997 resultados para Heidegger, Martin: Oleminen ja aika
Teema: Yliopistohistoria.
This thesis attempts to clarify what Heidegger meant by the term "thinking" (Denken), where this ^'meanr is submitted in the double sense: firstly, in the sense of what Heidegger intended by the use and exposition of this term that we find in his lecture series. Was Heisst Denken?, where Heidegger quickly makes it clear that this intention is to actually bring thinking on the way, viz. making provision for the leap into thinking, and where this intention was carried out with the employment of a specific guiding phrase. In the second sense, it is an attempt at clarifying the meaning of the term. But this is not to say that we are here simply out to see how Heidegger defines the word '*thinking." It is in fact precisely within such definitive discourse that thought dies out. It is not merely be a case of defining a word, because this enterprise would be just as shallow as much as it would be unworkable. It is for this reason that Heidegger decided to establish for himself the task, not merely of explaining thinking as something to be beheld at a distance, but rather of bringing thinking underway by means of his lecture, proclaiming that, "Only the leap into the river tells us what is swimming. The question 'What is called thinking?' can never be answered by proposing a definition of the concept thinking, and then diligently explaining what is contained in that definition." (WCT, 21) This being Heidegger's intention, in order to understand Heidegger in his treatment of the term thinking, it is clear that we must also undergo an experience with thinking. It is in this spirit that the present work was written so as to collaborate the two senses of what Heidegger meant by "thinking."
Abstract: The purpose of this paper is to show how Gadamer's hermeneutics synthesizes the insights of both Heidegger and Dilthey in order to introduce a new hermeneutics. Gadamer's hermeneutics is based not only on the priority of ontology, as Heidegger insists, and neither is it only a product of life which can be objectively understood through study and rigorous method, as Dilthey suggests. For Gadamer, hermeneutics is the bringing together of ontology in terms of history. By this synthesis Gadamer not only places himself within the context of a Lebensphilosophie, but also shows that it is within language that Being can be disclosed according to a lived context. Throughout this paper the philosophies ofDilthey and Heidegger are explicated within a historical context as to bring out how, and why, Gadamer sees the need to surpass these philosophies. Through Gadamer's philosophy of play and the game, language, the dialogical model, application, and the fusion of horizons we can see how Gadamer's critique and questioning of these two philosophy leads to his new hermeneutics. Special attention is paid to the role in which these two contrasting philosophies were used to complement each other in the product of Gadamer' s philosophical hermeneutics as it is presented in his major work Truth andMethod. For Gadamer, the task of understanding is never complete. Therefore, his hermeneutics remains a dynamic structure with which we can always question the past and our traditions. This paper seeks to show his philosophical movements within these questions
Martin Heidegger's interpretation of the ancients was born out of something like a crisis in the interpretation of the Greeks, which can be characterized as nothing other than the realization of the idea that the Greek philosophers put a serious question mark over existence. This idea, which had its germination in Prussia with Jakob Burckhart and his teacher, but first came to be seriously cultivated in the Philosophy of Friedrich Nietzsche, was the first in depth investigation into whether the Greeks, on the one hand, questioned existence or, on the other hand, put a question mark over existence. To question existence is rather innocuous, since it amounts to little more, in the end, than a child looking up at the stars and asking what it all means. To put a question mark over existence, however, is another business entirely. For the Greeks, as the life work of Martin Heidegger amply demonstrates, the nature of Greek thinking and the objects towards which it is directed follows so absolutely from the tragic view of the human person that, in a certain sense, philosophy is Greek and could only have developed in Greece. Perhaps stating it a little less categorically, philosophy could have developed elsewhere at least to the extent that something like they way the Greeks understood life was at the forefront: presence, in other words. This thesis deals with the problem ofHeidegger's relation to the Greeks, specifically in terms of his understanding of the Greeks and presence. It is the position of this dissertation that the Greek notion of presence is, as Heidegger understands it, the homeliness of the hearth that radiates through all the things that humans concern themselves with. This is thought by Heidegger, as the Greeks did, specifically in contrast with the uncanninesslunhomeliness of the hqrnan apart from his or her concern with things. Therefore, the thesis is an attempt at exposing the relation between presence and the unhomely by situating it withing Greek existence and the meaning of the Greek Philosopher. In order to support this position, the thesis has been divided into five parts. The first two chapters deal with Heidegger's explanation of the relation between Greek notion of physics (Phusis), metaphysics (specifically in relation to an analysis of time and motion in Greek thought), and what Heidegger calls the fundamental attunement of Dasein (boredom). More exactly, it deals with these issues only so far as they allow us to bring out something like the notion of 'presence' in relation to things and homelessness or restlessness in relation to the human being. The rationale for these two chapters in relation to the central problem of the paper is that in Heidegger's elucidation of physics and metaphysics, he conducts his analysis in such a way that he explicitly uncovers that dimension of human existence that he calls the fundamental attunement of Dasein. This fundamental attunement is, in tum, similar to what the Greeks understood as the deinon, the uncanninesslunhomeliness of the human. The third and fourth chapters take as their explicit themes the problem of the Greek understanding of the assertion and the ways in which the person can comport himlherself toward things, two issues which are not separable. The rationale for these two chapters in relation to the central theme of the paper is that Heidegger's analysis of these two areas in Greek thought brings out precisely why the philosopher and the philosophical way of life is the highest mode of existence for the Greeks and how this is thought specifically in tenns of the uncanniness of humans. The final cijapter gives a complete elucidation of presence as the homeliness of the hearth and shows specifically how this is thought of in contradistinction to the uncanny/unhomely for the Greeks. 1I1 This last chapter also explains Martin Heidegger's reaction to the Greek's interpretation of the highest mode of existence, and what he posited as a counter-thought. The essay as a whole is an attempt to fully concertize an important dimension of Heidegger' s understanding of the Greeks, that is, the relation between presence and the deinon or Greek notion ofunhomely, which, to my la)owledge, has not been offered anywhere in commentaries on Heidegger.
O texto ora apresentado efetiva a discussão principal dos conceitos ser-para-a-morte e si-próprio da filosofia do filósofo Heidegger, embasado no livro Ser e Tempo, tendo por intuito entender como o ser-para-a-morte implica na apropriação do si-próprio. O embasamento metodológico utilizado é o da fenomenologia-hermenêutica, criada pelo próprio autor para dar conta de suas conceituações, formando o conjunto de sua obra. A escrita é desenvolvida em três capítulos. O primeiro faz um apanhado geral sobre o pensamento de Heidegger, refazendo o percurso de seu filosofar, esclarecendo a utilização dos conceitos, por meio de exaustivas explicações, que vão desde o ser, perpassando pelo Dasein, até o ser-para-a-morte, sendo também um alicerce para as próximas etapas. Já o segundo capítulo trata mais fortemente do ser-para-a-morte no enlace com a literatura, na obra “A morte de Ivan Ilitch” de Liev Tolstói, demonstrando na experiência da personagem a apropriação de si, ao encarar a sua morte prematuramente, depois de ser interpelado pela angústia, compreendendo ser-para-amorte. No terceiro capítulo, será feita a síntese das questões debatidas com ênfase no si-próprio, concebendo os conceitos heideggerianos, como cuidado, impessoalidade, silêncio, utilizados na compreensão de uma educação em Heidegger.
Este trabalho procura desenvolver algumas temáticas essenciais da Hermenêutica Filosófica em prol da uma fundamentação ética dos direitos humanos. Parte-se de problemas referentes ao discurso representativo da ciência jurídica e de metodologias canônicas de interpretação que acreditamos não serem capazes de determinar a razão de ser de direitos humanos enquanto um fundamento ético coerente da prática jurídica contemporânea. Trabalha-se, então, o sentido filosófico do cotidiano como tematização vinculada à vivência intuitiva dos intérpretes do direito: a qualificação ética dos direitos humanos emergiria, ademais, como parte constitutiva daquilo que, intuitivamente, reputamos como mais justo ou mesmo como um direito “melhor” já que eticamente fundamentado. Sob as premissas do pensamento ontológico de Heidegger, tratamos, pois, da fundamentação de direitos humanos enquanto um acontecimento necessário de nossa epocalidade. Doutra maneira, é dizer: tais direitos corresponderiam, de todo modo, ao movimento simbólico de nossa própria convivência – do ser-com epocal que nos determina ontologicamente no mundo. Para a viabilidade deste pensamento na prática jurídica; trabalhamos, já com Gadamer, sobre alguns conceitos humanísticos resgatados pela Hermenêutica Filosófica: nada mais oportuno, neste viés, do que pensarmos o direito enquanto uma filosofia prática. É pela atualidade hermenêutica da antiga phronésis que, então, a prática interpretativa pode corresponder ao seu substrato ético mais fundamental. Ainda sob as diretrizes da filosofia hermenêutica – e da Hermenêutica filosófica – tratamos, ao final, sobre em como intuições cotidianas do justo e as convicções que disto criamos poderiam corresponder à temática das estruturas pré-conceituais. Tal é o mote para se trabalhar, mais especificamente, a problemática da interpretação no direito. Em suma, visamos ressaltar, neste trabalho, a viabilidade ontológica dos direitos humanos na forma de valores contemporâneos vinculados à própria tradição da justiça: o sensus ético que fazemos em nosso cotidiano mais elementar torna-se, pois, mais um modo de sugerir a premência epocal destes direitos para o ethos de nossa convivência.
Fil: Presas, Mario Alfonso. Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias de la Educación; Argentina.
Fil: Presas, Mario Alfonso. Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias de la Educación; Argentina.
Tämän tutkimuksen tavoitteena oli analysoida esiopetusikäisten lasten motivaatiota ja lasten keskinäistä vuorovaikutusta Kirjoittamalla lukemaan -työtapaa käytettäessä. Tutkimuksessa pyrittiin selvittämään sekä lasten motivaatiota työskentelyyn että vertaistyöskentelymuotoja (yhteistoiminnallinen, epäsymmetrinen, hajautettu) heidän kirjoittaessaan parin kanssa tietokoneella. Tutkimukseen osallistui kahdeksan esioppilasta ja heidän esiopettajansa yhdestä satakuntalaisesta päiväkotiryhmästä. Tutkimusaineisto kerättiin huhti-toukokuussa 2015. Tutkimusmenetelmiä olivat esioppilaiden toiminnan videointi, esioppilaiden lukutaidon valmiuksien arviointi, esiopettajien motivaation arvioinnit sekä esioppilaiden itsearvioinnit kirjoitustuokioiden mielekkyydestä. Lasten keskinäistä vuorovaikutusta analysoitiin laadullisella analyysillä ja aika-analyysillä sekä litteroidusta aineistosta frekvenssien avulla. Tutkimustulosten mukaan Kirjoittamalla lukemaan -työtapa näyttää motivoivan lapsia. Vaikka lasten tehtäväsuuntautuneisuus esiopettajan arvioiden mukaan vaihteli eri kirjoituskerroilla, se oli kuitenkin keskimäärin melko korkeaa. Lapset itse arvioivat Kirjoittamalla lukemaan -tuokiot keskimäärin mielekkäiksi. Tulokset osoittivat myös, että Kirjoittamalla lukemaan -tuokioilla esiintyi yhteistoiminnallista, epäsymmetristä ja hajautettua vertaistyöskentelyä. Vertaistyöskentelymuodot vaihtelivat jonkin verran eri kirjoituskerroilla. Kun tarkasteltiin kaikkien parien kolmea kirjoituskertaa, havaittiin yhteistoiminnallista vertaistyöskentelyä esiintyvän eniten. Lisäksi tulokset osoittivat, että yhteistoiminnallisen vertaistyöskentelyn ajallinen osuus lisääntyi jo kolmen kirjoituskerran aikana.