cytomegalovirus, HHV8-Kaposi sarcoma, H1N1-influenza, JC virus, human innate immunity interactome for type I interferon, autoimmune regulator, vitamin D receptor, aryl hydrocarbon receptor and a panel of proteins targeted by 70 innate immune-modulating viral open reading frames from 30 viral species. Interactomes were either obtained from the literature or were manually curated. The P values of all single nucleotide polymorphism mapping to a given interactome were obtained from the last genome-wide association study of the International Multiple Sclerosis Genetics Consortium & the Wellcome Trust Case Control Consortium, 2. The interaction between genotype and Epstein Barr virus emerges as relevant for multiple sclerosis etiology. However, in line with recent data on the coexistence of common and unique strategies used by viruses to perturb the human molecular system, also other viruses have a similar potential, though probably less relevant in epidemiological terms. © 2013 Mechelli et al.


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Accepted Article Abstract Background: Liver diseases in Australia are estimated to affect 6 million people with a societal cost of $51 billion annually. Information about utilization of specialist hepatology care is critical in informing policy makers about the requirements for delivery of hepatology-related health care. Aims: This study examined etiology and severity of liver disease seen in a tertiary hospital hepatology clinic, as well as resource utilisation patterns. Methods: A longitudinal cohort study included consecutive patients booked in hepatology outpatient clinics during a 3 month period. Subsequent outpatient appointments for these patients over the following 12 months were then recorded. Results: During the initial 3 month period 1471 appointments were scheduled with a hepatologist, 1136 of which were attended. 21% of patients were “new cases”. Hepatitis B (HBV) was the most common disease etiology for new cases (37%). Advanced disease at presentation varied between etiology, with HBV (5%), Hepatitis C (HCV) (31%), non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) (46%) and alcoholic liver disease (ALD) (72%). Most patients (83%) attended multiple hepatology appointments, and a range of referrals patterns for procedures, investigations and other specialty assessments were observed. Conclusions: There is a high prevalence of HBV in new case referrals. Patients with HCV, NAFLD and ALD have a high prevalence of advanced liver disease at referral, requiring ongoing surveillance for development of decompensated liver disease and liver cancer. These findings that describe patterns of health service utilisation among patients with liver disease provide useful information for planning sustainable health service provision for this clinical population


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A label-free protein microfluidic array for immunoassays based on the combination of imaging ellipsometry and an integrated microfluidic system is presented. Proteins can be patterned homogeneously on substrate in array format by the microfluidic system simultaneously. After preparation, the protein array can be packed in the microfluidic system which is full of buffer so that proteins are not exposed to denaturing conditions. With simple microfluidic channel junction, the protein microfluidic array can be used in serial or parallel format to analyze single or multiple samples simultaneously. Imaging ellipsometry is used for the protein array reading with a label-free format. The biological and medical applications of the label-free protein microfluidic array are demonstrated by screening for antibody–antigen interactions, measuring the concentration of the protein solution and detecting five markers of hepatitis B.


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The efforts made to develop RNAi-based therapies have led to productive research in the field of infections in humans, such as hepatitis C virus (HCV), hepatitis B virus (HBV), human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), human cytomegalovirus (HCMV), herpetic keratitis, human papillomavirus, or influenza virus. Naked RNAi molecules are rapidly digested by nucleases in the serum, and due to their negative surface charge, entry into the cell cytoplasm is also hampered, which makes necessary the use of delivery systems to exploit the full potential of RNAi therapeutics. Lipid nanoparticles (LNP) represent one of the most widely used delivery systems for in vivo application of RNAi due to their relative safety and simplicity of production, joint with the enhanced payload and protection of encapsulated RNAs. Moreover, LNP may be functionalized to reach target cells, and they may be used to combine RNAi molecules with conventional drug substances to reduce resistance or improve efficiency. This review features the current application of LNP in RNAi mediated therapy against viral infections and aims to explore possible future lines of action in this field.


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We used colloidal An to enhance the amount of antibody immobilized on a gold electrode and ultimately monitored the interaction of antigen-antibody by impedance measurement. Self-assembly of 6 nm (diameter) colloidal An onto the self-assembled monolayers (SAMs) of 4-aminothiophenol modified gold electrode resulted in an easier attachment of antibody. The redox reactions of [Fe(CN)(6)](4-)/[Fe(CN)(6)](3-) on the gold surface were blocked due to the procedures of self-assembly of 4-aminothiophenol and antibody immobilization, which were investigated by cyclic voltammetry and impedance spectroscopy. The interaction of antigen with grafted antibody recognition layers was carried out by soaking the modified electrode into a phosphate buffer at pH 7.4 with various concentrations of antigen at 37 degreesC for 30 min. The antibody recognition layers and their interactions with various concentrations of antigen could be detected by measurements of the impedance change. The results show that this method has good correlation for detection of Hepatitis B virus surface antigen in the range of 0.5-200 mug/l and a detection limit of about 50 ng/l.


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Batch cultivation for transgenic kelp gametophyte cells was investigated in an online controlled 5 L stirred-tank photo-bioreactor to rapidly optimize the process conditions by monitoring the rate of increase of pH. The transgenic kelp gametophytes with heterologous gene encoding hepatitis B surface antigen (HBsAg) could rapidly grow in the bioreactor. Optimal temperature and agitation rate for bioreactor cultivation of gametophytes were 15 degrees C and 200 rpm. Optimal incident light intensities depended on the initial cell densities. (c) 2006 Elsevier B.V. All fights reserved.


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New silica-based europium fluorescent nanoparticles having surface amino groups were prepared by a covalent binding-copolymerization technique. In the nanoparticles, the fluorescent Eu3+ chelate molecules were covalently bound to silicon atoms to protect the nanoparticles from dye leaking in bio-applications. The amino groups on the surface of nanoparticles made the surface modification and bioconjugation of nanoparticles easier. The nanoparticles were characterized and developed as a new type of fluorescence probe for a highly sensitive time-resolved fluoroimmunoassay (TR-FIA) of human hepatitis B surface antigen (HBsAg).


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O selénio (Se) é um micronutriente essencial para o crescimento, desenvolvimento e normal metabolismo dos animais, incluindo o ser humano. É parte integrante de um conjunto de proteínas, as selenoproteínas, com ação antioxidante (protegendo as membranas celulares contra danos dos radicais livres), envolvidas no metabolismo das hormonas da tiróide, na regulação do crescimento e viabilidade celular, nas funções do sistema imune e na reprodução. É introduzido na dieta alimentar (principalmente nas formas de selenometionina e selenocisteína) através das plantas, e de produtos que delas derivam, que assimilam os compostos de selénio presentes no solo. Uma vez que a quantidade de selénio existente nos solos é muito variável, o teor nos alimentos vai depender da sua origem geográfica e, por consequência, a ingestão de selénio varia entre regiões e países. Baixos níveis de selénio estão associados a um declínio na função imune e problemas cognitivos. A deficiência de Se pode também ocasionar problemas musculares e cardiomiopatia. Concentrações reduzidas foram observadas em indíviduos com crises epiléticas e também em casos de pré-eclampsia. A deficiência de selénio pode também desenvolver-se durante a nutrição parenteral. Atualmente, a Dose Diária Recomendada (DDR) é de 55 μg/dia para homens e mulheres adultos e saudáveis. No entanto, existem evidências clínicas de que a ingestão em doses superiores (200-300 μg/dia) pode ter um papel benéfico na prevenção de alguns tipos de cancro e doenças cardiovasculares, na melhoria da resposta imunológica, como neuroprotetor e na fertilidade. O Se desempenha um papel importante na fertilidade masculina, sendo necessário na biossíntese da testosterona e na formação e normal desenvolvimento dos espermatozóides. Em mulheres grávidas o Se, ajuda a prevenir complicações antes e durante o parto e promove o normal desenvolvimento do feto. Como antioxidante o selénio vai combater os danos provocados pelos radicais livres, impedindo que estes exerçam o seu papel prejudicial no organismo. Sendo o sistema imunológico muito suscetível aos danos provocados pelo stress oxidativo, o Se vai exercer efeitos benéficos combatendo os danos por ele causados. Relativamente à capacidade viral, não é possível saber com exatidão qual a quantidade de Se necessária ou concentração ideal no plasma para evitar a ocorrência e desenvolvimento de infeções virais. No entanto, sabe-se que tem um efeito benéfico em pacientes HIV positivos e em indivíduos infetados com o vírus da hepatite (B ou C) contra a progressão para o neoplasia de fígado. Em teoria, a nível cardiovascular, este elemento pode exercer um efeito protetor, embora alguns estudos epidemiológicos não tenham mostrado uma associação clara entre o risco cardiovascular e os níveis selénio. A nível cerebral o Se vai atuar como neuroprotetor, prevenindo o aparecimento de patologias como demência e doença de Alzheimer. Apesar destes indicadores, a maioria dos países europeus, incluindo Portugal, regista uma deficiente ingestão de selénio por parte da população. A suplementação poderá constituir uma opção para garantir os níveis nutricionais recomendados e/ou ser utilizada com o objetivo de prevenir algumas doenças e o envelhecimento. No entanto o selénio pode também ser tóxico se ingerido em excesso, estando a dose máxima admissível fixada em 400 μg/dia. A intoxicação por selénio é chamada selenose e os sintomas comuns incluem: hálito a alho, distúrbios gastrointestinais, perda de cabelo, descamação das unhas, danos neurológicos e fadiga. Assim, atualmente acredita-se que enquanto indivíduos com baixo nível de Se podem obter benefícios da suplementação, esta pode ser prejudicial aqueles com valores normais ou elevados.


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Tese de mestrado. Biologia (Biologia Molecular e Genética). Universidade de Lisboa, Faculdade de Ciências, 2014


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Introduction/objectives: Multipatient use of a single-patient CBSD occurred inan outpatient clinic during 4 to 16 months before itsnotification. We looked for transmission of blood-bornepathogens among exposed patients.Methods: Exposed patients underwent serology testing for HBV,HCV and HIV. Patients with isolated anti-HBc receivedone dose of hepatitis B vaccine to look for a memoryimmune response. Possible transmissions were investigatedby mapping visits and sequencing of the viral genomeif needed.Results: Of 280 exposed patients, 9 had died without suspicionof blood-borne infection, 3 could not be tested, and 5declined investigations. Among the 263 (93%) testedpatients, 218 (83%) had negative results. We confirmeda known history of HCV infection in 6 patients (1 coinfectedby HIV), and also identified resolved HBVinfection in 37 patients, of whom 18 were alreadyknown. 2 patients were found to have a previouslyunknown HCV infection. According to the time elapsedfrom the closest previous visit of a HCV-infected potentialsource patient, we could rule out nosocomial transmissionin one case (14 weeks) but not in the other (1day). In the latter, however, transmission was deemedvery unlikely by 2 reference centers based on thesequences of the E1 and HVR1 regions of the virus.Conclusion: We did not identify any transmission of blood-bornepathogens in 263 patients exposed to a single-patientCBSD, despite the presence of potential source cases.Change of needle and disinfection of the device betweenpatients may have contributed to this outcome.Although we cannot exclude transmission of HBV, previousacquisition in endemic countries is a more likelyexplanation in this multi-national population.


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Debido al alto riesgo que presentan los trabajadores que están expuestos a adquirir enfermedades infecto contagiosas en nuestro medio, se determina la necesidad de evaluar el modelo administrativo de atención para riesgo biológico que se implemento en una Administradora de Riesgos Profesionales (ARP) en Colombia, con el fin de establecer medidas para el manejo pertinente y oportuno del evento, así como el seguimiento de los trabajadores, buscando disminuir la incidencia y prevalencia de enfermedades de alto costo como VIH, Hepatitis B y Hepatitis C, y de esta manera generar un impacto positivo en la atención y administración de los recursos. Para ello se realiza un análisis de datos de la población afiliada a la ARP que reportaron un accidente de riesgo biológico durante el 2009, y se realizan comparaciones de variables entre los casos positivos del primer período, comprendido entre los meses de enero y junio de 2009, y los que se presentaron posterior a la implementación del nuevo modelo de atención, período comprendido desde julio hasta octubre del 2009. Se encontró que el género masculino fue el más afectado, los departamentos con mayor reporte de casos fueron Atlántico y Bolívar, el sector económico más afectado fue el de recolección de basura y las lesiones fueron provocadas en su mayoría por objeto cortopunzantes. Con el nuevo modelo se evidenció un cambio positivo en términos de pertinencia, oportunidad de aviso y calificación del evento, en cuanto a costos se encontró que, por el momento, los períodos no son comparables por la variabilidad en tiempo, sin embargo, se proyecta un cambio positivo, no solo por los costos cuantificables, sino por los costos indirectos.


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The aflatoxin B1 (AFB1) is a mycotoxin that has been identified as the most potent hepatocarcinogen. The metabolite resulting from detoxification process of AFB1 in liver, has the ability to react with the genomic DNA, generating AFB1-DNA adducts; during DNA replication process, this adduct induced the G:C→T:A transversion. Polymorphism in genes encoding for enzymes involved in the activation and detoxification of AFB1 and DNA repair enzymes has been associated with the risk of hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) development. Additionally, in populations of high exposure to aflatoxin and high prevalence of hepatitis B virus (HBV) infection, has been demonstrated a synergism between these two risk factors for the development of HCC.


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Introducción: Las vacunas clásicamente han representado un método económico y eficaz para el control y prevención de múltiples enfermedades infecciosas. En los últimos años se han introducido nuevas vacunas contra neumococo a precios elevados, y los diferentes análisis económicos a nivel mundial de estas vacunas no muestran tendencias. El objetivo de este trabajo era resumir la evidencia existente a través de los diferentes estudios económicos evaluando las dos vacunas de segunda generación contra neumococo en la población a riesgo. Metodología: En este trabajo se realizo una revisión sistemática de la literatura en 8 bases de datos localizadas en diferentes partes del mundo y también que tuvieran literatura gris. Los artículos fueron inicialmente evaluados acorde a su titulo y resumen, posteriormente los elegidos se analizaron en su totalidad. Resultados: Se encontraron 404 artículos, de los cuales 20 fueron incluidos en el análisis final. Se encontró que la mayoría de los estudios se realizaron en áreas donde la enfermedad tiene una carga baja, como es Norte América y Europa, mientras que en los lugares del mundo donde la carga es mas alta, se realizaron pocos estudios. De igual manera se observo que la mayoría de los estudios mostraron por los menos ser costo efectivos respecto a la no vacunación, y en su totalidad las dos vacunas de segunda generación mostraron costo efectividad respecto a la vacunación con PCV-7. Los resultados de los estudios son muy heterogéneos, hasta dentro del mismo país, señalando la necesidad de guías para la conducción de este tipo de estudios. De igual manera, la mayoría de los estudios fueron financiados por farmacéuticas, mientras en un numero muy reducido por entes gubernamentales. Conclusiones: La mayoría de los estudios económicos sobre las vacunas de segunda generación contra neumococo han sido realizados en países con un alto índice de desarrollo económico y patrocinados por farmacéuticas. Dado que la mayoría de la carga de la enfermedad se encuentran en regiones con un menor nivel de desarrollo económico se deberían realizar mas en estas zonas. De igual manera, al ser la vacunación un asunto de salud publica y con un importante impacto económico los gobiernos deberían estar mas involucrados en los mismos.