997 resultados para Heating treatments


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Laser-assisted cold spray (LCS) is a new coating and fabrication process which combines some advantages of CS: solid-state deposition, retain their initial composition and high build rate with the ability to deposit materials which are either difficult or impossible to deposit using cold spray alone. Stellite 6 powder is deposited on medium carbon steels by LCS using N 2 as carrier gas pressure. The topography, cross section thickness, structure of the coatings is examined by SEM, optical microscopy, EDX. The results show that thickness and fluctuation of coating are improved with increased deposition site temperature. Porosity of coating is affected by N 2 and deposition site temperature. In this paper, it presents optimal coating using N 2 at a pressure of 3 MPa and temperature of 450°C and deposition site temperature of 1100°C.


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To extract gas from hydrate reservoirs, it has to be dissociated in situ. This endothermic dissociation process absorbs heat energy from the formation and pore fluid. The heat transfer governs the dissociation rate, which is proportional to the difference between the actual temperature and the equilibrium temperature. This study compares three potential gas production schemes from hydrate-bearing soil, where the radial heat transfer is governing. Cylindrical samples with 40% pore-filling hydrate saturation were tested. The production tests were carried out over 90 min by dissociating the hydrate from a centered miniature wellbore, by either lowering the pressure to 6, 4, or 6 MPa with simultaneous heating of the wellbore to 288 K. All tests were replicated by a numerical simulation. With additional heating at the same wellbore pressure, the gas production from hydrates could, on average, be increased by 1.8 and 3.6 times in the simulation and experiments, respectively. If the heat influx from the outer boundary is limited, a simulation showed that the specific heat of the formation is rapidly used up when the wellbore is only depressurized and not heated. © 2012 American Chemical Society.


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The aim of this report is to compare the trapped field distribution under a local heating created at the sample edge for different sample morphologies. Hall probe mappings of the magnetic induction trapped in YBCO bulk samples maintained out of thermal equilibrium were performed on YBCO bulk single domains, YBCO single domains with regularly spaced hole arrays, and YBCO superconducting foams. The capability of heat draining was quantified by two criteria: the average induction decay and the size of the thermally affected zone caused by a local heating of the sample. Among the three investigated sample shapes, the drilled single domain displays a trapped induction which is weakly affected by the local heating while displaying a high trapped field. Finally, a simple numerical modelling of the heat flux spreading into a drilled sample is used to suggest some design rules about the hole configuration and their size. © 2005 IOP Publishing Ltd.


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We have investigated the dynamics of hot charge carriers in InP nanowire ensembles containing a range of densities of zinc-blende inclusions along the otherwise wurtzite nanowires. From time-dependent photoluminescence spectra, we extract the temperature of the charge carriers as a function of time after nonresonant excitation. We find that charge-carrier temperature initially decreases rapidly with time in accordance with efficient heat transfer to lattice vibrations. However, cooling rates are subsequently slowed and are significantly lower for nanowires containing a higher density of stacking faults. We conclude that the transfer of charges across the type II interface is followed by release of additional energy to the lattice, which raises the phonon bath temperature above equilibrium and impedes the carrier cooling occurring through interaction with such phonons. These results demonstrate that type II heterointerfaces in semiconductor nanowires can sustain a hot charge-carrier distribution over an extended time period. In photovoltaic applications, such heterointerfaces may hence both reduce recombination rates and limit energy losses by allowing hot-carrier harvesting.


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In this article, we describe a simple method to reversibly tune the wetting properties of vertically aligned carbon nanotube (CNT) arrays. Here, CNT arrays are defined as densely packed multi-walled carbon nanotubes oriented perpendicular to the growth substrate as a result of a growth process by the standard thermal chemical vapor deposition (CVD) technique.(1,2) These CNT arrays are then exposed to vacuum annealing treatment to make them more hydrophobic or to dry oxidation treatment to render them more hydrophilic. The hydrophobic CNT arrays can be turned hydrophilic by exposing them to dry oxidation treatment, while the hydrophilic CNT arrays can be turned hydrophobic by exposing them to vacuum annealing treatment. Using a combination of both treatments, CNT arrays can be repeatedly switched between hydrophilic and hydrophobic.(2) Therefore, such combination show a very high potential in many industrial and consumer applications, including drug delivery system and high power density supercapacitors.(3-5) The key to vary the wettability of CNT arrays is to control the surface concentration of oxygen adsorbates. Basically oxygen adsorbates can be introduced by exposing the CNT arrays to any oxidation treatment. Here we use dry oxidation treatments, such as oxygen plasma and UV/ozone, to functionalize the surface of CNT with oxygenated functional groups. These oxygenated functional groups allow hydrogen bond between the surface of CNT and water molecules to form, rendering the CNT hydrophilic. To turn them hydrophobic, adsorbed oxygen must be removed from the surface of CNT. Here we employ vacuum annealing treatment to induce oxygen desorption process. CNT arrays with extremely low surface concentration of oxygen adsorbates exhibit a superhydrophobic behavior.


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Among diverse types of synthetic materials, arrays of vertically aligned carbon nanotubes have attracted the most attention, mainly because of their exceptional mechanical, electrical, optical, and thermal properties. However, their wetting properties are yet to be understood. In this present study, oxygenated surface functional groups have been identified as a vital factor in controlling the wetting properties of carbon nanotube arrays. The results presented herein indeed show that a combination of ultraviolet/ozone and vacuum pyrolysis treatments can be used to vary the surface concentration of these functional groups such that the carbon nanotube array can be repeatedly switched between hydrophilic and hydrophobic.


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Graphene grown by Chemical Vapor Deposition (CVD) on nickel subsrate is oxidized by means of oxygen plasma and UV/Ozone treatments to introduce bandgap opening in graphene. The degree of band gap opening is proportional to the degree of oxidation on the graphene. This result is analyzed and confirmed by Scanning Tunnelling Microscopy/Spectroscopy and Raman spectroscopy measurements. Compared to conventional wet-oxidation methods, oxygen plasma and UV/Ozone treatments do not require harsh chemicals to perform, allow faster oxidation rates, and enable site-specific oxidation. These features make oxygen plasma and UV/Ozone treatments ideal candidates to be implemented in high-throughput fabrication of graphene-based microelectronics. © 2011 Materials Research Society.


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Fuel treatment is considered a suitable way to mitigate the hazard related to potential wildfires on a landscape. However, designing an optimal spatial layout of treatment units represents a difficult optimization problem. In fact, budget constraints, the probabilistic nature of fire spread and interactions among the different area units composing the whole treatment, give rise to challenging search spaces on typical landscapes. In this paper we formulate such optimization problem with the objective of minimizing the extension of land characterized by high fire hazard. Then, we propose a computational approach that leads to a spatially-optimized treatment layout exploiting Tabu Search and General-Purpose computing on Graphics Processing Units (GPGPU). Using an application example, we also show that the proposed methodology can provide high-quality design solutions in low computing time. © 2013 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V.


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This paper presents an two weighted neural network approach to determine the delay time for a heating, ventilating and air-conditioning (HVAC) plan to respond to control actions. The two weighted neural network is a fully connected four-layer network. An acceleration technique was used to improve the General Delta Rule for the learning process. Experimental data for heating and cooling modes were used with both the two weighted neural network and a traditional mathematical method to determine the delay time. The results show that two weighted neural networks can be used effectively determining the delay time for AVAC systems.


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Based on the results of the temperature-dependent photoluminescence (PL) measurements, the broad PL emission in the phase-separated GaNP alloys with P compositions of 0.03, 0.07, and 0.15 has investigated. The broad PL peaks at 2.18, 2.12 and 1.83 eV are assigned to be an emission from the optical transitions from several trap levels, possibly the iso-electronic trap levels related to nitrogen. With the increasing P composition (from 0.03 to 0.15), these iso-electronic trap levels are shown to become resonant with the conduction band of the alloy and thus optically inactive, leading to the apparent red shift (80-160meV) of the PL peak energy and the trend of the red shift is strengthened. No PL emission peak is observed from the GaN-rich GaNP region, suggesting that the photogenerated carriers in the GaN-rich GaNP region may recombine with each other via non-radiation transitions.


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Electroluminescence (EL) from AlInGaN-InGaN multiquantum-well violet light-emitting diodes is investigated as a function of forward bias. Two distinct regimes have been identified: 1) quantum-confined Stark effect at low and moderately high forward biases; 2) heating effect at high biases. In the different regimes, the low-temperature EL spectra exhibit different spectral features which are discussed in detail.


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This paper presents an multi weights neurons approach to determine the delay time for a Heating ventilating and air-conditioning (HVAC) plan to respond to control actions. The multi weights neurons is a fully connected four-layer network. An acceleration technique was used to improve the general delta rule for the learning process. Experimental data for heating and cooling modes were used with both the multi weights neurons and a traditional mathematical method to determine the delay time. The results show that multi weights neurons can be used effectively determining the delay time for HVAC systems.