991 resultados para Heliövaara, Simo
This project focuses on studying and testing the benefits of the NX Remote Desktop technology in administrative use for Finnish Meteorological Institutes existing Linux Terminal Service Project environment. This was done due to the criticality of the system caused by growing number of users as the Linux Terminal Service Project system expands. Although many of the supporting tasks can be done via Secure Shell connection, testing graphical programs or desktop behaviour in such a way is impossible. At first basic technologies behind the NX Remote Desktop were studied, and after that started the testing of two possible programs, FreeNX and NoMachine NX server. Testing the functionality and bandwidth demands were first done in a closed local area network, and results were studied. The better candidate was then installed in a virtual server simulating actual Linux Terminal Service Project server at Finnish Meteorological Institute and connection from Internet was tested to see was there any problems with firewalls and security policies. The results are reported in this study. Studying and testing the two different candidates of NX Remote Desktop showed, that NoMachine NX Server provides better customer support and documentation. Security aspects of the Finnish Meteorological Institute had also to be considered, and since updates along with the new developing tools are announced in next version of the program, this version was the choice. Studies also show that even NoMachine promises a swift connection over an average of 20Kbit/s bandwidth, at least double of that is needed. This project gives an overview of available remote desktop products along their benefits. NX Remote Desktop technology is studied, and installation instructions are included. Testing is done in both, closed and the actual environment and problems and suggestions are studied and analyzed. The installation to the actual LTSP server is not yet made, but a virtual server is put up in the same place in the view of network topology. This ensures, that if the administrators are satisfied with the system, installation and setting up the system will go as described in this report.
Objective: To evaluate the effect of prayer on anxiety in cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy. Method: Quasi-experimental study, with pre and post-intervention. Twenty patients admitted to treatment of continuous intravenous chemotherapy were recruited. The volunteers were evaluated through interviews using a questionnaire of sociodemographic, clinical and spiritual characteristics, the Index of Religiosity Duke University and the State-Trait Anxiety Inventory. Vital signs were measured and collected salivary cortisol. The intervention was applied prayer and data collection occurred in three phases: first collection (baseline), pre and post-intervention. Results: The data found between the pre and post-intervention samples showed different statistically significant for state anxiety (p= <0.00), blood pressure (systolic, p=0.00, diastolic, p=<0.00) and respiratory rate (p=0.04). Conclusion: Prayer, therefore, proved to be an effective strategy in reducing the anxiety of the patient undergoing chemotherapy.
Kirje 18.11.1974
O presente trabalho intitulado “A Importância das Medidas Preventivas para uma Adequada Execução dos Planos Directores Municipais”, enquadra-se no âmbito do Mestrado em Direito das Autarquias Locais, com o objectivo de evidenciar as circunstâncias e as condições de facto existentes que, durante a elaboração e execução dos PDM, possam, de alguma forma, levar as operações de ocupação dos solos que alteram a realidade subjacente, contrariando as opções a formular, impossibilitar, ou aumentar a onerosidade na elaboração e execução desses instrumentos de ordenamento do território, de planeamento e de execução urbanísticos e evidenciar as medidas preventivas que contribuam para uma adequada execução dos PDM em Cabo Verde. Para a realização desta investigação, foi adoptada a abordagem demonstrativa e propositiva, com base num esquema metodológico definido previamente. O fenómeno do urbanismo, requer planeamento das cidades e das vilas, visto que não são admissíveis que, as mesmas, cresçam sem respeitar as normas urbanísticas, pelo que devem ser adoptadas medidas preventivas, durante a elaboração dos PDM, que permitam a sua adequação na execução. Com este trabalho de investigação, conclui-se que em Cabo Verde, bem como em qualquer outro país, o PDM é de extrema importância para o ordenamento do território, o planeamento e a execução urbanísticos pelo que, durante a sua elaboração, é preciso adoptar as medidas preventivas para uma melhor adequação na execução desse instrumento, depois de elaborado e aprovado.
As comunidades piscatórias da ilha de Santiago são as mais pobres de Cabo Verde, e as pessoas que aí vivem têm vindo a deparar-se com problemas socioeconómicos, com reflexos negativos em termos de pressão sobre os recursos naturais, do saneamento do meio e do exercício da cidadania, sendo este uma das vias que poderia contribuir para a resolução da problemática do desenvolvimento dessas comunidades. O presente trabalho de investigação tem por objetivo analisar o nível da educação e do capital social nas comunidades piscatórias da ilha de Santiago em Cabo Verde, evidenciar o papel da educação na formação e no reforço do nível de capital social nessas comunidades e analisar a importância, deste último, para o desenvolvimento sustentável das mesmas. Para a realização deste trabalho foi utilizada uma metodologia com enfoque quantitativo e exploratório. Para além do estudo documental, para a obtenção da informação sobre a educação, o capital social e o desenvolvimento, os dados da parte prática do trabalho foram obtidos por meio de inquérito por questionário aplicado às 340 (trezentas e quarentas) pessoas, de ambos os sexos, das comunidades piscatórias da ilha de Santiago, escolhidas aleatoriamente. Os resultados do estudo foram apresentados com base em estatísticas descritivas e fez-se testes estatísticos para verificar a dependência/ independência entre as variáveis do estudo e as hipóteses. Ainda, a discussão dos resultados de estudo foi feita tendo em consideração o suporte teórico, a esse respeito, e que consta do trabalho. Da análise e discussão dos resultados do trabalho, conclui-se que, nas comunidades piscatórias da ilha de Santiago, não há correlação direta entre o nível de educação e o de capital social, sendo este mais elevado para os respondentes que não sabem ler e nem escrever e para os que não estão a frequentar estudos, e o Índice de Capital Social (ICS) das pessoas é suportado pela tradição. Ainda, o capital social dos inquiridos a nível da ilha de Santiago é de 0,76 e, sendo assim, acima da média estabelecida (0,50), e aproveitado pelas pessoas na vida quotidiana, mas não se projeta para as iniciativas sem efeitos imediatos e, em consequência, pouco tem vindo a contribuir para o desenvolvimento dessas comunidades.
The traditional analysis of tourism, having in mind only its economic impacts has been shown to be reductive and insufficient to explain the numerous and versatile modifications these can and will stimulate in a society at many levels, e.g. socially, culturally, politically and in the environment. The complexity of touristic activities and the insufficient measuring instruments that can provide exact data about these, gives terrain to the emergence of myths and value judgments around the effects in countries where tourism is a reality. This study aims at understanding how the impacts of tourism are grasped by the local community in Sal island – Cape Verde – convinced as we are that a quality and sustainable touristic offer can only be done by trialing the population, and involving them in the planning, managing and monitoring processes. The analysis of the perception of the impacts of touristic activities by the population tells us a lot about the levels of satisfaction of such communities towards the way in which the touristic development has been carried out in their surroundings. This study has been made through the inquiry of 231 locals, by means of a questionnaire, that showed that the population in this island has a very clear conscience of the impacts of tourism in their day-to-day lives. Conclusions drawn are that the negative economic and social impacts are greater than the positive; the cultural and environmental impacts are not so significant, and that the people feel that their voice has not been heard in what planning touristic activities is concerned. Nevertheless, they have high expectations regarding tourism as a way of ameliorating their life conditions. The inexistence of a linear behavior of impacts of touristic activities in the receptive countries and a perfect and adjustable model for tourism development make these countries delineate new politics aiming at the sustainability and the creation of conditions that help them monitor and mitigate its negative impacts.
The traditional analysis of tourism, having in mind only its economic impacts has been shown to be reductive and insufficient to explain the numerous and versatile modifications these can and will stimulate in a society at many levels, e.g. socially, culturally, politically and in the environment. The complexity of touristic activities and the insufficient measuring instruments that can provide exact data about these, gives terrain to the emergence of myths and value judgments around the effects in countries where tourism is a reality. This study aims at understanding how the impacts of tourism are grasped by the local community in Sal island – Cape Verde – convinced as we are that a quality and sustainable touristic offer can only be done by trialing the population, and involving them in the planning, managing and monitoring processes. The analysis of the perception of the impacts of touristic activities by the population tells us a lot about the levels of satisfaction of such communities towards the way in which the touristic development has been carried out in their surroundings. This study has been made through the inquiry of 231 locals, by means of a questionnaire, that showed that the population in this island has a very clear conscience of the impacts of tourism in their day-to-day lives. Conclusions drawn are that the negative economic and social impacts are greater than the positive; the cultural and environmental impacts are not so significant, and that the people feel that their voice has not been heard in what planning touristic activities is concerned. Nevertheless, they have high expectations regarding tourism as a way of ameliorating their life conditions. The inexistence of a linear behavior of impacts of touristic activities in the receptive countries and a perfect and adjustable model for tourism development make these countries delineate new politics aiming at the sustainability and the creation of conditions that help them monitor and mitigate its negative impacts.
Inventories on necrophagous insects carried out in Brazil encompass mostly species from the southeastern and central-western regions of the country. This review aims to produce the first checklist of necrophagous Diptera and Coleoptera species of forensic relevance in northeastern Brazil, an area that concentrates high rates of homicides. We performed a literature survey on scientific articles, theses and dissertations regarding necrophagous insect species in the region, and contacted scientists who develop research on forensic entomology. Fifty-two species of Diptera belonging to eight families with previous record of necrophagy were reported in the region: Sarcophagidae, Calliphoridae, Muscidae, Fanniidae, Piophilidae, Phoridae, Anthomyiidae and Stratiomyidae. Coleopteran species from six families of forensic relevance were registered, although taxonomical identification remained superficial. Bait traps were the most frequent methodology used, followed by collection on animal carcasses. Seven Dipteran species from two families were registered on human cadavers. All species had been previously reported in other Brazilian states and/or other countries, although none has been effectively used in legal procedures in the region. The status of research on forensic entomology in northeastern Brazil is incipient, and the checklist produced here contributes to the knowledge on the local diversity of necrophagous insects.
Desde 1986, vem-se observando o fenômeno de repelência à água, em amostras de horizontes coletadas para levantamentos de solos realizados pelo Departamento de Solos da Universidade Federal Rural do Rio de Janeiro (UFRRJ) e pela EMBRAPA - Centro Nacional de Pesquisa de Solos. Com o objetivo de estudar as causas desse fenômeno, selecionaram-se sete amostras de solo que, inicialmente, foram submetidas à avaliação do grau de repelência à água pelos métodos da molaridade de gotas de etanol e tempo de penetração de gotas de água no laboratório de solos da UFRRJ. A fim de identificar os compostos orgânicos responsáveis pelo fenômeno da repelência, foram empregados dois métodos de extração, os quais foram eficientes na retirada do caráter hidrofóbico das amostras. O primeiro teve por base o uso da partição isopropanol:água destilada, e o outro, desenvolvido pelos autores, empregou extrações simples com n-hexano, éter de petróleo e clorofórmio, além de partições n-hexano:água destilada e clorofórmio:água destilada. As substâncias extraídas foram analisadas no Instituto de Biociências da Universidade de São Paulo (USP). Os resultados indicam que as substâncias isoladas têm sua origem na vegetação local, sendo os alcanos de alto peso molecular os responsáveis pelo caráter hidrofóbico das amostras de solo.