974 resultados para Health Transition


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Performing a prospective memory task repeatedly changes the nature of the task from episodic to habitual. The goal of the present study was to investigate the neural basis of this transition. In two experiments, we contrasted event-related potentials (ERPs) evoked by correct responses to prospective memory targets in the first, more episodic part of the experiment with those of the second, more habitual part of the experiment. Specifically, we tested whether the early, middle, or late ERP-components, which are thought to reflect cue detection, retrieval of the intention, and post-retrieval processes, respectively, would be changed by routinely performing the prospective memory task. The results showed a differential ERP effect in the middle time window (450 - 650 ms post-stimulus). Source localization using low resolution brain electromagnetic tomography analysis (LORETA) suggests that the transition was accompanied by an increase of activation in the posterior parietal and occipital cortex. These findings indicate that habitual prospective memory involves retrieval processes guided more strongly by parietal brain structures. In brief, the study demonstrates that episodic and habitual prospective memory tasks recruit different brain areas.


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Tumor budding in colorectal cancer is likened to an epithelial-mesenchymal transition (EMT) characterized predominantly by loss of E-cadherin and up-regulation of E-cadherin repressors like TWIST1 and TWIST2. Here we investigate a possible epigenetic link between TWIST proteins and the tumor budding phenotype. TWIST1 and TWIST2 promoter methylation and protein expression were investigated in six cell lines and further correlated with tumor budding in patient cohort 1 (n = 185). Patient cohort 2 (n = 112) was used to assess prognostic effects. Laser capture microdissection (LCM) of tumor epithelium and stroma from low- and high-grade budding cancers was performed. In colorectal cancers, TWIST1 and TWIST2 expression was essentially restricted to stromal cells. LCM results of a high-grade budding case show positive TWIST1 and TWIST2 stroma and no methylation, while the low-grade budding case was characterized by negative stroma and strong hypermethylation. TWIST1 stromal cell staining was associated with adverse features like more advanced pT (p = 0.0044), lymph node metastasis (p = 0.0301), lymphatic vessel invasion (p = 0.0373), perineural invasion (p = 0.0109) and worse overall survival time (p = 0.0226). Stromal cells may influence tumor budding in colorectal cancers through expression of TWIST1. Hypermethylation of the tumor stroma may represent an alternative mechanism for regulation of TWIST1.


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Transition to psychosis in at-risk individuals has markedly declined in recent years. So far it has never been discussed in detail that with the growing awareness and increasing availability of early psychosis services, a much broader diagnostic spectrum is now being seen in these services. Subsequently, subjects present with symptoms that meet psychosis risk on a purely psychometric basis but may be the phenotypical expression of another underlying mental disorder. Here we critically review four groups of symptoms and clinical features that are frequently reported by individuals with suspected psychosis risk states, yet share strong commonalities with other mental disorders and conditions: isolated hallucinations; unusual bodily perceptions, hypochondriatic fears and cenesthetic psychotic symptoms; depersonalization; obsessive–compulsive, overvalued and delusional ideas. Of the 616 individuals so far assessed in the Bruderholz Early Psychosis Outpatient Service for Adolescents and Young Adults, 218 (30.5%) met ultra-high risk (UHR) criteria, 188 (86.2%) of whom suffered from one of the four above-mentioned symptom groups. The appraisal of the diagnostic spectra and their overlapping symptoms constitute a tremendous challenge in the clinical assessment of each referred individual. The final conclusion of a clinical assessment should not end with the mere assignment – or non-assignment – to a presumed psychosis risk group, but needs to take into account the ‘Gestalt’ of these particular symptoms and clinical features and thus be based on many more facets than solely a psychometric or nosological approach. Such an approach may break down the heterogeneous psychosis risk group and enable appropriate treatment regimes.


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The transition from the nonlactating to the lactating state represents a critical period for dairy cow lipid metabolism because body reserves have to be mobilized to meet the increasing energy requirements for the initiation of milk production. The purpose of this study was to provide a comprehensive overview on cholesterol homeostasis in transition dairy cows by assessing in parallel plasma, milk, and hepatic tissue for key factors of cholesterol metabolism, transport, and regulation. Blood samples and liver biopsies were taken from 50 multiparous Holstein dairy cows in wk 3 antepartum (a.p.), wk 1 postpartum (p.p.), wk 4 p.p., and wk 14 p.p. Milk sampling was performed in wk 1, 4, and 14 p.p. Blood and milk lipid concentrations [triglycerides (TG), cholesterol, and lipoproteins], enzyme activities (phospholipid transfer protein and lecithin:cholesterol acyltransferase) were analyzed using enzymatic assays. Hepatic gene expression patterns of 3-hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl-coenzyme A (HMGC) synthase 1 (HMGCS1) and HMGC reductase (HMGCR), sterol regulatory element-binding factor (SREBF)-1 and -2, microsomal triglyceride transfer protein (MTTP), ATP-binding cassette transporter (ABC) A1 and ABCG1, liver X receptor (LXR) α and peroxisome proliferator activated receptor (PPAR) α and γ were measured using quantitative RT-PCR. Plasma TG, cholesterol, and lipoprotein concentrations decreased from wk 3 a.p. to a minimum in wk 1 p.p., and then gradually increased until wk 14 p.p. Compared with wk 4 p.p., phospholipid transfer protein activity was increased in wk 1 p.p., whereas lecithin:cholesterol acyltransferase activity was lowest at this period. Total cholesterol concentration and mass, and cholesterol concentration in the milk fat fraction decreased from wk 1 p.p. to wk 4 p.p. Both total and milk fat cholesterol concentration were decreased in wk 4 p.p. compared with wk 1 and 14 p.p. The mRNA abundance of genes involved in cholesterol synthesis (SREBF-2, HMGCS1, and HMGCR) markedly increased from wk 3 a.p. to wk 1 p.p., whereas SREBF-1 was downregulated. The expression of ABCA1 increased from wk 3 a.p. to wk 1 p.p., whereas ABCG1 was increased in wk 14 p.p. compared with other time points. In conclusion, hepatic expression of genes involved in the biosynthesis of cholesterol as well as the ABCA1 transporter were upregulated at the onset of lactation, whereas plasma concentrations of total cholesterol, phospholipids, lipoprotein-cholesterol, and TG were at a minimum. Thus, at the gene expression level, the liver seems to react to the increased demand for cholesterol after parturition. Whether the low plasma cholesterol and TG levels are due to impaired hepatic export mechanisms or reflect an enhanced transfer of these compounds into the milk to provide essential nutrients for the newborn remains to be elucidated.


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Here we explore the role of the interplay between host immune response and epithelial-mesenchymal-transition (EMT)-Type tumor-budding on the outcome of pancreatic adenocarcinoma (PDAC).CD4+, CD8+, and FOXP3+T-cells as well as iNOS+ (M1) and CD163+- macrophages (M2) were assessed on multipunch tissue-microarrays containing 120 well-characterized PDACs, precursor lesions (PanINs) and corresponding normal tissue. Counts were normalized for the percentage of tumor/spot and associated with the clinico-pathological features, including peritumoral (PTB) and intratumoral (ITB) EMT-Type tumor-budding and outcome.Increased FOXP3+T-cell-counts and CD163-macrophages and decreased CD8+T-cell-counts were observed in PDACs compared with normal tissues and PanINs (p < 0.0001). Increased peritumoral FOXP3+T-cell-counts correlated significantly with venous invasion, distant metastasis, R1-status, high-grade ITB, PTB and independently with reduced survival. Increased intratumoral FOXP3+T-cells correlated with lymphatic invasion, N1-stage, PTB and marginally with adverse outcome. High peritumoral CD163-counts correlated with venous invasion, PTB and ITB. High intratumoral CD163-counts correlated with higher T-stage and PTB.PDAC-microenvironment displays a tumor-favoring immune-cell composition especially in the immediate environment of the tumor-buds that promotes further growth and indicates a close interaction of the immune response with the EMT-process. Increased peritumoral FOXP3+T-cell density is identified as an independent adverse prognostic factor in PDAC. Patients with phenotypically aggressive PDACs may profit from targeted immunotherapy against FOXP3.


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The role of naturally occurring human α1a-Adrenergic Receptor (α1aAR) genetic variants associated with cardiovascular disorders is poorly understood. Here, we present the novel findings that expression of human α1aAR-247R (247R) genetic variant in cardiomyoblasts leads to transition of cardiomyoblasts into a fibroblast-like phenotype, evidenced by morphology and distinct de novo expression of characteristic genes. These fibroblast-like cells exhibit constitutive, high proliferative capacity and agonist-induced hypertrophy compared with cells prior to transition. We demonstrate that constitutive, synergistic activation of EGFR, Src and ERK kinases is the potential molecular mechanism of this transition. We also demonstrate that 247R triggers two distinct EGFR transactivation-dependent signaling pathways: 1) constitutive Gq-independent β-arrestin-1/Src/MMP/EGFR/ERK-dependent hyperproliferation and 2) agonist-induced Gq- and EGFR/STAT-dependent hypertrophy. Interestingly, in cardiomyoblasts agonist-independent hyperproliferation is MMP-dependent, but in fibroblast-like cells it is MMP-independent, suggesting that expression of α1aAR genetic variant in cardiomyocytes may trigger extracellular matrix remodeling. Thus, these novel findings demonstrate that EGFR transactivation by α1aAR-247R leads to hyperproliferation, hypertrophy and alterations in cardiomyoblasts, suggesting that these unique genetically-mediated alterations in signaling pathways and cellular function may lead to myocardial fibrosis. Such extracellular matrix remodeling may contribute to the genesis of arrhythmias in certain types of heart failure.


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BACKGROUND The abstraction of data from medical records is a widespread practice in epidemiological research. However, studies using this means of data collection rarely report reliability. Within the Transition after Childhood Cancer Study (TaCC) which is based on a medical record abstraction, we conducted a second independent abstraction of data with the aim to assess a) intra-rater reliability of one rater at two time points; b) the possible learning effects between these two time points compared to a gold-standard; and c) inter-rater reliability. METHOD Within the TaCC study we conducted a systematic medical record abstraction in the 9 Swiss clinics with pediatric oncology wards. In a second phase we selected a subsample of medical records in 3 clinics to conduct a second independent abstraction. We then assessed intra-rater reliability at two time points, the learning effect over time (comparing each rater at two time-points with a gold-standard) and the inter-rater reliability of a selected number of variables. We calculated percentage agreement and Cohen's kappa. FINDINGS For the assessment of the intra-rater reliability we included 154 records (80 for rater 1; 74 for rater 2). For the inter-rater reliability we could include 70 records. Intra-rater reliability was substantial to excellent (Cohen's kappa 0-6-0.8) with an observed percentage agreement of 75%-95%. In all variables learning effects were observed. Inter-rater reliability was substantial to excellent (Cohen's kappa 0.70-0.83) with high agreement ranging from 86% to 100%. CONCLUSIONS Our study showed that data abstracted from medical records are reliable. Investigating intra-rater and inter-rater reliability can give confidence to draw conclusions from the abstracted data and increase data quality by minimizing systematic errors.


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BACKGROUND Little is known about follow-up care attendance of adolescent survivors of childhood cancer, and which factors foster or hinder attendance. Attending follow-up care is especially important for adolescent survivors to allow for a successful transition into adult care. We aimed to (i) describe the proportion of adolescent survivors attending follow-up care; (ii) describe adolescents' health beliefs; and (iii) identify the association of health beliefs, demographic, and medical factors with follow-up care attendance. PROCEDURE Of 696 contacted adolescent survivors diagnosed with cancer at ≤16 years of age, ≥5 years after diagnosis, and aged 16-21 years at study, 465 (66.8%) completed the Swiss Childhood Cancer Survivor Study questionnaire. We assessed follow-up care attendance and health beliefs, and extracted demographic and medical information from the Swiss Childhood Cancer Registry. Cross-sectional data were analyzed using descriptive statistics and logistic regression models. RESULTS Overall, 56% of survivors reported attending follow-up care. Most survivors (80%) rated their susceptibility for late effects as low and believed that follow-up care may detect and prevent late effects (92%). Few (13%) believed that follow-up care is not necessary. Two health beliefs were associated with follow-up care attendance (perceived benefits: odds ratio [OR]: 1.56; 95% confidence interval [CI]: 1.07-2.27; perceived barriers: OR: 0.70; 95%CI: 0.50-1.00). CONCLUSIONS We show that health beliefs are associated with actual follow-up care attendance of adolescent survivors of childhood cancer. A successful model of health promotion in adolescent survivors should, therefore, highlight the benefits and address the barriers to keep adolescent survivors in follow-up care. Pediatr Blood Cancer © 2015 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.


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Anticancer therapies currently used in the clinic often can neither eradicate the tumor nor prevent disease recurrence due to tumor resistance. In this study, we showed that chemoresistance to pemetrexed, a multi-target anti-folate (MTA) chemotherapeutic agent for non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC), is associated with a stem cell-like phenotype characterized by an enriched stem cell gene signature, augmented aldehyde dehydrogenase activity and greater clonogenic potential. Mechanistically, chemoresistance to MTA requires activation of epithelial-to-mesenchymal transition (EMT) pathway in that an experimentally induced EMT per se promotes chemoresistance in NSCLC and inhibition of EMT signaling by kaempferol renders the otherwise chemoresistant cancer cells susceptible to MTA. Relevant to the clinical setting, human primary NSCLC cells with an elevated EMT signaling feature a significantly enhanced potential to resist MTA, whereas concomitant administration of kaempferol abrogates MTA chemoresistance, regardless of whether it is due to an intrinsic or induced activation of the EMT pathway. Collectively, our findings reveal that a bona fide activation of EMT pathway is required and sufficient for chemoresistance to MTA and that kaempferol potently regresses this chemotherapy refractory phenotype, highlighting the potential of EMT pathway inhibition to enhance chemotherapeutic response of lung cancer.


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Assessing Culture at UCHC: A Survey If you were working at UCHC in the spring of 2005, you may remember a survey that was mailed to your home asking for your thoughts and feelings about the “culture” at UCHC. The survey included questions about our culture: Job satisfaction, employee working conditions, diversity, and the quality/safety of the care we deliver to our patients. The survey was funded by the Connecticut Health Foundation and sponsored by the Office of Diversity Programs and C4I.


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This paper integrates investments in health to a standard growth model where physical and human capital investments are the combined engines of growth. It shows the existence of two distinct health regimes separated by an 'Epidemiological Transition'. The various patterns of the transition identified in the epidemiological literature can be mapped into the model. The model also leads to the important hypothesis that the epidemiological transition may induce an economy to switch to a modern growth regime.


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There is growing interest in providing women with internatal care, a package of healthcare and ancillary services that can improve their health during the period after the termination of one pregnancy but before the conception of the next pregnancy. Women who have had a pregnancy affected by a neural tube defect can especially benefit from internatal care because they are at increased risk for recurrence and improvements to their health during the inter-pregnancy period can prevent future negative birth outcomes. The dissertation provides three papers that inform the content of internatal care for women at risk for recurrence by examining descriptive epidemiology to develop an accurate risk profile of the population, assessing whether women at risk for recurrence would benefit from a psychosocial intervention, and determining how to improve health promotion efforts targeting folic acid use.^ Paper one identifies information relevant for developing risk profiles and conducting risk assessments. A number of investigations have found that the risk for neural tube defects differs between non-Hispanic Whites and Hispanics. To understand the risk difference, the descriptive epidemiology of spina bifida and anencephaly was examined for Hispanics and non-Hispanic Whites based on data from the Texas Birth Defects Registry for the years 1999 through 2004. Crude and adjusted birth prevalence ratios and corresponding 95% confidence intervals were calculated between descriptive epidemiologic characteristics and anencephaly and spina bifida for non-Hispanic Whites and for Hispanics. In both race/ethnic groups, anencephaly expressed an inverse relationship with maternal age and a positive linear relationship with parity. Both relationships were stronger in non-Hispanic Whites. Female infants had a higher risk for anencephaly in non-Hispanic Whites. Lower maternal education was associated with increased risk for spina bifida in Hispanics.^ Paper two assesses the need for a psychosocial intervention. For mothers who have children with spina bifida, the transition to motherhood can be stressful. This qualitative study explored the process of becoming a mother to a child with spina bifida focusing particularly on stress and coping in the immediate postnatal environment. Semi-structured interviews were conducted with six mothers who have children with spina bifida. Mothers were asked about their initial emotional and problem-based coping efforts, the quality and kind of support provided by health providers, and the characteristics of their meaning-based coping efforts; questions matched Transactional Model of Stress and Coping (TMSC) constructs. Analysis of the responses revealed a number of modifiable stress and coping transactions, the most salient being: health providers are in a position to address beliefs about self-causality and prevent mothers from experiencing the repercussions that stem from maintaining these beliefs. ^ Paper three identifies considerations when creating health promotion materials targeting folic acid use. A brochure was designed using concepts from the Precaution Adoption Process Model (PAPM). Three focus groups comprising 26 mothers of children with spina bifida evaluated the brochure. One focus group was conducted in Spanish-only, the other two focus groups were conducted in English and Spanish combined. Qualitative analysis of coded transcripts revealed that a brochure is a helpful adjunct. Questions about folic acid support the inclusion of an insert with basic information. There may be a need to develop different educational material for Hispanics so the importance of folic acid is provided in a situational context. Some participants blamed themselves for their pregnancy outcome which may affect their receptivity to messages in the brochure. The women's desire for photographs that affect their perception of threat and their identification with the second role model indicate they belong to PAPM Stage 2 and 3. Participants preferred colorful envelopes, high quality paper, intimidating photographs, simple words, conversational style sentences, and positive messages.^ These papers develop the content of risk assessment, psychosocial intervention, and health promotion components of internatal care as they apply to women at risk for recurrence. The findings provided evidence for considering parity and maternal age when assessing nutritional risk. The two dissimilarities between the two race/ethnic groups, infant sex and maternal education lent support to creating separate risk profiles. Interviews with mothers of children with spina bifida revealed the existence of unmet needs-suggesting that a psychosocial intervention provided as part of internatal care can strengthen and support women's well-being. Segmenting the audience according to race/ethnicity and PAPM stage can improve the relevance of print materials promoting folic acid use.^